The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 281 The 6th Transformation, Emperor Tianyuan

Chapter 281 The Sixth Transformation, Emperor Tianyuan
In the blink of an eye, a hundred years passed. After Jiang Li forcibly opened the golden age, geniuses emerged in the world. They were active in various ancient life stars, and then began to embark on the strongest trial road.

Almost all of them were geniuses born after heaven and earth, which also led to the fact that they almost heard about the two Heavenly Emperors opening the golden age in advance for the sake of all living beings.

It’s as if everyone is trying to prove how good they are, and also wants to prove that the efforts of the two Heavenly Emperors have not been in vain. This prosperous era is as you can see!
The starry sky is bright, geniuses are emerging in large numbers, friends are accompanying him and beautiful women are by his side. When Jiang Li saw this scene, he thought about when he first ventured into the ancient road, and he couldn't help but sigh that it was great to be young.

Jiang Li sat cross-legged in the Bronze Immortal Palace, looking at the ruthless man who was still undergoing transformation in the depths, when he suddenly felt something unusual happening in the Hengyu Furnace.

"Is there any news from Emperor Wu Shi?"

Thinking of the information that was transmitted with the help of Hengyu Furnace a hundred years ago, Jiang Li made some guesses in his mind, and then his divine sense probed into Hengyu Furnace, and indeed he got the method of using the List of Gods.

Not only that, after knowing the path Jiang Li took, Emperor Wu Shi also gave him a surprise.

There is a secret realm deep in the universe. No one knows who left it there, and there is no information at all. When the Wu Shi Great Emperor was searching the universe for news about the Immortal Emperor, he accidentally came across that secret realm.

The divine consciousness said that the concentration of essence in that place was no less than that of the road to immortality, and more importantly, it recovered very quickly. Even if the essence in it was consumed, it would be restored to its original state in a thousand years at most.

Such a place is simply perfect for his cultivation. The most important thing is the recovery speed. He can recover in a thousand years, which is terrifying.

Places like the Immortal Transformation Pond and many other places of creation in Zhongzhou have not recovered since they were drained by him tens of thousands of years ago.

With that secret realm, plus the information about the path to immortality recorded in the List of Gods, perhaps he wouldn't have to worry about the issue of cultivation for a long time in the future.

After practicing the summoning formula of the Investiture of the Gods, Jiang Li shouted in a low voice: "Investiture of the Gods, come!"

In the ancient forbidden land, a divine map reappeared and was reorganized. Over the long years, it had already left the mark of this world. In the List of Gods, one can see many nodes, large and small, like gaps in the sky and earth, lasting forever.

This is the information about the path to becoming an immortal. There is a lot of information. There are two in the Big Dipper Star Region, which should be the one in Beiyuan and the one in Donghuang. There is one in Feixian Star, one in Tongtian Star, and one in Gouchen Star...

Jiang Li looked at the information recorded in the List of the Gods. Some of them were places he had visited before, so he did not pay too much attention to them. His attention was more focused on those unfamiliar paths to becoming immortals.

And on the List of Gods, he saw the secret realm mentioned by Emperor Wu Shi. It was a small spot of light, like a crack, extending to an unknown place outside the realm.

The light spot was very bright, even brighter than the nodes on the Path to Immortality, as if the essence of this secret realm was extremely powerful, and was no less powerful than the Path to Immortality.

After a long time, when Jiang Li released the call for the List of Gods, the divine map disappeared and continued to imprint this world.

"First go to the secret realm, drain it all, then go to the Immortal Path to cultivate for a thousand years, then go to the secret realm to cultivate again, and then..."

If he repeats this cycle over and over again, his cultivation will experience a real surge, and he might even complete nine transformations in one go and become a war immortal!
In the endless distance outside the borderland, Jiang Li tore through the void and came here, and the dark and boundless starry sky was suddenly illuminated.

He glanced around, and saw nothing but desolation, without any sign of life.

This is deep in the edge of the universe. Here, there is nothingness, lightning has dried up, and the road no longer exists.

Finally, Jiang Li's gaze stopped at a void which was very close to him, but when Jiang Li took a step forward, he only felt that he was a little closer to the void.

It was amazing. With his current level of cultivation, he could cover an almost endless distance with one step. This deep and empty space might be larger than he imagined.

After taking a few steps again, when Jiang Li came to this space, he immediately felt something strange here. He stretched out his hand and clapped it, and the void in front of him shattered, and a dark passage appeared.

