The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 255 Chapter 253 Entering the Crack

Chapter 255 Two Five Three Entering the Crack

After preparing everything, she closed the Hengyu Furnace, and the terrifying Ten Thousand Laws began to burn.

Jiang Li, who was in the Hengyu furnace, sensed the power coming from the furnace.
He began to decompose the various great medicines and divine materials around him, turning them into their most original substances.


The Hengyu furnace vibrates and washes away the laws of the immortal way. The sound is like a bell and a big bell, and the sound of the supreme way resounds throughout the world.

Jiang Li did not delay and began to use the method of primary and secondary bodies. The matter that had decomposed its origin began to interpret, being attracted by him, pouring into his body, and entangled with the soul.

An unexpected thing happened. When those substances came over, the fairy light that had been entrenched in his mind took action. It began to decompose, exploding thousands of fairy lights, which were imprinted by the original material.

This change made Jiang Li at a loss, but he calmed down and kept his mind tight, using the method of primary and secondary bodies.


The Hengyu Furnace trembled again, with a faint sound that resounded throughout the ages. The myriad laws in the furnace were surging, refining the original matter.

But just when the lightning disaster was about to fall, the ruthless person raised her jade hand, and a fairyland appeared in her palm. The astonishing divine spirit lingered between her palms, and then she shot it directly into the sea of ​​thunder.

As soon as the blood entered, a chain reaction was triggered. The original material exploded directly. Each particle absorbed the blood and then gathered with other material particles.

As soon as he entered this body, Jiang Li felt the original power of this body. It gathered the top divine materials and immortal essence in the universe, making this body like the cub of a true dragon, the true son of the Ten Evils. .

As the changes in the Hengyu Furnace become more obvious, God seems to have sensed the birth of a creature that defies the will of the heavens, and wants to launch the most powerful attack to eliminate uncertain factors.

"What could possibly happen? Emperor Huangtian must have gone very far in the realm of immortality when he created this secret method. This is a perfect clone method."

This incident really caught people off guard. After the strange creatures appeared, the world became uncontrollable.

After a long time, the Hengyu Furnace was opened again, and the ruthless person walked out of it, but her true phoenix body was not brought out, but remained in the furnace. After the Hengyu Furnace was blessed by the great formation, the flow of time inside was different from the outside world. .


He is now outside the crack in the world, and the other essence that has escaped is no weaker than the fairy realm. This also makes Jiang Li continue to use his magic much faster.

After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Li's soul left the new body and returned to his own body. A ray of fairy light bloomed again between the newborn's eyebrows, but this time it was Jiang Li's own soul.

The ruthless person didn't say anything. Although she was proud of herself, she also felt that Emperor Huang Tian did live up to his reputation and was much more powerful than she was at this time.

And if you want to ensure that no matter what happens in the future, you can protect the people around you, you must be strong enough.

If it were someone else, maybe he would really be able to concentrate, but this person is a ruthless emperor, strong and domineering, who can destroy the restricted area of ​​​​life with one sword when his thoughts don't go his way, and if he wants to drink tea, he can go to the Immortal Mountain to pick tea leaves. The word fear may have only occurred when my brother left when I was young.

The newly born soul is ignorant and has not even the most basic survival instinct. Naturally, it will not resist.

I originally thought that Emperor Zun was the last black hand, but now it seems that is not necessarily the case. Today, a crack will appear in this world to connect other worlds. Who knows whether the two worlds will collide and merge in the future.


The sea of ​​thunder is shattered, and it goes away as quickly as it came. There are gaps in this world, and the most powerful tribulation can only affect the creatures below the Supreme. For the Emperor of Heaven at the level of ruthless person, it is really It's almost like a joke.

Next, Jiang Li and Henren didn't go anywhere, they just sat here and looked at the crack.

With so many companions, he should not be as helpless as Emperor Huang Tian in the future.

Without hesitation, Wu Ren stepped into the Hengyu Furnace, and this time, it was Jiang Li's turn to throw various magical materials and great medicines into it. And the true phoenix elixir.

Jiang Li admired him very much, but he definitely didn't want to be in that situation. Too lonely.

The ruthless heart felt something, and he looked up at the sudden gathering of calamity clouds. The aura of heavenly calamity was gathering, and the terrifying law fluctuations would make even a person who would become a Taoist feel terrified.

Facing that weird group of people, you should develop first, and then after gathering many comrades, you can fight them together.

He may be very powerful now, but before a real big crisis, he is still not enough to watch. The only thing that makes him happy is that he is not walking alone, there are ruthless people in front of him, Wu Shi, etc. After him, Ye Fan is chasing his footsteps.

