The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 274: Become famous in one battle

Chapter 274 Become famous in one battle

Outside Diguan City, a large army from the foreign land is pressing in at this moment, and the Immortal is standing at the front, obviously wanting to be put together with the battlefield in the human realm.

The Unbounded Quasi-Immortal King looked a little ugly and said: "The foreign land really did this."

When the immortal battlefield and the human battlefield are put together, the killing situation will be further expanded. This is not only true for the primitive ancient world, but also for the foreign land, which will also suffer heavy losses.

The aftermath of a battle between powerful immortals is enough to kill many people.

At this time, the faces of the monks in the human realm in the original imperial city were a little pale. If they did this in a foreign land, they would be the ones affected the most.

Under such tremendous pressure, some people's eyes changed when they looked at Emperor Yan. If they looked at him with respect before, now they felt a touch of blame in their hearts.

In fact, many people know the reason for this change in the foreign land. It has long been rumored in the original imperial city that the foreign land will take action against Emperor Yan and will not let him continue to grow. If nothing else, this time it will be against Emperor Yan. .

However, after all, this kind of mentality is only a small part. Most people know that this is the inevitable direction of war. The existence of Emperor Yan and Emperor Lei only accelerated this step.

"Brother Yandi, why don't you just hide!" Shi Jingtian looked at the foreign army on the opposite side and was a little shocked, because this was even more exaggerated than the first time, and he didn't know if all the true immortals from the foreign land were out in force.

"Seeking death!" The fourth son of the Purple God had a murderous intent in his eyes. He turned around and slashed out a piece of purple fairy light. Billions of rays of fairy light, and the terrifying talisman turned into a storm, directly killing the Supreme who sneaked up on him.

And the identities of these people happened to be the parents and children of several fairy kings who were rumored to be not on good terms with the real dragons.

"Thank you all, I will try my best not to bring unnecessary burden to you." Emperor Yan solemnly thanked you again.

Just half a month ago, Long Xi wanted to hand over the life-saving magic circle he was carrying to Emperor Yan. It was a magic circle at the level of a quasi-immortal king, and because of its powerful material, the spirit within it was quite active and could reach the peak of true immortality on its own. A blow.

"Thank you!" Seeing Qijia's promise, Emperor Yan also thanked him.

Hide, where can he hide? People in the primitive ancient world are already divided, but now they are just trying to get along. Your true dragon disciples have withdrawn from the battlefield, so why do their parents and children have to stay on the battlefield.

Knowing that his combat power has reached the level of a true immortal, people will just lift the tablecloth. If the human realm cannot deal with you, then they will use the immortal realm.

But among the nine top monks in the human realm in the foreign land, there is also a monk from the Imperial Clan. Although his bloodline cannot be compared with the fourth son of Ziji God, he is just an emperor whose bloodline is in the seventh or eighth generation. Clan monk.

Needless to say, the four sons of Ziji God are really strong. Even in the face of so many opponents, they actually managed to kill two supreme beings when there were still Imperial Clan on the opposite side.

Emperor Yan was speechless. This time, the other side of the foreign land was obviously coming for him. Merging the two battlefields should be to make it easier for the immortals to attack him.

Before the fourth son of Ziji Tianzhu could recover from his injuries, he quickly punched out to fight off the two supreme beings who were coming up to him. The terrifying light from his punches even tore the arm of one of the supreme beings, but he was also injured, with a long knife on his back. Crossed.

Seeing this, other people spoke one after another, including Gu Feng and others, but there were only a few people who always looked cold and did not speak.

The original imperial city shook. Under the terrifying torrent of steel, there were hundreds of millions of monks. They either drove battleships or rode away wild beasts, and they all began to rush towards the battlefield.


"Junior brother, you must be careful. If it doesn't work, just lure people to me." After Long Xi ordered, he rose into the sky and headed towards the battlefield.

The Immortal Kings in the primitive ancient world are not united, and there are also Immortal Kings who do not have good relations with the real dragons. Once Emperor Yan withdraws from the battlefield, those Immortal Kings will definitely take advantage of this.

Regardless of whether those people behind them don't want to fall behind others, they still mean it, but if they can say such things on this occasion, they must be sincere.

The body dissipates and the soul is destroyed.

