The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 236 Chapter 334 The war begins

Chapter 236 The three-three-four battle begins
"If the Heavenly Sword is here." The Immortal Queen was unwilling to give up. After she was born, she has been pursuing the Immortal Heavenly Sword, but unfortunately she has not gained anything.

If the Heavenly Sword was here, then this battle might not have to be fought, but unfortunately, the Immortal Heavenly Sword is not there, and although her Phoenix Nest was blessed with the Ancient Emperor Formation, which was comparable to an Ancient Emperor's weapon, it could not defeat this man. .

At this moment, the Emperor's Lord moved again. His divine power was like the sea, and the laws of the Emperor's Dao were fully mobilized. The Emperor's weapons and gods were revived, and the immortal light washed away them, attacking the cosmic sea indiscriminately.

"How dare you!" The Immortal Queen was angry, and her magic power surged, activating the ancient emperor's formation on the phoenix nest. An immortal phoenix spread its wings and flew against the ancient flower ruler.

A shocking collision broke out, and the sun, moon, and stars were reversed. The surrounding ancient stars were like small boats in the sea, knocked away from their original positions by powerful waves, causing heavy casualties for a while.

"That ant dares to be disrespectful to the Emperor of Heaven, but you still dare to protect me. Aren't you afraid of being punished by Heaven!" The Emperor roared.

His posture is wild, like a god and demon, and the aura on his body is connected with the Ancient Flower Ruler. The imperial soldiers are controlled by an enlightened person. It is really terrifying. There are almost no opponents in the extreme realm.

Billions of rays of light bloomed, rules, order, avenues, etc. roared together, and even the universe of heaven and earth made an unstoppable wail.

The universe was in great turmoil. With this blow, countless galaxies were destroyed, and cracks appeared in the universe. Some strong men who were watching the battle suddenly changed their colors. They knew that these two people had a real fire.

Even the three great generals were shocked. Even in their heyday, they would not have been able to intervene in such a battle. Only ancient imperial soldiers could join the battle.

"Okay, what about discussing the whereabouts of my brother?" Zixia, who looked like a lady, stood up to stop them and condemned the two people's behavior.

Jiang Li didn't explain anything in the decree. He just asked the emperor to preside over Gu Hua Chi to go to the Phoenix Nest to make a fuss. It didn't matter how the fuss turned out, as long as Gu Hua Chi arrived.

In the Ziwei Star Territory, Jiang Li looked at the Gu Hua Chi tearing apart the starry sky, shook his head and said: "If you are not in the Phoenix Nest, where can you run?"

Everyone was shocked. They had all seen Gai Jiuyou. Although they knew that this old man was very powerful, they never thought that he had become a different kind of enlightenment.

"If no one is in Phoenix Nest, then this universe is related to the Immortal Emperor, and who else can trap the Qilin Staff?" Huo Lin'er said in disbelief.

It's not surprising that she was surprised. Although she knew that her master was very strong and had almost achieved enlightenment, she always thought that her master was only a quasi-emperor in the ninth level.

In fact, Jiang Li also had an idea just now. He had the same idea as everyone else at the beginning, wondering whether it was man-made. For this reason, he asked the Emperor to take the Ancient Flower Ruler to the Immortal Queen, just to use the Ancient Flower Ruler to investigate. Is the Qilin Staff in the Phoenix Nest?

Xia Jiuyou was also a little embarrassed and put away the threat.

Jiang Li touched Xia Jiuyou's head and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, I'm almost gathering all the ingredients for the Nine-turn Immortal Pill. By then, as long as I make one batch, it won't be a big deal to my senior's injuries."

"Do you really want to fight to the death?" The Immortal Queen urged Phoenix Nest to shoot out a chaotic sword energy, which was powerful enough to change the color of those who would become enlightened.

In the original work, the two were trained in an ancient palace and trapped for thousands of years. It was not until Qi Lin achieved a breakthrough in his cultivation that he could leave the ancient palace with confidence.

"It's not necessarily true. Since the other three great generals are still alive, the first general might not have passed away." The dragon girl said, thinking that there was a high chance that the first general would be alive.

When he said this, all the girls' hearts froze, half of their bodies entered the realm of the extreme realm, and they became enlightened in a different way. Just by listening to it, they all knew how powerful this person was.

