Chapter 275 Checkmate!


The golden divine spear burst out with bright light and struck a terrifying blow. An Ran took action with anger, and the terrifying divine power wrapped up the divine spear and thrust it out.

This spear was so powerful that it made many people change their minds. This daughter of An Lan, who had never appeared among the monks in the original ancient world, was obviously no worse than any of the king's children.


The war sound sounded, and the dragon-marked chaos war halberd was like a chaotic divine dragon, swaying its terrifying body and biting towards the golden divine spear.

The dark galaxy suddenly exploded, golden divine light and chaotic energy intertwined. The world was overturned, and time and space became fragments, floating in all directions.


Under the divine voice that resounded throughout the heavens, the two weapons collided together, and the divine light burst into the sky, overturning the sky and then turning it into nothingness.

In such a battle. The low-level monks in the two realms suffered. They could barely survive by escaping to the first realm, but those monks who killed me were almost completely wiped out.

After arriving in the realm of immortality, as long as one's personal strength is not greatly stretched, it is almost impossible to fight one on three.

"So what, if this creates a deadlock, will the True Immortal on your side be able to save you?" the foreign king said coldly.

Emperor Yan could feel at this moment that the power of his body was rising infinitely. The dragon scale armor seemed to be integrated with him, and the terrifying divine power was blessing him.

His combat power was only in the early stage of True Immortal, but it was only with the blessing of the dragon scale treasure armor that he reached the middle stage of True Immortal. That is to say, the protective power of the treasure armor is really amazing. Coupled with magic immunity, An Ran could not defeat him. Method.

"You are no good either. You have practiced for hundreds of thousands of years and you can't do anything to me, a monk in the human realm. I'm even ashamed of your father!" Emperor Yan taunted.

On that emperor, there were seven figures standing, and infinite divine power erupted from them, pouring into the original imperial city continuously.

All the monks were yelling. Not only the primitive ancient world, but even those from foreign lands quickly withdrew from the world when they saw this situation.

"Oh, refining lamp oil, when I catch you, I will take you as my mount!" Emperor Yan was not afraid, and he swung the dragon-patterned chaos halberd in his hand.

"It seems that your strength is not as strong as you said."

"The true dragon's retreat!" A king saw the mystery, but still said indifferently: "It's very powerful, but I also have it in a foreign land."

"Attack them all and kill them on the spot!"

Faced with this situation, Emperor Yan had no choice. Now he could only support An Ran's attack and could not distract from protecting them.

Obviously, this time the foreign land has also made up its mind, and the reason why these seven kings came is to prevent the seven kings from the borderlands from saving people.

On the Imperial Pass side, we saw the Immortals from a foreign land dispatched, and the original Imperial City in the sky exploded with unparalleled fluctuations, directly moving towards the front.

At this moment, the two sides were locked in a struggle. The original imperial city was falling, and the seven kings from the foreign land were trying their best to lift it up.


"How are you now?" In the original imperial city, King Suzaku asked. He was not asking Emperor Yan, but the seven foreign kings who were very arrogant just now.

The terrifying gods swept across and interrupted the charge of the foreign immortals, and even the two sides who were fighting stopped.

"What do you mean, do you really want an all-out war?" A king from a foreign land said in a deep voice.

It was obviously just a plain speech, but it seemed to contain infinite principles, resounding throughout the world, as if giving an order to the world.

Emperor Yan did not hesitate. While retreating, he also grabbed a piece of heaven and earth and took the monks from the primitive ancient world away from the battlefield.

Over there in the foreign land, seeing An Ran unable to fight for a long time, a king issued a decree with a loud voice.

This time, before the war started, they had received orders to kill Emperor Yan and Emperor Thunder first.

There were millions of monks fighting in this world, but only a few monks left, and the rest had nothing left.

An Ran is very strong, even stronger than him, but not enough to defeat him.

"Get out of here!"

The original imperial city was still falling, but in the process, the symbols on the city were flying, sweeping out a fairy light and falling on Emperor Yan.

After another collision, Emperor Yan's body flew sideways, his mouth exploded, and blood flowed gurglingly.

Seeing this, the others followed suit and took action one after another, quickly clearing the battlefield of people to protect them from the King's battle fluctuations.

And two of the immortals went directly towards Emperor Yan to kill him.

"I will kill your body, pull out your soul, and sacrifice it into lamp oil, so that you can neither live nor die." An Ran was really angry, and his beautiful face was filled with murderous intent at this moment.

"Hmph! We are both kings, even if this city is extraordinary, it can't really do anything to us!" A king from a foreign land said coldly.

