Chapter 528 Flip-flops!
"You are such a grown-up, yet you are still playing with pebbles!"

Lao Chen wasn't blaming.

It's just a casual joke.

Chen Xiao smiled and said, "I was thinking about something, and then my hands became restless."

"If you can't think of it, don't think about it. You can't think about too many things. You always have to take a break, right?"

Old Chen was actually worried about Chen Xiao.

How could he not see that Chen Xiao was taking this matter very seriously?

He had never thought that solving a case would be so difficult.

Although he didn't see Chen Xiao use any strength, he was in a state of thinking all the time.

Anyone who has experienced it can understand the hardships involved.

Chen Xiao stood up, intending to explain to Lao Chen that he was not tired.

But Lao Chen patted him on the shoulder and said:

"Come walk with me. It's been a while since we last talked about family matters."

Chen Xiao was stunned, and Old Chen immediately put on a serious expression:

"What's wrong? Now that you've become successful, you don't even want to walk with me?"

Chen Xiao chuckled: "Look at you, just walk away, it's not a big deal!"

"You know my temper. If you are distracted when I am talking to you, I will get angry."

"I know. You taught me to be polite since I was a kid!"


Old Chen groaned, then walked out the door with his hands behind his back.

Chen Xiao followed behind obediently.

However, although Lao Chen spoke in a very stylish manner, it was really too difficult for him to find a topic to talk about.

As Chen Xiao walked, he looked at Lao Chen, who was really feeling uncomfortable, and could only find a topic to talk about:

"By the way, Dad, how is the lobster base doing these days?"

"It's going well. We have been busy with the construction of the base in the past few months, and we have invited experts to teach the villagers the technology. Next year, we will be able to release shrimp fry, and then we will reap the first profit in May."

Chen Xiao nodded.

Building a lobster base is not something that can be done in the blink of an eye.

Just like the food city invested by Guo Zhengchang, it is still in the decoration and construction stage.

Although Chen Xiao's career is in full swing, it is still too short.

So many things are still in their infancy.

However, for the old family members in Songshanping, they are also mentally prepared.

If you can't even endure the time, how can you talk about making money?
What's more, Chen Xiao was the one who contributed the most to the experts in teaching breeding techniques and the base, while they only contributed a small part.

"Well, the villagers shouldn't be too worried, right?" Chen Xiao felt that the villagers should understand, but he still couldn't help but ask.

Old Chen snorted:
"In the past, everyone who stayed at home relied on their small piece of land to make a living. Now there is an additional skill, and it doesn't cost too much money. If you still can't make it, you might as well just hold on to the little savings at home until you get old."

Chen Xiao gave his old man a thumbs up:
"Dad, you are really becoming more and more powerful in your words."

Chen Xiao was just joking originally, but Old Chen became quite emotional because of his words.

He took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it to Chen Xiao.

Since Chen Xiao had refused before, and Lao Chen insisted that he keep one to himself, Chen Xiao did not refuse this time.

But Lao Chen insisted on lighting the fire for him, which made him feel a little uncomfortable. After taking a sip in a formal manner, Lao Chen said:

"You are not the only one who said this to me. Many people say that I walk with the wind now."

"Haha, if anyone's family has a child as outstanding as you, which parent wouldn't walk without the wind? Chen Xiao, Dad...I'm really proud right now!"

Chen Xiao smiled awkwardly and didn't say anything. Old Chen continued:
"I'm not just proud of how much money you make now. Of course... I can't deny that this is one of the reasons, but the bigger reason is that what you do makes me feel proud!"

"After all, I have met many rich people nowadays. Mr. Guo is rich, right? And the deceased Mr. Zuo, is he rich, right? But what can Mr. Zuo do even though he is so rich? He also needs you to help him rest in peace!"

Old Chen is not very educated.

So what he said was very rough.

But Chen Xiao could understand it, and I believe everyone could understand what Lao Chen meant.

Just when it came to Zuo Shu, Chen Xiao suddenly had an idea:
"Dad, did you know from the beginning that he was rich?"

"I didn't know at first. I thought he was just a passerby in Songshanping because of his attire. You can see that, except when he's driving, he usually likes to wear slippers, flip-flops. He was dressed like that when I first met him that day!"

"And when he was sitting and talking to me, he kept picking his toes like a nobody."

Old Chen's words made Chen Xiao frown.

Zuo Shu is indeed a big boss who doesn’t quite act like a big boss.

However, most people in Shenzhen and Hong Kong like to wear flip-flops on hot days.

Of course, in formal occasions, Zuo Shu must also dress formally.

However, while the two were chatting, Chen Xiao took out his cell phone and called Zhang Xian.

"Hello, have you met Zhao Hai?" Zhang Xianyi asked about business as soon as he answered the phone.

"I've seen it before."

"So how was your conversation? Did he let anything slip?"

Chen Xiao glanced at Lao Chen, and when he saw that he did not look unhappy, he said:

"Let's put aside what we are talking about. Let me ask you something. When you were investigating the scene, did you collect a pair of flip-flops?"

"Flip-flops? Who wears those?" Zhang Xian said subconsciously.

But when Chen Xiao heard his answer, he was stunned.

"You mean to say that the flip-flops weren't in the car?"

"Could it be that Zuo Shu wore those slippers?"

Zhang Xian's tone also became strange.

People in Dongzhou don't have the habit of wearing flip-flops, most of them wear sandals.

Furthermore, Zuo Shu’s identity would give people a lot of illusions, especially when Zuo Shu was killed in a car in a suit and leather shoes, who would have thought that he was wearing a pair of flip-flops before getting in the car?

"Yes, when he met my dad, he was wearing flip-flops and a T-shirt. But when he met me, he changed into formal clothes, which is what he looked like the last time we saw him."

Chen Xiao's affirmative words made Zhang Xian silent for two seconds, and then he said:
"You mean to say that there's a pair of flip-flops that you can't find now?"


Then, Chen Xiao looked at Lao Chen again and asked:
"Dad, Zuo Shu was with you the whole day, right? Did he go anywhere during the whole trip?"

"No, I've been at our house the whole time, waiting for you to come back."

"Where did he change his clothes during the trip?"

"It's right here at our house."

"My room?!" Chen Xiao asked in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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