I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 525: Sooner or later, you will have to pay back if you come out to hang out!

Chapter 525: Sooner or later, you will have to pay back if you come out to hang out!
When hearing Zhao Hai's inquiry.

Chen Xiao couldn't help but look back at him while driving.

But when his eyes fell on Zhao Xiaoyu in the back seat, Chen Xiao smiled lightly and said:
"Let's not talk about that for now. Let's talk about what I'm looking for you to do when we get to the place."

Zhao Hai said hello and stopped asking any more questions, quietly closing his eyes and resting.

After driving all the way back to Songshanping.

Zhao Hai woke up Zhao Xiaoyu who was sleeping.

Then he followed his daughter and went to greet Mr. and Mrs. Chen and Chen Xiao's father-in-law one by one.

After getting to know each other this time, Chen Xiao walked up to Zhao Hai:

"Come on, come and walk around the village with me?"

Zhao Hai nodded and followed behind Chen Xiao.

When the two of them walked to the entrance of the village, Zhao Hai took the lead and asked:
"You called me last night and asked Xiaoji to go find me. Why?"

"Actually, I just want you to do me a favor and go somewhere."

"where to?"

"It doesn't matter whether we go to that place now or not."

Zhao Hai suddenly showed suspicion, and Chen Xiao looked at him: "Why didn't you sleep last night?"

"Don't you want to get up early? I don't know if there is something wrong with my mind. I can't fall asleep when I close my eyes."

The answer is still the same answer.

Chen Xiao still smiled and nodded: "What have you been busy with recently?"

"I'm thinking about a project. If it goes well, I can make a lot of money." Zhao Hai seemed to be afraid that Chen Xiao would misunderstand him again, and Zhao Hai added:
"Don't worry, it's all clean money!"

Chen Xiao smiled: "Why don't you tell us about your past? I've only heard you say before that you spent some time in the world of gangs in Hong Kong City?"

"Harm, what's there to say? It's just like in the movie, carrying a watermelon knife every day and walking around the streets to grab territory."

"I want to hear it, and the more detailed it is, the better."

Zhao Hai frowned, seemingly puzzled.

But seeing Chen Xiaozhen's interested expression, he could only think about it and said:
"When I was young, my family was very poor. My parents were weak-tempered and they were bullied all year round in the village."

"Over time, even I was influenced by them and I never dared to raise my head in the village."

"But then the bully in the village came to my house to bully me. My dad and my mom were just chopping firewood at home. But that bastard actually said that he had been disturbed, and he grabbed my dad and wanted to beat him."

"My mother could only go and beg him quickly, but that bastard wanted to drag my mother into the room in broad daylight in front of me and my father."

"My dad's eyes were red at the time. He rushed into the house and took out a knife. But he was no match for that man. He was knocked to the ground and couldn't move."

"So I was alone at that time. I picked up my dad's knife and rushed into the house. While he was taking off his clothes, I stabbed his thing directly."

Hearing this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but be shocked.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Hai experienced such a thing when he was young.

However, Chen Xiao still gave a thumbs up: "He is a man, but you didn't think about killing him at that time?" Zhao Hai sneered: "How could you not! After I stabbed him down, I wanted to chop him into pieces. . But I was stopped by my mother. She told me to run as far as possible. "

"In this way, I took away almost all my family's savings and ran away. First I ran to the provincial capital, and then I met some people, and then I went to the port city."

Speaking of this, Zhao Hai let out a long sigh:
"When I first arrived in Hong Kong City, it was really worse than a dog! Everyone said there was gold everywhere, but for ordinary people like us, if we can't climb up, we are worse than animals."

"I lived an inhumane life there for two years, until one day I overheard a phone call from my boss. He wanted to kill someone!"

When saying this, Zhao Hai paused again, then smiled at Chen Xiao and said:

"You won't send me to the police station, will you?"

"Unless the police in Hong Kong City contact the police in Dongzhou and say that they need the cooperation of Dongzhou police in investigating the incident, it has nothing to do with me."

Chen Xiao said with a smile, Zhao Hai nodded:

"When I heard his call, all I could think about was one thought."

"Opportunity, here's my chance to get ahead!"

"I have to seize it. Only by seizing this opportunity can I stand out among that large group of despicable workers!"

"So you went to kill him?" Chen Xiao asked back.

Zhao Hai shook his head, which also made Chen Xiao frown:
"Then what did you do?"

"I...killed my boss! Then I took a severed hand to see his nemesis."

Chen Xiao's eyes suddenly froze.

At this moment, Zhao Hai took out a cigarette and lit it. After taking a deep breath, he exhaled a long smoke:
"Perhaps when everyone heard my story, they thought that I would help my boss get rid of that opponent. Originally, I did plan that way, but just when I was about to do it, I suddenly thought...I am in his He is like a dog in his eyes. Even if I helped him accomplish that thing, he still looks down on me, a mainland boy... Oh no, mainland boys are also human beings. In their eyes, I am just a local dog from the mainland. "

"So, if I want to be respected by others, I have to be ruthless!"

"Just like that, I took his severed hand to see the boss. After the other party knew what I had done, he might have been attracted by my ferocity, so he recruited me under his command."

"Since then, I have done a lot of dirty work, and at least half of the ten things involved blood! Later, that kind of life was really disgusting. I thought about one thing every day, and that was Will I die on the streets one day?"

Chen Xiao answered without hesitation: "Yes, if you never quit, you will have to pay back sooner or later if you come out to hang out."

"Sooner or later, you will have to pay back the money if you come out to hang out? This is a good saying and very appropriate!"

"So you returned to your hometown with the money you made at that time, right?"

"Well, the first thing I did after I came back was to use a distant relative who worked in the village, and then asked him to help make connections to treat the leaders to dinner, and finally donated money to the village, so I finally no longer have to worry about threats from the village. "

"My poor old parents were miserable during those few years."

"As for what happened later, I have told you that because I had the original capital, I started a business in Dongzhou. The business grew bigger and bigger in the end, and I was once the richest man in our township."

Although the title of the richest man in a township sounds rather unimpressive.

But in fact, it is extremely difficult to become the richest man in a township.

Chen Xiao nodded silently and waited for Zhao Hai to throw away the cigarette butt in his hand before asking abruptly:

"Can you tell me what it feels like to kill someone?"

(End of this chapter)

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