Chapter 542: The letter from the past!

"The same thing?"

"What is it?"

Lin Xi and Jiang Zi asked at the same time.

Chen Xiao put the letter away again and replied, "Is it possible that Zhao Xiaohong has also read the notebook?"

As soon as these words were spoken, Lin Xi and Jiang Zi were in sync again.

Both girls widened their eyes. After a brief moment of shock, Lin Xi asked:

"This is unlikely, right? If both Zhao Xiaohong and Xiao Nian had read the notebook, how could Zhao Xiaohong be killed by mistake?"

As he spoke, Lin Xi suddenly changed his words:
"No, maybe it was because of what he saw that Zhao Xiaohong went to that house that night!"

Chen Xiao nodded: "It is very likely, because Zhao Xiaohong has been talking about one question in the letter. That is, how can we let go completely? And he is even more unwilling to choose to let go for a short time!"

"Combined with this emotion, if he also reads the notes, then the possibility of him doing this will become even greater!"

After listening to Chen Xiao's words, Jiang Zi also reacted:
"Yes, when I read the letter again, I had a completely different view of Xiao Hong's mentality at that time. Before I saw this, I always thought that he was just helpless and depressed because of Xiao Nian's identity and his feelings for Xiao Nian."

"But now that I think about it, has he given up on letting it go? So the solution he came up with was to let Xiao Nian help him let it go completely!"

Chen Xiao nodded: "It is possible. After all, the content of the letter is enough to show that his mentality was not normal at that time."

As he spoke, Chen Xiao couldn't help but frown.

The case of Zhao Xiaohong.

This was the first case that Chen Xiao investigated in the true sense after he entered the field of solving crimes.

But now something unexpected has happened in this case.

Despite such changes, the original outcome cannot be changed.

As a result, no one was wrongly killed.

Xiao Nian committed suicide by taking poison, which can also be called suicide out of fear of punishment.

And the person she killed was not just Zhao Xiaohong, but also Gu Yue!
But no matter what, if there are other changes here, it still means that the first case investigated by Chen Xiao is not absolutely perfect.

This is not a good thing for Chen Xiao, it can even be said to be a bit bad.

But how can I be sure whether I have made a mistake?
Chen Xiao looked at the letters on the table and fell into deep thought.

Instead, Lin Xi said seriously:

"Looking back at the letter now, it does seem that there are some issues, but the case is over and the person involved was not mistaken. The only possible mistake is..."

Before Lin Xi finished her words, Chen Xiao already understood what she meant.

Lin Xi didn't want to cover up her mistake, she was more worried that Chen Xiao would think too much.

But Chen Xiao interrupted Lin Xi at this time and said:
“Now that we have discovered the problem, we have to solve it.”

Hearing this, Lin Xi already knew what Chen Xiao was thinking.

She had originally planned to figure it out herself.

But now that Chen Xiao had said so, Lin Xi naturally stopped talking.

Lin Xi smiled and said nothing more.

After Chen Xiao looked at the letter again, he said, "Ms. Jiang, please leave this letter to me. Also, I have a suggestion. I wonder if you can bring all the letters from both of you to me as much as possible."

"I want to re-evaluate this case."

Chen Xiao announced his decision. Jiang Zi hesitated, after all, the contents of the letter were private to her and Zhao Xiaohong.

But if it could be made clearer, Jiang Zi felt that this should be an explanation she gave to Zhao Xiaohong.

After thinking about it, Jiang Zi did not hesitate any longer:

"Okay, I'll go back and get all the letters tomorrow."

Chen Xiao smiled and said "thank you". Jiang Zi shook her head, but soon asked without warning:

"By the way, Mr. Chen, do you know where Xiaohong's father went? And Xiaohong often mentioned Xiaoyu to me before. But when I went to their house today, I heard from the neighbors that the house had been sold."

Hearing this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but sigh:
"His father got into trouble and is in there too."

Jiang Zi's face was filled with shock:
"how come!"

"Although Xiaohong's father has a lot of gangster spirit, but after going through such a big thing, hasn't he woken up yet?"

"The situation inside is very complicated. If you want to see him, wait a few days. Then, go to Hongshan Branch to find Xiaoxi, and she will take you to see Zhao Hai." Chen Xiao explained.

Jiang Zi didn't want to ask any more questions, so she nodded silently and continued to stir the coffee in the cup.

Chen Xiao then took a big sip and said, "Miss Jiang, since we have already agreed on this, we will not stay here any longer. Thank you for the information you provided."

"Mr. Chen, you are too polite. I was worried that I would cause you trouble."

"No, even if it's troublesome, I have to deal with it because I'm the one investigating the case."

After saying this, Chen Xiao and Lin Xi stood up.

Jiang Zi immediately prepared to pay the bill, but when she arrived at the counter, Lin Xi had already paid.

Jiang Zi wanted to chase after them, but Chen Xiao and Lin Xi had already driven away.

In the car.

Lin Xi looked at Chen Xiao: "Husband, the essence of the case is not wrong. The only thing that may be wrong is the real cause of Zhao Xiaohong's death. Dai Honger is coming back soon, and there will be a lot of things to do when the factory is built. How about letting me investigate this matter?"

"Don't worry, I don't need to do anything myself to build the factory. Rather than calling it a three-party cooperation, the factory is actually a cooperation between Qiu Huasheng and me. Dai Honger is my representative, so it's not too much to ask her to do more in many things."

Lin Xi curled her lips, and Chen Xiao continued with a smile: "It seems that my wife also thinks that even though this mistake doesn't seem to be a big one, no matter how big or small the mistake is, only by clarifying it can we give an explanation to those who died."

"I am a police officer, and it is my duty to give a fair explanation to every person who died."

"But you are my wife, so just think of me as helping you share your worries and solve your problems." Chen Xiao said with a playful smile.

But Lin Xi knew very well that when Chen Xiao saw the letter, he was no longer as relaxed as he was now.

The car gradually became quiet.

The couple first went home to put down their luggage, then packed up and went out to visit several popular properties for sale in Dongzhou.

After wandering around for almost half a day, the couple still couldn't reach a consensus.

Chen Xiao felt that he could now arrange a big villa for his family. After all, he was now a man who could afford a big villa.

But Lin Xi felt it was a waste.

Of course the main reason was that Lin Xi felt her belly was a little unsatisfactory.

If she was pregnant, she would listen to Chen Xiao without hesitation.

The couple argued for an entire afternoon, and in the end the plan to buy a house was postponed by Chen Xiao.

Because Dai Honger and Guo Zhengchang came to Dongzhou together!

(End of this chapter)

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