In fact, neither Long Xi nor Changming Yandi were worried about their safety. As true dragon parents, they had a lot of good things in their bodies.

The fighting on their battlefield was fierce, and the horrific aftermath even turned many monks who were near here into ashes.

The four sons of Ziji God roared, terrifying runes were flying, and the Supreme Master holding the Changge flew out, almost being blown up.

The boundless starry sky turned into a battlefield, and it completely became a killing field. The war expanded in an all-round way, causing the number of casualties this time to be even more horrifying than last time. Some of the unlucky ones were set on fire as soon as they entered the battlefield, and were destroyed physically and mentally in an instant.

It's like this on Long Xi's side, and probably also on Changming's side. When their lives are really at stake, they should be able to safely exit the battlefield.

"Count me in." The Thunder Emperor, surrounded by lightning, said with a majestic expression.

Just after Emperor Yan finished his words of thanks, the sound of drums suddenly came from the foreign land, and then there were people roaring and horses neighing, and a huge team riding terrifying beasts began to sway in the galaxy.

The other nine supreme beings are not weak either, they are all at the level of the second generation. With such a lineup, Emperor Yan would be frightened even if he didn't use Emperor Yan's method.

Shi Jingtian shook his head helplessly. He was also dizzy just now, and he actually said such obviously impossible words.

"Damn it!" the leader of the Bifan clan yelled angrily. One of their clan's geniuses was besieged by the foreign lands, and within a moment, he was shattered into pieces in the starry sky.

But that's all. The four sons of Ziji Heavenly Lord are very strong, with Heavenly Emperor-level combat power, but he faces too many peak supremes, not to mention that the opponents are not weak either. Although the Supreme Supreme of the Imperial Clan is not as good as him, But he also touched the half-step Heavenly Emperor level with the combat power of the third generation.

"Yes, if this happens, just lure people to me and I will stop them." Yun Mo said.

But correspondingly, he was also injured, his left shoulder was penetrated by Chang Ge, and the terrifying god was invading his body and destroying his vitality.

Emperor Yan smiled and comforted: "Don't worry, senior sister, I will do what I can. If I can't beat you, I will run away. They can't chase me down on the battlefield."

"Senior sister, go!" Emperor Yan said helplessly as he looked at Long Xi reluctantly.

Such tragic situations happen almost every moment. This is war. As long as the forces are not strong enough to fear siege, everyone may be in danger of falling.

In the galaxy, the four sons of Ziji God are currently fighting against nine top monks in the human realm from a foreign land. He is one of the top eight in the Tianyuan Secret Realm this time, and he is very powerful.

The blow just now was the magic of Ziji God, a supreme attack and killing technique. It was struck by him, the son of Ziji God, and its power was so powerful that it was impossible to resist the God of Death.

But next to him, there are five foreign monks from the royal family, whose natural talents are also extremely powerful.

When the Qijia bystander heard this, he also said: "This is a great move. You can also come to me when the time comes, and I will take action."

"Boom!", "Boom!", "Boom!"...

"Junior brother..." Long Xi's beautiful eyes were filled with worry. She knew that the efficacy of the Dragon Scale Armor would only be triggered when someone at the peak of the True Immortal Peak or above attacks Emperor Yan.


"Fourth Son of Ziji, today is the day when you will perish." The monk from the Yutuo clan did not stop and continued to attack fiercely, not giving the fourth son of Ziji God any chance to breathe.

And those supremes followed closely to attack. As opponents, they knew how strong the person in front of them was. In ten against one situation, three of them died, and everyone was left injured. Two of them were seriously injured and even suffered injuries. An injury requires endless years of recovery.

They did not dare to give the fourth son of Ziji Heavenly Lord a chance to recover, so they were working hard at this moment. They knew that this would make the fourth son of Ziji Heavenly Lord trapped and fighting, but they still chose to take action without giving them a chance to recover.

The foreign supremes succeeded. At the cost of two more supremes, they destroyed the form of the fourth son of Ziji God and even seriously injured his spirit.


Infinite coercion filled the battlefield, and the spirits of the four sons of Ziji God bloomed with terrifying fairy light. There, there was a small flag filled with chaotic energy. As soon as it appeared, it exploded with divine power, swaying out thousands of fairy lights.

"Pfft!", "Pfft!"