"Hmph! Are you trying to break the tacit understanding?" The seven foreign kings were furious and stretched out their hands to drag them towards the original imperial city.

The seven kings of the foreign land are indeed restricted now, but the seven kings of the borderland are also restricted. However, the number of immortals in the foreign land is nearly three times that of the original ancient world. This is an indisputable fact.

"So what, you still can't do anything now." A king in the original imperial city responded.

A shocking change occurred. It was a divine power left by the real dragon to King Suzaku. As long as the immortals besieged Emperor Yan on the battlefield, the restrictions of the armor would be lifted.

As soon as the words fell, all the immortals stood up and started to kill towards the front.

These words were like a ignited fuse, which completely made An Ran explode. As the daughter of the Immortal King, she respected An Lan the most and could not bear such ridicule.


Of course, those in the foreign land are not that murderous towards other true immortals. Their goals this time, Emperor Yan and Emperor Thunder, will be successful as long as one of them dies.

Unparalleled murderous intent surged from above the original dungeon, and one immortal symbol after another lit up, shaking the world and illuminating the past, present and future.

A young man, with a tall and straight figure, his head full of black hair, and blood flowing all over his body. In his hand, there is a white halberd, which also exudes the power of a king.

"The hand bone of an Immortal King!" The Suzaku King in the original imperial city stared intently, feeling that something was a bit tricky.

In the arm of the young man holding the halberd, there is also a piece of white bone, which is integrated with the young man, which allows him to fully activate the magical power of the halberd.

Whether it is Yan Emperor's True Dragon Armor or the foreign halberd, they are all Immortal King soldiers, but when they are used, they are used by low-level monks.

Both sides were silent, because the war was about to break out. The young man waved his halberd and went directly towards Emperor Yan to kill him.

It can be seen that activating the halberd is a great burden for the young man, because the same is true for Emperor Yan.

Using the magic power of a true immortal to activate the Immortal King's weapon, even if he has a steady stream of magic power at the moment, it is indeed a big burden on the body.


The bright white halberd fell down, emitting a bright light, and chains of order gods appeared, actively wrapping around the halberd, emitting unparalleled power.

Emperor Yan did not hesitate, he directly transformed into a real dragon body, and his huge body appeared in the starry sky. At this moment, the dragon scale armor seemed to be his scales. This was also the strongest form of the dragon scale armor.

"Boom!" In an instant, the two of them were fighting together, and the king's aura filled the air. The immortals in the foreign land, not to mention Emperor Yan, did not even dare to get close at this moment.

The next moment, the world seemed to be reopening, with chaos surging and terrifying fluctuations filling the air.

The true immortals from the primitive ancient world and the immortals from foreign lands were also dispatched, but they all consciously avoided the battlefield and did not dare to get close.


At this moment, Emperor Yan is like a real dragon. He stretches his body, every piece is shining, mysterious symbols are flashing, and he cuts out wisps of chaotic sword energy.

All around him were Chaos Sword Qi. Tens of thousands of big stars exploded and turned into a piece of powder. Then they merged with the Chaos Sword Qi and turned into four Chaos Swords that shot forward.

On the other side, the young man's palm was glowing, with one hand bone, filled with the pressure of the king, echoing the halberd in his hand. As the divine power surged, the halberd seemed to be activated, like an invincible king awakening.


The euphorbia was swung, and a terrifying beast seemed to appear there. While roaring, thousands of rays of light burst out from its body.


The light collided with the Chaos Stone Sword, the stone sword exploded and the light dissipated.

The black-haired young man's eyes were cold. The halberd in his hand fell down again, tearing the void. The halberd blade appeared directly in front of Emperor Yan.

But Emperor Yan was not afraid at all. He swung out a punch and hit the halberd blade, deflecting it.

But it was just a touch, and both of them flew out. This was the collision of the Immortal King's weapons, and the terrifying power acted directly on them.

I don’t know why the young man made such a choice, because Emperor Yan was just bleeding all over his body, but he almost exploded.

This is a complete way to kill eight hundred enemies and lose one thousand.

"His existence is to kill you. If he cannot kill you, he will also destroy your Daoji." In the original imperial city, the Suzaku King said in a deep voice.

The foreign land's method this time was very terrifying. The young man's role was to activate the Immortal King Artifact, regardless of what he would do.

Emperor Yan's use of the Dragon Scale Armor would only consume his mana, but the young man's use of the halberd would cost him death.

Even if he doesn't die in this battle, he will die soon, because the bone in his arm will kill him.


After the young man reorganized his body, he looked crazy and looked at Emperor Yan with hatred in his eyes. The halberd in his hand fell down again, trying to make the Immortal King's soldiers collide again.

