The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 285 Wang Bo fights Ye Yishui!

Chapter 285 Wang Bo fights Ye Yishui!

Emperor Biluo experienced the greatest mental shock in history. The method of becoming an immortal is so precious that it is almost as important as helping others achieve enlightenment!

After calming down a bit, the look in the eyes of the Biluo Emperor changed, but he couldn't help asking in the end: "Why did the Emperor of Heaven do this!"

He didn't know what he was feeling at the moment. There was no such thing as a free lunch. As an emperor, he knew what the method of becoming an immortal really represented. Would the Emperor of Heaven pass down such a method?

Hengyu Lu trembled. Although he was an immortal weapon, he did not want to go around in circles like Wan Ling, so Hengyu Lu directly spoke out Jiang Li's original words.

"There will be a big war in the future, and the more helpers the better!"

The Great Emperor Biluo looked at Jiang Li, who was cultivating with his eyes closed, with some fear, and said in disbelief: "At the level of the Heavenly Emperor, who else would be worthy of his fear!"

Just the fairy light intertwined on the body made him feel boundless pressure. If it was really intentional, Emperor Biluo had no doubt that he could not even stand the fairy light wrapped around the body of the Emperor of Heaven.

But even such a powerful person actually needs to train helpers. How can people not be shocked!

"There are always people better than you. The Emperor of Heaven once said that even he is only on the right track now, but he is still far from the true peak. Naturally, there are people who are enemies." said the god of Hengyu Lu.

The Great Emperor Biluo was speechless. Even the Emperor of Heaven was not considered the pinnacle of the path of cultivation? How high would the end of the path of cultivation be!
After taking a last look at the sleeping Emperor of Heaven, the Biluo Emperor put away the Nine Revolutions Immortal Pill and accepted the concept of cultivation in the mortal world passed on to him by Hengyu Lu.

As a great emperor, Biluo was never afraid of challenges. On the contrary, after knowing the vastness of the path of cultivation, it aroused his fighting spirit and he wanted to go to the top of the mountain to take a look.

"The immortals of the mortal world continue to live life after life, until the power of time can no longer erode them."

This is a concept of cultivation, but there is no specific method of practice, because everyone's path to immortality in the mortal world is different. This step can only be relied on by oneself, and the experience of others is completely useless.

Hundreds of years later, the might of the Supreme Dao on the ancestral star of Biluo swept across the heavens, and blood and energy surged into the sky. A great emperor returned to his prime and lived a second life. For the next ten thousand miles, he would control the rise and fall of the universe.

After knowing the existence of the Red Dust Immortals, Emperor Biluo began to comprehend the conditions for living in the next life. As an emperor who has cut off the origin of the king's body, Biluo has a high level of comprehension.

Now that he knows the direction, Emperor Biluo also wants to continue living life after life in the mortal world and eventually become an immortal in the mortal world.

After living a second life, Emperor Biluo began his own journey as an immortal in the mortal world. He first restored his Biluo king body, and then continued to condense his emperor blood to strengthen the power of his king body.

He wanted to bring the Blue Sky King Body to a new level so that he could live out his next life.

In the following ten thousand years, the Ancestral Star of Biluo was always covered with a layer of blue sky. It seemed to be following the will of heaven, and the terrifying laws of the Tao were almost materialized. Because of this change, the royal bodies of many newborns on the Ancestral Star of Biluo underwent transformation, far exceeding the original limits of the royal bodies of Biluo.

Everyone in the entire Biluo Ancestral Star knew that this was related to the Biluo Emperor, because ever since this strange phenomenon appeared, their bloodlines could vaguely sense the presence of an emperor's aura in the Biluo Ancestral Star.

The blood of the Azure Emperor! This was a drop of blood that was born after the Azure Emperor condensed the blood of the Azure King to the extreme. It was a sky-blue color, revealing a kind of Dao rhyme of the Azure Sky.

If someone saw the Biluo Emperor now, they would definitely be incredulous. The Biluo Emperor's second life has already lasted for 10,000 years, so he should not have much time left. But at this moment, although the Biluo Emperor's hair is gray, his energy is still strong, and he is far from reaching his end.

It is obvious that after condensing the Blue Sky Emperor's blood, his lifespan has also increased. Although he is already ten thousand years old in his second life, his lifespan is conservatively estimated to be another three thousand years.

Correspondingly, his combat power also increased, reaching the level of Quasi-Emperor of Heaven!
Moreover, this has not yet reached the deadline for the Emperor Bi Luo. Although he has made progress now, it is still not enough for him to live out his third life. He must transform all the blood in his body into Bi Luo Emperor blood and push Bi Luo King Body to the level of Bi Luo Emperor Body before he can be sure to live out his third life.

But unfortunately, there is not enough time. There are only three thousand years left, and he does not even have one third of his blood left.

