I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 517 Who in the world can face death calmly?

Chapter 517 Who in the world can face death calmly?

After explaining Xiaoji and Black Cat, Chen Xiao held his cell phone and fell into deep thought.

Why didn't he let Zhang Xian check it himself?

If Zhang Xian investigates now, the bank will be able to use the police's authority to facilitate the investigation.

But white cats have their ways, and black cats have their ways.

So Chen Xiao decided to ask Zhang Xian to inform the local and Shencheng police, and then Black Cat used his own methods to investigate some more complicated accounts.

After all, if the police are brought to an end, various procedures will waste a lot of time.

With such a two-pronged approach, Chen Xiao felt that he should be able to find what he wanted soon.

Just at this time, Zhang Xian also walked into the office.

"What are you thinking about?"

Zhang Xian came in and saw Chen Xiao looking thoughtful, so he subconsciously asked.

Chen Xiao raised his head, smiled and said:

"I was just about to call you. Just in time, you informed the bank that I want to investigate a person's account."

Zhang Xian didn't know that Chen Xiao had already made a guess about the Crying Clown.

But when he saw the drawing paper on the table, he looked surprised:

"Are you taking off the suspect's clothes?"

Chen Xiao nodded, and Zhang Xian picked up the drawing paper on the table and observed it.

Not long after, waiting for Zhang Xian to be optimistic, he couldn't help but ask:

"After you took off his clothes, did you recognize who he was?"

Chen Xiao did not directly tell him the answer, but instead recounted the thoughts in his mind from beginning to end:
"Director Zhang, this case actually changed dramatically in my mind when you asked me about "Ten Demon Sons"."

"You know, at first we all thought that the whole case revolved around the land king in Yanghu. After all, anyone who is interested can understand how tempting the profits behind that land are."

"Businessmen are chasing profits. If the profit is one times the profit, they will rush out. If the profit is ten times the profit, they will be jealous. If the profit is dozens of times or even higher, there may be nothing in the world that businessmen cannot do!"

"So at that time we thought it was the Qi family who planned all this, and Zuo Shu, both you and I, could see from the scene that he did not fight before his death, and that he was just allowed to be killed."

"The only possibility for this to happen is that Zuo Shu made a fatal mistake. In order to make up for that mistake, he could only give up his own life, thus preserving his other goals."

"But after Qi Wei revealed the true situation of the Qi family to us, we have to eliminate this!"

Zhang Xian hummed heavily:

"Yes, I have always wanted to ask you and Xiaoxi about the motive of committing the crime, but I have never been able to find a good opportunity. I have always been confused about the motive of this case."

"Now analyze it carefully. What is the relationship between their motives and the "Ten Demon Sons"?"

Chen Xiao nodded: ""Ten Demon Sons" reminds me of a person."


""Ten Demon Sons" was sent to me by Lou Xiaodong. What is my relationship with Lou Xiaodong?"

Zhang Xian was stunned for a moment, paused for two seconds and then said: "To be precise, you and he don't have anything to do with each other, right? You met in the Xiaofeng Village case. The murderer in that case, Lou Yang, was his son. , that’s all.”

"Then who did Lou Yang help us catch in the end?"

"Chen Yan." Zhang Xian blurted out, but the next second he stretched out his hand to signal Chen Xiao not to speak for the time being.

It was in Zhang Xian's office that Chen Xiao thought of going to the detention center to find Chen Yan.

But Zhang Xian was not in the office at that time, so Zhang Xian still doesn't know why Chen Xiao and Lin Xi suddenly went to the detention center.

But now, the words have been said so clearly, and it is not difficult to guess the true meaning with Zhang Xian's mind.

Several minutes passed, and Zhang Xian suddenly slapped his hand on the desk and shouted:
"I understand. In addition to the motive for committing the crime, there is another thing that I can't figure out. Logically speaking, there is no conflict between you and the Sacred Heart Church. The initial contact was only because of Xiaoping's incident. question, and then I ask you to come over and help.”

"In the process of helping, you met a food stall owner named Xu Fu, right? It was he who let you know about the existence of the Sacred Heart Church! But regarding this church, I don't think there is any grudge between you. ”

"But when you tell me this now, I suddenly realize that there needs to be an assumption here, right?"

Chen Xiao: "Yes, this assumption is... Chen Yan comes from the Sacred Heart Church! Lou Xiaodong introduced Chen Yan, Zuo Shu may be from the Sacred Heart Church, but does "Ten Demon Sons" have anything to do with this case?"

"It seems not, but why did Zuoshu add the information about "Ten Demon Sons" after Qingxi put the photo of me and him when we first met in the pilot project of sending home appliances to the countryside?"

Zhang Xian tightened his eyes: "You mean, this may also be an unplanned incident!"

"Yes!" Chen Xiao responded firmly, and then asked:
"Director Zhang, you have cracked more cases than me. You have arrested many criminals whose graves have grass several meters long. So, is there really anyone in this world who can face death calmly?"

"There is no one in this world who can face death calmly!" Zhang Xian responded with the same certainty.

Chen Xiao smiled: "So, what would Zuo Shu think in his heart when he learned that he had to die? So, this is actually the only clue left to us by him as a deceased person!"

"Because he knew that one day I would associate Lou Xiaodong with Lou Yang, and from Lou Yang to Chen Yan. In fact, I didn't pay much attention to "Ten Demon Sons" after all. I should have thought of Lou Xiaodong in When he died, he gave "Ten Devils" to me to tell me that this thing might be related to the real Chen Yan!"

Chen Xiao finished speaking.

Zhang Xian seemed to have experienced a brainstorm.

After taking a long breath, Zhang Xian sighed: "It's a pity that Lou Xiaodong is dead, otherwise we would have been able to confirm it earlier!"

As he spoke, Zhang Xian's eyes fell on the subtraction portraits again, and he squinted and asked:

"Both you and Xiaoxi said that you feel familiar with the man wearing the mask of a crying clown. So, the person you want me to check already has a target, right?"



"Do you still remember Xiao Nian?"

Zhang Xian was surprised: "Of course I remember, that was the first case you really solved. That case destroyed the Zhao family. I heard that the father of the deceased Zhao Xiaohong donated all the family property accumulated over decades to He went to a poor area and finally took his only daughter away to Shencheng, right? "

Chen Xiao didn't respond, just looked at Zhang Xian silently.

The latter was stunned and asked subconsciously: "Why are you looking at me like this..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Xian's eyes suddenly widened and he asked in disbelief: "He is the person you want me to investigate?!"

(End of this chapter)

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