Jiang Li also saw this and threw the real dragon body in, accelerating the growth of his soul.

After solving the thunder disaster, the ruthless eyes turned to the Hengyu furnace again. At this time, the furnace was closed. Even with her level, she could only see roughly.

Seeing this, the ruthless man outside activated the Hengyu Furnace again, tempering a new body with ten thousand ways, to further integrate Jiang Li's spirit and physical body.

At this stage, he has to continue to fill 19,000 orifices before he can transform. This will undoubtedly take a long time, but it is better than the first time. His flesh shell is enough to support this time. Transformation, this time he only needs to calm down and accumulate mana.

Naturally, Jiang Li did not waste time and continued to pour mana into the acupoints. He was now in the process of his second transformation.

However, this kind of thing was impossible to happen. Jiang Li took action directly and swallowed the new soul with the method of primary and secondary body.


After devouring the new soul, Jiang Li did not stop, but used a secret method to let his soul leave the body and go into the new body.

Jiang Li knew that it was the new soul. If left alone, tens of millions of years later, this new soul would be fully gestated and become a new life.

The ruthless man looked at the real dragon body with his starry eyes and saw through all the mysteries in it. Then he nodded and said: "Successful, no accidents."

The door of the Hengyu furnace opened, and Jiang Li walked out, taking out the true dragon body that was giving birth to the soul.

Thousands of rays of light flowed, fairy spirits evolved in the thunder sea, and a true dragon evolved to wrap around the white palm, but before it could get close, the fairy realm in the palm appeared, directly destroying the thunder sea, and All the realms were trembling, and the sky and the earth were pale.

Time passed quickly in the Hengyu furnace, and time was partially rewritten. Jiang Li's soul sat cross-legged inside, trying to put his own stamp on this new body.

Soon, a chaotic mass of flesh containing infinite vitality appeared, and with rapid evolution, a body with the same appearance as Jiang Li appeared in the Hengyu Furnace, with a little brilliance blooming between its eyebrows.

Various divine materials and the original substances of the great medicines are gathering together, and the essence of the true dragon elixir is also being integrated into them. The ten thousand laws in the Hengyu furnace are smelting these substances. Seeing that it was almost over, Jiang Li directly forced out his blood essence and injected it into the original material.

There is a person who has stepped over the bones of all sentient beings, stepped over the wreckage of all the worlds, walked alone through the dark area, drifted across the boundary sea, and resolved the eternity of weirdness and ominousness. It was a lonely journey, a bloody battle alone, This is the portrayal of Emperor Huangtian.


But thanks to Emperor Huangtian for standing up from the front, just the Cosmic Sea side has already made Jiang Li very anxious. If they really face the weirdness, there are only two endings for them.

The two possible chances of growing up quickly in the war, or dying directly, are definitely the latter. The reason why Can Tiandi can grow up is because he had the protection of Shi Hao and Ye Fan in the early stage, otherwise he might be in a strange situation. He died when he realized he was a threat.

Time passed by, and a hundred years passed quickly in the furnace, while in the outside world, Jiang Li sat cross-legged outside the cracks, trying his best to absorb the escape from the cracks. The acupoints in his body were opening up quickly, and it took almost only half a day to open them. One pill really made Jiang Li feel great.

It would be nice if this crack persisted.

Just when Jiang Li had this idea in his mind, the crack seemed to sense his thoughts and actually changed.

"It's closing!" said the ruthless man.

The speed was very slow, but she noticed that the crack was closing at an extremely slow speed.

Jiang Li also took action, deducing how long it would take for the crack to close. Now the souls of the two clones were not perfect. If the crack disappeared at this time, then what they did would be meaningless.

"If it keeps going at this speed, it will take at least a year." After a while, Jiang Li opened his eyes and told the result of the deduction.

The ruthless person nodded. After taking a look, she had already made a general deduction in her mind.

According to the current trend, the soul will be successfully conceived within half a year at most, so there is no need to worry too much, but just in case, Jiang Li and Wu Renren stepped in to speed up the flow of time in the Hengyu Furnace.

No one can tell what the pattern of this crack is. What if it closes faster every day?

And the fact is just as they thought, after the crack changed, it did close faster day by day. Although it was very slow, there was that trend.

Seeing this, the two of them did not hesitate and took action with all their strength. The flow of time in the Hengyu Furnace gradually became faster, and the soul in the furnace was also growing rapidly. After solving the situation of Hengyu Furnace, Jiang Li no longer wasted time, but took advantage of the last time to open up acupoints. Soon, the number of acupoints in his body reached 3,000. This terrifying speed is natural. It also greatly increased his mana.

