The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 291: The Ancient and Modern Places

Chapter 291: The Ancient and Modern Places
Huge forbidden lightning flashed in the sky, continuously striking down, bombarding the center of the two worlds, as if preventing them from merging.

Blood-red lightning struck down, but when it was about to reach the center of the two worlds, it was blocked by Jiang Li, making it impossible for the thunder to cross the abyss he formed.

Under his protection, the two worlds began to slowly merge. During this period, the formation was once overwhelmed, but fortunately, Jiang Li served as a buffer point in the end, so the two worlds did not collide violently.

But even so, the people in the fairyland were in a state of panic, because the commotion was so great that it seemed as if the entire world was about to be destroyed.

This situation lasted for hundreds of years before it finally stopped, but then, a huge change occurred in the world, just like the revival of heaven and earth in the human world.

A place like the Fairyland, even if it is incomplete, is far from comparable to the human world, which also makes the scene of the Fairyland's revival a bit scary.

The crimson forbidden thunder has been in the sky and has never dissipated, but the good thing is that the avenue of the fairyland is recovering rapidly, and the essence and life-growth substances are already extremely rich, and they are still growing rapidly as if there is no end.

And this process did not just last for a while, but continued all the time.

After the successful integration of the fairyland, everyone moved out of the Hunyuan star field and found a separate star field to open up their own temple.

In order to make it easier to discuss Taoism together, everyone's Taoist temples were opened relatively close to each other. Some of the ruthless ones even opened one directly in a star field next to Jiang Li.

Such a distance may be too far for many masters below the imperial level, but for Jiang Li and the ruthless people, there is almost no difference between them and the opposite door.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the fairyland was repaired for thousands of years. However, to everyone's surprise, the changes in the fairyland were still continuing, as if it had been silent for too long and was about to erupt completely this time.

After such a long time, the fairyland finally ushered in a big day.

The place connecting the past and present is about to open. All creatures below the level of immortals can go and try to see if they have the opportunity to enter.

For those who have not yet become immortals, it is indeed a first-class place of good fortune that can save a lot of time in cultivation.

Of course, it’s not that there is no danger there. In a sense, it is the most dangerous place in the world, because there have really been people who have been trapped in the murals forever.

In other words, if you die in there, you are really dead. If you are unlucky enough to go to an era of no souls, you might really die of old age in there.

Such a situation is often more terrifying than an open enemy, because life and death are almost entirely determined by luck.

In the place that connects the past and present, there is an ancient cave, gushing out endless fairy light and mist. Jiang Li stands high in the sky, and there are several figures beside him.

At this moment, they all stared at the bottom, holding their breath and looking at the bottom, trying to find out the mystery inside, not wanting to miss any details.

I saw that in the ten-foot square stone chamber, there was an aura of eternity. When I focused all my mind on it, it seemed as if I could see a long river of time rising and falling in it.

In the middle, wisps of clear air dissipated, flowing with mysterious and inexplicable Taoist rhymes.

The most peculiar thing is the mural in the stone chamber, which is a very primitive Taoist trace and tells the old stories from the ancient times of the immortals.

And one of the blurry pictures really attracted Jiang Li deeply.

His eyes became deep, trying to see through the scene. In his eyes, what was originally just a black line of writing was constantly extending and eventually turned into a black dragon that stretched from sky to earth.

The black line kept changing in the strokes, and every time it moved, it seemed as if a long time had passed.

"This is Emperor Yan, he has also come to the place of ancient and modern times!" Jiang Li realized that Emperor Yan had been here and lived for eight lifetimes in the strokes, and finally became an immortal.

Of course, this is something that will happen in the future. Right now, Emperor Yan is still lying half-dead in Zhenlong Ridge.

However, as his cultivation level is getting closer and closer to that of the Immortal King, the Immortal King Law in Yan Emperor's body is also being quickly pulled out. It seems that it won't be long before Yan Emperor wakes up.

Finally, as if reaching its limit, the black line in the mural stopped moving and remained there forever.

This does not mean that Emperor Yan died in there, but that his power reached the limit of the ancient and modern land and transcended it.


Just at this time, a man walked into the stone chamber, and suddenly a grand heavenly sound rang out, and all things resonated with it.

Among them, Jiang Zihan's body trembled violently, and finally exploded, turning into a wisp of clear air and falling into the stone wall.

Just after the clear air dissipated, a figure appeared on the rough stone wall. It was very blurry, but Jiang Zihan's figure could be vaguely seen.

"Zi Han succeeded!" Ye Fan was shocked. He was still very curious about this place that connected the past and the present.

He wanted to know whether this stone tablet really had such a terrifying power that could directly allow a person's cultivation to break through to such a terrifying level.

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but look intently at the place on the stone tablet. There, a blurry woman in white appeared in an unfamiliar period of time, honing herself in the world.

This piece of ancient history is actually the ancient era of immortals!

Jiang Li looked at the scene revealed in the stone wall and felt a little surprised. If Zi Han appeared in that period of time, would he meet Emperor Yan?

He remembered that when Emperor Huang Tian returned to the era of Emperor Fall, he actually met the young butcher and they had a chance encounter.

If Jiang Zihan went to the ancient era of immortals and met Emperor Yan, would what she did in that era affect things in later generations?

Jiang Li was a little curious, but after watching for a while, he found it a little strange. Logically speaking, during the ancient era of immortals, there were constant battles between the primitive ancient world and the foreign lands, but on the stone wall, there was no sign of any war.