The other women didn't know much about the first divine general, and asked curiously: "Is this first divine general very powerful? Can he actually trap the Kirin Staff?"

His father, the Golden Ancient Emperor, attained enlightenment very close to the Immortal Emperor. She is very familiar with the power of this supreme god of all races, especially the number one god, Ning Fei. She has also specially collected his legends. Father's man.

Really, don’t do this next time!
In the end, the Emperor retreated. He was getting more and more angry as he thought about it. When he was about to leave the Phoenix Nest's sphere of influence, he directly waved the Ancient Flower Ruler and exploded more than a dozen ancient life stars with one blow. All Phoenix Nest masters perished.

The emperor had no choice but to know that what the other party said was right. It was really difficult for him to shake the Phoenix Nest with his own strength. Originally, he had received a decree from the Emperor of Heaven to come to the Phoenix Nest to cause trouble, and he was prepared to finish his work in one battle.

But when everyone mentioned the first divine general and talked about alternative enlightenment, he suddenly remembered what happened to the brothers Qi Lin and Qi Qi.

Not to be outdone, the Emperor's ruler burst out with billions of rays of light, and a heroic figure appeared behind him, holding the Ancient Flower Ruler and slashing it down.

"Only you, even with the ancient emperor's soldiers, can't capture the Phoenix Nest. It's all in vain." With the blessing of foreign aid, the pressure on the Immortal Queen was greatly reduced.

"Huh, I feel good!" The emperor whispered, and then he ignored the Immortal Queen and left the place directly. Although he did not kidnap the Immortal Queen, he still fulfilled the Emperor's will.

"Brother Li, tell me quickly." Qi Qi asked anxiously.

It is not a simple matter to trap the emperor's soldiers. In the original work, the Kirin Staff was trapped, but that was only because he had not awakened. Otherwise, a group of great saints would never be able to trap them even if they were holding the emperor's soldiers. But this time, the god of the Kirin Staff awakened. Even if you can't get out of trouble, it makes people feel horrified.

...If Jiang Li knew the emperor's thoughts, he wouldn't know whether to praise or "swear" him. He actually thought of him as a great emperor. How could he do such a robbery?

Let's see if we can directly kidnap the Immortal Queen and make her the Queen of Heaven for the Emperor of Heaven. Now it seems impossible.

Xia Jiuyou exclaimed: "My master is also a different kind of enlightened person."

"I said that no one can offend the Emperor of Heaven, let alone a small early stage quasi-emperor, or a general, your supreme god. Anyone who dares to offend the majesty of the Emperor of Heaven will have to go to reincarnation."

Everyone was frightened and left this place, not daring to stay. Even the aftermath of this blow was enough to kill the Quasi-Emperor.


"Really?" Xia Jiuyou's starry eyes suddenly lit up, and he hugged Jiang Li's arms with both hands, and his amazing capital suddenly surrounded his arms.

I think that his emperor is very filial, and he wants to snatch all the good things and offer them to the Emperor of Heaven, but he has no choice but not enough strength, and he is really ashamed.

"Come and help me." The Immortal Queen did not dare to ask for help, so she quickly asked the three great generals to go to the Phoenix Nest and use their strength together. Suddenly, the power of the Phoenix Nest increased even more, and all the formation spirits turned into an immortal phoenix hovering. Let Guhua Chi return without success.

The others also looked curious. They were still discussing just now, but they knew where the person was so quickly.

"How dare you!" The Immortal Queen's cold voice resounded throughout the universe. She pushed the phoenix nest, trying to block the blow, but it was too late, and she could only become angry from shame.

"It's a pity that the master's injury..." Xia Jiuyou was a little sad when she mentioned the master. She knew that the master was injured, which caused his life span to decrease rapidly. If he continued like this, he might not have long left to live.

"Don't worry, I most likely know where they are." Jiang Li waved his hand.

Seeing that the girls were very curious, Jiang Li said: "The name of the first divine general is Ning Fei. When he was born, the Immortal Emperor had already attained enlightenment for nine thousand years. In the end, he was unable to attain enlightenment. But he was very strong and half of his body stepped into the path. The Great Emperor Realm can be called a different kind of enlightenment, and he is a figure comparable to the first divine general in the ancient heaven."

This is too terrifying. He is really qualified to compete with the unsublimated Supreme. This is a manifestation of the overall peak of energy and spirit.