The two supreme beings who were taking action and preparing to attack the fourth son of Ziji Tianzhu were unable to dodge, and were destroyed physically and mentally by Xiaoqi's sword energy.


After passively killing two supreme beings, Chaos Xiaoqi protected the souls of the four sons of Ziji God and tore open the void, preparing to withdraw from the battlefield. However, at this moment, the Yutuo monk also burst out with divine power and withstood it. Chaos flag.

"Hmph, I know you Immortal King's parents and children have important treasures on you." The monks of the Yutuo clan were also prepared.

It was a small stone seal. The light was blazing at the moment, and it also exploded with terrifying power. It was holding Xiao Qi back, preventing him from leaving.

Everyone in Diguan was shocked. The foreign side had been prepared for a long time and had also given heavy treasures. The main purpose was to snipe the Immortal King's parents and children.

"Fourth Brother!" The eldest son of the Lord Ziji roared angrily, and the Immortal Law exploded. The terrifying Ziji Immortal light soared into the sky, making the sun and moon dim and the stars dim.

Also of the Purple Immortal Light, this True Immortal, the eldest son of the Purple God, has undoubtedly exerted the full power of this invincible technique.


The dazzling purple fairy light instantly pierced the sky, entered the galaxy battlefield, and struck at the stone seal.

"Hmph! Do you think we are dead?" An immortal shouted angrily from the other side. He took a step forward and stood in front of the fairy light. His head glowed, and endless runes rushed out, forming a halberd and striking at Zijixian. Light.


The dark light of the war halberd soared into the sky, and the divine chain of order wrapped around the snow-white halberd blade. Wherever it passed, the void collapsed, and the nine heavens were shattered, directly blocking the purple fairy light.

"Ming Chuanzi, you are looking for death!" the eldest son of Ziji God roared and rushed out of the Imperial Pass, surging with divine power.

Emperor Yan looked at this scene without paying much attention. The relationship between Lord Ziji and the True Dragon was not very friendly, so Emperor Yan naturally didn't care about the life and death of Ziji's four sons.

His eyes were fixed on the direction of Chang Ming and Long Xi. Over there, they were under siege, and their lineup was even more terrifying. At this moment, the brother and sister were fighting side by side, facing the siege of more than a dozen Supremes.

Among those dozen people, there were six from the Imperial Clan alone, namely the Chiwang Imperial Clan, the Pu Moshu Imperial Clan, the Mingchuan Imperial Clan, the Yutuo Imperial Clan, the Wushang Imperial Clan, and the Tongming Imperial Clan. Xiu Zhizun led ten royal supremes to besiege the two.

That is to say, the imperial clan here are all of the third and fourth generations of blood, otherwise Chang Ming and Long Xi might be near-immortals and would not be able to withstand such an offensive.

But even so, Chang Ming and Long Xi were actually being hit hard because there was a person on the opposite side. Ignorance!

The last time he was almost killed by Emperor Yan in the starry sky, it was because of him that the primitive ancient world was able to gain peace for five years.

Although Wu Ming was not Wu Shang's biological son, his blood had returned to his ancestors, and he had been practicing for many years longer than Chang Ming. He also had magic immunity, so Chang Ming and Long Xi were unable to exert their full strength.

"Can Senior Brother Chang Ming and Senior Sister Long Xi's life-saving methods allow them to escape from the battlefield safely?" Emperor Yan asked worriedly.

Judging from the case of the four sons of Ziji Tianzhu, the foreign side obviously has countermeasures. Long Xi has a very strong trump card, a quasi-immortal king level magic circle, but what about the foreign side?

"I don't know." Yun Mo's face was equally ugly. He wanted to take action, but he sensed a gaze from the foreign land watching him all the time. He followed the gaze and found that it was his old rival, the son of the Red King.

"I'll take action! This will happen sooner or later." Emperor Yan said in a deep voice. He knew that Foreign Land was forcing him to take action, because Foreign Land's lineup against Chang Ming and Long Xi was obviously a bit over the top, and many immortals were sacrificed for this purpose. King's bloodline.

The foreign side almost tells you clearly that I want you to take action, and you have to come out obediently.

But Emperor Yan had no choice. Yun Mo was held back at first sight. He couldn't just watch Chang Ming and Long Xi fall, so he had no choice but to take action.

