The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 282 Goodbye Huangdi

Chapter 282 Goodbye Huangdi
The movement trajectory of the Nine Dragons Pulling Coffin remains a mystery to this day, and Jiang Li is too lazy to explore it because he knows it is not something he can do at the moment.

Just when he was about to call Ye Fan over, he suddenly felt a vibration in the Bronze Immortal Palace. Jiang Li's eyes moved, and he hurriedly walked into the hall and looked at the palace where the ruthless man achieved Nirvana.

"Live out for the eighth life!" Jiang Li was somewhat delighted. Nearly forty thousand years had passed, and the ruthless man had also lived out for the eighth life. He was only one step away from becoming an immortal in the ninth life in the mortal world.

This speed actually exceeded Jiang Li's prediction. He originally thought that it would take at least 50,000 years for a ruthless person to transform in this life. But now, the transformation was completed in just 40,000 years.

It seems that not only he is making rapid progress, but the ruthless man's progress is no slower than his.

That's true. By chance, one of their clones fell into the Cangyuan Realm and the other fell into the Ancient Immortal Era.

But the heritage of the two worlds ultimately brought them great benefits, especially for Henren, because the path she took was different from Jiang Li's. Once she made progress in her comprehension of the Dao, she could quickly accumulate Dao skills and live out her next life.

As for comprehension, this is actually what Henren is best at. In this field, no one can compare with her.

Jiang Li sat cross-legged quietly in the hall, feeling the breath of the ruthless man, and his heart was extremely peaceful.

Finally, seven years later, the brilliant and dazzling fairy light shot up into the sky. Even the bronze fairy palace could not block this vast force and was directly broken through. It was only after Jiang Li took action that the strange phenomenon here spread.

In the blazing fairy light, the ruthless man's body was as white as jade, and his black hair was crystal clear, falling to his waist like a waterfall. Fairy light was intertwined all around him, and a powerful aura was sweeping over him, as if to drown the heavens and all worlds.

After feeling that power, Jiang Li nodded slightly. Now his combat power has reached the same level as that of the ruthless man, both of them are at the peak of True Immortal.

But Jiang Li felt that he should be a little weaker at the moment. The accumulation of ruthless people was undoubtedly much stronger than him. The ruthless people after transformation were in the eighth life, while he was only in the seventh transformation.

Although his combat power has undergone a transformation, which greatly increased his combat power in the early stages, the leap will become smaller as time goes on.

If it is one of those hopeless immortal kings who is at the peak of the True Immortal Realm, even if he has accumulated energy in this realm for a long time, Jiang Li can still kill him.

Of course, at this level, this slight difference is actually insignificant, because when they really fight, the outcome is actually impossible to predict.

The ruthless person stood up from the palace in a white dress. During this process, the fairy light quickly converged, revealing her perfect figure.

"You've become stronger!" The ruthless man blinked his starry eyes and said to Jiang Li, whose aura was also at the peak of True Immortal.

"I can't always fall behind you." Jiang Li chuckled. He was quite happy to communicate with such a ruthless person again after tens of thousands of years.

The ruthless person on the opposite side is probably the same, but with her personality, she will never show it.

After Jiang Li started talking, he couldn't stop. He explained to the ruthless man what had happened in the past tens of thousands of years, the immortal realm asking for help, entering the strange world, intervening in the human world, Emperor Tianyuan's enlightenment, and Ye Fan living out his third life...

He hadn't spoken to anyone like this for a long time. Although Ye Fan was a close friend, the two old men didn't want to appear too talkative when they were together, but instead endured the loneliness silently.

The atmosphere was calm and peaceful. The ruthless man did not speak. She just listened quietly. The aura on her body also changed from cold and domineering to tranquil and peaceful.

He said a lot, more than Jiang Li had said today in all the past tens of thousands of years. Only after he had finished saying everything he wanted to say did he speak.

"I'm done!"

For some reason, when Jiang Li saw the ruthless man wearing a mask and his eyes were fixed on that pair of starry eyes, he seemed to see her smile.

"Okay, I understand." The ruthless person responded, very calmly, but unlike before. This time it was just a few short words, but the tone of voice had changed. It was no longer as cold as before.

Jiang Li was a little surprised, then he smiled softly, reached out and held her white jade hand, and said, "Then let's go and take a look!"

As expected, the ruthless man did not struggle. His white clothes fluttered as he left with Jiang and entered the bronze coffin of the Third Generation.

