Chapter 527 Anonymous!

Zhao Hai was silent.

He seemed to be thinking seriously about the question raised by Chen Xiao.

However, after almost a minute, Zhao Hai said with a bit of a daze:

"I can't understand your complicated things. Even what you just said to me suddenly reminded me of it, and I actually felt like I didn't think it through completely."

Chen Xiao was not surprised to hear Zhao Hai's answer.

He just smiled faintly, and then said:

"In fact, there is nothing too important for me to call you back. The main reason is that Chen Yan is related to you and me, and now he is very likely related to this case as well."

"I don't want to inform others, but if I really catch him, I hope you are there too."

Zhao Hai nodded repeatedly: "Of course, if I can see him being arrested with my own eyes, it will be a big deal in my mind!"

"It's a pity. I was full of confidence last night, but now that I really see you today, I have to tell you that in the end I still didn't find any clues about who he is."

Chen Xiao's face was full of apologies, but Zhao Hai just shook his head:
"I don't understand what you're doing, but I know it's not simple. So I'm not in a hurry, and I hope you won't be in a hurry either. Take your time!"

"Then let's go back first." Chen Xiao said, as if he had lost interest in continuing his walk.

Zhao Hai said okay and followed Chen Xiao.

After only two steps, Chen Xiao suddenly stopped again:

"Brother, do you want to go back and take a look?"

Zhao Hai smiled bitterly:
"What's so good about it? I sold the house a long time ago and donated all the money. Dongzhou is now a place where I have no home and no one."

"By the way, what organization did you say the donation was made to? Is that reliable?"

Zhao Hai was surprised: "You want to donate some too?"

"It's my old man. He has earned a little money by doing hard labor all his life. Now, as you know, I have a good income, at least beyond their imagination. So my old man always tells me that when a person becomes rich, he can't just think about himself, but help others as much as possible."

This must be an excuse made by Chen Xiao.

Zhao Hai smiled and said, "It's a charity organization, but... I donated anonymously."

"Anonymous? Bro, you're doing good things without leaving your name!"

"My money can only be considered clean if I use it to do something legitimate. If I still want to use the donation to gain a good reputation for myself, then my motives are not pure."

"That makes sense."

Chen Xiao gave a thumbs up, then walked towards home silently without saying anything more.

When he got home, Zhao Hai went to take care of his daughter.

He arrived early in the morning, and it was his first time visiting Chen Xiao's house, so he made the excuse of going out to buy some things and took Zhao Xiaoyu away.

Looking at their backs as they left, Lin Xi asked:
"How is it, still can't find out anything?"

"The purpose of calling him back and forth is not to test him, but to tell him my progress."

"Tell him about your progress? Isn't that..."

Lin Xi hesitated to speak, while Chen Xiao smiled and said:

"What else? How can we prove that he is involved in this matter? As long as he doesn't admit it, can we force him to say that he is Chen Yan by pressing his head?"

"No, we don't even have a chance. Because Chen Yan is just a pseudonym, there is no way to verify it! There is no real evidence!"

"So I can only tell him that I already suspect he is Chen Yan, and the most important thing for me right now is to find the clues left by Zuo Shu."

"Aren't you afraid that he will destroy it?" "This is the time I want to buy. Only if I catch him on the spot when he tries to destroy it, can I prove that he is Chen Yan!"

Lin Xi suddenly realized: "So this is your purpose! But aren't you afraid that he will find it first?"

"Then it depends on who Zuo Shu will choose between him and me."

"You mean to say that Zuo Shu might know that you and Zhao Hai would come to this point?"

Chen Xiao nodded:

"Of course! Suppose I, Zuo Shu, and Zhao Hai are all in the same place. Then, I am the one who is completely in the dark. From the moment I came in, I couldn't see anything clearly, and I couldn't touch anything."

"Zhao Hai is the one who stands between light and darkness. And Zuo Shu understands everything completely!"

"So it depends on his final choice, whether to lean towards me or towards Zhao Hai!"

Lin Xi did not reply immediately, but began to think seriously about what Chen Xiao said.

"So, your next thoughts must be based entirely on the assumption that Zuo Shu will eventually lean towards you."

"Yes, only in this way can I gain the upper hand." Chen Xiao said, then frowned.

Because he really couldn't imagine where Zuo Shu would leave clues for him if he leaned towards him.

Lin Xi didn't feel very good at the moment.

If so, she might be able to remind Chen Xiao a thing or two.

After the couple sat together in silence for a long time, Lin Xi took the initiative to stand up and walked towards the house.

Not long after she left, Chen Xiao's cell phone rang.

When he saw that it was Xiaoji calling, Chen Xiao felt that if it were him at the beginning, he would definitely be looking forward to this call.

But now, after communicating with Zhao Hai, Chen Xiao no longer had any emotional fluctuations about the phone call.

"Hey, how's the investigation going?" Chen Xiao asked again.

Sure enough, Xiaoji's tone was very depressed, and he even said angrily:

"Black Cat and I didn't sleep a wink last night, but we did find out that his money went into the account of a charity organization. Although the truth was clear to us when we checked, Black Cat and I were unwilling to accept it."

"But after checking all night, there seems to be nothing wrong with his financial situation."

Chen Xiao understood and asked, "Then you didn't contact that charity organization?"

"No, Black Cat originally wanted to hack into the charity organization's system, but I stopped him. I felt that even if he hacked in, he might not find anything."

"You did the right thing and were cautious enough. I am not surprised by this result. He just told me that he donated to a charity anonymously."

"That means Zhao Hai... should be fine now?"

"It's hard to confirm for now." Chen Xiao replied, and then told Xiao Ji: "From now on, you and Black Cat don't check anything. Remember, don't check anything. Take a good vacation and play there for two days before coming back."

"Okay, Brother Chen, call me right away if you need me to do anything else."

"Well, hung up."

Chen Xiao responded, then silently put down the phone.

He lowered his head and picked up stones to play with out of boredom.

I don't know how long they played, but Lao Chen suddenly walked behind him and muttered:

"You are so grown up, yet you still play tricks like this!"

(End of this chapter)

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