If he had only touched the Fourth Life of the Great Emperor when he first transformed, then he was now officially equivalent to the level of the Fourth Life of the Great Emperor.

Of course, he was just the emperor who had just lived his fourth life!
There is a big gap between just living the fourth life and the peak of the fourth life.

Three months later, when the number of acupoints opened by Jiang Li reached more than 4,000, the Hengyu furnace started to vibrate.

The two physical souls have been successfully conceived.


The lid of the Hengyu furnace was opened, and two figures walked out of it, a man and a woman. They were of extraordinary magnanimity. The man looked down at the nine heavens like a real dragon and leaped up. The woman was like a divine phoenix, unattainable.

Jiang Li glanced at Huang Shen and shook his head regretfully. He actually had a mask, but it was a pity that he couldn't see his true face.

At this moment, the ruthless man in the divine phoenix body was wearing a mask made of phoenix blood and red gold. The style was the same as the bronze mask on ruthless face.

I thought I could take this opportunity to see the ruthless person's true appearance, but when the real dragon body woke up, I saw the ruthless person in the divine phoenix body wearing a mask.

Jiang Li felt a little regretful, but soon felt relieved. He believed that one day he could personally take off the ruthless bronze mask and see what kind of face was behind the mask to match her temperament.

"Okay, don't think about useless things, start taking action!" The ruthless person's eyes are like the brightest stars. Although she is wearing a mask and her tone does not fluctuate at all, these eyes give people the impression that she is in a good mood. a feeling of.

Jiang Li also put away all his messy thoughts, looked at the real dragon body solemnly and said: "From now on, your surname is Jiang, your name is Shennong, and your name is Emperor Yan!"

"Shennong has met Taoist friends!" Shennong responded.

There was no reaction from the ruthless people. She didn't need a name. After she gained fame there, she didn't care what the world called her.

Seeing this, Jiang Li raised his hand directly, and the power of Ji Dao exploded in his palm. A black light shot into the sky, as if a real dragon was roaring. Then a silvery white suddenly appeared, and a dragon halberd with a cold light appeared, majestic and majestic, as if it could Suppress the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

"Take it for self-defense!"

The real dragon body was not polite and directly reached out to grab the halberd. As soon as he grabbed it, the halberd made of black gold with a dragon pattern shook directly, sweeping out a terrifying fairy light, like a great emperor striking a blow.

What's even more amazing is that the secret of the dragon-patterned black gold has awakened, and the halberd itself seems to have come alive.

Jiang Li was not surprised. He had expected this scene. The dragon-patterned black gold was already somewhat related to the true dragon lineage, and the true dragon body now had the purest dragon energy. The dragon-patterned black gold was activated with no secret at all. Not surprisingly.

The ruthless person also took out a sky-swallowing magic jar made of phoenix blood red gold and handed it to the divine phoenix body. Like the dragon-marked black gold, the phoenix blood red gold's mysteries were also activated.

Now that all the necessary preparations had been made, and the resources needed for practice had been prepared, Jiang Li and Henren took action directly and sent the two of them into the crack.

After the two people entered, the crack was directly closed, and this star field returned to its original position. However, because the crack had existed here for a period of time, the essence and produced substances here were richer than other places.

With the idea of ​​not wasting anything, Jiang Li opened his mouth and inhaled. Suddenly, the starry sky darkened, and even the red light around him was sucked away.

When the light returned, it became dimmer than it was at the beginning.

The ruthless man standing aside glanced at Jiang Li and said nothing, but the meaning expressed was obvious.

Is this really necessary?

But Jiang Li didn't care about this. He remembered that when he first opened the Immortal Pond, he opened up a thousand acupoints, and later opened up hundreds more by absorbing the creation places found by the quasi-emperors. This is the result of the past hundreds of years.

And within a year or two at the entrance of this crack, more than two thousand acupoints were directly added.

And the reason why he was so fast was not because he didn't let go of all the energy he could absorb.

But this time, compared with Xiulai's cultivation level, the big world behind the crack obviously attracts Jiang Li's attention more. If the clone can grow rapidly there, keep rising, and even catch up with the cultivation level of the human body here. For, and then go hand in hand, and finally after merging together, the cultivation level will definitely skyrocket.

At this time, inside the crack, the true dragon body and the true phoenix body were walking side by side. The dragon-patterned black gold halberd and the phoenix blood red gold vase were fully revived. The laws were intertwined into a magnificent world. There were true dragons and divine phoenixes roaming around, protecting Emperor Yan. and 'ruthless man'.

