The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 237 Chapter 335 Allegiance

Chapter 237 Three Three Five Allegiance

The battle was extremely fierce, the entire universe was boiling, and countless strong men were fighting. There are countless races, all of which are major races in the universe. They were swept in by this great storm and fought for the Immortal Emperor and the Emperor respectively.

On the phoenix nest, the Immortal Queen stood proudly, with a slender figure. She is indescribably beautiful, her hair is flying, her white jade face is indifferent, and she has an indescribable charm. She is truly unparalleled in elegance.

She was beating the drum. The Emperor's drum was made of an unknown material and was completely red-gold. Every time she beat it, a dazzling light flew out like a ripple. In the end, it amplified and became a forbidden sea, shaking the universe.

On the other side, Ye Fan's fist was invincible and he directly defeated the god general Kuntian. The famous god general from ancient times fell completely after an eternity.

" are looking for death!"

The God of the Sun and Moon roared, his long hair flying. He looked very young, less than twenty years old, and he was very heroic, but his eyes were full of the marks of time, and he wanted to rush over and kill Ye Fan immediately. .

But helplessly, he was blocked by a bearded quasi-emperor and could not kill him.

Ye Fan stood under the starry sky, unmoved, with an indifferent expression, as if nothing could shake his Taoist heart. After staying with Jiang Li for a long time, these people who had followed the Immortal Emperor would naturally not be put aside by him. In eyes.

The dull drum beat was non-stop, like the roar of the Emperor of Heaven, deafening, and everyone's blood was boiling.

"The number one divine general!" shouted an iron guard on the Phoenix Nest, trembling with excitement as he stared at the white-haired old man on the sick horse.

Jiang Li, who was watching the show, thought it was so exciting. The situation was constantly changing and it was almost climaxing. For example, what he saw was that another person entered the battlefield at this moment.

But at this moment, another group of people led by the spirit of the emperor's corpse rushed out, rushed to the front, turned into a sharp knife and stabbed in. Who can stop it?
The bearded man, the yellow-toothed old man, Yang Xi, etc. were almost all injured. It was so violent that the situation that was originally good for Heaven was reversed again.

Gu Xin'ao appeared. He listened to Komatsu's call and struck a powerful blow to stop the army and kill a group of strong men.

The spears and cauldrons rang in unison, and Lord Yama was pressed down by the Immortal Cauldron and kept falling, seeing that he was about to be defeated.

Then, the two of them confronted each other. Jiang Li watched everything develop in the direction it should have, and each of them chose a restricted area. Chuanying went to the underworld to settle accounts with the Underworld Emperor, while Ning Fei was stubborn. Went to Taichu Ancient Mine as always.

Silently, a lame horse appeared, carrying a white-haired old man, in front of the Phoenix Nest, blocking Ye Fan's way.

And next, was Ye Fan's highlight moment. When he said, "If I were born in ancient times, you wouldn't be around. If we were in the same realm, we wouldn't have to fight at all!" After these words, the entire battlefield felt like When it comes to Ye Fan's invincibility, everyone knows that Ye Fan has become a success.

This is Ye Fan's disciple Yang Xi, and Xiaosong, Huahua and others who went to find him. Apart from them, Jiang Tingting and Yao Jiang also came to kill them.

There was a brief silence, and then there was the thunderous sound of war drums, and the clear and cold voice of the Immortal Queen echoed, saying: "The Emperor is immortal. He will know your efforts. Sooner or later, he will return one day to avenge you and give you glory. Fight for glory and immortality and kill your enemies!"

In the distressed eyes of the Lord of Yama Hall, Gu Xin Ao turned into a variable. He was too powerful. No matter who was in front of him, there was no enemy of him. After all, he was someone who had competed with Qing Emperor. Facing him in such a small scene To put it bluntly, it's nothing.

The Immortal Queen even trembled and turned around. When she saw that the once heroic prodigy was now old, she couldn't help but feel a sore nose.

"Everything about me is from ancient times, I shouldn't have come to this world..."

Ye Fan didn't even look at him, he just flicked his fingers and shot out a beam of Shen Xi, killing him directly.

"Master, we are here!" Someone shouted in the distance. This was a new force. A young and powerful man with golden light exuding blood and energy rushed towards them.


This place screams to kill and shake the sky, the sword energy breaks through the sky, every cold light will shatter a few stars, the bright light is blooming, and the endless army attacks.

