The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 286 Achieving Fierce Fighting Power

Chapter 286 Achieving the Ten Evils’ Combat Strength
Since the beginning of the Era of the Two Emperors, people have witnessed how long these two can live. Although according to legend, Emperor Ye Tian also lived for 26,000 years in his first life, that was too far away after all, with a gap of more than 200,000 years.

The Chaos Body and the Innate Holy Body and Tao Embryo are indeed present in this world.

In the past tens of thousands of years, the first life of the Great Emperor Biluo was ten thousand years, and the first life of the Emperor of God Slayer was sixteen thousand years. However, when the two emperors were ten thousand years old, their energy and blood were still growing.

The power of the Chaos Body and the Innate Holy Body has been thoroughly verified. It is no longer as said in the legend, but has been proven in reality.

The world has always been speculating how powerful these two emperors are, but due to limited vision, it is impossible to calculate. But it is certain that these two can definitely be ranked among the top five emperors of ancient and modern times.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, twenty thousand years had passed since the two emperors attained enlightenment. It was not until this time that people finally saw the white hair on the two emperors' heads.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. It was not easy. Twenty thousand years had passed, and they didn’t even know how many generations had passed, but they finally saw the two emperors starting to grow old.

"Twenty thousand years is already the old age of a normal Great Emperor in his second life, but for these two, it is just the beginning of their decline. Conservatively speaking, they still have at least eight or nine thousand years left in their first life. This is really too terrifying."

In the starry sky, an old quasi-emperor who was well-versed in ancient history was a little shocked. When he was born, the two emperors had already achieved enlightenment for more than 10,000 years.

Now he has achieved the status of Quasi-Emperor and his life has come to an end, while the Twin Emperors have only begun to grow old, with only a single white hair growing on their heads!

Many people who lived in the era of the Two Emperors felt that perhaps these two were really no worse than the first Emperor of Heaven, and might even be stronger.

Especially when a person who survived from the era of Emperor Biluo personally said that the aura of the two Heavenly Emperors now is no worse than that of Emperor Biluo of the third generation.

And as if to prove their claim, 20,000 years into the Era of the Two Emperors, their battle outside the borderland was witnessed by a Quasi-Emperor of the Ninth Heaven who risked his life.

Afterwards, according to the Quasi-Emperor, the two were like gods. Their ways suppressed all other ways and were above all known existences.

But this battle still ended in a shattered outcome. One was a chaotic body that had lived for two lifetimes, and the other was an innate holy body that was personally guided by the Seventh Heavenly Emperor.

The two of them seemed like natural rivals, and no matter who won, the corresponding physique would have the upper hand over the opponent.

The battles continued, and no one knew how many times the two had fought, perhaps hundreds of times, and it was obvious that both of them grew rapidly in these evenly matched battles.

The war has been going on since the time of the saints and the two have been fighting almost until the end of their lives.

Just like this, after nine thousand years, the two men, who were nearly thirty thousand years old, went to the ancient forbidden land one after another, and obtained the Nine Revolutions Immortal Pill from the Hengyu Furnace, which would allow them to live into the next life.

But after getting the elixir, they did not take it. Instead, they endured for another thousand years, until they reached the age of 30,000. When they could no longer endure, they swallowed the Nine-Revolutions Elixir and lived a second life.

Just when everyone was marveling at the power of the two emperors, a terrifying immortal light erupted from the Heavenly Palace, followed by boundless energy and blood, covering the entire human world.

Amidst the surging blood, Ye Fan stood tall. His agile body contained tremendous power, and his every move seemed to be beyond the endurance of the human world.

"It's Emperor Ye Tian! He has lived out his eighth life."

Many people looked in the direction where the fluctuations came from, and they felt accustomed to it. They had long accepted that there were two Heavenly Emperors standing tall in the world.

"It's the eighth life. I'm only one life away from becoming an immortal in the mortal world." Wang Bo looked in the direction of heaven with some horror. After knowing the method of becoming an immortal in nine lives, he was also trying his best to comprehend it and find a way to live out the third life.

But this step is very difficult, especially the third life, which is the starting point of the immortal road in the mortal world. Even if he is a chaotic body, it is impossible to say that he can definitely survive the third life!
Not long had passed since the Emperor of Heaven lived his eighth life when a huge change occurred in the Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest on the Ancient Star of Ziwei. Ancient coffins flew out of it one after another, and in just a moment, they flew across the endless and distant starry sky.