Ahead, there is endless nothingness, and countless illusory bubbles appear around him. Inside each bubble, there was once a complete ancient world.

Emperor Yan felt as if he had returned to the beginning of his training and passed through the domain gate. Even though he had a true dragon body and was born with supreme combat power, in this void passage, he could really only see and not do anything else. .

This road is surrounded by time and space. Every ray of light is thousands of years of time and endless distant space, not to mention those bubbles. If you are not careful, they will be destroyed directly.

Originally, he was looking in front of the endless void, but suddenly, Emperor Yan felt his soul throbbing, and the endless feathers of light were attracted to him, breaking through the dragon-marked black gold halberd, and heading towards his flesh shell.

This scene happened so suddenly that neither of them expected it. The 'ruthless man' stretched out his white jade hand and slapped Xianguang forcefully. The two of them were obviously very close, but the 'ruthless man' could never get close.

She opened her mouth to say something more, but the sound could not be transmitted. They were currently in the void channel formed by the power of time and space. They seemed to be very close to each other, but in fact they might be further away than the entire Heaven Covering Realm.

Both were caught off guard, beyond their expectations, and all their tactics were ineffective in the face of the situation.

Emperor Yan was roaring, the immeasurable laws soared into the sky, and the divine chain of order wrapped around him, but they were unable to break the approaching fairy light. He could only watch helplessly as the fairy light continued to pass through his body.

The distance between him and the 'ruthless man' is constantly lengthening. It is obvious that they are only one foot away, but looking at each other at this moment, there is an unreal feeling.

The Phoenix Blood Red Gold Vase fully revived, emitting the brightest divine light, with the breath of time and space flowing on it. She borrowed the power of her body, but to no avail. She could do nothing in this endless time and space passage.

After all, she is not the real body. If a ruthless person is here, she may be able to forcefully break through the power of time and space, but she can't.

Emperor Yan was also trying to save himself. He struck out with a palm, and scales appeared between his fingers. They were simple and thick, and the true dragon's dragon energy attack power was unparalleled.

This is the 'True Dragon Hand'. It was originally obtained from a weak Holy Spirit. When he first got it, he felt that it was very unusual and not like the laws of the world.

When Jiang Li understood the method of primary and secondary bodies, he also discovered the mystery of the 'True Dragon Hand'. This was also a method from before the ancient times. After perfecting it, he handed it over to Emperor Yan to use the True Dragon Body. Come and use the 'True Dragon Hand', they will definitely complement each other.

This attack by Emperor Yan was terrifying. Although the pregnancy had just been completed and the body had not begun to practice, it exploded with supreme level power.

Coupled with the blessing of the dragon-marked black gold halberd, even an alternative enlightened person may be defeated.

But even so, nothing has changed. Emperor Yan felt that his body became old for a while, and then became strong again. He knew that this was the power of time and space.

Once he encounters a fairy light that is beyond his endurance, he may never be able to recover.

The reason why he can persist for so long is because his body is so extraordinary and has so much vitality, otherwise he might not be able to withstand it long ago.


At this moment, a fairy light appeared in front again, which was thicker than all the fairy lights just now. Emperor Yan's expression changed drastically. He grabbed the dragon-marked black gold halberd and slashed forward fiercely.


The secret of the black gold with the dragon pattern was awakened, and the halberd turned into a real black dragon. It swayed, and when its sharp dragon claws were explored, it tore through endless time, and the terrifying power tilted forward.

The time trembled, and some of the light on the surface was indeed eliminated, but it was not harmful at all.

Emperor Yan grasped the halberd tightly. He really tried his best, but it was useless.

But when this ray of time broke through the barrier and brushed against his body, the fairy light that was originally silent in the soul moved. It seemed to have infinite cleaning power and directly sucked all the fairy light into Yan Emperor's body.

Something horrifying happened. The distant light crashed directly into time, and then it seemed like a huge mouth had grown, swallowing up time entirely.

Then, as if the fairy light was not satisfied, it actually sucked the surrounding time into Emperor Yan's body. The rich time seemed to turn into a river, which was shocking.

In the distance, the 'ruen man' who was already several feet away also completely disappeared at this time, as if he was no longer in the same time and space.

Emperor Yan looked a bit sad after seeing this scene. He knew that what was happening now was probably caused by the fairy light. This was the first time in history that it had made such a big movement. He had a hunch that maybe this time, He can know what this fairy light is.

(End of this chapter)

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