"Kill my eight divine generals, please remember, the blood will not be shed in vain, someone will come to kill you someday!" The iron guard on the Phoenix Nest cried and shouted, these are all those who survived in ancient times. Master.

"Kill, kill all the traitors of the Immortal Emperor's lineage, for the emperor, for the ancient heaven, and for the glory of the past, a life and death battle!"

In the distance, a vague figure appeared, and with a palm press, the surging Yin soldiers suddenly dimmed, 40% of them were dead, and the star field collapsed.

Finally, after the war became more and more intense, Ye Fan also returned the horn to the quasi-emperor of the god organization, replaced the injured bearded man, and fought with the Sun and Moon God General.

The ripples from the horn collided violently with the blazing golden light of the Emperor's Drum, affecting the situation of the battle. The strong men in this place risked their lives and rushed forward to fight.

At this time, Ye Fan and Gu Xin'ao also came to Huangchao. Among the Yin soldiers and the huge human army in Huangchao, Ye Fan fought in and out. He was covered in blood. No one could stop him. He was like the Emperor of Heaven descending to the lower realm, with golden light. Hundreds of millions of feet long, walking among thousands of troops and horses, unrivaled, a road made of blood and bones appeared under his feet.

The outcome is already determined, there is no suspense.

But at this moment, Ning Fei finally appeared in the dark.

But suddenly, the power of Ji Dao erupted. The old god was holding the Immortal Cauldron at this moment, and Lord Yama was holding the peak spear of the underworld to fight against it. But now the Immortal Cauldron has almost recovered, and it is better than the imperial soldiers.

Ye Fan saw that the drums of the Immortal Queen were suppressing the masters of the Heavenly Court, and he quickly took the horn from the hands of a quasi-emperor from the divine organization and started blowing it.

The addition of the five quasi-emperors caused the battle to tilt towards the heaven. Ye Fan also inflated his chest, turned into a terrifying horn sound, and killed towards the Immortal Queen.

The heroes were horrified. The Eight Divine Generals were mythical figures they had heard about since they were children. They were the gods who followed the Immortal Emperor in ancient times. In the blink of an eye, two people were dead. They were all killed by one person. Why not let people Trembling?

I don’t know what kind of creature this kind of horn grew from. It is dim, whining, and has a powerful and domineering sense of desolation. It depicts a grand ancient world to people, where gods coexist, endless races, and a wild atmosphere. Face.

The two men were covered in blood and both suffered heavy injuries, but they had high fighting spirit and did not flinch. They unleashed their utmost laws and secret techniques, turning this place into a place of annihilation.

"War, kill all these people, abide by the oath, protect the glory of the Immortal Emperor, and kill them all!"

"Wonderful, wonderful, but why don't these two people take action?" Jiang Li became excited and cheered.

Blood flew up, heads rolled down, lives were blooming, the fierce battle continued, and no one knew how many strong men from all races in the universe came to join the battle. The scene was spectacular and terrifying.

These are two heaven-defying imperial magic weapons. They are both secret weapons, just like the Emperor Wushi's List of Gods. They are priceless and powerful!

The Sun and Moon God will be directly torn apart by Ye Fan, with blood in the sky, and his immortal platform has been shattered, and there is no room for recovery.

Regal's war horn can offset the sound of the drum, and can also increase the combat power of his own people.

On the other side, Chuanying also appeared at the same time, with clear eyes, and said: "I have lived in this life just to wait for you. Sure enough, you are still in this world."

The battle between the old god and Lord Yama has reached a fever pitch. They have already left the battlefield and are engaged in a peak showdown that no one can approach.

When the old god who was suppressing Lord Yama saw Chuan Ying, his face was also full of excitement. The number one god general in ancient heaven, the most respected person besides Emperor Zun, he was not dead yet.

The Sun and Moon God General is proud. Even if he knows that he is not Ye Fan's opponent, he still fights with all his strength. He breaks out. Even if he will die in this battle, he must die with glory and fight until the last moment.


Not long after the two of them left, a golden avenue arrived at the battlefield. Jiang Li arrived at the battlefield in an instant. As soon as he arrived, he pressed down with his palm and wiped out all the war slaves in the underworld. He even smashed Lord Yama and his troops to pieces with one palm.

