Chapter 541 Baby!

Jiang Zi's call surprised Chen Xiao.

Even when Lin Xi asked who he was, Chen Xiao mentioned Jiang Zi's name, but Lin Xi couldn't remember it for a moment.

However, the phone was still ringing, and Chen Xiao answered the call without further explanation.

"Hello, Jiang Zi?" Chen Xiao asked somewhat unnecessarily.

Jiang Zi's voice soon came from the other end of the phone.

"Hello Mr. Chen, I'm sorry to bother you."

Jiang Zi was very polite.

Judging from the tone, Chen Xiao didn't think the other party had encountered any difficulties.

So he smiled and asked:

"It's okay. Why did you call me suddenly?"

Chen Xiao didn't like the roundabout polite words, so he asked directly.

Jiang Zi was silent for a second before saying:
"It's like this, Mr. Chen. You know the relationship between Xiaohong and I. In the past, Xiaohong and I often exchanged letters. Recently, when I was reading the letters between Xiaohong and me, I was suddenly surprised by one of the letters."

"Oh? What does the letter say?"

"The content of the letter was quite a lot, most of which were about asking about my university life. After all, I started working after graduation, and most of our contacts were through text messages or phone calls."

"When I first read the letter, I only noticed his concern for me, so much so that I overlooked one paragraph. Now when I read it again, I always feel like he seemed to have anticipated his own outcome."

Not to mention this special moment when Zhao Hai was captured.

Even if Chen Xiao had nothing to do, he couldn't help but be curious when Jiang Zi said these words.

"What does that paragraph say?"

"I have arrived in Dongzhou now and brought the letter with me. I think it might be better for you to read it in person."

"Xin, I'm about half an hour away from getting off the highway. Tell me where you are and I'll come find you now."

Soon, Jiang Zi told the location on the phone.

Coincidentally, Jiang Zi was near Yanzi Lane.

It was also the same street where Xi Yian, the murderer of the Yanzixiang fishbone case, opened a beverage shop.

Chen Xiao drove to the address given by Jiang Zi.

More than half an hour later, the two sides met in a coffee shop.

When he saw Jiang Zi again, Chen Xiao could immediately notice the changes in this woman.

Although Jiang Zi is slightly older than Chen Xiao, Chen Xiao can tell at a glance that after experiencing Zhao Xiaohong's death, Jiang Zi seemed much more depressed.

When they first met, Chen Xiao remembered that she looked very haggard because of Zhao Xiaohong's death.

But the overall state of the person is still very young.

At this moment, it seems as if he has experienced many vicissitudes.

Jiang Zi also stood up the moment she saw Chen Xiao and greeted him with a smile on her face.

"Mr. Chen, Mrs. Chen, hello!"

Lin Xi, who was suddenly called Mrs. Lin, was stunned for a moment.

It seemed as if this name was extremely unfamiliar to her.

In fact, few people call her that in real life.

If you are familiar with her, you usually call her by her name.

Those who were not familiar with him mostly shouted "Captain Lin".

But the name Mrs. Chen doesn't sound bad.

"Hello." Chen Xiao and Lin Xi responded, and then the three of them sat down.

Jiang Zi handed over the menu: "I don't know what you two like, so I'm waiting for you to order."

"Just help us order. We don't drink much coffee and we're not picky." Jiang Zi nodded, and after placing the order, she took out an envelope from her bag.

Chen Xiao also had a distant sense of familiarity with things like letters.

Take it from Jiang Zi's hand.

From the appearance of the envelope, Chen Xiao knew that the letter inside must have been read many times.

But no matter how many times it was flipped through, the envelope was well preserved and not damaged at all.

Take out the letter inside.

Just as Chen Xiao expected, the fragile paper was not damaged at all.

While Chen Xiao was reading the letter, Jiang Zi spoke again:

"Ever since he died, I still dream about him at night."

"I remember a month before he had the accident, we had agreed to go hiking together around National Day this year."

"Many times in the middle of the night, I would sit on my bed and think he was outside my door, calling my name."

Jiang Zi said this while silently stirring the American coffee in the cup.

It was as if her heart at this moment was as bitter as the American in front of her.

Chen Xiao did not respond to her, but found the content that Jiang Zi thought was problematic.

[Jiang Zi, I've been feeling anxious lately.]

[I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I feel drowsy every day and can’t feel the warmth of the sun at all.]

[I am looking forward to the holiday more and more. I want to go out for a walk. Maybe I can let go of everything for a while? ]

[But what is the difference between letting go for a short time and self-deception? ]

[Jiang Zi, you should understand me. What I hate doing most is lying to myself.]

【So I think I should do something, or I should do something for myself. 】

[Oh, by the way, I told you before that I found a treasure, do you remember? When we meet next time, I will bring that treasure to you, and you will find that I am different from before. ]

Read here.

Chen Xiao was thinking about what the treasure Zhao Xiaohong was talking about.

Soon, he felt that it must be the knife that Xiao Nian used to kill people.

The knife belonged to an old man named Huang in the nursing home.

Uncle Huang was an expert in swordsmanship, and Zhao Xiaohong was once his disciple.

But in the end, Zhao Xiaohong died under that knife!
Chen Xiao thought about it and continued reading.

But the following content was once again just friends asking about each other's well-being, and there was nothing else that made people feel strange.

Chen Xiao carefully placed the letter on the envelope and asked:
"Does the part about the baby in this letter make you feel problematic?"

Jiang Zi nodded immediately: "Yes, this is not the first time he mentioned the treasure he mentioned. I was also very curious at the beginning and kept asking him about it."

"I even mentioned it often on the phone. But as I asked more and more, he still refused to tell me directly, so I gradually forgot about it."

"Until recently when I read this letter again, I suddenly wondered what this treasure was."

Chen Xiao did not speak. Lin Xi, who was also familiar with the case, could not help but say:

"Could it be the knife that Xiao Nian used to kill people?"

"I have thought so, but it is not true. Because in other letters, he mentioned knife skills to me. During that time, he also liked playing with knives. So if it was really a knife, he would not have concealed it."

Jiang Zi said, Lin Xi couldn't help but frowned: "If not, then what would it be?"

Jiang Zi smiled bitterly and shook her head to indicate that she didn't understand.

Chen Xiao picked up the letter again and read it carefully. Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind and he said in a surprised tone:

"That treasure, couldn't it be the same one that Xiao Nian found?"

(End of this chapter)

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