Versatile Mage: Ancient God Supreme

Chapter 314 Sydney Pavilion

Chapter 314 Sydney Pavilion
The Gold Coast is not far from Sydney. We got on the bus in the afternoon and arrived in Sydney city in the evening.

Sydney is the most prosperous city in Australia and one of the top ten international cities. Its architectural style is similar to that of Hong Kong. The Sydney Harbour behind it is also one of the four major maritime battlefields in the world.

When Ye Wuxin and others got out of the car, they immediately attracted the attention of many passers-by. After all, Asian faces are quite rare here, and of course racial discrimination in Australia is also very serious.

It’s just that Ye Wuxin and others have extraordinary demeanor and it’s obvious at first glance that they are not ordinary people, so no one dares to provoke them.

Ye Wuxin took out his phone, checked the time and said, "We still have some time. Let's go to the Sydney Pavilion to get the badge, and then find the contact person to accept the mission tomorrow!"

The Sydney Pavilion is quite powerful. Although it cannot compare with powerful countries such as America, Russia, and the British Empire, it is on the same level as Japan.

The Sydney Pavilion was built behind the naval battlefield defense line, and in front of it there was a large platform, which was built by the Sydney government specifically for land warfare mages.

Close to the naval battlefield, tall buildings with shining lights are rarely seen. Instead, magical lights like fireworks are often seen.

From time to time, they could hear the roar of huge demons and the roar of magic. The Donghuang National Government team looked in the direction of the sound and found that it was in the direction of the naval battlefield.

Could it be that they came at such an unfortunate time, just in time to catch up with the monster tide? ?
As everyone was watching, a white young man with droopy eyes walked up to the crowd. He glanced at everyone with disdain and stayed on Mu Ningxue, Jiang Shaoxu, and Nan Jue for a second or two longer.

Then he asked: "Asians, don't wander around. This is not a tourist attraction. It's very dangerous ahead!"

Ye Wuxin smiled disdainfully. In this situation, there was certainly no need for him, the captain, to speak, otherwise Donghuang would seem too cheap.

Mo Fan said, "We are members of the Donghuang National Team, and we are here to challenge your National Team."

"Donghuang? Member of the National Government?"

The white young man looked a little surprised: "You just arrived?"

After he finished speaking, a hint of arrogance and disdain flashed in his eyes. It took him so long to arrive, so its strength must be very weak!
"If you are so slow in completing the first task, you'd better not come to challenge our national pavilion. Otherwise, it will be a waste of time." The white young man said, shaking his head.

“Shit, if it weren’t for those villains from South Korea, we would have been here long ago.” Mo Fan said depressedly, “Get out of the way. Whether we challenge you or not is not something you, a mid-level mage, can decide!” Mo Fan’s eyes lit up with a faint silver light. He used his spatial telekinesis to push the white youth aside, and then took the lead and walked towards the Sydney Pavilion.

"Space system?" The white young man turned around to look at Mo Fan's back in surprise, but unfortunately Mo Fan didn't even look back.

The lights in the Sydney Pavilion were on, and there were many mages practicing inside. However, Ye Wuxin lost interest after taking a quick look, because they were basically mid-level mages.

Occasionally, one or two high-level wizards are unable to cast high-level magic!
Ye Wuxin and his group were very eye-catching, and since they were outsiders, the coach of the Sydney National Hall probably knew that a challenger was coming.

So he took the initiative to greet him.

The coach of the Sydney National Hall is a middle-aged man with a big beard. He wears a jade pendant on his chest with the image of Guanyin Bodhisattva engraved on it.

He was wearing a baggy white T-shirt with six conspicuous bold words on the front: "Which excavator is the best?"

When others saw these six words, their expressions were shocked. They knew that foreigners were easy to cheat, but none of them were as bad as this.

Are you starting to advertise for free?

"Hello, I'm the coach of Sydney National Hall, you can call me Casey." said the middle-aged man with a beard.

"Hello, my name is Ye Wuxin, and I'm the captain of the Donghuang National Team."

Ye Wuxin shook hands with Casey.

Casey is obviously an Australian who has a special liking for Donghuang culture, which can be seen from the way he dresses.

And when he heard the word Donghuang, his eyes lit up obviously.

(End of this chapter)

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