Chapter 509 Hypnosis, lost memory!

Chen Xiao is painting "Ten Demon Sons" seriously.

There is a big difference between this painting and the logo of the Sacred Heart Church.

Furthermore, judging from Qi Wei’s appearance, although she has never heard of the Sacred Heart Church, she might be familiar with the picture! (Thanks to the readers for pointing it out. I overlooked it and the previous article has been corrected.)
Taking advantage of Qi Wei's recall time, Chen Xiao continued to paint, making the images of the ten devils in his mind as identical as possible to the original ones.

However, when "Ten Demon Sons" was finished, Qi Wei still didn't think of it.

On the other hand, when "Ten Demon Sons" was handed to Qi Wei, her eyes widened as soon as she glanced at it.

"Have you...have you seen this statue?"

This is not Chen Xiao who is asking, but Qi Wei!

Upon hearing this, Chen Xiao immediately asked: "Have you seen it?"

Qi Wei did not recall it anymore and nodded: "Yes! And it was Zuo Shu who invited me back!"


"April 1995, 6."

"Remember so clearly?" Chen Xiao was surprised.

Qi Wei's eyes showed a bit of pain: "I guess when Zuo Shu and I were together, there should be one thing that surprised you, that is, why Zuo Shu and I didn't have a son and a half after being married for so many years."

"In fact, we did have a child. It's just that the child died not long after he was born, and his birth also cost me half of my life. For this reason, it has been difficult for me to get pregnant again."

"Zuo Shu accompanied me through those dark days, but then he went to another place, and when he came back, he invited the statue you painted. At that time, he very piously placed the statue in front of us. in the bedroom and told me that with this statue we would definitely have children again.”

"The reason why I remember that day very clearly is because I did get pregnant with another child soon after! That day, I prepared a very sumptuous dinner and waited for him to come back."

"It's just that when I waited and waited and couldn't wait for him to come back, I went to the company alone to look for him. It was also because I went to look for him that I learned that he didn't even let go of the grass in his house!"

"After seeing what happened between him and his secretary that night, I went to the hospital alone to abort the child! Didn't he want to have a child? Then I would kill his offspring with my own hands!"

"Even if that child has half of my blood in his body, even if I abort that child, I won't be able to have another child!"

"Because of this incident, my relationship with him has completely gone to the extreme. Later, whenever his relationship with a girl reaches the point of having children, I will definitely interfere, unless he doesn't want Li Hai anymore!"

At this point, Qi Wei's face showed a cruelty that had never appeared before.

When Chen Xiao heard this, he couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

To be honest, he was a little worried about the knife man.

But he could also see that there was still deep pain in Qi Wei's eyes.

What she did could be regarded as killing one thousand enemies and damaging eight hundred.

"With the status of Li Hai and my family in the Shenzhen business community, I have been suppressing Zuo Shu. I think I should hate him in my heart, but sometimes people are mean."

"For so many years, especially in the dead of night, no one knows how much I want him to come home. But every time he comes home, I look at him with disgust."

"It wasn't until the knife appeared in front of me that day, and when he grabbed my collar like Zuo Shu back then, that I realized that I might still be in love with Zuo Shu."

"It's just that Zuo Shu is not the current Zuo Shu, but the man who was so overbearing and almost unreasonable when we first met." Qi Wei said with two tears on her face.

But she quickly wiped away the traces on her face and said with a serious face:

"Mr. Chen, where did you know about this statue?"

Chen Xiao replied: "A deceased friend gave it to me, but after asking around, I found out that this thing is not a statue of a god. On the contrary, the owners who own it are all very miserable. Either their families are broken up, or they die in a foreign country, almost No one has a happy ending.”

Qi Wei opened her mouth wide, with deep disbelief in her eyes.

Chen Xiao did not wait for her reply, and continued: "To be precise, Zuo Shu knew that I later obtained this wood carving work, and borrowed this work to communicate with me, thus deeply involving me and him. Illusion!”

"But in fact, this thing has nothing to do with the current case. So Mr. Qi, what is really important is the painting I just gave you. You seem to have memory of that painting, but why did you think about it for so long? Didn’t even remember?”

Seeing that Chen Xiao brought the topic to the previous painting, Qi Wei also showed a hesitant expression on her face.

"It's not that I can't remember it, I just feel like I've lost something in the painting you drew for me."

Chen Xiao frowned: "What was lost? What does this mean?"

"I don't know. I feel like I've seen the pattern you drew before. But no matter how hard I try to recall it, I always feel like I've lost part of my memory."

Qi Wei's words made Chen Xiao look at Zhang Xian.

Although Chen Xiao has solved many cases now.

But in fact, in terms of experience, it is still more cases than Zhang Xian, who has been a police officer for more than ten years.

Qi Wei's words made Zhang Xian think for a while and then said:
"I have met a victim who said similar things to you before. The murderer in that case had a very special ability - hypnosis!"

"The victims he hypnotized were finally examined by doctors and could not recall that part of their memory."

"So Zhang Ju, what you are saying is that Mr. Qi may have been hypnotized?" Although Chen Xiao was asking Zhang Xian, his eyes were looking at Qi Wei.

Before Qi Wei could reply, Chen Xiao had already thought of a way to verify it and said:

"The relationship between Mr. Qi and your natal family should be pretty good, right?"

"There have never been any problems. Even when I was deeply in love with Zuo Shu, my relationship with my mother's family has always been very good."

"Well, you might as well call them and ask. You are fine now, and your Qi family doesn't seem to have had any major problems. So if someone wants to hypnotize you, there should be something wrong with you. The picture is right.”

"But neither you nor your family have suffered any losses. That means the person who made you lose your memory must have failed."

Listening to Chen Xiao's analysis, Qi Wei also felt that it made sense, so she took her mobile phone from Zhang Xian's hand and dialed her father's number.

However, before the other party answered the call, Lin Xi, who went to Dongzhou, called first.

Chen Xiao looked at the time and quickly stood up to answer:
"Hey, didn't I tell you to drive slower? Why did you get home so quickly?"

Lin Xi smiled and said: "Idiot! Even if I fly in such a short time, I can't get there. I asked Sister Liang to go to our house again. According to my tips, she found the business card!"

(End of this chapter)

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