The Emperor Biluo was unwilling to give in. If he was given another ten thousand years, he would definitely be able to transform the Biluo King Body into the Biluo Emperor Body.

The power of time was too cruel. Even though he was the greatest emperor of the time, he was still powerless.

Clearly having seen the dawn of hope and with success so close to him, Emperor Biluo dared not give up, so he began to burn his own essence, ready to risk his life against the will of heaven!


The terrifying extreme waves swept across the universe, and all living beings were alarmed. They didn't understand what Emperor Bi Luo was going to do at this last moment!
But soon, Emperor Biluo's behavior attracted people's attention.

"How can the Qi and blood be so vigorous! Is the Great Emperor Biluo going to live a third life?"

Everyone was horrified. In these hundreds of thousands of years, except for the two Heavenly Emperors, no other emperor had lived to a third life. Would Emperor Biluo be the first?

"It is rumored that Emperor Biluo had sought an audience with the Emperor of Heaven ten thousand years before his first life. It is likely that he received guidance from the Emperor of Heaven and was able to live out his third life!"

The sun and the moon rotated, and the terrifying extreme fluctuations lasted for two thousand five hundred years before they stopped.

"Has it failed? Even someone as amazing as the Great Emperor Biluo cannot live out his third life?"

All living beings lamented, feeling that it was a bit cruel. After hundreds of thousands of years, only those two Heavenly Emperors could overlook the eternal changes. Was there no one who could keep up with them?
Just when everyone thought that Emperor Biluo was going to die or enter the small fairyland of Emperor Tian, ​​a terrifying energy and blood suddenly erupted on the Biluo ancestral star.

A sky-blue fairy light exploded somewhere, and a vast will of the sky covered all the heavens and worlds.

The first Biluo Emperor Body was born!
The whole world seemed to sense the birth of a terrifying figure, and strange phenomena were occurring.

In the center of heaven and earth, there is a figure that seems to be the incarnation of heaven, with the blue sky above his head. The supreme will hovers him in the center, protecting his figure.

Burning the essence and risking one's life will always bring rewards. The Great Emperor Bi Luo lives his third life, and his terrifying energy and supreme divine power sweep across the universe.

"Emperor Biluo!"

The entire universe was shouting and admiring the power of Emperor Biluo, who actually lived a third life against the will of heaven and was qualified to pursue the two Heavenly Emperors.

The Great Emperor Bi Luo lived out his third life and once again controlled the rise and fall of the universe. At this point, he truly began to embark on the path of becoming an immortal in the mortal world.

Emperor Biluo, who has lived out his third life, is full of confidence and wants to continue to comprehend the way to live out his fourth life.

In this life, with the body of the Blue Sky Emperor and the original lifespan of the Third Emperor, the Blue Sky Emperor will have a long lifespan and he will have enough time to comprehend.

Some quasi-emperors and some geniuses in the starry sky also anticipated this, and began to seal themselves, looking forward to future generations.

Time passed, and soon it was eighteen thousand years into the third life of the Biluo Emperor. This brilliant emperor had grown a white hair, and his lifespan had passed its peak. With each year to come, he would become weaker and weaker.

But the Emperor Biluo’s comprehension of his fourth life was not ideal. The more time passed as an immortal in the mortal world, the more difficult it became. Only in the eighth life did he truly succeed.

Emperor Biluo took the first step, but was unable to take the second step. He didn't know which way to go. It seemed that no matter which way he went, it was right, but at the same time, it was wrong no matter which way he went.

Emperor Biluo is 20,000 years old. The white hair on his head is increasing, and now it is half black and half white, but he still hasn't taken a step forward and has been standing still.

During this period, he tried the method of his second life, constantly condensing the Blue Sky Emperor Blood, wanting to push it to a higher level, turning it into Blue Sky Immortal Blood, and then transforming it into Blue Sky Immortal Body!

But it turned out that the hurdle was too big. Even if he took the biggest step, it would not work because the time was too short. If he were given a million years, perhaps he could do it.

In the blink of an eye, another seven thousand years passed. The blood of Emperor Biluo dried up. He dragged his old body to his feet and shook his head with some regret.

"As expected of the Emperor of Heaven, he actually passed such a difficult test in the sixth life!"

The Emperor Biluo turned his eyes and looked towards a life star, where the young man who had been walking stopped and a hint of consciousness appeared in his confused eyes.

The young man seemed to feel something. He felt a throbbing in his body, as if something was attracting him.

Emperor Biluo looked in that direction and saw a baby girl born on the other side of the star. Tao rules emerged in her chakra, and it seemed as if the heaven and earth loved her naturally!

"I see. Is this the innate holy body and Taoist fetus?"

The state of this Ye Tiandi was very strange. His body and soul were blocked, leaving only a trace of instinct. Ye Tiandi, who only had instinct, naturally could not resist instinct. He walked towards nowhere in a daze. "Haha, aren't you afraid that the Emperor will wake up and tear you apart!"

