I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 560 Getting more and more confused and having no idea where to start!

Chapter 560 Getting more and more confused and having no idea where to start!
Chen Xiao did not reject the possibility that Qin Fei would ask him for help.

Chen Xiao has always been open-minded about this kind of thing.

In life, troubles, big and small, always come in an endless stream.

Now Qin Fei may need his help, but in the future no one is sure whether Chen Xiao will be able to find Qin Fei for help.

Furthermore, making friends with Qin Fei, the captain of the police force, does not seem to be a bad thing for Chen Xiao.

But after arriving at the police force.

Qin Fei went to get busy, while Chen Xiao sat alone in the archives looking at the case files of the investigation of Zhu Nianying.

As soon as the case file was opened, Chen Xiao could actually guess the general content and the depth of the investigation.

At that time, the disappearance of an adult could not be investigated with the same intensity as a major criminal case.

So there is not much content in the case file.

But I think Huang Zhao used some connections at the time, which made the search for Zhu Nianying's disappearance case more intense than some other missing cases.

Chen Xiao flipped through the case file.

The person in charge of this case at that time was a police officer named Luo.

His inquiries to Qin Fei's parents and Huang Zhao were very comprehensive.

Almost all the questions that need to be asked have been asked.

The case file also records the process of Officer Luo's search for Zhu Nianying, but the final answer is always that the person was not found.

After reading the case file, Chen Xiao did not leave immediately, but leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes to meditate.

It is clearly recorded in the case file that apart from her complicated family relationships, Zhu Nianying's social relationships have always been simple.

Her daily life is always revolving around these two points.

Every day I get up to go to the clinic, and go back to my rented apartment after get off work.

According to the transcript, Qin Fei's parents and her master Huang Zhao had never heard that she had any friends, let alone any relationships.

As for Zhu Nianying, her social relationships can be completely defined as blank.

She had a landlord couple with whom she had a good relationship in Shenzhen, and a master who respected her very much, but nothing else.

But the possibility of such a person disappearing is too small.

If we have to find a possibility, then she was persecuted without any motive or reason.

For example, late at night, Huang Zhao needed her to go to the clinic for an urgent matter. Because she was walking alone on the street at night, she was targeted by someone who had nothing to do with her.

That person caused her disappearance.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao opened the case file and looked at what Huang Zhao said in the transcript about why he called Zhu Nianying to the clinic on the night of the incident.

On the night of the incident, a patient from out of town came to see the doctor.

The patient's condition was rather special, and Huang Zhao's purpose of calling Zhu Nianying to the clinic was to help Zhu Nianying broaden her horizons and gain more treatment experience.

It is precisely because of this purpose that Huang Zhao still cannot let go and often feels guilty six years after Zhu Nianying’s disappearance.

It was precisely for this reason that Huang Zhao had almost no regard for Chen Xiao's request. Even though it was a long journey of thousands of miles, he still dragged his elderly body to Dongzhou.

Chen Xiao could understand the teacher's thoughts.

But, could it be that Zhu Nianying really disappeared from the face of the earth for no apparent reason?
Did they really just encounter a criminal who randomly selected their targets and then persecuted them?

If this is not the case, what else is possible?
Chen Xiao felt more and more confused for a moment.

If the truth of the matter is that the criminals were randomly selected as targets and just happened to choose Zhu Nianying.

Then it would be almost impossible to investigate this missing case.

While Chen Xiao was meditating, Huang Zhao called.

"Hey, Mr. Chen, where are you now?"

"Police, look at Zhu Nianying's case file."

"Is that so? Is there any clue?" Huang Zhao asked.

After asking, Huang Zhao felt that his question was inappropriate and quickly explained:
"Mr. Chen, I'm not rushing you. It's because you took over Xiaoying's missing case that I felt as if I saw hope."

Chen Xiao could understand the feeling of seeing the light from the old darkness, and said with a smile:
"It's okay. We can do our best and leave the rest to fate. Don't worry... I will check it carefully." "Well, but where are you going to eat tonight? I have some dishes prepared at home, you..."

Huang Zhao knew best that the purpose of Chen Xiao's trip was not only to investigate Zhu Nianying's disappearance, but also to have other business plans.

So he is now cautious in everything he does.

However, Chen Xiao still declined Huang Zhao's kindness. He mainly went to Huang's house for dinner. If he didn't mention Zhu Nianying at the table, he was afraid that it would just be a polite dinner.

Even if it was mentioned, Chen Xiao didn't have any good ideas at the moment, so it would be useless.

Seeing that Chen Xiao refused, Huang Zhao naturally would not insist.

After a few more pleasantries, Huang Zhao hung up the phone.

Chen Xiao put his phone away, but soon Guo Qing also called.

"Brother, where are you now?"

"Police, look at the case file."

"Then do you have time tonight? I have an appointment with Qi Wei. Do you want to come over?"

Chen Xiao couldn't help but be surprised: "She is so polite to meet you?"

"Hehe, I've wanted to meet her for a long time, but she really didn't give me any face before. This time, you know what I mean!"

Chen Xiao pursed his lips and scolded with a smile: "Look at how you use me, it's really handy."

"Don't worry, our goal is all for the good of the company. Qi Wei is now unmoved, and she was only willing to meet me after knowing that you had also come to Shenzhen, so I think this should be a way to use our advantages."

"Well, then tell me the place and I'll be there later."

"Okay, I'll send you the address later. To thank you, I'll take you to have a good time after we meet tonight."

Chen Xiao's eyes fixed.

He has certainly been having a hard time lately.

But if he were to do the same as Guo Qing, Chen Xiao would never do it again.

Guo Qing is still single at his old age.

But he has a wife!
Chen Xiao ignored him and hung up the phone.

After staying in the archives room for a while, Guo Qing sent the address and Chen Xiao drove away.

Half an hour later, Chen Xiao found a restaurant according to the address provided by Guo Qing.

The hotel is not very luxurious.

But looking from the outside in, there should be something fishy going on.

When the other party heard that it was Chen Xiao, he immediately arranged for someone to lead the way.

Soon, Chen Xiao pushed open the door of the box and saw Qi Wei, whom he had not seen for just a few days.

When the latter saw Chen Xiao, a look of joy appeared on his face, and he even extended his hand.

"Mr. Chen, I never thought we would meet again so soon!"

"Yeah, so fate is something mysterious." Chen Xiao also shook hands with a smile and looked at Qi Wei.

No see for a few days.

Qi Wei has lost some weight.

However, I feel much more energetic than when I was in Lanshan County.

And looking at Qi Wei's eyes, it seemed that she had something she wanted to say but was not able to say it.

Chen Xiao narrowed his eyes, grinned and asked:
"Boss Qi, you want to ask me how Dao Nan is doing these days, right?"

Qi Wei was a little embarrassed, but since Chen Xiao asked directly, she replied casually:


"He's not very good, but he's okay." Chen Xiao said ambiguously.

Qi Wei seemed to understand what he meant. She nodded, put away the smile on her face, and made a gesture of invitation:
"Then Mr. Chen, let's talk about tonight's business!"

(End of this chapter)

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