Chapter 553: The last disciple!

This night.

Lin Xi didn't make much noise.

The couple slept peacefully all night.

Because I had an agreement with Guo Zhengchang.

The departure would not take place until another day later, so Chen Xiao didn't go anywhere the whole day.

When I was bored, I ran to the criminal police team to see if I could help Lin Xi.

However, Lin Xi was too busy, especially when Liang Yan was about to be transferred, and almost all the team affairs fell on her.

It was a busy day, but Chen Xiao was too idle to do anything.

When it was evening, Chen Xiao contacted Guo Zhengchang to make an appointment to go somewhere the next morning.

Guo Zhengchang mentioned a place.

It is a very famous scenic spot in the country.

Chen Xiao has always wanted to go, but has never been able to.

And now, I’m finally going.

After agreeing on the phone, Chen Xiao did not disturb Guo Zhengchang's rest any further.

After casually asking when Huang Zhao would return, he hung up the phone.

That night.

When Lin Xi came back from get off work, Chen Xiao had already packed his luggage for traveling out of town.

However, Lin Xi was still worried, so she opened his packed suitcase and checked it again. Finally, she checked the local weather and bought a few more clothes for Chen Xiao.

After all, it is already autumn.

The summer heat is also receding quietly.

All night long, Lin Xi kept nagging Chen Xiao about the things to be careful of when he was outside.

As he was talking, Lin Xi fell silent and began to snore softly.

Chen Xiao knew that she was very tired, so he didn't dare to say anything.

Another night passed quietly. The next morning, Chen Xiao sent Lin Xi to work and drove to the provincial capital alone.

In the middle of the morning, he returned to the mountaintop villa again.

As soon as I arrived at the door, I saw Huang Zhao exercising in the yard.

I don’t know what kind of punch it was.

Chen Xiao walked into the yard and greeted:

"Mr. Huang, why are you exercising at this time?"

Huang Zhao didn't stop, he looked back at him and smiled:

"Not every elderly person exercises early in the morning. I get up a little later every day so I can stretch my muscles."

"Yes, good sleep can make you energetic." Chen Xiao agreed and then asked:

"Has Grandpa Guo recovered a little in the past two days?"

When talking about Guo Zhengchang, Chen Xiao changed his tone.

Huang Zhao also stopped because of this, looking a little hesitant.

Chen Xiao couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Huang, what's wrong?"

"It seems that he really doesn't want to tell you."

Chen Xiao suddenly felt uneasy and asked hurriedly, "He's not in the villa? He doesn't plan to go out with me?"

"Yes, after you left the day before yesterday, he talked to me alone for a while. I understand his good intentions, but I don't support his approach. But he has the right to make his choice, so I respect his choice."

Chen Xiao was certain that Guo Zhengchang was trying to buy time with him.

He did not rush to find Guo Zhengchang. At this time, unless Huang Zhao told him, Chen Xiaomang's aimless search would definitely be a waste of time.

"Mr. Huang, can you tell me where he went?"

"He went abroad earlier than you did, and his plane should have taken off now. Also, he left a letter for you in the study, go and read it yourself."

Huang Zhao said this and continued his punches.

Chen Xiao did not blame Huang Zhao, and he could not blame Huang Zhao.

So he rushed to Guo Zhengchang's study as soon as possible, and sure enough, there was a letter left on the desk.

When Chen Xiao opened it, he seemed to see Guo Zhengchang standing in front of him.

"Chen Xiao, Lao Huang should have told you, right?"

"Well, I'm out of the country. If you don't believe me, you can use your connections to check if I have any record of appearing on camera."

"I couldn't tell you in person, so I chose to tell you in a letter. That night, when you called me Grandpa Guo, I had already made up my mind."

"Of course, I don't think I'll be a burden to you. It's just that you've spent all your time on me for several months, which I think is a waste."

"Looking at your performance over the past few months, I know very well that you can accomplish a lot of great things with this much time, so there's no need for you to waste it on me."

"Also, I didn't go abroad to escape. I thought seriously, if you accompany me to play for a few months, then am I also giving up my life?"

"I went abroad to seek better medical treatment, so don't worry about it or be sentimental. You are a man, and I am also an old man. Men shouldn't be too fussy with each other, understand?"

"Okay, that's all I have to say. Writing is really tiring. Besides, I haven't written for a long time, except for signing. I'm not very good at it. Oops, I accidentally wrote such a long paragraph."

"Just let me be quiet for a while, I'll contact you later. When I contact you, it's either to let you see me off to the grave, or it's good news that I, Old Guo, can live a few more years!"

"Okay, after you read the letter, go find Old Huang. He also needs your help with something."

This letter ends here.

The content of the letter sounded like an arrogant old man blowing his beard and glaring.

But when he saw those two "either", his expression couldn't help but become a little serious.

But Guo Zhengchang is right, we have to face many things in life.

So, why bother to change anything?
Guo Zhengchang has the right to make his own choices, and Chen Xiao should not use any reason to ask him to do something again and again.

Chen Xiao closed the letter and went to the yard again.

Huang Zhao saw him coming out, so he stopped again and asked:

"Did he say where he was going?"

"He didn't tell me this in the letter, but I respect his choice. Besides, going abroad now does allow one to seek better medical treatment," said Chen Xiao.

Huang Zhao also nodded: "Yes, both Chinese and Western medicine have their own strengths. Nowadays, foreign medicine is indeed much more advanced than domestic medicine. This is an indisputable fact."

Chen Xiao hummed, and then started talking about business:
"Grandpa Guo said in the letter that you came here this time because you need my help with something?"

Huang Zhao smiled awkwardly:

"Yes, I've always wanted to ask you for help. But I didn't think it was appropriate to ask you that way, until you contacted me this time, so I wanted to take this opportunity to ask you."

"Then just speak frankly!"

No matter whether Huang Zhao came to the provincial capital to treat Guo Zhengchang or had his own purpose.

Chen Xiao was grateful to Huang Zhao.

Some things still need to be distinguished separately.

Huang Zhao said yes seriously, and then told his story.

"You've been to my home, and you know a little bit about my clinic. In my clinic, almost all of my family members are helping me run it. My child has inherited his father's business and is now also a Chinese medicine practitioner."

"But when he was young, he was very resistant to Chinese medicine. It was not until he ran into obstacles everywhere and had to compromise with life that he picked up my knowledge."

"Before him, I had a closed disciple. If that child hadn't suddenly disappeared, perhaps her abilities would be many times better than my son's, or even better than my son!"

(End of this chapter)

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