The masters at Huangchao felt a sense of horror. They would never have thought that the Emperor of Heaven, who had always been at the top of the Ninth Level Heavenly Palace and fought no matter who was alive or dead, would actually take action.

If we had known that Jiang Li would take action, there would have been no need to fight this battle! No matter how hard you jump, you can't climb the mountain of the Emperor of Heaven!

"Brother, why are you here?" Ye Fan also asked in confusion, wondering why Jiang Li chose to take action.

"You guys continue, I'll take a look." Jiang Li motioned to both sides not to stop, and told them to continue fighting and give himself a ring.

Ye Fan wanted to complain, you really had nothing to do and came to the battlefield to watch the fight.

The people on the other side of the Phoenix Nest were also crying without tears. How could they fight? Even if the Emperor of Heaven stopped taking action at this time, they would not be the opponents of the divine organization and Heaven even if they lost their ally in the Underworld.

Even the Immortal Queen's claws were paralyzed at this moment. She never expected that things would come to this point. Could it be that the emperor went to the Phoenix Nest for no reason and really wanted to get rid of them for heaven.

If this was really the case, you should have told me earlier. If you had told me, the worst I could do was take the Phoenix Nest and escape the world, and declare myself as my own again. There would be no need for you to do it yourself.

Everyone thought wrongly. Jiang Li's purpose of coming here was actually very simple. He just came here to save Chuan Ying in front of the Immortal Queen.

If the Immortal Queen saw her saving Chuanying, would she watch Ning Fei die indifferently?

But if you want me to save people, you can! Surrender to me. I am not robbing you. What I want is your willingness. This is the true right way.

After taking in the Immortal Queen, Ning Fei can run away, but he still has to surrender to him.

The above is the way Jiang Li thought of subduing Ning Fei. Although it went in a circle, it can still achieve the goal, but it will not work without mercy. It is impossible for you to directly make Ning Fei surrender. You can only go through the Immortal Queen. Think of ways to.


Suddenly, deep in the starry sky, a terrifying aura filled the air, shaking the human world.

"It's the direction of the underworld." Ye Fanhuo raised his head.

There were violent fluctuations, and space-time fragments flew out, rushing towards the four extremes and the eight wastelands. I vaguely saw a young man, roaring between the heaven and the earth, bending the sky bow, to shoot the Supreme Being.

Those are fragments of time, scattered all over the universe. You can't see the real scene, but only partially fragmented pictures. Obviously, that part of the universe was shattered.

At this time, Jiang Li moved. He raised his hand to seize the fragments and used his supreme magic power to gather them together so that everyone could see what was happening there.

Everyone forgot everything, looking at everything that happened in the underworld with shocked eyes, watching the first god general of the ancient heaven fighting in the underworld, fighting head-on with the Supreme.

The underworld continued to shatter in the aftermath of the battle between the two. The underworld exploded everywhere, flowing out countless Yin Qi, and smashed out the war slaves buried inside.

Ye Fan sighed: "This is the first divine general in the ancient heaven, and he can actually fight against the Underworld Emperor to such an extent."

Chuanying's fighting power was so fierce that he was never at a disadvantage from the beginning to the end. A stone stick flew around and everything in its path exploded.

"Of course, the first divine general is the strongest combat power in our heaven besides the Emperor. He can fight with the Supreme." The old god said proudly.

Jiang Li shook his head and poured cold water on him: "The Prison Suppressing Emperor did not use all his strength. This old boy has actually returned to his peak just like Yan Lun. He is holding back his strength now, for fear of being noticed by me."

He didn't notice it at first, but after watching for a while, Jiang Li saw the state of the Prison Emperor. Although he seemed to be on the same level as Chuanying, his life aura had completely changed, but he was hiding it very deeply. If he hadn't been staring at the underworld this time, I'm afraid he wouldn't have noticed.

"Restored to his peak? Also, isn't he the Underworld Emperor?" Ye Fan was completely confused and didn't understand what Jiang Li was talking about.

The Hades Emperor is very mysterious. There are only a few people who have actually seen him. Even the Emperor only met the Hades Emperor in his first life. It can be said that the Hades Emperor in the eyes of the world today is actually a prisoner. Emperor.

When Jiang Li finished explaining, everyone was stunned. The Hades Emperor was not the Hades Emperor. The real identity of the Hades Emperor was the Prison Suppressing Emperor!


