Chapter 516 An unexpected investigation!
Chen Xiao returned to the police force.

After saying hello to Zhang Xian, he directly occupied the latter's office.

Zhang Xian didn't know what Chen Xiao wanted to do, so he didn't even bother to ask and just took out the office key.

Chen Xiao sat in the latter's office with the key and once again opened the video shot at his home.

The figure of the crying clown in the video appeared again.

After he opened the door to Chen Xiao's house, he first stayed in the living room for a few seconds, and then turned his head slightly to look in the direction of the kitchen.

He should have thought about it a little bit.

But his thought was short-lived. After all, the kitchen is indeed the best place to get sharp tools.

What's more, what he wants to do is just use a knife.

After taking the knife, the crying clown left directly.

This is the first image he left at Chen Xiao's house.

This video didn't last long, but Chen Xiao once again started checking it frame by frame from beginning to end, and even used the power of capture while checking.

He wants to find some physical characteristics of this crying clown!

He watched bit by bit, but the Crying Clown was too alert.

When Chen Xiao checked frame by frame, he could see that the other party had completely wrapped his face, head and even limbs.

Of course, this will not mean that there will be surveillance inside the house.

What he was guarding against was that he was afraid of being seen by chance.

Many times, a characteristic of the body may be a threat that brings fatal danger!

Watched the first paragraph of monitoring.

Chen Xiao clicked on the second video again.

This surveillance video was taken when the Crying Clown came back to return the kitchen knife.

This time, the Crying Clown stayed here for quite a while.

No one knew why he sat on the sofa for so long when he was fine.

His eyes were not looking around, but he should be thinking about something.

Chen Xiao couldn't help but stare at the eyes of the mask, as if he wanted to read something from them.

But no matter how hard Chen Xiao tried, he couldn't see who he was from the thick layers of disguise.

"who the hell are you!"

Chen Xiao said leisurely, and finally picked up the paper and pen.

This time, he didn't think about anything, he just used his power of painting to depict the crying clown and make him appear on the paper.

Chen Xiao painted stroke by stroke.

This time he didn't pursue it quickly, but just described it quietly.

A long time passed before Chen Xiao stopped.

He looked at the crying clown who was also sitting on the sofa on the paper, and for some reason he felt that the other person became clearer in his eyes.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao took a photo of everything he drew, and then edited it into a MMS and sent it to Zhao Hai.

Seeing that the MMS had been sent, Chen Xiao put the phone aside, and then performed a subtraction on the painting.

The Crying Clown wears a trench coat.

On this hot day, he was wearing a windbreaker, a hood, a mask on his face, and even his hands were covered with thick gloves.

It is not easy to do subtraction in such a situation.

However, judging from the fluffiness of the clothes, you can remove the clothes bit by bit first.

Just as he said, Chen Xiao first made a clothing subtraction of the Crying Clown.

After losing the clothes, Chen Xiao lost the pants.

After finishing reducing his pants, Chen Xiao looked at his phone and saw that there was no movement, so he came to subtract his height. If it were the old Chen Xiao, he would think that the height of the crying clown he saw must be the actual height of the person.

But things are different now, Chen Xiao knows the code and tracking technique.

Although the code tracking technique requires exact footprints to identify the opponent's physical data, Chen Xiao does not want to determine all of his data, just an approximate height.

Chen Xiao retraced his walking pattern in his mind, and then made inferences based on his own subtraction pictures.

But before the data came out, the phone rang.

It was Zhao Hai who called!
Looking at the caller ID, Chen Xiao thought for a few seconds before answering:
"Hey, Mr. Zhao, have you read the painting I sent you?"

"Look, who is he? Is it the Zhen Chenyan you mentioned?"

"I suspect he is."

"But he's wearing a mask, so no one can see what he looks like, and why doesn't he even show his hands?"

"That's how cautious he is."

"How cunning!"

Zhao Hai gritted his teeth, while Chen Xiao smiled and said: "Cunning is inevitable, but I am making a subtraction from him."

"Subtraction? What do you mean?"

"Looking at the thickness of his body, I am editing his appearance, removing the extra clothes, and also removing the built-in height gain, and then I can get his approximate weight and height. data."

As Chen Xiao said, Zhao Hai asked in surprise: "Do you still have such an ability? Is this an ability that every policeman who becomes a detective has?"

Of course not every police officer has this ability.

The reason why Chen Xiao said this in front of Zhao Hai was actually to test him.

"Of course not, it's just some operations that I'm used to. Just wait, I'll send it to you later."

"it is good."

The call was interrupted.

The whole phone call didn't seem to make any sense.

But in fact, this is a shock, a shock to Zhao Hai's heart!
Furthermore, Chen Xiao was also telling the murderer in this case something that he had been curious about!
That's how Chen Xiao got out of the police force all of a sudden under layers of designs.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Zhao Hai is Chen Yan, and the person who killed Zuo Shu was also him!

Putting down his mobile phone, Chen Xiao, who had already done the subtraction, sat quietly.

He felt that he could no longer continue the in-depth analysis and monitoring.

The only thing that can be done is to psychologically attack the problem at hand.

But at this moment, Chen Xiao's cell phone rang again.

This call made him frown subconsciously. He felt that it was impossible for Zhao Hai to call him again so soon.

When he saw that it was Xiaoji calling, Chen Xiao came back to his senses.

"Hello." Chen Xiao answered the call and Xiao Ji said:
"Brother Chen, I went back with the Black Cat Project. Apart from some business issues in Lihai, we really couldn't find anything."

Xiaoji's tone was full of despair.

Chen Xiao thought for a while and said with a smile: "If you haven't found it, you haven't found it. Why don't you and Black Cat just play in Shenzhen. Do you have enough money? You have been such a big help and took people to those shopping malls. Buy something that girls like, don’t be too straight.”

"Straight man? What do you mean, brother."

"I just told you not to be too honest." Chen Xiao smiled and cursed silently. Xiao Ji understood, but the black cat beside him suddenly said:

"Brother Chen Xiao, why don't you find someone else to check for me? This guy named Zuo Shu is really giving me a headache!"

Chen Xiao subconsciously wanted to say no, but suddenly he realized:

"Wait a minute, there really is someone who wants you to check it out!"

As soon as the words came out, the thoughts in Chen Xiao's mind seemed to spread a lot.

"Wait a minute, I will send you all his information later, and you can check every transaction in his bank account for me! If it is difficult for you to check, I will ask the police to cooperate with you, especially for a month or two. Has he made any large donations to remote mountainous areas before?”

(End of this chapter)

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