I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 515: Poor cognition, poor information!

Chapter 515: Poor cognition, poor information!

There was a brief silence on the other end of the phone, but it was only a few seconds before he still asked calmly.

Chen Xiao also spoke calmly:

"Is it convenient now?"

Zhao Hai said: "To be honest, it's really not very convenient. If it were convenient for me, I wouldn't have entrusted Xiao Yu to Lin Yao during this period."

This is quite reasonable.

But does Chen Xiao really need Xiao Ji to meet Zhao Hai?

Of course not.

Some words just need to be clicked to stop.

"Since it's inconvenient, forget it."

Chen Xiao chuckled and was ready to hang up the phone.

But Zhao Hai said one more thing at this time:

"Is there something very important...?"

Zhao Hai's words paused slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Chen Xiao replied: "It doesn't matter whether it's important or not. In fact, I just want to meet and chat with you."

"Isn't it the same on the phone?"

"I want to talk to you about Chen Yan."

"Chen Yan? Wasn't he... caught by you?!"

Zhao Hai on the other end of the phone was surprised.

During the last trip to Shenzhen, Chen Xiao also chatted with Zhao Hai about Chen Yan.

So it's not surprising that Zhao Hai knew that he was caught.

"He was arrested, but another thing was learned during his recent interrogation, that is, the Chen Yan we caught is a fake Chen Yan."

Chen Xiao always speaks cautiously.

If it had been in the past, he would have said it was probably a fake show.

But now he's speaking in the affirmative!

Zhao Hai's tone was full of surprise: "Fake? How is it possible? Is there anyone in this world who can deceive you?"

"It's not an exaggeration to say he deceived me. It's okay to say he didn't deceive me. That's not important. What's important is that he said he was a shadow of a person!"


"We still don't know the answer to this question, but his psychological defense has collapsed step by step. I think it will be soon to find out the real Chen Yan."

"After all, he has been locked in for such a long time, and he has been subject to strict interrogation by the police from time to time. He may be able to face it easily once or twice, but when he feels that there is no hope of getting out, then he will say something himself Come."

Chen Xiao used a light smile in his tone, as if he was telling a happy event.

Zhao Hai also smiled and said: "You are so smart, he will definitely not be able to resist you. But if it does not violate the rules, you should tell me what is going on. You know... there are so many things in this world about I am no less curious about Chen Yan than you are."

"It was him who... caused my family to be ruined!"

Zhao Hai's last few words were pronounced with a strong accent.

With that tone, even Chen Xiao seemed to feel the unforgettable hatred in Zhao Hai again.

Chen Xiao still maintained the same tone as before, always speaking calmly:

"He told me that he has always been just a shadow of a person!"

"What do you mean?" Zhao Hai was confused.

"What he means is that shadows are shadows and people are people. People cannot live without shadows, and without people or subjects, shadows will not be formed. So the meaning I heard from his words should still be those four words. "

"Finding the real Chen Yan is just around the corner!"

Zhao Hai was silent for two or three seconds, and then said in a deep voice:
"I will book the earliest flight back to Dongzhou now. You will definitely intensify the interrogation tonight, right? He will most likely tell who the real Chen Yan is right away, right?"

Zhao Hai said two things in succession.

But Chen Xiao asked him seriously: "Are you sure you will really rush back to Dongzhou tomorrow morning?" "Of course!"

Chen Xiao couldn't help but frown, but he didn't say anything more. He just said:

"Okay, let's talk tomorrow when you arrive."

"it is good."

Having said this, Zhao Hai took the initiative to hang up the phone.

When a beeping sound came from the receiver, Chen Xiao looked at Lin Xi.

"Daughter-in-law, what do you think?"

Lin Xi had a sullen face; "Aside from saying that it was inconvenient for him to entrust Xiaoyu to Xiaoyao, he didn't ask anything about Xiaoyu during the entire phone call."

"Also, he didn't even ask you what happened!"

"He will react. It's a pity that when he reacts, will he be able to make up for it and go back?"

Chen Xiao seemed to be asking Lin Xi, but also seemed to be asking himself.

He is now very suspicious that Zhao Hai is Chen Yan.

But now, he still can't be very sure that Zhao Hai is Chen Yan!
"If he is just Zhao Hai, then he will not think about this. If he is not just Zhao Hai, he will find that there are loopholes in this phone call with you."

"So no matter what, he probably won't be looking for compensation. And I'm thinking, if he is Chen Yan, where should he be now?"

"He should be in Shencheng now, and he will definitely take an early morning flight to Dongzhou tomorrow. As for how he is Chen Yan and how he came to Dongzhou, there must be no formal channel to check his records."

As Chen Xiao said, Lin Xi sighed:
"So, there is still no way to find out whether he is Chen Yan or not."

Chen Xiao nodded.

This is the fact, even if they think about it now, so what?

What evidence can prove that Chen Yan is Zhao Hai?
This is just the conjecture of Chen Xiao and his wife.

What's more, they even hope that they are wrong in this guess.

Because it involves Xiao Yu.

The little girl who liked them very much and was liked by all of them.

If Zhao Hai were Chen Yan.

So what does it mean for Zhao Xiaoyu? Even Chen Xiao didn't dare to think deeply.

It's just too cruel.

There are not so many tragedies in the world, and Chen Xiao really doesn't want all tragedies to fall on Zhao Xiaoyu.

Chen Xiao took a deep breath and then stood up:

"I'm going to the police station."

Lin Xi was stunned for a while: "But it's time to eat soon."

Chen Xiao actually had no appetite and said seriously:

"I know this will disappoint you, but compared to what Xiaoyu may encounter, I think we'll just wait for a meal."

Lin Xi immediately knew what Chen Xiao was going to do, so he nodded:

"You go ahead, I will explain to my parents then."

Chen Xiao grinned: "I'm sorry, wife, I'll give you a meal later."

"You know, go and go, but you must look carefully. Look carefully. The fact that you are so peaceful this time is actually a lack of knowledge and information. So we have to be more cautious in the future."

What Lin Xi calls poor cognition.

It's just that people nowadays are not aware enough of surveillance.

As for the information gap, everyone thinks that Chen Xiao's industry is Longding, bringing home appliances to the countryside, a lobster base, and the largest investment in Dongzhou to be built in the future.

Everyone has ignored Chen Xiao’s other industry-Dongan Technology!

(End of this chapter)

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