Chapter 256 Boundary Sea (to make up for the 500 monthly tickets from last month)

A river appeared in the endless void. It was composed of countless lights of time. Each ray was extremely bright. They all seemed to be lined up and poured into the fairy light.

The fairy light, which has been enhanced by time, is also changing rapidly at this moment, evolving towards a long-shaped substance.


At this moment, the same thing is happening in the outside world with Jiang Li. Just as Yan Emperor is his clone, that fairy light is also a branch of this fairy light. It is getting stronger quickly, and the same is true for this fairy light here.

"I knew this fairy light was not simple, but I didn't expect it to be so messy at this time. How is the situation on your side? Has it been affected?" Jiang Li turned to look at the ruthless man and asked.

"I'm fine here. I've arrived in that ancient world, and now I'm in the starry sky." He closed his eyes and looked at the memory there, and said calmly.

After that, she asked curiously: "How are you over there? What happened?"

Wu Ren already knew the situation inside through the True Phoenix Body. At the last moment, she felt that Emperor Yan was no longer in the same time and space as them.

"I don't know, the matter is not clear yet, but it has something to do with it." Jiang Li Yuanshen appeared, and the fairy light that was originally entrenched in his Yuanshen had now grown into a river, and it was still growing rapidly.

He looked ahead, where there was a huge dam, higher than the sky, blocking the black sea water, and a line of footprints exuding a faint golden light, alone and full of sadness.

The long river of time roared past, sweeping out large fragments of time, and the endless power of time and space condensed. After Emperor Yan walked into the past, his whole body glowed, and his whole body was instantly absorbed by the whirlpool. From this piece of time on the long river disappear.

After Emperor Yan saw this, he already knew where he was now. On the embankment, there were many huge star skeletons scattered, some were complete, but some were incomplete.

After understanding the situation here, he didn't dare to stay at all. He found a road away from the dam boundary and set off directly, wanting to get as far away from here as possible.

When Emperor Yan regained his vision again, what he saw was a sea with huge waves rolling over the sky. Ancient and broken worlds emerged in the waves, and the breaths of different ancient worlds rushed towards his face.

You can imagine what kind of battles took place here, and how many terrifying creatures fought to the death here.

Standing on the same spot, Emperor Yan did not move immediately, but observed the surroundings. It was too quiet here, with no breath or trace of any living beings. It seemed like the end of heaven and earth, an eternal desolation.

This is a long river composed of time, like a winding silver dragon, passing through the endless void. The river water is crystal clear and sparkling with crystal light.

Emperor Yan went all the way upstream and witnessed many things along the way. In the long river of time, he saw the immortal emperor and the emperor rule the world, and saw the first emperor in the mythical era. Then, he came to the ancient era of chaos.

The River of Time began to tremble violently, and the forbidden power continued to act on the River of Immortal Light. It was rapidly disintegrating. Finally, Emperor Yan's vision became extremely blurry, and he could no longer see the scene of the River of Time, and his eyes darkened directly. .

He knew very well that the cost of returning from the downstream to the upstream was very high. Even if the three quasi-immortal emperors took action, Ye Qingxian would have to bear the consequences.

He felt that he was rapidly transcending time, and was getting faster as the fairy light became stronger.

Finally, after the immortal light turned into a river, he broke through the time limit and directly ascended to another dimension.

If it weren't for the slight difference in the place Yan Emperor passed by, he would have doubted whether he hadn't moved at all at this moment.

That weird dark creature was so powerful that even just watching it from an endless distance away, Emperor Yan felt as if he had been torn in half.

And the fairy light may be the reason why you can sense each other's matter across eternity. At this moment, the power of the fairy light on Emperor Yan's side is exhausted, so your connection is weakened.

The two of them were originally one, and even after entering the long river of time, Jiang Li could still feel Emperor Yan. Although they were not at the same time point, he knew that Emperor Yan was moving up the river of time.

The divine sea is boundless and the waves are undulating!
This is an incredible sea. Between the ups and downs of the waves, pieces of broken worlds are rising and falling. Some appear and disappear in the waves, some are destroyed by the waves, some wither by themselves, and some are just bubbles.


When he got here, he became a little nervous, because this was the era of Emperor Huangtian. When he came to the past, he would definitely have to face Emperor Huangtian, and maybe it might affect his growth.

Suddenly, a sea of ​​thunder appeared in front of him. The forbidden power caused the agitation of the river of time. Emperor Yan looked forward and found that a terrifying existence was taking action.


I am not taking Ye Qingxian's place too, Emperor Yan couldn't help complaining in his heart.

"This is the boundary dam."

But just after entering the chaotic ancient era, the forbidden power in the long river of time has consumed the immortal light, and the connection between him and Emperor Yan has become extremely blurred.

This place will definitely come in the future, but for now it is better to stay away from it, as even a wave can kill him.

He didn't dare to look over there and let his body flow silently with the long river, and the long river composed of fairy light also enveloped him, protecting him from attacks in the long river of time.


Even though he was far away, just by the little sea breeze escaping from the black sea water, Emperor Yan felt that his own essence and soul were being disintegrated and turned into the rules of this place.

