I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 555: Should we use the beauty trap again?

Chapter 555: Should we use the beauty trap again?

Guo Zhengchang's sudden departure abroad.

Perhaps the only happy person is Huang Zhao.

But Chen Xiao respected Guo Zhengchang's choice and was willing to return the favor to Huang Zhao.

He hopes that his good deeds can bring Guo Zhengchang good health and luck.

If he helps more people, those blessings will eventually be returned to Guo Zhengchang.

He is willing to do so.

Watching Huang Zhao happily go aside to make a phone call and inform his family in Shenzhen to prepare the information requested by Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao went to Guo Zhengchang's study alone.

He took out his cell phone and sent a text message to Lin Xi, asking if she was busy.

Lin Xi replied quickly: Yesterday was a temporary task, and today I still have some daily work to do, so I’m not busy.

Chen Xiao called and Lin Xi answered:

"Hey, husband, when are you going to leave?"

"I can't leave. Grandpa Guo was just trying to buy time from the beginning. He didn't want me to accompany him on a trip, so he left the country before I came."


Even when Lin Xi heard the news, he was still in disbelief.

"What should we do now? Should we just ignore him?" Lin Xi asked after coming to his senses.

Chen Xiao smiled bitterly and said, "I would like to take care of it, but I don't even know which country he went to. I can't really use the police's power to investigate him, right?"

"That's right. He has done this. Obviously, he doesn't want you to really investigate him. So, we can only let him do what he wants for now."

"Well, it just so happens that Mr. Huang has something to ask of me, and Guo Qing in Shencheng may need my help at this stage. So, my wife, I decided to change my route and go to Shencheng again."

Lin Xi usually doesn't interfere with Chen Xiao's schedule.

Since Chen Xiao said he had something to do, if Lin Xi didn't have time to follow him, then she would wait for him to come back at home.

"Go if you feel you need to. I'll be waiting for you at home."

"Well, then I won't go home. I might go directly from the provincial capital to Shenzhen tomorrow."

"Okay, remember safety first when you go out!"


The couple didn't talk any more.

Soon Chen Xiao hung up the phone and waited quietly at Guo's house for Huang Zhao's arrangements.

However, there were no more flights to Shenzhen at the moment, so Huang Zhao could only ask someone to buy a ticket for the next morning.

Chen Xiao rested at Guo's house for one night, and followed Guo Qing to Shenzhen the next day.

On the flight, Huang Zhao had been reporting the progress of data collection to Chen Xiao.

Huang Zhao's family has already collected all the information about Zhu Nianying and street data that Chen Xiao had previously provided.

However, Chen Xiao did not plan to stay in any of the Huang family's places.

Therefore, he had contacted Guo Qing before boarding the plane.

After landing, Huang Zhao was somewhat puzzled:

"Mr. Chen, do you think it's inconvenient to live in the place I arranged for you?"

"Mr. Huang has misunderstood. I have to take care of some matters of Long Ding while I am in Shenzhen. But don't worry, I will investigate Zhu Nianying thoroughly." Huang Zhao nodded. "In that case, let's follow Mr. Chen's wishes. If you need me or our Huang family, just let me know."

"I will." Chen Xiao responded while waving to Guo Qing who was meeting him at the airport.

Then he said something to Huang Zhao, got into the car with Guo Qing and drove away from the airport.

In the car, Guo Qing looked extremely haggard.

My eyes have been red and swollen. I guess I haven’t been crying secretly in the dead of night these days.

Seeing him like this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but ask, "Did you only recently realize how deep your feelings for your uncle are?"

"For the sake of the fact that we are brothers, please don't say anything." Guo Qing said unhappily.

Chen Xiao was stunned: "I didn't provoke you, did I?"

"You didn't provoke me, but I'm jealous of you! I wanted to have some fun for a while, but he must have been afraid of delaying you, so he chose to go abroad."

As Guo Qing spoke, Chen Xiao couldn't help but fall silent.

Perhaps he felt that he had said too much, or perhaps Guo Qing was not really unbalanced, so when he saw Chen Xiao stopped talking, he hurriedly explained:
"What's wrong with you? You know I didn't mean that, I just feel upset."

Chen Xiao grinned: "I understand you, I'm wondering when he will contact us?"

"It's hard to say. The old man is always very opinionated. Usually, once he decides on something, he will definitely wait until the right time to do it. But I think that if you accomplish something big during this time, he might want to come back."

Guo Qing answered.

Chen Xiao was puzzled and asked: "Why?"

"He went out because he was afraid of delaying you, but if he felt that you would not be affected regardless of whether he was delaying you or not, then he would definitely think it was boring and run back home."

Although Chen Xiao felt that Guo Qing's words were a bit too presumptuous.

But if you say it doesn't make sense, it does seem to make some sense!

After nodding silently, Chen Xiao did not continue to talk about this matter with Guo Qing, but shifted the topic to the brother and sister Hong Mei and Hong Kuan.

After hearing Chen Xiao talk about them, Guo Qing's eyes also showed deep worry:

"Hong Mei's temper is indeed very dangerous. I have tried to persuade her many times, but when it didn't work, I chose to let her go. But from what you said, it seems that your method is very useful!"

"I don't know if it will work, but her self-control will become much stronger in a short period of time. After all, to put it bluntly, how many people in this world are not afraid of death?"

Guo Qing nodded, and then thought of Chen Xiao's trip, so he asked:

"So you came here to help that old doctor Huang? Is that old doctor really that good?"

"You know Xie Wensheng. It was Huang Laohao who came out when his brain tumor had not yet developed. Then Xie Wensheng went to the hospital for a checkup. If he had not gone in time, even the gods would have been unable to save him."

Guo Qing's eyes showed surprise: "I see, that's why you invited him all the way to Jiang Province to treat me."

Chen Xiao nodded, and Guo Qing continued:
"Then what was that information he gave you at the airport?"

"He asked me to check someone, and Grandpa Guo seemed to want my help, so I came here."

"Is that so? Then put the matter of the Dragon Cauldron aside for now. I'm here for the time being."

"Don't rush into the division of labor. Tell me what's going on at Li Hai now?" Chen Xiao turned the topic to business.

But instead of saying that Li Hai was fine, Guo Qing's face was filled with excitement when he mentioned Li Hai:

"That's what I wanted to tell you. I'm telling you... Li Hai almost fell apart overnight! But when Qi Wei came back to the business world, she was so powerful that she turned the situation around on the first day she came back!"

"To be honest, I feel very strong against her, but I am not sure. So Chen Xiao, think about it carefully, how about letting your little brother come over and use his beauty trick?"

(End of this chapter)

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