I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 561: 3 words and 2 sentences, straight to the heart!

Chapter 561 Just a few words, straight to the heart!
Qi Wei took the initiative to discuss business.

Naturally, Chen Xiao was too lazy to reminisce about the past.

In fact, the friendship between Chen Xiao and Qi Wei can only be considered to be superficial.

He doesn't need to provide any service to Qi Wei.

On the contrary, if there was no Chen Xiao, it would be a question whether Lihai Group would still be under Qi Wei's control.

So the relationship between the two is quite complicated.

Qi Wei should have thanked Chen Xiao.

But now Chen Xiao has become her opponent.

To the extent that Qi Wei was also very conflicted inside.

After both parties sat down, Guo Qing took the initiative to speak:

"Boss Qi, I think we don't need to hide what we feel towards each other now, right?"

Qi Wei lowered her eyelids, stood up to pour wine for Chen Xiao, and said:

"Please speak frankly, Mr. Guo."

Guo Qing watched Qi Wei pouring the wine, a strange look flashed in his eyes, but Chen Xiao frowned.

It’s not that I think there’s anything inappropriate about Qi Wei pouring him wine.

However, pouring him wine on this occasion was undoubtedly sending a signal to Chen Xiao.

Qi Wei was very grateful for his help.

But tonight we'll keep things simple.

Standing up, you can pour wine; sitting down, you can only talk about business. This is Qi Wei's distinctive attitude.

In other words, there is no room for negotiation!
Guo Qing hadn't realized this yet, but Chen Xiao immediately winked and took over the conversation:
"Boss Qi, how about we drink this glass of wine later?"

Qi Wei shook her head: "Mr. Chen, I will be the one pouring wine for you at tonight's dinner. Of course, I don't want to repay you for your kindness, but I think it is the most appropriate for this occasion."

"So what Mr. Qi means is that there is nothing to discuss?"

"Yes, although Li Hai was built by Zuo Shu, it has the support of half of my Qi family and my Qi Wei's life's hard work. Although we need funds to fight against the constant troubles now, my Qi family is not short of money, it's just not at that stage yet."

Chen Xiao knew Qi Wei would say this, so he smiled and said:
"Is it because it hasn't come to that point yet, or is it because President Qi is unwilling to take that step unless it is absolutely necessary?"

Qi Wei's eyes narrowed: "Mr. Chen, you are joking. As long as my father is still the boss of the Qi family, I can take that step at will. Didn't Mr. Chen feel the relationship between me and my father when he was investigating a case in Lanshan County last time?"

"Does Mr. Chen think that if I were to encounter a disaster, my father would stand by and watch?"

Qi Wei spoke in a relaxed tone.

Even Guo Qing couldn't help but frown.

In the original plan, Guo Qing wanted to unite other shareholders of Li Hai and put pressure on Qi Wei at the same time.

The reason why Guo Zhengchang and Guo Qing think this approach is feasible.

It is also because Li Hai was created by Zuo Shu and Qi Wei together.

The entire Li Hai would rather fall into the hands of Qi Wei's family than into the hands of outsiders.

However, as time passed, the Qi family seemed to have not made any move, which made Guo Qing feel that the opportunity had come.

But after hearing what Qi Wei said, Guo Qing began to waver.

But at the moment of hesitation, Guo Qing looked at Chen Xiao who remained calm and suddenly understood. As expected, Chen Xiao almost immediately picked up Qi Wei's words without pausing:
"Really? If he really cares, why doesn't he have any intention of doing so now?"

When Qi Wei was about to refute upon hearing this, Chen Xiao took the lead and continued:
"It is said that a daughter who is married off is like spilled water. This saying may not be completely true, but for a family with two sons, this saying passed down by the ancients does make some sense."

"Over the years, the Qi family has been absorbing the blood of the Qi family since the establishment of Li Hai. But looking at the rise of Li Hai over the years, there have been few major collaborations with the Qi family."

"What does this mean? To put it bluntly, for your Qi family, it means you have raised an ungrateful person. No, it could be two ungrateful people. One is called Zuo Shu, and the other is called Qi Wei."

When Chen Xiao said this, Qi Wei's face instantly became extremely ugly.

But Chen Xiao still went his own way and said:

"That is to say, the Qi family is indeed wealthy and powerful, and Li Hai is not a big piece of cake for them, so they have been able to tolerate it for so many years. Besides, the biggest project that the Qi family and Li Hai have jointly done in recent years is the Yanghu land, and Zuo Shu lost in the end."

"To your father and your brother, Rikkai is a useless piece of mud. When things are good, they don't repay you. When things are bad, they turn around and ask for help. I'm afraid it would be difficult for that person to agree to such a thing as long as he has the intention, right?"

Listen to these words.

Guo Qing secretly gave Chen Xiao a thumbs up.

He was also secretly glad that he had laid out all the information he knew about Li Hai in front of Chen Xiao when Chen Xiao arrived.

But in such a short period of time, Chen Xiao had mastered the information so thoroughly, even better than him.

At this moment, Guo Qing was also convinced.

He understood that Guo Zhengchang's eyes, which had begun to become cloudy, were actually full of wisdom and insight.

Because Guo Zhengchang said: Don’t think that Chen Xiao is like a detective in the field of criminal investigation, in fact his business talent is not inferior at all!

The old man is so right!

Guo Qing sighed, and when he looked at Qi Wei again, she was no longer as calm as before.

Although Qi Wei was in control of the situation in Li Hai.

But there is a big difference between being in control for a moment and being able to control the future.

She had no idea how many assets the Sacred Heart Church had.

In the past few days since she came back, Qi Wei has felt that the people lurking in Lihai seem to have a constant source of support.

Seeing that Qi Wei was already in decline, Chen Xiao struck while the iron was hot and said:
"President Qi knows as well as I do who Li Hai's enemy is. It's the Sacred Heart Church."

"It is an organization whose scale and industries no one can yet clearly describe, so you are always afraid in your heart."

"It just so happens that I am now in conflict with the Sacred Heart Church. They are targeting me at the same time as they are targeting Zuo Shu. As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. This time, you and I are enemies, but our common enemy is the Sacred Heart Church. So why don't we continue our friendship?"

Qi Wei held the bottle tightly.

Her eyes kept flickering, revealing a deep sense of fatigue and powerlessness.

In complete contrast to her, Guo Qing was full of hope and said excitedly:

"It has to be Chen Xiao. Just a few words can hurt someone's heart!"

Qi Wei stood there for several seconds without moving.

Seeing this, Chen Xiao took the bottle of wine from her hand, then walked to her seat and poured a glass of wine into her glass.

"Boss Qi, I know what you are afraid of. You are afraid that one day, Long Ding will eat Li Hai clean." Chen Xiao said as he poured the wine. After filling it up, he continued:
"Although I can't guarantee you this, what I can guarantee is that for a long time, Li Hai's surname will always be Qi."

"You and I are friends. We can even be said to be friends who go through adversity together. If you accept me as your friend, how about drinking this glass of wine?"

(End of this chapter)

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