As soon as he stepped into the Three Generations Bronze Coffin, a golden avenue extended from the boundless void, and the majestic blood energy revealed the identity of the visitor.

When Ye Fan came to the Three Lives Bronze Coffin and looked at the scene in front of him, he always felt a little blocked in his heart. He didn't know why, but he always felt as if a boomerang hit him.

"Here you are, let's begin!" Seeing Ye Fan coming, Jiang Li made a hand gesture with one hand, and the thick and unfathomable magic power gushed out, venting in the entire bronze coffin.


The copper coffin vibrated, and a terrifying secret force spread. The copper coffin swayed gently, and an ominous aura appeared, trying to invade Jiang Li's body, but the ruthless man who was holding his hand burst into fairy light, and instantly repelled the force.

It seemed like reality or illusion, the bronze coffin seemed to become blurry, and soon, three figures appeared in the bronze coffin. Just like last time, the true immortal was covered with red hair and could not resist the ominous erosion.

Jiang Li was very familiar with the other two people, they were Huangdi and Laozi. However, now the aura of both of them was very powerful, and their supreme divine power was overwhelming.

After breaking through the Imperial Realm, they recalled everything from their past lives and no longer resisted their identities. With the support of the Void Emperor and the Lord of Morality, they are now both powerful beings at the level of Heavenly Emperors.


After both parties nodded, the true immortal covered with red hair looked at the ruthless man with horror in his eyes. He was another master who was not inferior to Jiang Li.

Are the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths so powerful now? Two extremely powerful True Immortals have appeared one after another, and judging from Jiang Li's aura, it seems that he has made another breakthrough in the past ten thousand years.

And there is Ye Fan, whose aura has also become much stronger and he has become a near-immortal.

“The Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are truly the epitome of the spirit of heaven and earth. It is worthy of being the birthplace of Emperor Huangtian.” The True Immortal exclaimed.

It is unclear who their lineage is related to. The ancestor was once good friends with that person, and later it was because of that person that their Pan Wang lineage has never been broken until now, and geniuses have been born in every lineage.

There is a vague record in the ancient books of the clan, saying that it was a certain Heavenly Emperor who intercepted the heaven-defying luck for the Pan Wang lineage, which allowed them to remain prosperous for a long time.

Therefore, in the fairyland, the Panwang lineage and the Hunyuan lineage are almost the only forces in the fairyland that have a favorable impression of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

"Fellow Daoist, why did the Nine Dragons Pulling Coffin take so long to arrive in this world this time?" Jiang Li asked with some confusion. In the past, the Nine Dragons Pulling Coffin would come back at the latest after thousands of years, but this time, it really took more than 20,000 years.

“I don’t know. There is no pattern. But there is a legend about this Nine Dragons Pulling Coffin. Countless years ago, it was actually a war fortress. Anyone who reached the level of Immortal King would ride in this coffin and follow Emperor Huang Tian to conquer the worlds. But the time is too long ago, and we don’t know whether it is true or not.” The True Immortal shook his head and sighed.

Now it is too far away from the chaotic ancient era. After tens of millions of years, many things can no longer be verified.

Jiang Li did not continue to dwell on the issue of the Nine Dragons pulling the coffin, but turned to look at Huangdi and Laozi and said, "How are the two Taoist friends doing in the Immortal Realm!"

He would only feel at ease if he knew the current situation in the fairyland through Huangdi and Laozi.

Huangdi sighed: "Now I understand why Brother Dao was so desperate and why he made such a choice." He sighed first, and then continued: "The situation in the fairyland is very critical now. It is not optimistic. Many areas have been breached by the weird."

Speaking of this, Huangdi shook his head tiredly. In his whole life, whether as Xukong or Huangdi, it seemed that he had always been fighting. Even as strong as he was, he now showed fatigue on his face.

“Not only that, there is also a big world next to the fairyland, but it has been breached now. This is not just a matter of a certain big world, it is a crisis of all the heavens.” Lao Tzu said this. He was a little pessimistic because even the hometown of the immortals could not resist and was beaten back step by step.

"Fellow Daoist, the Fairyland is in great need of support now. A leader of the Fairyland has already gone missing. According to the current situation, it may not take 200,000 years for the Fairyland to be completely conquered." The True Immortal looked solemn.