At this moment, there was another terrifying fluctuation in the universe. Everyone there was familiar with it. It was the direction of the Big Dipper.

Ning Fei also broke into the restricted area of ​​life.

"The Ancient Mine of Taichu, he actually chose that place." Ye Fan exclaimed. He was very familiar with this forbidden area of ​​life. In the past, at least three supreme beings came out of there. One died, but at least two more supreme beings still exist.

"Brother, you have entered the ancient mine several times. Are there many supreme beings there?" Ye Fan asked curiously.

Everyone looked at Jiang Li, especially the Immortal Queen. She seemed to know what was going on inside. Now in the entire universe, if anyone was to say who was most familiar with the Taichu Ancient Mine, it could only be Jiang Li. When Emperor Hengyu ordered it, it became a confrontation. After 20,000 years, I have entered ancient mines several times in this life.

Jiang Li pretended to sigh and said in a sad tone: "I'm afraid he won't be able to come back. Taichu Ancient Mine has the most Supremes among the six restricted areas now, as many as ten or more."

The Immortal Queen staggered when she heard this. This number was really too exaggerated.

Everyone was a little sad, as if they had seen the fate of the first god general's death. The Taichu ancient mine was too dangerous, and they really couldn't imagine that Ning Fei could survive.

Jiang Li's eyes were as bright as a torch, and he could see through the situation inside the Taichu Ancient Mine at a glance. At this moment, Ning Fei was dressed in white, with a Pegasus sitting on his crotch, holding a bright silver gun, and was fighting with a Supreme.

After looking at it for a while, he withdrew his gaze. The Supreme Being cherished his life and had no intention of reaching the ultimate level. Ning Fei could last for a long time without paying attention.

On the contrary, Chuanying's situation is not good at the moment. The Prison Suppressing Emperor has returned to his heyday. Even if he suppresses his combat power, Chuanying still has a hard time fighting.

At this time, the underworld has completely lost its appearance as the legendary destination for all spirits. The outbreak of the Supreme Level battle has left the place almost in ruins.

Chuanying's situation at this moment is already very dangerous. The Imperial Law has left a terrifying mark on him, and there are also cracks on the stone stick.

Jiang Li's eyes scanned the underworld. Suddenly, something caught his eye and kept him from leaving his sight.

It was a piece of black and shiny ore with natural runes on it, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth all the time. After absorbing it, it began to spit out the rich yin energy again, forming a cycle.

This mineral is called Huangquan Stone, and the reason why Jiang Li cares so much is because it is one of the materials for the Nine Transformations Elixir.

After so many years of collecting, other materials for the Nine Transformations Elixir have been gathered long ago, and now only this Huangquan Stone is missing. The old man who chopped wood and the emperor searched for it for a hundred years and found nothing, and now he actually saw it in the underworld.


Jiang Li took action, and terrifying fluctuations swept across the entire universe, and all living beings felt a feeling of being pressed down by heaven.

In comparison, the fluctuations currently being fought between the two places were nothing compared to the power that Jiang Li exploded at this moment.

The two people who were fighting in the underworld felt the terrifying power almost instantly. They tacitly agreed to stop, because they didn't know the purpose of the person who took action, and they were all on guard.

The next moment, an all-encompassing palm pressed down on the Prison Suppressing Emperor, and the terrifying power directly shook the already broken underworld to pieces.

The Prison Suppressing Emperor's face changed wildly, and he did not dare to hide his power. He immediately restored himself to his prime, and raised the black gold shield in front of him.

There was a loud bang, and the laws collided together. In an instant, light bloomed, blood splashed everywhere, the prison-suppressing emperor's shield-holding hand cracked, the flesh and skin were broken, the bones were white, and the blood mist rose!
Jiang Li snorted coldly and without stopping, slapped down his giant palm again.

"What a street rat that you can't stop killing!"

The Prison Suppressing Emperor roared, raised his shield to block again, and stabbed out with a spear with his other hand. A bit of cold light bloomed, and the terrifying laws of the imperial law stirred.

He is an ancient emperor, and he once overcame all others with his own way. Now that he has returned to his prime, how could he think that he is weaker than others? His Word, blood and bone, all pride are in this blow.

But it was all in vain. Jiang Li was too powerful. His energy and energy reached its peak, and he was invincible. No one could shake him. Six black holes emerged from his palms, like six worlds spinning, endlessly.