The emperor tried his best, the emperor's body was flowing with divine principles, and the ancient Hua Chi had fully recovered. This cosmic sea was completely shattered, the space was stirred, and shattered like glass.

"The First Divine General can also do it, but he should be no longer alive!" said the Golden Goddess.

"So you may not know much about it. Let me compare it with the figures in modern times. Senior Gai, Jiuyou's master, is an alternative enlightened person. The powerful men of their level are stronger than the Quasi-Emperor Jiuzhong Tiantai. It’s so much, it’s already comparable to Dacheng’s holy body.”

Jiang Li guessed that the Immortal Emperor mentioned by the Kirin Staff was there.

Jiang Li couldn't laugh or cry. He, his uncle, still couldn't escape being trapped in this life. Not only himself, but also another uncle.

Looking at the curious girls, Jiang Li did not hide anything. He told the story about the ancient palace and emphasized the existence of the devil mist.

"I have heard about this ancient palace. It has appeared in ancient times, but I have never heard of what the devil mist is." The Golden Goddess recalled a past event and spoke calmly.

"It's not surprising that you haven't heard of this devil Wu Gu. This thing is mutated from the decaying corpse energy of the emperor's corpse. It is very powerful. Even the Supreme Being who killed himself does not want to be contaminated. It can make their blood dry up." Jiang Lidao .

The girls' hearts froze. They didn't know the reason and asked curiously: "After the emperor dies, will the emperor's corpse also rot?"

Under normal circumstances, even if the emperor dies, he will be immortal for all eternity. When he is in danger, he will turn into a dao. It is almost never heard of a rotten imperial-level corpse.

“Under normal circumstances, naturally it won’t happen, but if it’s related to the Immortal Emperor, it wouldn’t be surprising.

The Immortal Emperor is an immortal phoenix. He has been hunting old emperors and great emperors in their old age, using the emperor's blood to help him achieve nirvana, and continuously extending his lifespan. Over time, the Devil's Mist was born in the place where he retreated. "Jiang Li told this eternal secret in a hurry.

As the daughters of the ancient emperor, Huo Lin'er, Dragon Girl, and Tiannu were very surprised that the supreme god of all races hunted the ancient emperor and the great emperor in their later years. What was even more shocking was the meaning of their husband's words.

"Husband, you mean... the Immortal Emperor is still alive." The dragon girl said in disbelief.

Hunting the ancient emperors and great emperors in their old age, and using the emperor's blood to help themselves achieve nirvana. This sounds so scary. The emperors and emperors who are supreme in people's hearts will actually be hunted as wild beasts in cages.

"What's so strange about this? Countless enlightened people in ancient and modern times have actually guessed that the Immortal Emperor is still alive, and your father should also know." At this point, Jiang Li let out a long sigh.

"It's a pity that when I went to Taichu Ancient Mine to refine weapons, I just thought that the Immortal Emperor might be interested in the Phoenix Blood Red Gold to see if I could lure him out and kill him.

But in the end, he was not born, but he led to two supreme beings in the ancient mine. One of them was killed by me, and the other one escaped. "Jiang Li pretended to be cool. Look, your husband is not awesome. He dared to fish for the emperor hundreds of thousands of years ago!
A trace of worry flashed across the faces of the girls. Even though hundreds of thousands of years have passed, they can still think of how dangerous it was at that time. An eternal black hand was secretly watching Emperor Hengyu who was refining weapons.

"Huh, luckily he didn't come out." Yan Ruyu said softly, with a feeling of relief on her beautiful face.

Jiang Li was unhappy and wanted to prove his strength, so he started shouting: "What do you mean, do you think I can't beat him.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, before I was enlightened, I killed twelve quasi-emperors at night. I was invincible all the way to the Great Emperor. After I became the emperor, I refined my weapons under the noses of more than a dozen supreme beings. The aftermath of the devastation is still there... "

"Then you left for Zhongzhou." Xia Jiuyou said quietly, finishing the attack accurately.

Jiang Li was dissatisfied: "Going from your room to the living room is considered a long walk."

All the women covered their mouths and chuckled, trying not to expose their husbands' claims of forcibly losing respect. This is a matter of distance. The point shouldn't be that you compromised!
Jiang Li felt his heart congested, waved his hand and said, "I won't tell you more, I'm going to find someone."

After saying that, he ignored the girls and left Hengyu Hall.