Looking into the passage, you can't see the end, as if this road will never end!

Jiang Li walked closer and slowly paced in the passage. There was an endless expanse ahead and deep darkness all around.

After walking for a long time, Jiang Li finally saw a little fairy light blooming at the end of the passage. It was dazzling and brilliant, with divine mist rising, and billions of fairy lights exploding.

Even though they were far away, Jiang Li could still feel the majestic energy, which was no worse than the path to becoming an immortal.

I happily passed through the end of the passage. In an instant, a huge change occurred in front of me, from the previous darkness to light. In this secret realm, there were many small meteorites floating, and there was nothing else.

Emperor Wu Shi once said that he had investigated here and found no information, as if this secret realm was formed naturally.

Jiang Li felt that this conclusion was correct, because he didn't see anything. Apart from the rich essence and energy here, there was not even a trace of Taoism. Although the essence and energy were rich, it was definitely not suitable for cultivators to practice.

In the process of cultivation, absorbing essence and energy is not actually the most important thing. The key for a cultivator to possess infinite power is to understand the great way, and here there is nothing but essence and energy.

But these are nothing to Jiang Li, because he is now skilled in Taoism. The inner world has been imprinting the great ways of the supreme beings for Jiang Li to comprehend. What he lacks most now is energy.

Sitting cross-legged in the center of the secret realm, Jiang Li began to absorb the essence and open up the acupoints. The speed of cultivation that reached the peak made him unable to extricate himself.

Not long after, the magic powers in his body were opened up one by one. The magic power stored inside, if leaked out, would be enough to cause a quasi-emperor to explode and die.

There is no concept of time in the secret realm, and Jiang Li is only thinking about cultivation. But at this moment in the Zhatian Realm, the battle for the throne has already begun.

Since the emergence of the strongest ancient road, the geniuses of all races have not taken other ancient roads, but have flocked to the strongest ancient road.

This was an unprecedented collision. In just the first level, several geniuses of the emperor level appeared. Among them was the Supreme Immortal Body from the Eternal Star Domain, a Heavenly Demon Body that broke through the shackles of physical constitution, a genius whose bloodline returned to his ancestral form from the Jiuli Dynasty, and a first-generation Cang Tian Tyrant Body.

If each of them were placed in a different era, they would have the opportunity to strive for supremacy, but now they are all born in the same life, and a shocking war is destined to break out.

The four of them started fighting from the first level of the strongest trial road until the fiftieth level, but there was still no winner.

Once, the divine ban was triggered during a battle between the Supreme Immortal and the genius of the Jiuli Dynasty. Originally, the spectators thought that the battle would finally decide the winner, but soon after, the genius of the Jiuli Dynasty also entered the divine ban.

The two fought until the starry sky exploded, but in the end both were injured and neither of them defeated the other.

In the following time, the four of them had many battles with each other, but they all ended in failure. Finally, they fought all the way to the quasi-emperor realm, and the celestial demon body was defeated by the other three one after another, and left the road to emperor sadly.

The battle in this life was so intense that the remaining three people were far ahead of the others at a level. They were almost the template of the emperor.

In the end, the three were unable to determine the winner at the ultimate imperial level, but in the end, the Supreme Immortal Body made the ultimate leap and became the Great Emperor, while the Jiuli Dynasty and the Cangtian Tyrant Body were ultimately stopped due to the shackles of their bloodlines, but their combat power was also sublimated in the final battle, and both were strong enough to rival the Great Emperor.

When Jiang Li came out of the secret realm and returned to the Zhatian Realm, he immediately sensed that the Tianxin Seal had been integrated by someone, and he knew that a person who had attained enlightenment had appeared in this life.

Originally, Jiang Li thought that this time of cultivation would only last for a thousand years, but after practicing, he found that the secret realm recovered its energy very quickly. It took him one thousand two hundred years before the energy in the secret realm was in short supply and was completely absorbed by him.

This time, his gains were also enormous. In more than a thousand years, he had opened up three thousand acupoints. He had already gone a long way in the sixth transformation.

With divine light rising into the sky under his feet, Jiang Li went directly to the heaven. After meeting Ye Fan and learning about the general situation of this life and the supreme immortal body named Emperor Tianyuan, he returned to the ancient forbidden land.