"Seeking death!" Emperor Yan shouted. Even though he already knew the foreign land's plan, he still wanted to fight, without fear of the damage caused by direct contact with the soldiers of the former king.

Because he could see that the young man's use of the halberd was very harmful. If the collision continued like this, within a few rounds, the king's hand bone in his arm would explode.

That is the Immortal King's law. Planting it directly into the body is undoubtedly the most deadly poison for people below the Immortal King.


The halberd flew across the sky, trying to chop off the head of the black divine dragon, but the next moment, a thick dragon tail whipped over and hit the side of the halberd.

Not surprisingly, the two flew sideways again, and the Immortal King's soldiers came into direct contact. Unless the person in charge of them was also an Immortal King, the force of the counterattack would be unbearable to ordinary people.

This time, the injuries on the black dragon's body became even more terrifying. Blood was almost all over his body, and the blood seeped out from the cracks in the dragon's scales, which was very strange.

Emperor Yan felt that his whole body was twitching, and the severe pain almost made him go crazy, but he held it back and directly pressed his palm down on the black-haired young man's soul.

Emperor Yan knew that if he felt pain, the lunatic opposite him would only feel more pain, because he suffered greater damage.

This person is completely disposable and will die after using it, so when the king's hand bone was transplanted to him, it was almost crudely stuffed in.

The young man's body exploded when the black dragon's claws grabbed it, but Yuan Shen still controlled the intact arm to grab the halberd.


Sparks flew everywhere, and a black hole appeared where the dragon claw and the halberd collided. It was like a new world, constantly reincarnating and reborn.

"Puff", "Puff"

There were two sounds of flesh breaking, and the severed arm also exploded, leaving only a piece of crystal white bone, and the black dragon on the other side was not much better.

From the outside, except for the blood all over his body, there were almost no injuries visible. However, everyone who paid attention to this scene knew that the appearance had not changed at all. It was the dragon scale armor.

Inside the black dragon scales, Emperor Yan was almost completely shattered, and even his soul was almost dimmed. The most terrifying thing was that the law of the unknown king remained in his body.

Because of the protection of the Dragon Scale Armor, it was just a faint trace of the King's Law, but it was still a bit too much for Emperor Yan to bear at this stage.

"Junior brother!" Yun Mo punched away the two immortals who were attacking him. In an instant, he rushed into the Broken World and came to Emperor Yan's side.

Seeing Emperor Yan whose soul was almost dimmed, and the ray of King's Law intertwined on his remains, Yunmo didn't know what to do. Now that his father was gone, those in the original imperial city were unable to take action.

"By the way, dragon scale armor!" Seeing the intact dragon scale armor on Emperor Yan, Yunmo directly sent a massive amount of divine power to revive the already dormant dragon scale armor, and established the king's law.

As the remnant of the true dragon, the dragon scale armor naturally also contains the law of the true dragon. It is not difficult to fix that ray of king's law, but it is limited to this. Yunmo is not strong enough to fully activate the dragon scale armor.

But for now, even this can save Emperor Yan's life.

But those people in the foreign land would not act like Yunmo, but in an instant, three immortals came and killed him.

"Junior brother, it depends on your luck." Yun Mo had no choice but to tear open a crack in the void and throw Emperor Yan directly into it.


In True Dragon Ridge, Emperor Yan, who was protected by dragon scale armor and had his limbs broken, returned here.

Such movement naturally attracted the attention of the Quasi-Immortal King stationed at Zhenlong Ridge in an instant.

When the Black Dragon Quasi-Immortal King came here and saw the scene in front of him, his expression changed.

Even though he was a quasi-immortal king, when he saw Emperor Yan's condition, he still felt troublesome and the injuries were too serious. If it weren't for the dragon-scale treasure armor to protect him, Emperor Yan might have died a hundred times.

The Black Dragon Quasi-Immortal King did not dare to delay and took Emperor Yan directly to the True Dragon Palace and placed him in the Dragon Washing Pond.

This is the place where true dragons practice. It is a place that conquers the heaven and earth. It has a rich Tao Yun of the Immortal King. It is the only place where the Black Dragon Quasi-Immortal King can think of saving Emperor Yan.

"I wonder if Lord True Dragon will go crazy after knowing this."

In just a few days, three young masters were seriously injured, and one of them was on the verge of death!

In the world that covers the sky, Jiang Li, who is absorbing essence to fill his mana, synchronizes the memory of Emperor Yan.

"It's so scary. That's the power of the Immortal King. Even a trace of the law almost killed me. If it weren't for the Dragon Scale Armor, Emperor Yan would have died countless times."

(End of this chapter)

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