There are three leader-level figures in the fairyland, all of whom are quasi-immortal kings. But ten thousand years ago, one of the quasi-immortal kings disappeared in the starry sky while fighting a strange monster. But not long after, the strange monster reappeared, and the leader was suspected to have fallen.

This was a heavy blow to the Immortal Realm. The loss of a quasi-Immortal King caused the Immortal Realm's front line to collapse completely, and many ancient stars were occupied.

The atmosphere in the bronze coffin was heavy. Jiang Li, Henren, and Ye Fan all felt a lot of pressure. Once the fairyland was really lost, there was no doubt that it would be the turn of the Zhatian Realm soon.

But in the end, Jiang Li still shook his head and said, "To be honest, there is also a great enemy in this world. He is now dormant. If we open the passage between the two worlds now, I am afraid that he will directly enter the fairyland. At that time, things will be completely out of control."

The faces of the three people opposite changed color. Jiang Li's strength was witnessed by everyone. When the true immortals in the fairyland activated the Nine Dragons Pulling Coffin, they were inevitably eroded by ominous things, but Jiang Li did not change at all.

This alone is enough to prove how powerful Jiang Li is, not to mention that next to him there is a ruthless emperor who is no weaker than him. Such combat power is called a formidable enemy, so you can imagine how powerful that person is!

But no matter how hard Huangdi and Laozi racked their brains, they could not think of anyone else in the world who could be so powerful. They asked about the doubts in their hearts, and Jiang Li did not hide it. He told them about the Emperor, the Immortal Emperor, and the powerful figure in the strange world.

“The Emperor is not dead!” Laozi and Huangdi both exclaimed. They came from the human world and naturally knew how powerful the Emperor was. He was a very terrifying person, respected by all emperors!
The immortal was a little confused, but after listening to Laozi and Huangdi's stories, his face became extremely solemn.

He understood the talents of Laozi and Huangdi. In a place like the Fairyland, it would not be difficult for them to become true immortals in the future. However, that Emperor made both of them so fearful, so his horror was self-evident.

Moreover, he was a figure from the mythological era. If the Emperor had not committed suicide and had lived until now, wouldn’t he have been an immortal in the mortal world?
Now, two of the three people on the field are examples of becoming immortals from the mortal world. You only need to take a look to know how terrifying this path is in terms of potential and combat power.

"What is his purpose? It's your growth. According to normal thinking, shouldn't he attack you directly?" The Immortal Realm Immortal was puzzled. Allowing such a powerful opponent to grow, was it because he was disdainful or there was something wrong with himself?

Jiang Li and the other two were speechless. After discussing it, they all tended to believe that the Emperor had fallen into a long slumber, or perhaps something unexpected happened when he was trying to reach a higher realm.

Or maybe he was really so confident that he thought the back-up plan he had arranged in the human world was foolproof, and when the World Cauldron was completed, he could use them as sacrifices!
Anyway, no matter what, the Emperor must not be underestimated, because he is really dangerous. He has existed for such a long time, it may take him millions of years to break through to become a Red Dust Immortal.

When the True Immortals of the Fairyland learned about the situation, there was a look of shattered hope in their eyes. Without help and support, the fate of the Fairyland seemed doomed.

But at this moment, Jiang Li spoke again, "Don't worry, Daoist friend, your Immortal Realm can still hold out for 200,000 years. Give us some time and try to resolve the crisis in the human world within 200,000 years, and then we will go to support the Immortal Realm."

Jiang Li thought that the Immortal Realm must provide support, because the Immortal Realm is probably the strongest force on this side of the Boundary Sea. Only if they join forces can they quell the black disaster as quickly as possible.

Moreover, compared to the human world, no matter how you look at it, the fairyland is more suitable as a battlefield. In the great war between immortals, the human world will be unable to withstand it and will be completely destroyed.

In the end, the true immortal got a vague promise and had a little hope to continue fighting. At this point, this can be considered a consolation.

If the 100,000 Nei Jiangli could really reach the fairyland, then there might be a chance of winning.

“Two hundred thousand years!!”

Ye Fan felt a lot of pressure. Such a short time was not enough for him to live through nine lifetimes. The time was really too short.

It is impossible for him to enter the fairyland before he has lived through nine lifetimes. For other cultivators, it is the hometown of immortals, but for cultivators on the road to immortality in the mortal world, it is not the hometown of immortals. On the contrary, it will hinder their practice.