"Let's go together. There should be no defense against me in the foreign land. You take action to attract attention, and I will save people."

At this moment, Shi Jingtian's spiritual consciousness transmitted a message, but his expression remained normal, as if he had been paying attention to the Supreme Being from the Stone Clan and the Seven Border Wilderness Kings.

Emperor Yan was grateful in his heart, but his expression remained unchanged. He just said through his spiritual consciousness: "Thank you, Brother Shi."

Yun Mo was the same way, and his spiritual consciousness sent a message to Shi Jingtian: "I will pay attention to the situation on the Stone Clan's side."



On the battlefield where Chang Ming and Long Xi were, a horrific explosion occurred. In an instant, the original six imperial clan supremes except Wu Ming restrained Chang Ming.

The other five Imperial Clan Supremes all turned around and besieged Long Xi. They used various Imperial Clan ancestral arts to inflict heavy losses on Long Xi in a short period of time.

"Xi'er!" Chang Ming's eyes were about to burst, and the real dragon swung out to block Wu Ming's halberd, then killed him regardless, even taking a halberd from Wu Ming.

"Now!" Emperor Yan shouted in his heart. Jiang Li's Dao Fruit exploded directly in his body. The dragon scale armor on his body felt the change in his cultivation and was liberated to the level of a true immortal. His whole body turned into a feather of light. Go straight into the battlefield.

"Jie Jie Jie, I finally took action. He is mine, no one can steal it from me." A man rushed out from the Immortal Man's side and killed Emperor Yan directly.

The blazing fairy light exploded, and the chaotic energy was surging here. A real dragon was flying in the nine heavens. The scales on his body were deep, and there were mysterious runes on each one, exuding the brilliance of the immortal way.


A strange beast, its body is also huge and boundless. It looks very weird. It has the body of a cow, but it has a tiger head, a dragon tail, and its whole body is red.

This strange beast was surrounded by terrifying divine fire, which seemed to light up the heavens.

Tongming beast, the immortal king of the foreign land Tongming is a transparent beast, and the one who attacks this time is the son of King Tongming.

After Emperor Yan took action, he rushed out and stood in front of Emperor Yan, not giving him a chance to save Chang Ming and Long Xi.

A big battle started. As Jiang Li has been practicing on the road to immortality during this period, the speed of opening up his acupoints has never stopped. Now he is close to completing his third transformation, with only two thousand acupoints left.

As a result, Emperor Yan's combat power was naturally greatly increased. Coupled with the blessing of the Dragon Scale Armor, he could really compete with Tongmingzi, a mid-stage immortal.

At this moment, an aura erupted from the direction of the original imperial city, and at lightning speed, Chang Ming and Long Xi, who had been injured, were rescued.

"Damn it!"

This scene happened so fast that even the immortals in the foreign land could not react, and Chang Ming and Long Xi were sent back to the Imperial Pass.

"Prince Shi, you are seeking death." Yu Tuo's son roared angrily and killed him directly. The terrifying god broke out and killed Shi Jingtian.

"It's up to you to see who of us will die!" Shi Jingtian was not afraid and directly waved his stone fist to meet him.

Chang Ming, who was sent back to the Imperial Pass, held the broken body of Long Xi. He could no longer hold on and fainted.

"Chang Ming, Xi'er." Yun Mo was a little anxious and directly tore out a passage to send the two of them back to Zhenlong Ridge.

They were injured too badly and their sources were almost exhausted. He now had to take care of the situation of the Stone Clan and was unable to treat them. If they were sent back to True Dragon Ridge, the quasi-immortal king would naturally take action.

But fortunately, he was saved in time and there was no threat of life. This can be seen from the fact that the trump card was not activated.

At this moment, except for Long Xi and Chang Ming, everyone else's condition is not very good. Although the situation they face is much better, they are actually just trying to support themselves.

The strength of the foreign land was displayed there. With the numerical advantage, almost everyone was taken care of. Except for the four sons of Ziji Tianzhu, Tianzhao was soon forced to use his trump card and wanted to rush out of the battlefield.

But the same thing happened, and the foreign side also had corresponding means to resist Tianzhao's trump card.

The eldest son of the Infinite God took action, but was also stopped.