On the other side, Emperor Yan looked at where he was and had some realization.

And the embankment was covered with many traces, including weapons such as swords, guns, swords and halberds, and the claw marks of terrifying creatures left on it. There were too many, so densely packed that it was impossible to count them.

Jiang Li, who was sitting cross-legged in the void, opened his eyes, his expression became extremely horrified, and he couldn't help shouting: "I can't sense Emperor Yan anymore. This inexplicable connection proves that he is still alive."

The dragon-patterned black gold halberd turned into a real black dragon and led Yan Emperor away quickly, but this place was too big. In the Zhetian Realm, an emperor's weapon could quickly reach any corner of the universe.

This place is bigger than Emperor Yan's imagination. If it were in the Zhetian Realm, he would probably have spared the entire universe.

Emperor Yan was horrified. He naturally knew what this meant. Maybe he should have walked such a journey, but he just didn't know what would happen during this trip.


When the immortal light on Emperor Yan slowly recovers, you should be able to sense each other. "

"It's normal. After all, an era has passed, and the time in between is too long.

But here, he had been flying for who knows how long. When he looked back, he found that the embankment was exactly the same as before. There was really no change.

But beyond his expectation, at this point in time, he didn't see Emperor Huang Tian come out to stop it, as if the local government acquiesced.

It was a black ocean. Under each wave, there was an ancient world rising and falling, but at the end of the ocean, there was a sword that reached the sky. It extended to every corner of the sea, and the entire time and space was cut off by it. Filled throughout the long river of time, no outsiders have any way to enter this period of time and space.


Decades later, a black true dragon was swimming in the void. Emperor Yan looked at the unchanging scenery around him in boredom, feeling a little irritable in his heart.

This was too exaggerated. Even with the speed at which the imperial soldiers were traveling at full speed, he still hadn't left the dike boundary. If he hadn't looked back at the blurry dike, proving that his location had been changing, he would have wanted to curse.

Emperor Yan looked ahead with some wan interest. Suddenly, his expression changed and he couldn't help but stand up.

There, the scenery finally changed. A huge beach appeared where there was nothingness. Although looking from a distance, he saw that nothingness had turned into a sea of ​​sand, but this was enough to excite him.

Just like a person who has no place to stay on the sea sees an island, Emperor Yan quickly controls the black dragon and goes there.

Soon, Emperor Yan landed in the desert and looked at the endless sand. He knew that as long as he crossed here, he would find the world of life. This piece of sand is very large, and is affected by the boundary sea, so there is no sign of life at all, let alone living creatures, not even vegetation.

Emperor Yan seemed to have just arrived outside the embankment and looked at the unchanged scenery, but this time he was in a good mood.

Because he knows that every time he advances on the sand, he is getting closer to the real world of life.

After walking no matter how far, the sand finally changed, and some footprints and traces of battle began to appear on it. Emperor Yan searched for the traces and finally saw a huge city standing in front of him.

The city wall is very high. Standing at the top of the city wall, you can almost see the stars. Some stars are almost standing on the city wall. It is difficult to imagine the level of cultivation of the people who built this city.

At this time, a door to the sky was open, and all kinds of people were coming in and out. Emperor Yan felt it casually, and was slightly shocked.

It's so powerful. Many of those who enter and leave this huge city are strong men at the Quasi-Emperor level, and those with the lowest cultivation level are all strong men at the Great Sage level.

In the Zhetian Realm, there are only a handful of quasi-emperors. Even in the Golden Age, it would be great to have hundreds of quasi-emperors, but here, there are almost thousands of them.

What does it mean that a quasi-emperor is walking around? This is the scene in front of him.

At this moment, Emperor Yan was sizing up the people around him. The people around him were sizing up at him. It didn't matter what he was wearing. Before the ancient times, the worlds were as numerous as stars, and each world had different customs.

Even in this city, there are obviously tens of thousands of monks with different customs.

What really caught the attention of these people was the dragon-patterned black gold halberd at Emperor Yan's feet. This was a weapon in the realm of humanity. Regardless of that era, he was a master in this realm.

Even the blood of the Immortal King can only allow his son to become a true immortal, and the blood of the Immortal King of many grandchildren is only supreme.

Although none of these people can see the cultivation level of Emperor Yan, the cultivation level of those who can control the supreme weapon will not be much lower.

The people present were all knowledgeable people and knew that this Supreme Weapon was unusual. It was the best among the Supreme Weapons they had seen before.

And there is another point, the dragon pattern black gold has awakened the secret and started its independent evolution, which makes this weapon even more different.

Emperor Yan looked at the open city gate, glanced at the monks coming in and out, and was about to step into it.

But right here, a creature walked over. He had wings on his back, white hair all over his head, and a powerful figure.

"This senior has just arrived in Liusha City."

The creature spoke in an unfamiliar language, but with the blessing of his spiritual consciousness, Emperor Yan immediately understood what he meant.

After hesitating for a while, Emperor Yan spoke, using ancient language. This was clearly understood when he was studying the method of primary and secondary bodies. It probably meant that he had just arrived here.