The starry sky was endless, and he walked through one galaxy after another. A golden avenue spread out under his feet, and he could quickly cross to another place.

All races in the universe are in awe when they see this, they know it. This is the journey of the Emperor of Heaven. Although Jiang Li has not yet attained enlightenment, he has killed several supreme beings, and later leveled the Immortal Mountain, a restricted area of ​​life. His prestige is frightening.

"The Emperor of Heaven is immortal and will live forever for countless calamities!"

"Long live the Emperor of Heaven!"


Jiang Li's divine will was fully activated, encompassing almost the entire universe. The immortal light in his soul was always powerful. Now in this world, apart from ruthless people, no one's divine will could be found more powerful than him.

After walking for a long time, he finally stopped when he came to a star field and sensed something abnormal at the end of the galaxy.

The Golden Avenue spread out, taking Jiang Li across the galaxy and arriving at a deserted land.

There was a large fog there, endless, gray and thick as lead clouds, the compressed void of the universe was cracking, covering the sun, moon and stars.

"Found it." Jiang Li looked at the mist, stepped in, and broke into the mist. He immediately felt the powerful corrosion that was going to consume his blood and turn him into a pool of pus and blood.

"The Quasi-Emperor Ninth Level can't resist this ghost place for long. No wonder the original Qi Lin has to wait until another kind of enlightenment before he can confidently break out." His current strength has surpassed the peak of humanity, and he is stuck between the second and third lives of the Great Emperor. During the three lifetimes, he was naturally not afraid of this strange black mist.

After passing through the strange black fog, he saw a floating island with a deep pool on it.

There are three kinds of strange flowers in the world, namely: demon flower, god flower, and hedao flower.

There are also three strange substances related to immortality in the world, namely: the Sea of ​​Reincarnation, the Soul Pond, and the Feixian Waterfall.

Above the stone island, there is an ancient palace. The breath of life that I sensed before originated from here.

Jiang Li's spiritual thoughts were so powerful that even if the temple built by the Ancient Emperor was covered with endless runes, it could not stop him. He could understand the situation inside in an instant.

"It is indeed here."

"Who are you?" The door of the ancient palace was pushed open, and a man walked out. He was tall and tall, with a body as strong as a dragon. He was bronze in color and had long, thick hair.

Behind him, Huo Qizi followed. The Qilin staff rose and fell, and the aura of the Imperial Dao filled the air. He was in a state where he could strike the ultimate blow at any time.

Jiang Li was currently wearing a mask made of black gold with dragon patterns. The mask seemed to be crying but not crying, and it seemed to be smiling but not laughing. There was a teardrop falling down, which was very strange. The runes on it completely obscured his aura, making it impossible for even the most familiar people to recognize him.

When they first came here, they tried to break out, but even with the Kirin Staff, they could only tear a small hole in the devil mist, unable to let them leave, but this person broke in directly. Some were too scary, so it was no wonder the two of them were so nervous.

Jiang Li understood the two people's concerns, and immediately reached out and took off his mask, revealing half of his face without any slap marks and said, "It's me."

"Jiang Li!" The two people exclaimed, but then they felt that it was normal. They had speculated how powerful this devil mist was. At that time, they were afraid that except for Jiang Li and the Golden Crow Emperor, few people could withstand it.

"How did you find this place?" Huo Qizi asked curiously.

It's not surprising that Jiang Li broke through the Devil's Fog with his strength. There is no place in the world that Jiang Li can't go to now. He was just curious about how Jiang Li found them.

Jiang Li didn't explain too much, he just said that he had seen this ancient palace during the period of Emperor Hengyu's life. Anyway, only he knew whether he had seen it or not.

The two also talked about how they entered the ancient palace by mistake, and then triggered the ban on the ancient palace and attracted the devil's fog.

In less than half a month, the two of them had quite a lot of experience.

"Let's go, leave here first, Qiqi and Lin'er are worried about you." Jiang Li said, and then prepared to leave.

But Huo Qizi and Qi Lin hesitated at this time. Although this place trapped them, they had to say that it was indeed a very suitable place for cultivation. They wanted to practice here and did not want to leave.

When Jiang Li saw that neither of them spoke, he understood what they were thinking. This place might not be of any use to him, but for the two of them, it was indeed a great opportunity.

"Do you want to stay here?" Jiang Li asked bluntly.

