Chapter 508 Two paintings!
Chen Xiao followed Zhang Xian to meet Qi Wei.

As for the sword man.

Chen Xiao really knows him too well.

Chen Xiao could even guess what the sword man would say to him when he met him.

Sure enough, the two of them saw the unconscious sword man not long after walking.

The moment the latter saw Chen Xiao, he immediately ran over:
"Brother Chen, is there any misunderstanding here? Sister Weiwei has told us the truth."

Sometimes the knife man is very suitable for his age, childish, simple, and easily emotional.

Sometimes the knife man goes beyond his current performance, such as when he meets an older beauty.

If it were in the past, Chen Xiao might have played the piano to the cow and scolded the man with the knife.

But now, Chen Xiao gave up, but took advantage of the knife man's psychology and asked:
"Fall in again?"

The knife man gritted his teeth and finally nodded dejectedly: "I thought I would be sober, but I still overestimated myself after all."

"Understand, understand, love grows over time."

"Brother, Sister Weiwei is not the kind of person you think. I am a good judge of people!"

Chen Xiao suppressed the anger in his heart and laughed dryly: "Of course, you have never missed a woman."

"Yes, whether it's Sister Yuling, Sister Ai, or Sister Weiwei, they can't help themselves, but they have never done anything illegal."

Chen Xiao took a deep breath and wanted to say something: Do you still know Sister Yuling and Sister Aili?

God knows how painful it is for your dear sister Ellie to miss you in the city!

Chen Xiao swallowed all the words back in his stomach, patted the knife man on the shoulder again, and said:
"Stay awake, I'm with you in everything."

"I know, but Sister Weiwei looks strong on the outside, but in fact she is very fragile. Brother Chen, can you give me a message?"

"Well, you said."

"Tell her: don't panic, hold on, we have people!"

Hearing this, Chen Xiao smiled.

The hand holding the knife man's hand suddenly exerted force: "Did you think so when I went in before?"

"No, I wasn't worried at all when you went in."

"What a deep brotherhood!"

"No, brother, is the person in this world who can frame you born?"

Chen Xiao's expression froze.

Zhang Xian also looked at these two in disbelief.

But as soon as the sword man saw his face, he turned his head to the side.

Zhang Xian coughed awkwardly and reminded: "Chen Xiao, let's go."

After Chen Xiao called Dao Man a good brother, he left with Zhang Xian.

But I remembered the way the sword man looked at Zhang Xian and asked:

"What happened when you summoned Qi Wei?"

"It was summoned at the hotel, ahem... The knife man was taking a shower at the time, and he came out naked, so... you know."

Chen Xiao sighed: "Then I really can't give you a good look."

Zhang Xian shook his head and sighed bitterly.

Soon, the two of them arrived at the inquiry room.

Originally, two policemen were taking notes for her, but when they saw Chen Xiao and Zhang Xian arriving, the two policemen left.

After the two sat down, Qi Wei raised her head and glanced at them.

But after looking thoughtful in her eyes, her eyes finally fell on Zhang Xian. "Director Zhang, why did you summon me? I asked the two police officers just now, and they looked very secretive, which really puzzled me."

Zhang Xian smiled and looked at Chen Xiao inquiringly.

This is like the positioning of three people's identities.

Qi Wei was not sure who was in charge at first, so she looked at Zhang Xian first.

But Zhang Xian's temperament is like this. When Chen Xiao is around, he will talk as little as possible.

After Chen Xiao understood the meaning, he said bluntly:
"Mr. Qi, do you need me to introduce myself? If not, then I will tell you that the reason why you are here is that when we found Zuo Shu's head, we found a female hair."

"Of course, the identification result of that hair has not come out yet. You can completely think that Director Zhang is looking for something to do with you, and will summon you when there is no result. But, in my opinion, there is a very spicy trick. The person is hiding in the dark, and no one can guarantee whether he will attack you."

As Chen Xiao said, Qi Wei couldn't help but frown:
"You mean you arrested me without any evidence, but you were actually still protecting me?"

"No one is arresting you. If they were to arrest you, they wouldn't treat you like this now."

After saying that, Chen Xiao saw Qi Wei wanting to reply again and said:

"Mr. Qi, we are not rivals. There is no need to be so tit-for-tat. You and I both know in our hearts that once that hair is confirmed to be yours, then this series of things will be aimed at you and me."

"But before we get the identification results, you'd better be under our noses, otherwise no one can guarantee what will happen. Even if you can be sure that your body is safe enough now, you must watch the movie and TV series Too many, and it is often in this situation that things happen most easily.”

Chen Xiao really didn't want to waste too much time negotiating with Qi Wei.

The latter finally recovered, exhaled a breath and said:

"I just hope that your methods will be gentler next time. A summons is a summons. It will be very embarrassing if you are summoned like that."

Zhang Xian smiled: "Because we couldn't contact Mr. Qi at that time, we had no choice but to break down the door. But don't worry, we know Mr. Qi's identity, and we will say what we should say, and your personal feelings and We have nothing to do with it.”

"I feel relieved when Director Zhang says this." Qi Wei nodded, then looked at Chen Xiao:

"Mr. Chen, if you have anything to ask, just say it."

Chen Xiao nodded: "First thing, does your husband Zuo Shu often go abroad? Especially in Southeast Asia."

Qi Wei frowned: "As a business owner, of course he often travels abroad. And Southeast Asia is the most visited area."

Chen Xiao smiled: "Okay, now I will provide Mr. Qi with two pictures, and I need Mr. Qi to identify one or two of them."

"Okay, where's the painting?"

"I don't have the original, so I'll give it to you now. It won't take long."

Chen Xiao said, taking out two pieces of paper and a pen from the table.

The first painting was very simple, and Chen Xiao painted it very quickly.

Because what he painted was the logo of the Sacred Heart Church, and it was also a totem in the hearts of believers like Xu Fu.

A dot, and then tens of millions of lines extending infinitely around.

As soon as the painting was finished, Chen Xiao handed it to Qi Wei.

When the latter saw this, his eyes showed a little bit of horror:
"what is this?"

"It's related to the Sacred Heart Church!"

"Is it related to the Sacred Heart Church you mentioned?"

"Yes, can you remember where you saw it?!"

Qi Wei was anxious for a moment, but then forced herself to calm down and reached out to stop Chen Xiao's inquiry:

"Wait a minute, let me think first!"

Listening to Qi Wei's words, Chen Xiao was not in a hurry and continued to draw the second painting.

This second painting is of "Ten Demon Sons"!
It's just that "Ten Demon Sons" is different from the Sacred Heart Church, and it takes much longer.

Qi Wei, on the other hand, kept holding the Sacred Heart Church logo, as if she was deep in thought!
(End of this chapter)

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