In the ancient forbidden land, ancient coffins also rose up one after another. When the ones from the Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest arrived, they all exploded, revealing the jade-like exquisite flesh inside. They all burned and turned into ashes, and bursts of fairy light rushed out and sank into the body of the Henren Emperor.

At this moment, the entire universe was horrified. In the ancient coffin that exploded was a woman, who was obviously not created by the Emperor of Heaven.

Over the past hundreds of thousands of years, because Emperor Jiang Tian has been in the ancient forbidden land, people have gradually forgotten that there is actually a ruthless man in the ancient forbidden land!
"It was the ruthless emperor, who appeared during the dark turmoil and killed a supreme being with one palm!"

Many people recalled this empress, and then looked towards the ancient forbidden land with horror!

There, after all the bodies in the coffins turned to ashes, their spirits, souls and divine light merged into one and sank into the bodies of the ruthless people. It was as if a female fairy king had descended into the ancient forbidden area.

The ancient forbidden land became the center of the universe and spread into the universe.

In the end, even the Heaven-Devouring Demon Pot was summoned, and then exploded, and endless essence and soul sank into the body of the ruthless man.

In the ninth life, the empress became an immortal in the mortal world.

After the empress, the changes in the ancient forbidden land did not stop. On the contrary, the aura there became even more terrifying.

If the empress was just like a female immortal king descending, then now, a real immortal king has appeared.

On Jiang Li's body surface, the photons of the Immortal King were entangled. The aura of the king among immortals was very vast, and the entire human world could not block his immortal light at all.


The heaven and earth were shaking violently, and the light of the Immortal King was spreading. Countless paths to becoming immortals were blasted open at this moment, completely unable to withstand this kind of immortal light. Then even the strange world was no exception and was completely opened up.

The surging essence and energy swept like a tide, rushing into Jiang Li's body from the bee pupa. At this moment, the eighth metamorphosis was completed directly, and was broken through by the vast essence and energy like a hot knife through butter.

After his physical body reached that of an Immortal King, his magic power also almost reached the Immortal King level. Only his soul was still a long way off. Otherwise, he might have a chance to directly impact the Immortal King realm!
But even so, his current combat power has already surpassed many quasi-immortal kings. In the ancient era of immortals, he might become the eleventh of the Ten Evils!
Of course, they can also be called creatures with ten evil-level combat power!
The moment Jiang Li opened his eyes, the entire universe was bright. In the past, no matter how powerful it was, he could not see the entire universe at a glance. But now, it seems too small.

Wherever his eyes went, everything became clear, the darkness turned into light, and the emperor who was fleeing at this moment was also seen clearly by him!
The fact was just as he thought, the Emperor was indeed injured, very seriously. Even though he was almost healed now, he could still see the traces of those injuries left in his body.

"It was my light of the Immortal King that disturbed him!" Jiang Li realized that the Emperor was originally asleep, but the light of the Immortal King was too huge and it woke him up directly. After waking up, the Emperor's first reaction was to run.

He had once attempted to reach that realm and knew how terrifying the creatures in that realm were. Even the Mortal Immortals seemed somewhat fragile in front of those creatures.

Jiang Li ignored the fleeing Emperor. This powerful enemy was no longer in his eyes. His mind was now immersed in his inner world.

When he achieved the body and magic power of the Immortal King, the inner world also transformed completely and became a real world. Now the living matter in it is vast and almost endless, and even the essence has turned into mist.

At this moment, the supreme beings among them felt that their own realm was not restricted and was actually growing slowly.

Their Tao has been completely integrated into the inner world, and they have also gained a portion of the inner world's growth, and they have also grown along with it.

"Haha! The Emperor of Heaven is eternal and will lead us to become immortals!"

There was a supreme being shouting, feeling all these changes, and was very surprised, believing that there was hope for him to become an immortal after all in this life.


The inner world changed dramatically. It was originally only as big as the ancient Big Dipper, but now it is expanding rapidly. The 129,600 acupoints have turned into real big stars, each of which is as big as the ancient Big Dipper.