The two nodded. Their current cultivation levels are already at the third level of Quasi-Emperor, and they are very powerful. But it is undeniable that they have actually been left a little far behind by Ye Fan. Jiang Li can forget it. After all, it is a great emperor who rebuilt it. They can't match it and they don't feel frustrated.

But Ye Fan is different. When Qi Lin dominated the five domains, Ye Fan had just started practicing.

How can they be willing to accept this situation? Now that Ye Fan is already a quasi-emperor in the sixth level, with a powerful fighting force, he just relies on the Immortal Cauldron and the Sky-Swallowing Devil Jar to hold back the Immortal Queen and the Lord of Yama, so that they dare not underestimate.

The gap is too big. Now they want to catch up. This Soul Pond can help them.

Jiang Li thought about it for a while, but did not try to persuade him. For the quasi-emperor monks, this Divine Soul Pond was indeed a rare thing. So he took out a fragment of the Emperor's weapon, and the supreme Emperor's fire spurted out. He refined the piece of purple gold with divine marks into a bottle, and carved countless runes on it, leaving behind his laws.

After doing all this, Jiang Li handed the bottle to the two of them and said, "This has the power of my blow. When you want to leave, activate the runes on it. It can clean up the devil's fog outside."

He didn't take any action to take away the devil's fog. It's better to leave this thing outside. This is almost a natural imperial formation. Even the Supreme doesn't want to break into the devil's fog.

After the two accepted the bottle, they thanked each other for the first time, which Jiang Li was not used to.

However, he was not a mean person. After accepting the two people's thanks, he turned around and stepped into the devil's mist, disappearing in front of them.

The ancient palace fell into silence again, and the two returned to the main hall to continue practicing. In the past half month, they had been worried that their sisters would be anxious after their disappearance. Now that they no longer had any worries, they felt relieved. Their impatience was gone, and soon Just calm down and enter the state of enlightenment.

On the other side, after Jiang Li returned to the Jiang family, he also told Huo Lin'er and Qi Qi about his two brothers-in-law. The two women were so happy that they unexpectedly joined together to thank him. This made Jiang Li stunned for a moment. There was also some excitement.

Now the matter on his side is settled, but the battle between the four major forces of Heaven, God's Organization, Phoenix Nest, and Underworld has entered a fever pitch.

Both sides were hurriedly mobilizing their troops. Just half a month later, passionate drums and vast horns sounded, and the war hymns of the beginning of the war were heard throughout the universe.

The scene was so huge that even Jiang Li was alarmed. He didn't pay attention to other people fighting life and death. The only two people on the battlefield that made him pay attention were the two top generals.

He didn't need to think about Chuanying. This man was loyal to the emperor and could not surrender to him. Moreover, he was too free and easy to win over.

But Ning Fei is different. He has a deep obsession and the Immortal Queen is his weakness. The reason why he surrenders to the Immortal Emperor is to protect the Immortal Queen.

Anyway, since he can be loyal to the Immortal Emperor for the sake of the Immortal Queen, there is no reason why he would not be loyal to him for the sake of the Immortal Queen. As long as he controls the Immortal Queen, he is equivalent to controlling Ning Fei, an alternative enlightenment. He can help him when he pacifies the restricted area in the future. many things.

Moreover, with Ning Fei's talent, it is really not difficult to become an emperor. The reason why he is stuck so far is just because he is stumbling over his obsession.

The war is about to break out. The commotion of this war, which exceeds 80% of the strongest men in the universe, is too great. There are dozens of quasi-emperor level strong men in it. The old god is currently fighting against the Lord of Yama Hall, and the Immortal Queen is beating the drum to inspire her own forces. Morale while weakening the opponent's morale.

Ye Fan was also fighting to the death with Kun Tian, ​​and the Emperor of Heaven's Fist was shining brightly in the world, defeating this ancient and famous general.

However, the bearded man who had a lot of color in the original work still leaned towards Ye Fan in this life. At this moment, he was dragging the Sun and Moon God General, and the yellow-toothed old man was killing the Nether Demon God in the sky.

On the battlefield, there was another person who performed very well. Jiang Yifei, the most famous genius of the Jiang family who has recently become famous in the universe. The power of his bloodline in his life is comparable to that of the emperor's son. At this moment, he hit hard with a series of heavy blows, beating the war slaves of the underworld opposite him. burst.

(End of this chapter)

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