The Dao belonging to Emperor Biluo began to dissipate!

Emperor Biluo shook his head in amusement, then walked to the entrance of the strange world. He was a Heavenly Emperor-level warrior, and according to Hengyu Lu, he could directly fight his way to that world.


With a roar that shook the universe, Emperor Biluo disappeared from this world, and his Tao no longer suppressed the heaven and earth.

All living beings felt that this great emperor could not keep up with the pace of the two heavens and earths after all.

In the ancient forbidden land, the god of Hengyu Lu looked at the disappearing Emperor Biluo and nodded.

"It's a very promising path. If you evolve a physical constitution to its extreme, maybe in a million years, you can really become a true blue sky immortal!"

The sound echoed in the hall, then slowly disappeared, and the Bronze Immortal Palace returned to calm, as if the sound just now had never appeared.

Decades later, an ancient life star in the universe erupted with torrents of energy and blood, sweeping across the entire universe. It was not just talk, but really filled the entire universe. Even the darkest place in time was shrouded in blood.

Ye Fan figured out the fog and finally escaped from the fog of the sixth life, and lived into the seventh life against the will of heaven.

But Ye Fan's face looked very bad at the moment. After he returned to heaven, there was soon a roar that shook the universe, as if it was the collision of the hardest fairy gold.

Even if there is no Black Emperor in this life, the Heavenly Emperor Cauldron still took action. In fact, it is not his fault. The Taoist soldiers and their masters are in tune with each other. The Heavenly Emperor Cauldron can feel Ye Fan's anxiety and worry at all times!
The future is too dark, we need to keep getting stronger and need more help!

The Heavenly Emperor Cauldron sensed this will, and then sent a helper to Ye Fan, the Innate Holy Body and Tao Fetus, which was definitely the best helper.

Just look at Emperor Wu Shi to know how abnormal this physique is. So now that a congenital Taoist fetus appears, Emperor Tian Ding takes direct action.

As a price, the Heavenly Emperor Cauldron was almost blown up by Ye Fan, and it seems that stepping on the cauldron will also happen in the future.

After venting his anger, Ye Fan calmed down his chaotic mood and looked at Chen Xi and Ye Yishui who had been sealed by the Divine Source. His mood was also extremely complicated. Although their understanding was affected, their love was not!
What's more, they also had a son, and the legendary innate holy body and Taoist fetus was born.

There are many coincidences among them. Ye Fan's cultivation was sealed, and Chen Xi, the innate Tao fetus, did not embark on the path of cultivation. This led to the two of them giving birth to an innate holy body Tao fetus.

"Where is the young man?" Ye Fan asked doubtfully.

Chenxi doesn’t have much time left to live now, so Ye Fan needs to send her into the inner world.

"Emperor Jiang Tian has been sleeping for a long time. Even when the emperor of the time asked to see him, it was Hengyu Lu who came forward." Tiandi Ding repaired the broken parts of itself and replied.

"Why is the young man sleeping?" Ye Fan asked puzzledly.

"Not sure, but maybe it's because of boredom." Tiandi Ding guessed.

There was a vast starry sky and there was no one he knew. Ye Fan's consciousness was locked and he fell into a deep sleep, so Jiang Li simply spent this time sleeping as well.

"It seems like the style of the little brother."

Knowing that Jiang Li was sleeping, Ye Fan did not disturb his friend's sweet dream, but began to realize what he had gained in this life.

At the beginning, he took the risk to live out his sixth life. Although he succeeded, he almost became a Taoist. It took him tens of thousands of years of cultivation for his Yuanshen to recover. He also lived out his seventh life by accident. It was a blessing in disguise.

"It has been 210,000 years since the Tiandi calendar began. There are only 70,000 years left before the 200,000-year deadline. I must live out my eighth life before then in order to avoid being affected by the outside world."

By the eighth life, the path to immortality in the mortal world is considered to be complete. At that level, there will be no problem whether in the human world or in the immortal realm.

Ye Fan continued to burn his lifespan and essence. Now the eighth life was within his reach. Seventy thousand years was definitely enough, so he was not in such a hurry.

Another ten thousand years passed like this, and the traces of Emperor Biluo's Dao disappeared, and there were signs of him becoming an emperor again. It seemed that after two hundred thousand years of the Heavenly Emperor's calendar, the world became more and more suitable for spiritual practice.

In this life, heroes are fighting for supremacy, hundreds of ships are competing for the throne, and there are countless corpses on the road to becoming emperor. The final winner is shocking, he is actually a god-killing insect!

The God-killing Worm is only the size of a thumb when it is first born. It is golden all over and looks like a little dragon. It can chew on everything and is indestructible. It is said that the real pure-blooded ancestor worm will even eat gods.