After waiting to stop growing, the size of the inner world is no longer inferior to the human world.

In the inner world, Zixia, Qi Qi, Longnu and others as well as Ji Ziyue, Xu Qiong and others were all watching the changes in the inner world with joy.

"We are about to enter the fairyland. We will probably be able to get out soon." Zixia was a little happy. As a mother of a child, she was always thinking about him after not seeing him for hundreds of thousands of years.

"I wonder how the children are doing in that strange world now. There is the Immortal Emperor there!" Ji Ziyue's starry eyes were also shining, with worry for the children and joy of seeing them soon.

"Don't worry, Jiang Li and Ye Fan are both considerate people. Since they dare to let the children in, they must be fully confident. Besides, there are so many people, they will definitely not let the children's lives be in danger." Xu Qiong comforted everyone. Although she has the lowest cultivation level among them, she is the most stable and she can see many things clearly.


After the changes in the inner world stopped, Jiang Li withdrew his mind and glanced at the Emperor who had escaped into the strange world and was lying dormant. He did not pay too much attention to him, but scanned the strange world.

With his current strength, he cannot directly look at the fairyland, but the strange world cannot block his sight. He saw the Immortal Emperor and the native. They are now at the peak of their eighth life and will soon live out their ninth life.

Wu Shi on the other side is almost the same, they are both in this state, at the final moment of transformation.

Therefore, the strange world is now relatively peaceful, and no major conflicts have broken out between the two sides.

What surprised Jiang Li was that he saw a little fairy phoenix in the strange world. It was very powerful and had now become a powerful emperor.

"It seems that I sent people into the strange world, causing the Immortal Emperor to feel pressured."

In the original novel, the reason why the Immortal Emperor let the Little Immortal Phoenix practice in the human world was because he had the energy to pay attention to the Little Immortal Phoenix, and even if its life was in danger, he could rescue it.

Now that a large number of masters have rushed into the strange world, the Immortal Emperor can hardly take care of himself, so naturally he dare not let the Little Fairy Phoenix stay in the human world.

In fact, the Immortal Emperor was completely overthinking. No matter whether it was him or Ye Fan, they would not take action against his son because of the Immortal Emperor. At most, they would let the younger generation compete with him.

Turning his sight, Jiang Li soon saw Jiang Zihan, Jiang Youxuan, Jiang Siqi, Ye Zi, Ye Hao, Ye Ling and others.

More than 100,000 years have passed, and their cultivation has now reached the level of Heavenly Emperor. They have lived through three lifetimes, and their cultivation has progressed smoothly.

Apart from them, Qilin Ancient Emperor, Ten Thousand Dragon Emperor, Gai Jiuyou, Ning Fei, Huo Qizi, Qi Lin, Jiang Yifei and others have also reached this realm.

When Jiang Li's sight fell on Emperor Wu Shi, he actually met his eyes.

Emperor Wu Shi, who has now reached the ninth stage of his life, is very powerful. Although he cannot be compared with Jiang Li, he feels that someone is watching him.

"Who?" The eyes of Emperor Wu Shi were solemn. He could feel that this person was very powerful, beyond his imagination. Even though he had almost lived out his ninth life and was half a step out of the realm of True Immortality, he still felt tense all over.

"Don't be nervous, it's me, Jiang Li!"

"What!" Wu Shi Great Emperor exclaimed, and then said in disbelief: "You have become a Red Dust Immortal."

The only thing that could give him such tremendous pressure was the ability to become an immortal in the mortal world. Although he was shocked, he quickly adjusted his mood.

He already fully understood Jiang Li's situation, and Emperor Wu Shi still had a good impression of this comrade who had repeatedly sent people to support him.

"I will break into the strange world soon. After defeating my enemies, I will go straight into the fairyland. I can't wait any longer." Jiang Li told Emperor Wu Shi the news.

He saw that this first generation innate holy body would soon break through to the ninth life, so he put some pressure on him so that he could break through to the mortal world before entering the fairyland.

"Okay, I understand." Wu Shi nodded, and then began his transformation.

After understanding the general situation of the strange world, Jiang Li withdrew his gaze, looked at the ruthless man who had already gone to the Heavenly Palace, and took a step forward to the Heavenly Palace.

