Chapter 543 The scapegoat!
Originally, Guo Zhengchang had not planned to come with Dai Honger.

However, Dai Honger felt that it would be better if they had Mr. Guo Zhengchang to give some advice on their future business plans.

Then it couldn't be better.

As long as it is about Chen Xiao, Guo Zhengchang usually won't refuse.

So this evening, he also came to Dongzhou.

Sat at the dining table with Chen Xiao and his wife.

However, Chen Xiao did not mention any business matters at the dinner table.

It was not until after dinner that he solemnly invited Guo Zhengchang to sit down and talk together.

"Mr. Guo, I'm sure you've seen Miss Dai's plan. The content in the plan is almost everything I hope she can figure out after she arrives in Shenzhen."

"But what do you think about this?"

As the saying goes, old ginger is still spicy.

Guo Zhengchang has been active in the business world for decades, although he has some inheritance from his ancestors.

But the difficulty of defending a country is no less than that of conquering it.

Guo Zhengchang was not in a hurry to speak either.

He has read the plan.

And more than once.

But at this moment he still picked it up and said with a little worry:

"There are two things I'm worried about. The first is Qiu Huasheng."

"I have learned about Qiu's business. They have adjusted their business direction in recent years. I think Qiu Huasheng must have very strong business thinking and methods."

"Their current focus is almost entirely on investment, and their investment priorities are all in our country. They actually started doing this three years ago, and I think it may even be earlier!"

"They are extremely optimistic about the business prospects of our country, but..."

Having said this, Guo Zhengchang stopped talking.

Chen Xiao understood what he meant and said, "However, the companies that Qiu Huasheng had touched have almost all died, right?"

"Yes! Their methods in this regard are extremely cruel. Basically, all companies that cooperate with Qiu's have no good ending. Of course, for the bosses who created those companies, it can be regarded as making a fortune and leaving."

"But in that field, this is not a good thing. So, I am wondering how you can work with him to restrain him in the future?"

Guo Zhengchang asked while staring at Chen Xiao.

But Chen Xiao didn't say much, Dai Hong'er took over the conversation and said:
"Chen Xiao and I have discussed this a long time ago. No matter what kind of cooperation, once someone of Qiu Huasheng's status is involved, as Grandpa Guo said, we must be on guard against him."

"But we always have the initiative in this matter, because Chen Xiao's relationship with the government is different from that of other companies. This matter is extremely supported by Dongzhou and even Jiang Province!"

"To put it simply, it's like leaning against a big tree for shade! Besides, do you think Chen Xiao and I's real intention is the next factory?"

Dai Honger asked back with a smile. Guo Zhengchang thought for a moment, and then his eyes suddenly brightened:
"I understand. The factory built with investment and the subsequent profits of the factory are just a stepping stone for you to make your first pot of gold!"

Chen Xiao nodded: "That's right. In the early stage, whether it was me or Miss Dai, the real disadvantage of both of us was actually the lack of funds. If we had enough funds, there would be no need for Qiu Huasheng."

Guo Zhengchang repeatedly said yes: "If that's the case, then my second worry is completely unnecessary. At that time, the factory will be left to Qiu Huasheng, and the damage to the brand caused by making quick money will only be borne by Qiu Huasheng himself!"

Dai Honger smiled and said:
"So I said, although I have never seen Chen Xiao really do anything in business, it seems that he only fought for a piece of land in Shenzhen. But in terms of means, Grandpa Guo Chen Xiao is definitely a master!"

Guo Zhengchang smiled: "I underestimated you, but Chen Xiao, this doesn't seem like something you can do. Isn't it obvious that you are trying to lure Qiu Huasheng into a bottomless pit?"

"I didn't cheat him. Whether he was cheated or not actually depended on his own choice. If the factory becomes bigger and stronger in the future and he has second thoughts, then whether he was cheated or not is a price he needs to bear."

"Of course, if he really wants to run the business with me, I don't mind his Chinese identity. After all, without his money, Miss Dai and I can't do this."

"But if we don't let one person take the blame, then I have to speak out my second worry. By then, you'll have made a fortune by counterfeiting, and when your real brand appears, the impact on it will be fatal!"

"Because by then, your brand image will subconsciously make people feel cheap and low-end!"

The purpose of Chen Xiao establishing the factory was to develop the mobile phone business.

Before 2006, it is no exaggeration to say that before copycat phones and smart phones really appeared.

The price of a mobile phone has reached several thousand yuan!
For many people, such a price is not something they can afford.

The domestic mobile phone market will be immeasurable in the next few years!

So in the face of a shortage of funds in the early stages, Chen Xiao asked Dai Honger to go to Shenzhen to explore the market for copycat phones.

But as Guo Zhengchang said, if Chen Xiao goes too far and too deep on the road of copycat, it will not be good for his future.

Unless Chen Xiao is planning to make some money and run away, he must be aware of the crisis in advance.

However, Chen Xiao and Dai Honger had anticipated this problem a long time ago, so at this time Dai Honger took out another plan and handed it to Guo Zhengchang.

After the latter took over and looked it up, his brows were still furrowed:

"That's a good idea, but it can't completely avoid the impact, and Chen Xiao, this will still affect your image!"

Hearing this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but be startled: "Mr. Guo, what kind of image do I have?"

"What does your image represent to those who have come into contact with you or know you? It is justice and truth!"

"But when you really make your debut in business, I hope your image will always be the same! For many people, what does justice and truth mean in simple terms? It means genuine goods and fair prices, without deception!"

"This is why many companies like to hire celebrities as spokespeople! So, when your image is deeply rooted in people's hearts, I think you need to think carefully about whether you need to appear in person on this matter."

"Of course, I still say the same thing. If you just want to make a fortune in the next few years, then just ignore what I said. If you want to do something good and make it your goal to build a global brand, then I hope you will listen carefully to my next advice!"

Seeing Guo Zhengchang's serious tone, Chen Xiao also became serious: "You go ahead."

"Well, how about letting Guo Qing get involved in your business? I don't mean Guo Qing himself, but Qingtian, which Guo Qing established in Dongzhou!"

(End of this chapter)

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