Versatile Mage: Ancient God Supreme

Chapter 315: Special Government Challenge

Chapter 315: Special Government Challenge

After a few pleasantries, Casey said, "Captain Ye, you haven't found a place to stay yet, I'll make some arrangements first. The rules of our Sydney Pavilion are different from those of other pavilions, so you need to come during the day to challenge them."

"it is good!"

Since people have said so, Ye Wuxin certainly cannot have the audacity to say that he insists on challenging. Anyway, he has already arrived in Sydney, so one night won't make a difference.

"That's great. This way I can also explain to you the challenge rules of our national pavilion. By the way, many of your Asian countries have come to Sydney, but they should all be heading to the next mission location now." Casey said chatteringly.

As soon as he walked out of the gate of the National Pavilion, Ye Wuxin saw a group of familiar faces - Rogers and his team members.

"Hey, Ye Davari." Rogers opened his arms happily when he saw Ye Wuxin.

"Long time no see, Rogers." Ye Wuxin also opened his arms and the two hugged each other.

In fact, the two teams were separated for only half a day.

Seeing Casey's confused look, Ye Wuxin introduced: "Casey, they are the members of the Mao Xiong Guofu team, and this is the captain Rogers."

"Rogers, this is Casey, the coach of the Sydney National Pavilion. If you want to challenge the National Pavilion, you can only wait until tomorrow."

Rogers was surprised and asked, "Why?"

Ye Wuxin spread his hands, indicating that he didn't know either.

Casey shook Rogers' hand and said, "Your team probably doesn't have a place to stay yet. I'll arrange it. Everyone, please follow me."

The hotel arranged by Casey was not far away and was a medium-sized building. The Donghuang Guofu team was arranged on the 20th floor, while the Maoxiong team was arranged on the 21st floor.

After the rooms were assigned, Casey invited the two teams to have dinner on the 15th floor, which was a large cafeteria with food from many countries.

After entering the cafeteria, Ye Wuxin and Rogers asked everyone to disperse and eat, while the two of them followed Casey and asked about the National Pavilion Challenge.

Casey ordered a plate of Mexican barbecue, sat down and said, "The challenge mode of our Sydney Pavilion is not a battle between wizards, but a battle between wizards and demons!"

"Your team and our team will each send five people to the Sea Battle City to hunt monsters. The number of monsters hunted will be a competition. All the resources obtained will belong to you. You only need to pay 20% tax on the value of the supplies!"

The rules of Sydney Naval Battle City may sound quite humane at first glance, but once you understand them, you will realize that there are reasons for setting these rules.

The Sydney Sea Battlefield is not like the Dongjing Sea Battlefield. There is a siren kingdom next to Sydney. Siren don't need to rely on the tide to stir up trouble. There are many monsters, and of course more military wizards and hunting wizards are needed. The number of monsters in the Sydney Sea Battlefield is like locusts, but fortunately, the Intercontinental Magic Association of Oceania is also established in Sydney, with forbidden spells and degenerates in charge, so the sirens will not break through Sydney.

Casey continued, "In that case, your two teams can challenge together tomorrow. As long as the number of monsters hunted exceeds that of our team, you can get the medal of the Sydney National Pavilion."

"This is good, this is good." Mo Fan came over with a piece of barbecue in his fork and just happened to hear what Casey said.

Hunting demons - isn't this exactly what he has in mind?

What’s the point of magicians fighting each other? Is the purpose of learning magic to fight?

Hunting demons is what a wizard should do.

Ye Wuxin felt it necessary to bring this model back to Donghuang. There were many demon countries within Donghuang anyway, so he could go to whichever one he wanted.

"If there are no other questions, you can go to rest after dinner."

After dinner, Ye Wuxin and Mu Ningxue went downstairs, ready to go to the naval battlefield to enjoy the evening breeze and take a look at what the naval battlefield looked like.

After arriving at the coast, Ye Wuxin discovered that the layout of the Sydney naval battlefield was completely different from that of Tokyo. There were countless orange segment-like buildings in the sea. These buildings were large and small, and were obviously intended to separate sirens of different sizes.

Ye Wuxin definitely didn't come here on a whim. In addition to taking a look at the venue, he also wanted to experiment with his newly contracted undead - the little devil.

[Dead Corpses·Dead Soul Space]

Ye Wuxin opened a space full of darkness. This was the undead space that belonged to him alone. At the moment, there was only one undead in it.

The little devil jumped out of the undead space with two slender bony legs. There was no eerie feeling at all on the white jade-like skeleton. Instead, it looked a bit ugly and cute.

Mu Ningxue's beautiful eyes slightly glared at the little devil's short body: "A slave?"

Ye Wuxin smiled secretly and said: "Don't be deceived by his appearance, its strength is hard to say."

The little devil now looks like a little skeleton, but only Ye Wuxin himself knows how much power is hidden in this tiny body.

The bones of the little devil are covered with dense runes, and each rune represents one of the little devil's powers when he was alive.

(End of this chapter)

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