The God-killing Emperor, he rose from the insect nest, evolved little by little, turned into a proto-insect, fought a great battle on the ancient starry road, killed all competitors, and then made the ultimate leap and became the emperor.

This is a bloodthirsty emperor, ruthless and awe-inspiring. Wherever he passes, all races in the universe fall silent and people are terrified to the core.

Because this race is so terrible and inherently ruthless!
The God-Slayer Emperor was truly terrifying. During his reign, all races in the universe trembled in fear. However, he was an emperor after all, and he did not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

In this life, because Ye Fan had exploded with blood and energy ten thousand years ago, people counted and knew that he had lived through seven lives. Therefore, the God-Slaying Emperor did not dare to move into the Heavenly Palace, but ruled the universe peacefully without offending the Heavenly Palace and Ziwei!
In this way, the God-Slayer Emperor lived through his first life for a full sixteen thousand years. His lifespan was not the longest among the emperors, but it was also at the upper end.

In his later years, the God-Slayer Emperor, like the Biluo Emperor, entered the ancient forbidden area to ask for a Nine-Transformation Immortal Pill, and learned about the immortal path in the mortal world from Hengyu Furnace.

But unfortunately, the race of the God-Slaying Emperor seemed to be naturally unsuited to the path of immortality in the mortal world, so in the later years of his second life, he still could not live to the third life and was sent into a different world by the Hengyu Furnace.

As an emperor with a strong murderous nature, there are many opponents in the other world for him to kill, and he wants to kill them to his heart's content!
Twenty-four thousand years had passed in the Heavenly Emperor's calendar, and another splendid era had arrived. However, a shocking thing happened: a chaotic body was born!
The origin of this chaotic body is very surprising, it is an innate chaotic body that appeared in the mythological era. With its unenlightened body, it almost killed a Heavenly Venerable!
Wang Bo, the Chaos Body, was a man of great merit. From the beginning to the end, he had been intentionally controlling his cultivation speed and focusing on building his foundation. Despite this, he became a great sage more than a hundred years later...

With such a speed of cultivation and combat power, people vaguely saw the shadow of Emperor Jiang Tian, ​​with the same fast cultivation speed and the same high combat power.

The horror of the chaotic body began to show. As he practiced, all the Daos revived and resonated with him. In his retreat place, Dao traces were dense and rumbling.

During this period, a quasi-emperor tried to stop him, but he still left calmly.

But even so, Wang Bo also has an rival in this life. The innate holy body and Taoist fetus, Emperor Ye Tian’s biological son, was also born shortly after Wang Bo was born!
This is the ultimate showdown, the physiques of both men have always been regarded as the strongest in the world, and each has its own characteristics.

The Chaos Body combines the strengths of all schools and is the representative of complete omnipotence. All kinds of methods are at its fingertips.

But the innate holy body and the Taoist fetus are not weak either. It combines the advantages of the holy body and the innate Taoist fetus. In terms of physical body and comprehension of the Tao, it is not inferior to the chaotic body.

The fight between the two was of great benefit to both Wang Bo and Ye Yishui. An equally matched opponent was definitely the greatest opportunity on the road of cultivation.

The two fought several times in the starry sky, but there was no winner, and this life completely became a stage for the two of them. The others became supporting roles and could only helplessly watch the two fight every few decades.

They fought and bled all the way, and neither of them was inferior to the other, and they fought all the way to the ninth level of Quasi-Emperor.

Finally, this war that lasted for hundreds of years still had no result. They fought in the starry sky, and finally they broke through all the laws together and ascended to the throne of the emperor.

The fluctuations in their becoming emperors were both astonishing, and their combat prowess was too exaggerated. However, they had just become emperors, but they were even more terrifying than the second life of Emperor Biluo, and directly became masters of the Quasi-Emperor level.

And this is not the end. Their first life has just begun, and they still have a long way to go before reaching the peak of this life.

Moreover, as chaotic bodies and innate holy bodies, their lifespans are destined to be terribly long, possibly exceeding the combined lifespans of many great emperors in two lifetimes.

After he became the emperor, the battle between the Chaos Body and the Innate Holy Body Daotai continued, but considering that the combat power of the two was too terrifying, if they were not careful, all living beings would be destroyed, so every time the two fought, they would lose Guixu outside the border.

No one knew who would win, because that place was too far away, even a quasi-emperor could not see it from afar. But since the two of them never stopped and fought every once in a while, everyone guessed that the two should not have decided the winner.

These were the two most amazing emperors in the world, and everyone believed that they were absolutely capable of following in the footsteps of the two Heavenly Emperors.

Ten thousand years later, Wang Bo and Ye Yishui had both attained enlightenment for ten thousand years, but they still looked young, maintaining their youthful looks, and their hair was still jet-black, which was shocking!
(End of this chapter)

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