I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 544: Every word does not mention protection, every word is protection!

Chapter 544: Every word does not mention protection, every word is protection!
Sky-high building?

If it weren't for Guo Zhengchang talking about this company.

Chen Xiao almost forgot about this company that had such a close relationship with him.

Moreover, the first million-dollar bounty that Chen Xiao received was taken out by Guo Qing’s Sky-High Construction.

Because Qingtian Construction contracted the demolition and reconstruction work of Yanzi Lane.

However, a murder occurred in Yanzi Lane, which had a huge impact on the progress of Qingtian Construction.

So after Chen Xiao solved the Yanzi Lane fishbone case, Guo Qing, a rough guy, went directly to the Hongshan Branch Criminal Police Team with two million in cash!
However, after the Yanzixiang fishbone case, Chen Xiao rarely heard of Qingtian Construction.

Later, in order to inherit the Guo family, Guo Qing handed over Qingtian Construction to others to manage, and he went to Shenzhen alone to work.

Now let’s talk about the towering building.

Chen Xiao couldn't help but think of those heroes who helped him dig the grave.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao felt a little guilty, so he asked:

"Mr. Guo, we can talk about other things later. Can I ask first if the brothers that Guo Qing arranged to dig up the grave of Su Donghai's wife have come out?"

Guo Zhengchang smiled and said, "Xiao Yi was punished and released last week."

Chen Xiao said awkwardly: "I was a little unfair in this matter. I should have thanked them after they came out."

Dai Hong'er and Guo Zhengchang were both a little surprised.

For them, there is no need for Chen Xiao to take such things to heart.

The fact that he can remember it already says a lot about Chen Xiao's character.

As for those few people, how could Guo Qing not reward them?

But Chen Xiao’s thoughts were very simple. Going to jail and helping others were two different things.

Even though he was only locked up for a short period of time, he still needed to ask the questions.

Guo Zhengchang also reacted quickly and said with a look of relief:
"This is what I admire most about you. No matter who they are, they all seem to occupy the same position in your heart."

Then, Guo Zhengchang explained: "After they got out, they all went back to work at Qingtian. Guo Qing used to be a gangster, and he always valued his gang of gangster brothers."

"So after they came out, Guo Qing arranged for them to come back. Oh, by the way, there is something I want to tell you. If you follow my arrangement, the person you will contact will be the sister of the leader at that time."

Chen Xiao was stunned: "Both siblings are following Guo Qing?"

"Well, they are deeply involved, so both the siblings work for Guo Qing."

What Guo Zhengchang was talking about was working hard, not working.

This word is also telling Chen Xiao that the other party is willing to do any dirty or tiring work.

So Chen Xiao doesn't have to take such things to heart.

Chen Xiao nodded: "Tell me your idea first."

"Just quit the factory and be replaced by someone from Qingtian," Guo Zhengchang replied.

Dai Honger immediately said, "This won't work. Qiu Huasheng is determined to invest in Chen Xiao. If Chen Xiao withdraws, it will not be good for anyone!"

"And even if Chen Xiao is behind this, Qiu Huasheng will most likely become alert immediately and think we are setting a trap for him."

Guo Zhengchang did not explain, but just smiled and asked a few questions:
"First: What is the relationship between me and Chen Xiao?"

Dai Hong'er replied: "Everyone knows the relationship between you and him, there is no need to elaborate on it."

"Then who is Guo Qing?" When this question was asked, Chen Xiao and Dai Hong'er suddenly understood.

Chen Xiao objected almost immediately: "No, you have experienced many ups and downs in your life, and now you have a great reputation in Jiang Province. You can't take the blame for me when you are old!"

Guo Zhengchang laughed and said, "Who can discredit me? Not to mention Jiang Province, even those old guys who are on par with me, can they ruin my reputation?"

"So the best way is to let Qingtian in. Qingtian belongs to Guo Qing, and Guo Qing is my grandson, who represents me. There is no need to say more about your relationship with me in the entire Jiang Province, so Qingtian's entry means your joining."

"But in fact, you didn't enter, and you can just pick it and leave! As for me, it's a question whether I can live to see you become famous in the business world. As an old man who has only a few years left to live, if he still cares about his reputation after his death, it means that he has not lived a thorough life."

"Chen Xiao, I am indeed old. I feel exhausted from fighting with that old man from the Qi family. So, just do as I say this time. Although Qingtian may have squeezed you out on the surface, the actual control of the factory will still be in your hands."

"When the time comes for you two to transform, Chen Xiao won't have to bear any negative impact at all. In the next few years, I think you should still solve cases, so I hope you can solve more major cases and important cases in the future."

"It would be best if you could solve a case to the point where the whole country knows your name! By then, you will feel the importance of reputation and image in everything you do!"

Chen Xiao didn't know how to describe the words Guo Zhengchang said.

These words do not mention protection, but every word is protection.

This affection made Chen Xiao's eyes red as he asked, "What do you want from doing this to me?"

"I hope that you can take care of the Guo family after a hundred years. Guo Qing is very good, but his upper limit is not high. Moreover, he tends to act impulsively. If he becomes the helmsman and cannot control his impulsiveness, he may lead the entire Guo family into an irreparable situation if he is not careful."

"So I don't ask for the Guo family to flourish under his hands, but I ask you to work with him to ensure that the Guo family will be passed down safely. As for what happens next, I can't think of it, and you don't need to worry about it."

"Every generation has its own responsibilities, and what happens next is up to fate."

Chen Xiao nodded heavily: "Don't worry, no matter what happens in the future, your heart and mine will always be together."

Guo Zhengchang smiled and said, "So, you agree with my proposal?"

Chen Xiao smiled bitterly: "If I don't agree, I'm afraid I'll be beaten by you."

"Haha, it's good that you know it. Young people should stop disobeying old people and be obedient!" Guo Zhengchang joked, and Chen Xiao couldn't help laughing.

At this time, Dai Honger said with envy: "Grandpa Guo, what should I do if I'm envious?"

"Are you jealous? Let your grandfather love you!" Guo Zhengchang replied. Dai Honger couldn't help but pout, her face full of grievance.

Soon, Guo Zhengchang stood up with a bit of fatigue:

"Chen Xiao, you guys continue the discussion. I should go take a rest."

Chen Xiao said okay, got up and helped Guo Zhengchang to the room.

After coming out of Guo Zhengchang's room, Chen Xiao made a phone call.

Another old man's slightly surprised voice came from the other end of the phone:
"It's Mr. Chen from Dongzhou, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Huang, I'm sorry to bother you so late."

"It's okay. I haven't rested yet. Tell me, you came to me because there's a patient at home, right?"

"Well, one of my elders has noticed that he has become much more haggard and weak recently. I wonder if it would be convenient for you to come to the capital of Jiang Province to take a look at him?"

"Let me think about it. How about the day after tomorrow? From that day on, I can stop seeing patients for a few days and go to Dongzhou for a checkup."

"Thank you so much, I will pick you up at the airport then."

"it is good!"

After ending the call with Huang Zhao, an old Chinese medicine practitioner in Shenzhen, Chen Xiao looked at Guo Zhengchang's room and his expression suddenly relaxed a lot.

He really didn't want anything to happen to Guo Zhengchang's health!
He also wanted Guo Zhengchang to see his further future!
(End of this chapter)

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