Forty-four thousand years into the Heavenly Emperor calendar, Emperor Tianyuan, who had already stabilized his realm, came to Heaven to challenge Ye Fan, and the result was very tragic.

This was Ye Fan's second life. He was only 18,000 years old and was still at the peak of his second life. Even though the combat power of the Supreme Immortal Body was very strong, he could not even last ten moves against Ye Fan and was directly defeated.

Master Ye, who is already 48,000 years old, taught the new emperor a truth: your uncle is your uncle after all. Jiang Li witnessed this battle and couldn't help but shake his head and sigh that the emperors in the world of the Great Ruler were all stubborn and confident that they were invincible. Emperor Tianyuan certainly knew how strong Ye Fan was, but he still went there without hesitation.

After practicing the Immortal Sutra in the ancient forbidden land for a hundred years, Jiang Li set out again and came directly to an intersection on the road to immortality. He stretched out his hand and gently patted it.


Looking at the vital energy emanating from the Immortal Path, Jiang Li walked in with some familiarity, went straight to the Immortal Path, and continued to absorb the vital energy to open up the acupoints.

In the Heavenly Palace, Ye Fan, who felt a powerful fluctuation, opened his eyes, with deep pressure in his eyes. Jiang Li's progress was too fast. Even though Ye Fan's progress had been rapid since he became an emperor, he still felt that he could not keep up with Jiang Li's pace and was struggling.

He had this feeling since the very beginning of his cultivation. When he was young and heard Jiang Li talk about the dark turmoil, he practiced hard, hoping to catch up with Jiang Li and share the pressure together, but in the end he could only watch his former seniors join the battle with the bodies of gods, but he was powerless to do anything.

"The eternal black calamity, I will absolutely not allow myself to be absent this time." A blazing immortal light burst out from Ye Fan's eyes, and then his Heavenly Emperor blood boiled and actually burned directly. He wanted to use this to constantly temper himself and accumulate supreme foundation to live in the next life.


"Is that Emperor Jiang Tian? He is so powerful that I don't have the courage to face him at all." In the Eternal Star Domain, Emperor Tianyuan was also looking at the place where the fluctuation came from.

The battle with Ye Fan made Emperor Tianyuan realize that within the same realm, the difference between high and low is so obvious, and Jiang Li is not even on the same level as him.

The huge gap did not defeat this emperor who was in his prime. Compared with Jinwu, Emperor Tianyuan was undoubtedly a true emperor, with invincible combat power and invincible heart of Tao.

Since he was defeated by Ye Fan, Emperor Tianyuan just felt that he was defeated by time. He always believed that as long as he was given enough time, he would eventually be able to surpass his predecessors.

Fifteen thousand years passed in a flash. Emperor Tianyuan was almost seventeen thousand years old. He was at the end of his life. His black hair had turned into snow and his blood had completely dried up.

He was in heaven at the moment, looking with a complicated expression at Ye Fan, who had already lived his third life but still looked like a young man.

Originally everyone thought that when Emperor Ye Tiandi was in his later years of second life, he would choose to enter Emperor Jiang Tiandi's small fairyland. But unexpectedly, eight thousand years after Emperor Tianyuan attained enlightenment, this emperor lived for the third life and was more than 50,000 years old. His qi and blood power became even more terrifying.

Emperor Tianyuan came here this time to ask for advice. At this point, he may have realized that he is really far from the two legendary emperors.

"So, a young man still comes to ask me for advice." Looking at the old Emperor Tianyuan in front of him, Ye Fan smiled and teased.

He vaguely remembered how high-spirited Tianyuan was when he first ascended to the throne, but now he could actually see signs of fatigue in him.

"Please forgive me for laughing, Emperor Tian. Only now have I truly witnessed the horror of you and Emperor Jiang. Time, how powerful it is!" Emperor Tianyuan said bitterly.

No matter how powerful you are, when facing the years, you will be helpless even if you have infinite power.

"Don't be discouraged, we have all been through this." Ye Fan comforted him. He knew the state of mind of Emperor Tianyuan at the moment, which was a state of helplessness.

He took out a Nine Revolutions Immortal Pill and said, "Come, maybe you need more time."

Now all the immortal medicine in the universe is in Jiang Li's hands. Naturally, Emperor Tianyuan cannot live a second life. Jiang Li had thought of this a long time ago, so when entering the secret realm, he gave the Nine-Turn Immortal Pill to Ye Fan in advance.

