Chapter 526 Wild words!

"Can you tell me what it feels like to kill someone?"

Chen Xiao's question made Zhao Hai take two steps back subconsciously.

He stared at Chen Xiao and said in a nervous tone:
"Chen Xiao, I'm telling you this because I completely trust you. Do you really want to send me to the police?"

Chen Xiao explained: "You misunderstood me, but please don't say this in front of my wife. She is a policeman and I am not."

Zhao Hai breathed a sigh of relief: "Then why do you ask me this question?"

"But I'm also an investigator, so I'm very curious about what it feels like to kill someone, and what's their mental state like at that time?"

Zhao Hai frowned.

Only this time, he didn't look confused when he frowned.

But resistance.

He was showing Chen Xiao that he was very resistant and disgusted with the feeling of killing people.

"I was very nervous at first, especially when I was doing it. In fact, my mind was completely blank. Even my body was numb, just like a machine. It just wanted to complete its own purpose."

"But as soon as the blood sprayed onto the face, the person suddenly woke up, even though the blood was warm!"

"After killing someone, I am just afraid, uncontrollable fear! What should I do if I am afraid that I will be caught? What should I do if I am afraid that I will die? That kind of panic makes people want to go crazy again."

"Anyway, killing one is killing, and killing two is killing. I've done everything, why not kill all those who may threaten me!"

"That feeling is like being addicted, yes... it is addictive! If the will is just a little bit weak, it is very likely that he will do something devastating at that time."

Zhao Hai said carefully.

Chen Xiao said softly: "It's a miracle that you can control it, especially in such an environment."

"Yeah, originally I wanted to go home all the time and kill all the people who bullied my parents. But later, I figured it out. That would only push me into a situation where I will never recover!"

"Maybe my parents and I were bullied by them, and maybe my parents wanted to kill those bastards all the time. But, if we really do that, what will happen in the future?"

"As long as you think so, then..."

Chen Xiao didn't wait for Zhao Hai to finish, but suddenly interrupted and asked: "So how is that bastard who bullied your family doing now?"



"Well, evil people will have their way. In the second or third year after I came back, his mother-in-law and her lover killed his entire family. At that time, that case caused a lot of damage in our county. The sensation.”

"It's just that the information was blocked at that time and didn't spread."

Chen Xiao couldn't help but narrowed his eyes:

"Chen Yan?"

"Ah? What did you say?"

Zhao Hai was stunned immediately, Chen Xiao smiled and said:
"It's nothing, I'm just saying, why does this matter feel a bit complicated?"

Zhao Hai was a little unhappy: "Just after I finished speaking, you said the word Chen Yan. What do you mean?" "I just think it smells like Chen Yan." Chen Xiao said with a smile, and then spoke again Changed the topic:
"By the way, how about we talk about Zuo Shu's case?"

Zhao Hai whispered a good word, and Chen Xiao said:
"Besides me, neither you nor my wife know Zuo Shu very well."

"But there was a dispute over a piece of land between me and him. At the beginning, his death made me think that it might have been caused by that piece of land."

"But as I checked later, something started to go wrong. So, I suspected that Zuo Shu might have done something, and once that thing was exposed, he might as well die."

"What's going on?" Zhao Hai asked.

Chen Xiao shook his head: "That matter is still a secret, but there are some signs. This is why I came to find you."

"Can you talk to me?"

"Let's talk about this issue later. Let's continue talking about Zuo Shu."

Zhao Hai hummed, and Chen Xiao continued:
"Zuo Shu used to be a policeman. He started as a policeman at the police station and later became a criminal policeman in the branch. He has a strong talent for criminal investigation, and he showed his talents as soon as he entered the field of criminal investigation."

"Just when everyone thought he had a bright future, he suddenly abandoned the police and went into business. Although he had a case that was not investigated clearly at that time, he also met his current wife at that time, who is the Qi family in Shencheng The eldest lady."

"But according to his personality at the time, he should be someone who disdained that kind of life. In this way, Zuo Shu began his career as a businessman. In the past ten years, Zuo Shu also showed his strength in the business world. "

"Slowly turning a small company into a large group, one of his elders said that he has never given up his obsession with the police uniform. In other words, he may not have lost his passion during his ten years as a businessman. Criminal investigation capabilities.”

Zhao Hai seemed to agree and said: "It must be, otherwise how could anyone create such a big trouble for you so easily."

"It's not actually a trouble for me. The other party's methods are indeed very complete and tricky. However, they and I are not on the same level at all, so from the moment I was caught, it was not them who wanted to Wherever you want to put me, I can come out whenever I want.”

Chen Xiao's words were slightly arrogant.

But after saying these crazy words, his eyes looked at Zhao Hai.

But the latter didn't look at him anymore, just smiled and said: "You are becoming more and more confident now."

"If you are not confident when facing criminals, you will lose miserably. Of course, the opponent I encountered this time is quite capable. At least, I am still not sure who he is!"

"Then check it slowly. It won't affect you anyway."

"You can't slow down. Many things are just a step away. As long as that step passes, everything will be clear." Chen Xiao said, and then said awkwardly:

"See, I accidentally went off topic. Let's continue talking about Zuo Shu."

"In my opinion, this man still has a strong sense of criminal investigation. He knew that he was going to die, but he was willing to die. His death may be related to one thing. And he and the person who killed him This may be the connection between them.”

Zhao Hai didn't speak, he just lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

Chen Xiao didn't pause for too long and continued:

"I have been exposed to many cases now, and to be honest, I have never met a person who is truly willing to die. Especially someone like Zuo Shu, how could he die willingly?"

"The most important thing is that he used to be a very good criminal investigation policeman. I was thinking that he might have left something for me. It's just that in the competition for the land in Yanghu, he lost to me and I was very unconvinced. , so he hid the clues deeper.”

"Brother, from what I've told you, you think he will definitely leave something behind, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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