The creature's expression did not change. Apparently he had noticed it a long time ago. He said, "Senior, I think he was a little hesitant. I think he doesn't know the details of this Quicksand City. My name is Ancient Demon, and I have been here for tens of thousands of years." , I only serve as a guide, I don’t know if Senior needs it.”

Emperor Yan was overjoyed when he heard this. He needed the most information now. Unexpectedly, he met a guide as soon as he arrived. He directly took out dozens of divine sources and asked, "Is this okay?"

The ancient demon was overjoyed and nodded quickly: "Okay."

The divine source contains powerful essence, which can be cultivated, deployed, and sealed. It is a hard currency no matter what the opportunity is.

Of course, this is because the ancient demon's cultivation level is not high, only about the level of the Great Sage.

Emperor Yan directly handed the divine source to the ancient demon and said: "Then you will show me around this city for me and answer some of my questions."

The ancient demon quickly took the divine source with both hands, put it away, and said happily: "Senior, you can follow me into the city and talk as you go."

Emperor Yan nodded and followed the ancient demon towards Liusha City. When he stepped into the city, the bustling scene came to his face. On both sides of the street, there are many shops with a dazzling array of products. Vendors from all over the country come in an endless stream, shouting and bargaining one after another.

But the items these people sell are very unusual, ranging from ferocious beasts with terrifying auras to weapon fragments entwined with runes.

As he walked, Ancient Demon introduced the basic information of Liusha City to Emperor Yan.

In this city, there is a ruler who is a powerful family. There are three powerful true immortals in the family. They have dominated Liusha City for countless years.

The people who come to this city are very mixed and belong to different ancient worlds. Their purpose of coming here is to hunt for treasures in the sand.

Emperor Yan understood clearly after hearing this, yes, this place is close to the sandy land, and the sandy land is close to the boundary sea. After the death of those supreme strong men, their weapons, armors, and other treasures may be slapped onto the dam by the boundary sea. , and then blown into the sand by the sea breeze.

"There is a legend here. Countless years ago, a lucky man encountered a finger bone of a supremely powerful man and realized an invincible method from it. He became famous in Quicksand City." Ancient Demon Envy said.

When he first came to Liusha City, he actually had similar plans. Unfortunately, his cultivation level was too low. After he almost got lost in the sand once, he never dared to go there again, so he became a guide in Liusha City.

After listening to this, Emperor Yan had a preliminary impression of Liusha City. The aboriginal people here may have come here to hunt for treasures at first. Some did not find anything and left, while some settled here.

From these words, Emperor Yan deduced information that was useful to him. There were passages to various ancient worlds here.

Glancing at the ancient demon beside him, Emperor Yan pondered for a moment and said, "Do you know what major events happened during this period?"

He still wanted to see if he could find out what recent major events had shaken the heavens, so that he could deduce that he was in that time period.

Ancient Demon didn't feel any surprise when he heard this, because when he first saw Emperor Yan, he noticed that he might not have been walking in the world for a long time.

This is also in line with the behavior of powerful monks. The supreme ones here often live for tens of millions of years, and there are many monks who have been in seclusion for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

In the eyes of the ancient demon, Emperor Yan was such a person, so it was not surprising that he didn't even hear about the recent war in the heavens.

After a change of thought, the ancient demon spoke up: "Senior, I don't know something. A great event has happened recently. I heard a powerful monk recently mentioned that a foreign land is attacking the primitive ancient world. The war has been going on for many years. "

Exotic and primitive ancient world!
After hearing this, Emperor Yan knew that he had reached that time point.

After solving his own doubts, Emperor Yan asked again: "Is there a road to the primitive ancient world in Liusha City?"

The ancient demon was startled and glanced at Emperor Yan. He didn't seem to be joking. Thinking that the other party was generous, he couldn't help but persuade him: "Senior, there is a war going on there. I heard that there are powerful immortals participating in the war."

But before he finished speaking, a piece of divine source appeared again, and the ancient demon could no longer speak. He happily accepted the divine source, took Emperor Yan to an ancient star, told him the way, and then Leave directly.

It's hard to persuade a damned person with good words, but he tried to persuade him, and he was extremely kind and righteous.

Emperor Yan came to a huge magic circle, looked at the people charging fees next to the magic circle, and asked: What can I do to start the journey to Cangwu Realm! "

The monk whose cultivation level was about that of Quasi-Emperor glanced at Emperor Yan and saw that he had an extraordinary demeanor. The dragon energy surrounded him, and the laws naturally revealed around him made him tremble. He knew that this was because he had gone a long way in the supreme realm. The monk said politely:

"About two days."

Emperor Yan nodded, left here to find a place to live, and waited for two days before heading to Cangwu Realm.

Liusha City is a bit far away from the primitive ancient world, and setting up a direct magic circle is very expensive. Therefore, it is usually necessary to transit through an ancient world of life to reach the primitive ancient world.

After Emperor Yan learned about the news about the primitive ancient world, he had no intention of staying in Liusha City and planned to go directly to the primitive ancient world.

(End of this chapter)

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