Chapter 554 Nian Ying!

"Her name contains the word 'Ying', which means hero."

"In my impression, that child is just like her name, she has a heroic spirit."

"When I first met her, she must have been deceived and was begging on the street. But her begging was different from others. Others only begged for a meal, but she begged for ten meals."

"The so-called ten meals means one meal a day, a total of ten meals. During the ten meal time, she can do any work. If she does a good job and is willing to hire her, she will get half of the salary every month, and the rest will be used to compensate for the ten meals, and this will last for ten years!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but reveal a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Regardless of whether this is true or false, the apparent meaning of the words does show that he is a person who will repay a favor.

As Huang Zhao spoke, his eyes revealed a deep sense of longing.

"I was touched by her words of begging. I felt that the child had a tenacity that many people did not have. So I was very moved at the time, but I still gave her the right to choose."

"I said I could buy her a ticket and food for the trip back home. But she refused. She said she had been alone since the day she left her hometown and came to Shenzhen."

"Unless one day, she can return home in glory, she will never go back home!"

"There were many young men and women like this in those days. Each of them left their hometown and came to the city with great dreams. But everyone has their own story. From her words, I felt that she must have suffered a great injustice at home."

"It was not until later, when I became her apprentice, that she told me that her family forced her to marry a lame man from a neighboring village who was fifteen years older than her, so she escaped. And that year, she was just fifteen years old."

"After she told me these things, I began to teach her seriously and never hid my skills. It just so happened that my own children had no interest in Chinese medicine at that time, and I didn't want my knowledge to be lost, so I taught her everything I knew."

"But at first she didn't show any talent, and was even a little slow. But later she made great progress and actually learned most of the Chinese medicine knowledge I taught her."

"And as time went on, her progress became faster and faster, and she was on the path to becoming a famous doctor. Even before she disappeared, I had already made the decision to hand over my clinic completely to her."

"But on the night I was about to tell her, she suddenly disappeared. I asked a lot of people, including police officers in the police force and some people from all walks of life."

"But there was no news at all. I even went to her hometown in person. When her family found out that I was her master, they didn't care whether she lived or died."

"The lame man put a butcher knife in front of me and said I had to pay him to let me go, or I would die. Finally, I took out the five thousand dollars that the lame man had spent on marrying her, and then I left that hellhole."

Having said this, Huang Zhao paused.

Perhaps it was the experience that year that left a deep impression on him, or perhaps it was the many details that made him feel disgusted.

As a result, his expression at this moment was very ugly and extremely complicated.

When Chen Xiao heard this, he actually understood the general meaning.

He is a detective.

Huang Zhao asked him to do something, so it must be related to the case.

However, at this point, no one can directly assert that Huang Zhao's last disciple is dead.

It’s just that the possibility of him still being alive is slim.

After thinking for a while, Chen Xiao asked, "In which year did she have the accident?"


"00, so six years have passed now."

"Yes, it's been six years. But most of the time I still can't help but feel dazed, as if she's still whispering in my ear, asking, 'Teacher, what does this mean? Is this prescription correct?'"

Huang Zhao couldn't help but laugh. "Well, Mr. Huang wants me to go to Shenzhen with you, and then I want to see the person alive or the body dead, right?"

Chen Xiao asked, Huang Zhao said bitterly: "My idea is this, and I heard that you have a special ability in investigating cold cases that have been shelved for many years, so I don't ask for seeing the person alive or dead, I just want someone to help me investigate."

"Have you told Grandpa Guo about this?"

"We were talking about this last night."

Seeing Huang Zhao's answer, Chen Xiao also understood what Guo Zhengchang meant.

The latter probably hopes that Chen Xiao can help Huang Zhao.

First of all, Huang Zhao traveled thousands of miles to treat Guo Zhengchang, which in itself was a favor.

Furthermore, perhaps by helping Huang Zhao, the relationship between the two sides would become deeper.

Guo Zhengchang might think it would be a good thing to make friends with an old Chinese doctor with real skills.

Thinking about it, Chen Xiao also felt that he should actually go to Shenzhen.

After all, he is still one of the bosses of Longding.

Furthermore, Guo Qing is currently carrying out a plan to confront the Qi family, so if he goes there he might be able to help.

"Mr. Huang, after you visited her hometown, are all the things she said true? Her information, family, and experiences..."

Chen Xiao began to ask, and Huang Zhao nodded: "It's all true!"

"Her surname is Zhu, and her name is Nianying. She has an older brother, two older sisters, and a younger brother. Her two older sisters got married when they were fifteen or sixteen years old. Her eldest brother was considered a local hooligan in the village, but he was shot during the rectification movement that year."

"So her parents only have their eyes on her little brother, and they hardly consider the lives of their three daughters. In my opinion, it is unlikely that she will return home after she disappears."

"She is still in Shenzhen. There is even a voice in my heart telling me that she is not far away from me!"

Huang Zhao expressed his inner thoughts.

After thinking for a while, Chen Xiao said, "Mr. Huang, I've taken your words to heart. But before I go to Shencheng, I have to make arrangements for my family."

Huang Zhao's face lit up: "So, Mr. Chen agreed?"

"Well, you came all the way here after I called you, so it's only right that I help you."

"But I also came here with selfish motives!" Huang Zhao said embarrassedly.

Chen Xiao replied: "But you did help Grandpa Guo with his illness and reminded all of us. I should be grateful for this alone."

"Well, no matter what, I have to thank Mr. Chen."

"You're welcome. Let me arrange things at home before we set off for Shencheng. But before we get there, the old man could prepare some things."

Huang Zhao asked doubtfully: "What do I need to prepare?"

"I still need a copy of her detailed information. In addition, you need to provide me with her residential environment, street environment, and road route before she disappeared."

"As long as it's all about her, the more detailed the better!"

Huang Zhao suddenly realized and nodded immediately: "I understand. Don't worry, I will have people prepare these things properly before we arrive in Shencheng!"

(End of this chapter)

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