No, I must comprehend the secret of living out my next life and start my next life as soon as possible!
Ye Fan was determined to make up his mind. This time, he would not allow himself to slow down even a little bit. He had to charge into the fairyland together.

As for Jiang Li, after the ruthless man came out of seclusion, he has been staying in the ancient forbidden land, only going to the secret realm once every thousand years. In other worlds, he is tempering his body with the Immortal Sutra, so that his body can enter the quasi-immortal king realm first.

What he is practicing now is not the half-baked Immortality Sutra, but the truly complete Immortality Sutra.

Once the complete Immortal Sutra is cultivated to perfection, it will be hard to be buried by heaven or destroyed by earth, and the physical body will be spiritual. Even if the spirit is extinguished or broken up by others, the physical body will be immortal forever. After millions of years, the physical body can form a soul again and possess the memories of the previous life.

Twenty thousand years passed in a flash. Even in that ancient forbidden land, the sound of metal clashing could be heard from time to time, spreading throughout the universe. It was like the sound of a huge bell, coming from the long river of time, full of desolation and simplicity.

After ten thousand years of continuous practice day and night, Jiang Li's physical body had been greatly improved, far exceeding the range of a normal True Immortal, and had moved half a step forward.

"I have surpassed the True Immortal, but I am still a little short of reaching the Quasi-Immortal King level." Jiang Li opened his eyes and shook his head in disappointment. Now that a thousand years have passed, he has to go to the secret realm. After this training, he will try to break through to the Quasi-Immortal King realm.

Although physical training is important, the most important thing for him at the moment is the accumulation of magic power, because it is related to his transformation.

Every transformation would make his strength soar, and now, after 20,000 years, he has absorbed the remaining three paths to immortality, and went to the secret realm ten times, opening up nine thousand acupoints. He is still three thousand short of the twelve thousand acupoints needed for the seventh transformation.

Up to now, the difficulty of opening each acupoint is several times that of the previous one, which is in line with the principle that the more you practice, the more difficult it becomes. However, it took the vast essence equivalent to thirteen paths to immortality to open up eight thousand acupoints, which Jiang Li had not expected.

Fortunately, he has already completed two-thirds of the journey. In ten thousand years at most, he will be able to complete the seventh metamorphosis and enter the eighth metamorphosis. His combat power will surely surge. He dare not say that he will have the combat power of a quasi-immortal king as soon as he breaks through, but he will definitely have it after opening up the acupoints of the eighth metamorphosis.

Now, 20,000 years have passed, and the second generation of Emperor Tianyuan also fell into decline 5,000 years ago.

Ye Fan sent him into a strange world. Emperor Tianyuan was speechless when he saw that Ye Fan, who was already 70,000 years old, still looked like he was about 20 years old, with a strong energy and blood, and was still in the rising period. But in the end, he still faced the reality and did not insist on transcending the world. Perhaps that really was not something that anyone could do.

Now, five thousand years have passed, and the traces of Emperor Tianyuan's Dao are slowly dissipating, but this life will be eternal silence, because Jiang Li opened the Golden Age ahead of time, which is equivalent to overdrawing the Golden Age in advance and bringing it forward.

After Emperor Tianyuan entered the strange world, Jiang Li thought about clearing the Dao traces of Emperor Tianyuan and then forcibly opening the golden age, but unfortunately he failed.

When he was about to do so, the heaven and earth did not send down a thunderbolt, because now in the human world, he was supreme, and neither the heaven nor the earth could bring down a thunderbolt on him.

What really made Jiang Li stop was the wailing of heaven and earth. If it was opened once in advance, perhaps heaven and earth could still bear it, but if it happened twice in succession, it would be an irreversible damage to the origin of the world.

Looking at the Dao Mark of Emperor Tianyuan, Jiang Li knew that the next tens of thousands of years would be an unsuitable time for cultivation. Not to mention quasi-emperors, even terrifying great saints would be extremely rare. If one could become a saint, he would probably be invincible for thousands of years.

After arriving at the secret realm, when Jiang Li was preparing to practice, he suddenly felt that there was something wrong with this secret realm. In the past, this secret realm had nothing but essence and energy, but this time, he felt a very weak fluctuation.

Following the direction where the wave came from, Jiang Li saw a tiny crack, about the size of a thumb, but at this moment a strange yet familiar breath was coming from the crack.

"This is, I feel like I have felt this kind of breath, the Immortal Cauldron! This is, the breath of the Emperor!"

(End of this chapter)

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