In fact, even if Emperor Tianyuan did not come this time, he would go to find this emperor soon.

Emperor Tianyuan took the Nine Revolutions Immortal Pill and thanked him solemnly: "Thank you, two Heavenly Emperors, but I have one more question when I come here this time."

Ye Fan seemed to have guessed it long ago, and said calmly: "But I'm curious about where Tyrant Body, Li Cu, and Heavenly Demon Body went."

Emperor Tianyuan nodded and said, "I have looked for them before, but found nothing. I was also curious whether they entered Emperor Jiang Tian's small fairyland, but I don't know about the others. If Li Cu went in, he would definitely tell me."

Ye Fan pondered for a while and said truthfully: "They entered this strange world. In that world, there is a small amount of longevity matter that can greatly increase people's lifespan. There, there is no great road to hinder, and they can break through to a higher level."

"Where is that?" Emperor Tianyuan asked puzzledly.

"Don't be impatient, young man, listen to me slowly." Ye Fan calmed the excited Emperor Tianyuan, and then told him the story of the strange world.

After a long time, Emperor Tianyuan finally breathed a sigh of relief. He had a good relationship with Li Cu, and now that he knew that he was safe, he felt much more relaxed. But he soon asked in confusion, "Why didn't the Emperor of Heaven send me to that world as well?"

"Do you know that the mortal world is full of hardships and difficulties? The cultivators in the mortal world suffer a lot. Even the emperor will be strangled by the years!" Ye Fan did not answer Emperor Tianyuan's words, but recounted the hardships of the mortal world.

Emperor Tianyuan understood what Ye Fan meant. He was an emperor, and he could fully understand many things with just a little guidance.

The world is full of hardships, but if a cultivator can continue to endure hardships, live life after life, until the years are no longer a burden on him, then he will become an immortal in this world.

"If you still can't survive in the next life, I will take you to that world." Ye Fan finally said.

Emperor Tianyuan bowed to express his gratitude, then left heaven and returned to the Eternal Star Domain.

A few years later, the Eternal Star Domain burst into brilliant fairy light, and a wave of great Dao spread throughout the universe, and all the paths celebrated.

Emperor Tianyuan lived a second life!

At this moment, in the secret realm outside the borderland, Jiang Li was sitting cross-legged in the center of the secret realm. The vast energy was like hundreds of rivers returning to the sea, all converging into his body.

One hundred thousand acupoints exploded on Jiang Li's body, and infinite magical power gushed out, allowing Jiang Li to undergo his sixth transformation. The process went smoothly because his body had already been tempered by the Immortal Sutra and could fully withstand the tremendous magical power of the sixth transformation.

During this process, his soul also benefited and became stronger rapidly.

In the changes that seemed like the creation of the world, Jiang Li felt that his own fighting power was rapidly increasing. He crossed the threshold of the late True Immortal stage and began to enter the peak of the True Immortal stage.

This is a leap forward in progress. The peak of True Immortal is the pinnacle of this realm, a kind of perfection. Even in the ancient era of immortals, there are definitely not many people at this level.

If he takes one step forward, he will become a quasi-Immortal King, the strongest fighting force in all realms except the Immortal King!
It took Jiang Li only 50,000 years to complete a journey that would take others one or even several epochs.

"Huh!" Jiang Li breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly the secret realm changed as if it had been struck by the nine-fold immortal calamity.

His blood and energy were vigorous and powerful, and any trace of magic power he released at will could kill an enlightened person. The two were simply creatures of the same level.

At this moment, this secret realm has been completely drained, and it will take a thousand years to recover to its peak.

Jiang Li stood up with some regret. Now he had drained three paths to immortality in the outside world, and there were three left that he had not visited. In addition, he could practice in the secret realm three times, and it was estimated that he could fill up the acupoints needed for the seventh transformation and complete the seventh transformation. Then he could only rely on practicing in the secret realm in the future.

After leaving the secret realm, Jiang Li returned to the ancient forbidden land as usual, preparing to spend a hundred years consolidating it and practicing the Immortal Sutra at the same time.

But when he just returned to the ancient forbidden land, he saw the Nine Dragons Pulling Coffin lying across the canyon.

"It's back." Jiang Li was a little surprised. Ever since the last time the Nine Dragons Pulling Coffin was used to contact the Fairyland, the Nine Dragons Pulling Coffin has never come back. Now, almost tens of thousands of years have passed.

(End of this chapter)

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