With this blow, the black gold shield shattered, Tian Ge was cracked and fell into the distance. The Prison Suppressing Emperor looked sluggish and staggered back.

Although the powerful Imperial Body healed his external injuries in an instant, the laws of the body could not be cleared in a short time, and compared to the injuries on his body, he felt more pain in his heart.

He was once invincible in the world and ruled the universe, but today, he lost. If he lost to the Emperor, he would have nothing, but now the loser is an unenlightened person, regardless of whether he was a person of the same level before, He has not yet become enlightened.

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

After losing the imperial soldiers, the Prison Suppressing Emperor's arms were first blown open and turned into bloody mud, then his feet, chest, and forehead bones. Jiang Li hit hard with one after another, although the remaining limbs were flying around and blood was splashing everywhere.

An invincible ancient emperor who once attained enlightenment in the age of mythology and was once glorious, but now he has completely fallen. Perhaps as he often said, the underworld is the destination of all souls, and it also belongs to him.

After killing the Prison Emperor, Jiang Li stretched out his hand to grab it, took away the Huangquan Stone, intercepted a wisp of the Prison Emperor's spirit, and then blasted the underworld with another palm.

Chuanying looked at the blasted underworld and felt a little dazed for a moment. He shook his head. For the first time, he felt that this era did not belong to him.

Throughout mythology, from ancient times to ancient times, the underworld, a restricted area of ​​life that lasted for nearly tens of millions of years, was completely destroyed. All quasi-emperors felt this, and then the news of the underworld being pacified spread throughout the universe in an instant.

All the spirits were shouting, praising the power of the Emperor of Heaven. Suddenly, countless powers of faith swept towards Jiang Li like a sea tide. His achievements were too great. He had pacified two forbidden areas of life. Even though he has not yet attained enlightenment, People have listed him as one of the most powerful emperors in ancient and modern times.

Several life forbidden areas on the Big Dipper were silent. It had only been a hundred years before another life forbidden area was uprooted. This made even the supreme being who once ruled the world feel a little scared.

Everyone can foresee that a powerful emperor who is not weaker than Emperor Zun will appear in this life.

Taichu Ancient Mine, the battle here has now reached the climax. Ning Fei's bright silver Tiange pierced the sky and shattered many laws. This means that this is the Taichu Ancient Mine. If it is outside, I am afraid that the Big Dipper Star will be directly shattered.

The Supreme Being on the other side was also angry. He was sleeping at home, but suddenly a fool showed up and knocked on the door of his house. He attacked him without asking the reason, forcing him to blow up the fairy source and fight.

When the fight started, I found that this person was still very difficult to deal with. There was nothing he could do if he didn't advance to the extreme realm, and no matter how much the fight continued, he wouldn't be able to withstand it.


The terrifying aura exploded, and a Supreme Master returned to his peak and regained his former power. The bright fairy light rushed out of the Taichu ancient mine and illuminated the universe.

"Ning Fei!" The Immortal Queen exclaimed, her gorgeous face full of anxiety. She looked at Jiang Li several times, wanting to say something, but she couldn't.

She knows very well that there are really very few people in this world who can save Ning Fei in this situation. The Immortal Emperor is one of them, but now he is somewhere, and the only thing left that he can think of is in front of him. This is the Emperor of Heaven.

But now she was in an awkward position, and she didn't have much leverage to make a man who killed the ancient emperor take action. And without any leverage, why would she take action to save an unrelated person.

No, she still has a bargaining chip, and that is herself. As long as she surrenders, Ning Fei will follow her, an alternative enlightened person who will be an enlightened person and can fight as the supreme. The Immortal Queen believes that Jiang Hengyu will definitely be tempted.

Moreover, she does not dislike such things. Just like marrying the emperor in ancient times, she is just a different person now.

Being mentally prepared, under the eyes of everyone in disbelief, the Immortal Queen knelt on one knee and said sincerely: "Please ask the Supreme Emperor to save Ning Fei. I am willing to dedicate everything I have."

The supreme deity of all races, the Queen of the Immortal Emperor, actually knelt down in front of countless fans who were loyal to the Immortal Emperor.

This scene is desperate for those who are loyal to the Immortal Emperor. Even if they die, they will defend the majesty of the Emperor. But now the Queen who represents the Immortal Emperor actually kneels down for others. This is a shame and a discredit to the Emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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