Neither Ye Fan nor the Empress were surprised by his sudden arrival, as they had obviously expected it.

"Ye Fan, you are now in your eighth life. Time can hardly take away your lifespan. If you want to quickly cross to the ninth life, you can only rely on external forces."

Ye Fan's expression condensed and he asked, "What method?"

Although he is now in his eighth life and the cultivation environment no longer has much impact on him, if he enters the fairyland, he will probably spend ten times more time to become a mortal immortal.

The ruthless man turned his head curiously, but she seemed to have thought of something, but she did not say it, but waited for Jiang Li's words.


Jiang Li raised one hand, and instantly, a bright fairy light appeared, brighter than his fairy king light. As his realm broke through, this fairy light became stronger, as if there was no end.

"This fairy light can speed up the flow of time. When the time comes, I will use it to speed up the flow of time for you and drain your life potential in this life." Jiang Li explained.

This ability was only acquired after a breakthrough, and now it is just working on Ye Fan.

Of course, this is only possible for Ye Fan. He has already lived out his eighth life and can live out his ninth life at any time, so he can do this. But if anyone else dares to do this, their lifespan will probably be exhausted soon.

Ye Fan nodded. In fact, this was also risky. Once the immortal essence in his body was not enough to survive the ninth life, his condition would definitely be seriously damaged.

Seeing Ye Fan agreed, a brilliant fairy light was shot out directly, covering his body and entangled in every drop of blood.

Soon, a white hair quietly grew out among Ye Fan's black hair, and his powerful blood and energy also declined slightly, but fortunately, the immortal essence in his body was intact and even grew stronger.


Seeing this scene, Jiang Li knew that he had succeeded. In fact, he was already prepared. As long as Ye Fan could not resist the power of time, he would directly take back the fairy light.

“In fact, after the eighth life, you have already made it through. You can live a long time in the mortal world. Although your condition will be affected, your life span is indeed sufficient.” The ruthless starry eyes looked at Ye Fan. As a person who became an immortal in nine lives, she could see that although Ye Fan was aging rapidly, his foundation was getting stronger rapidly.

A thousand years passed like this, and Ye Fan had been shrouded in the immortal light for at least hundreds of thousands of years. Now his black hair has almost turned white, but his blood and energy are still vigorous, and the immortal essence in his body is becoming more and more powerful.

"Brother, it's okay. I can spontaneously start my ninth life." Ye Fan opened his eyes, and a blazing fairy light bloomed, without any sign of old age.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Li retracted his immortal light, and in the next moment, Ye Fan began his ninth life. His white hair turned black, and his state became permanent, and he would no longer be affected by time.

The light of immortality descended upon the human world again. Wang Bo looked at the Heavenly Palace in horror. This time, it was only ten thousand years since Ye Fan's eighth life. How could he have lived into his ninth life so quickly?

"Another Heavenly Emperor has become an immortal!"

The whole world was shocked. It was only a thousand years since the ruthless Emperor Jiang became an immortal, and Emperor Ye also became an immortal in the mortal world.

"Father has also become an immortal. It looks like we have to break into the immortal realm." Ye Yishui woke up from seclusion, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

After living out his ninth life, Ye Fan began to fuse the nine tripods made of fairy gold with the Heavenly Emperor Tripod, allowing it to evolve to a higher level like the Hengyu Furnace.

The ruthless person also began to act. The bronze fairy palace was disintegrated by her, and a fairy sword was also shattered. The two essences and fairy energy all rushed into the mask and ring, evolving into supreme fairy objects.

They were all preparing themselves, just waiting to set out for the strange world. After killing the enemies and the emperor in the strange world, they would set out to kill in the fairyland and end the eternal weirdness and ominousness.

Decades later, when everything was ready, Jiang Li began to summon the strongest people above the quasi-emperor level in the universe and asked them to follow him into the fairyland.

These quasi-emperors are all struggling in the mortal world. There may be no hope for them to reach the immortal realm, but there is great hope for them to become emperors. Once they reach the immortal realm, they will be able to fight against the strange and ominous things.

When these quasi-emperors heard that the Emperor of Heaven was going to take them into the fairyland, they responded to the call without any hesitation. Even when they heard that they would face terrifying enemies in the future, they did not show any fear, just to become immortals!

(End of this chapter)

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