"Anyone who stands in my way will die!" The eldest son of the Infinite God went crazy. Looking at the situation on the fifth brother's side, it was really not optimistic, but the woman opposite him was very powerful, and the golden divine spear blocked his infinite divine power.

"I will hold off for you for a moment and seize the opportunity." At this moment, a voice sounded in the heart of the eldest son of the Infinite God. He noticed that Emperor Yan was rushing towards Ruoyouruowu during the battle with Tongmingzi. .

Emperor Yan had already noticed when he realized that Tian Zhao was about to be blocked. He knew that the eldest son of the Infinite God would be blocked, and he was ready to respond.

"Thank you!" Immeasurable Heaven's eldest son sent a message, but his face was still crazy, his infinite divine power was surging, and terrifying mana fluctuations kept hitting the strange woman.


A loud noise shook the world, and everyone looked over there. They saw Tongmingzi condensed into a giant beast, with gods wrapped around his body, tearing apart the huge shadow of the real dragon, and pressing his palm on Emperor Yan's chest.


Emperor Yan's body flew sideways, very fast, and hit the battlefield on the side of the eldest son of the Infinite God.

"Now, An Ran, take my punch."

Something shocking happened. After receiving a blow from Tong Mingzi, Emperor Yan was not affected at all. After entering the battlefield between the eldest son of the Infinite God and the daughter of the alien Anlan, the True Dragon Fist struck directly.

The dragon energy was mighty, and the power of the true dragon swept through the eight wastelands. On the opposite side, it was An Ran who Yan Emperor had met in the Tianyuan Secret Realm, but this time, she was an immortal.

Until now, everyone knew that the blow that Emperor Yan received just now was intentional. The purpose was to hold the woman back so that the eldest son of the Infinite God could take action.

"That was magic immunity just now?"

After recovering from the surprise, people on both sides remembered the method just now. They were all familiar with it, because it was the powerful ability that the giant Wushang relied on to become famous and become a giant.

"He actually mastered magic immunity. We must not keep him alive." Wushang and his son looked murderous. Magic immunity is the most important method of their clan, and now someone else has learned it, and they are also enemies.

This is surprising, because since the rise of Wushang, many people have coveted the ability of mana immunity, but without exception, they have failed.

Magic immunity, which was thought to be incapable of being cultivated by outsiders except for the Wushang clan, was now seen in outsiders.

At this moment, the eldest son of Wuliang Tianzhu, who had escaped, seized the opportunity and sent Tianzhao directly back to Diguan. Then he quickly turned back and killed Tongmingzi to prevent Emperor Yan from being flanked.

All this happened very quickly, not even a moment, in a flash of lightning.


An Ran took out a spear, which was her own weapon. She did not use the ancestral skill Chifeng Spear because she knew it would be useless against those who were immune to magic.

"I have never appeared on the battlefield. This is the first time. How do you know my name." An Ran's face was cold, just like in Tianyuan Secret Realm.

"You don't need to know how I know your name, you just need to know that you have lost to me." Emperor Yan also took out the dragon-marked chaos halberd and pointed to the sky from a distance.

An Ran understood clearly in his eyes and said in a cold voice: "This is the Tianyuan Secret Realm. You people from the primitive ancient world are really hypocritical. You collected the fighting methods of our races, but you are so afraid of losing that you don't dare to fight openly."

Tianyuan Secret Realm actually has this function. Emperor Yan suddenly realized that perhaps one of the functions of Tianyuan Secret Realm is to allow geniuses to become familiar with foreign monks.

After thinking about it, Emperor Yan said directly: "You were killed by me!"

"That's not me. If it were really my true body, you would have died long ago." An Ran said disdainfully.

"You were killed by me!" Emperor Yan repeated these words, his voice louder than before.

"Do you only deserve to live in a dream? That bullshit Tian Tianyuan secret realm was the work of your Immortal King. Who knows if there is any problem." An Ran said with an ugly face.

"You have been killed by me!" Emperor Yan still said this, and his lethality was still very powerful.

"Lead to death!" An Ran's beautiful face was full of anger, and he thrust out the spear in his hand, intending to stab the shameless thief in front of him to death.

Urgent, she was impatient.

Compared with other monks who had gone through countless years, this young daughter of An Lan was undoubtedly not so ruthless. She was very angry when Emperor Yan suddenly attacked her.

(End of this chapter)

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