The images on the stone wall kept changing, and Jiang Zihan's figure was also constantly changing, but as time went on, Jiang Li felt more and more confused, because in that piece of time and space, no major war had ever taken place from beginning to end.

Could this be the beginning of the Immortal Ancient Era, when the war between the primitive ancient world and the foreign land had not yet broken out?

According to the time written on the stone wall, Jiang Zihan has spent more than 100,000 years in that ancient history. If it was a period of great war between the foreign land and the primitive ancient world, the two sides could not have maintained peace for such a long time and would have fought long ago.

Jiang Li suppressed his curiosity and continued to look down. Soon, a familiar figure appeared on the stone wall.

Tian Zhao!

A familiar figure appeared on the rough stone wall, but this friend of Emperor Yan was now a real immortal. Even through the stone wall, one could feel the powerful immortal laws in him.

Since Tian Zhao appeared and became an immortal, the timeline must be after the war. But since there has been no war for so long, something must have happened in the meantime.

Emperor Yan invaded foreign lands and killed so many people that no one in the world dared to claim the throne?

"Duan De, have you ever experienced chaos in foreign lands during the chaotic ancient times?" Thinking of all the changes, Jiang Li couldn't help but ask Duan De curiously.

If everything has changed, then is there any foreign land in the time and space that Duan De experienced?

Hearing Jiang Li's question, Duan De blurted out without thinking, "I have experienced it. During the Immortal Ancient Era, I heard that a very powerful creature appeared in the Primitive Ancient World. He was a disciple of the True Dragon, the leader of the Ten Evils. But later, for some reason, he disappeared completely. The foreign land waited for an era, but the powerful creature never appeared. In the middle of the Chaos Ancient Era, it invaded the Primitive Ancient World again."

Jiang Li's mind was shaken. He couldn't understand the current situation. After he rose to power in the future, he didn't directly wipe out the alien land?

What will he think in the future? In order to sharpen Emperor Huang Tian and find a whetstone for him, he did not destroy the foreign land.

As for the disappearance of Emperor Yan in the future, he did know about it, because according to his plan, when the cultivation of both of them reached the limit of Immortal King, they would merge into one and impact the realm of Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

Jiang Li was a little confused at the moment, but he quickly put it behind him. After all, this was something that would happen in the future. It would be the stupidest thing to think about why his future self would do that with his current thoughts. Even though he was about to reach the realm of the Immortal King, he didn't dare to say that he would definitely understand his future self's thoughts.

Time goes on, and the time on the stone wall is still moving forward quickly. Just after a million years, Jiang Zihan on the stone wall suddenly bursts out with powerful immortal laws.

"The light of immortality is so amazing. It took millions of years on the stone wall, but only a few days have passed in the outside world!" Ye Fan was a little amazed.


After Jiang Zihan became an immortal, a vast and boundless divine ocean seemed to emerge in the simple stone chamber which was only ten feet square, submerging all the heavens and worlds.

In the middle, it seemed as if a real universe exploded, and it also seemed as if fairy fire was burning, blazing and boundless.

At the same time, one law after another filled with the aura of immortal immortality appeared and filled the void, accompanied by an endless surge of chaotic energy.


The ten directions of the sky seemed to be shaking, and the already revived Immortal Realm felt it and sent down endless auspicious signs, as if congratulating the Immortal Realm for having another true immortal.

Finally, with a terrifying loud noise, a dazzling fairy light exploded.

The sacred immortal light was extremely bright, as if it illuminated the entire universe, penetrating the past, present and future, and was eternal and immortal.

The long river of time is boiling, surging and surging.

It manifested itself here, and a vague figure in the middle of it came from far away, and finally it actually broke away from the long river of time and descended into the present world.

The next moment, all the strange phenomena in the stone chamber disappeared, and only a figure emitting brilliant fairy light stood inside.

Jiang Zihuan, who has now become an immortal, has a kind of holiness. Her status in the fairyland is already high. As the eldest daughter of a king, she is the apple of everyone's eye and the object of admiration for countless young people in the fairyland. And now that she has become an immortal, the sense of dignity of Jiang Zihuan has reached a new level.

Although Jiang Zihan did not burst out with huge divine power fluctuations at this moment, his Tao rhyme was flowing, and the supreme immortal aura permeated the air.

Jiang Li's mouth curled up. His daughter's improvement in cultivation made him, as a father, feel an unprecedented desire to show off.

In other words, he is in a strong state of mind now, otherwise he would probably really start shouting and screaming.

"Brother, congratulations." As a good brother, Ye Fan was the first to congratulate him, but at this moment, the corners of his mouth were also curled up. This cabbage will belong to his Ye family sooner or later, and can be regarded as his daughter.

Jiang Li ignored Ye Fan. As an old friend for many years, he knew what Ye Fan was thinking at the moment with just one glance. Although he was very unhappy, he felt much better when he thought of Xiao Zi.

After Jiang Zihan, one person after another came to the ancient cave, but unfortunately, none of them entered the stone wall. It was not until Xiao Zi's turn that the stone wall started to work again.

"Congratulations." Jiang Li said to Ye Fan with a smile.

This time it was Ye Fan's turn to ignore others. He knew that this was simply Jiang Li's revenge for his previous teasing.

A few days passed in a flash, and soon Xiao Zi appeared from the stone wall. The fairy light burst out again, and the movement of the Yuanling Holy Body becoming a fairy was very loud. Even in the fairyland, the Yuanling Body was also loved by heaven and earth, and endless auspiciousness surrounded the woman in purple.

Seeing this, Jiang Youxuan hurriedly moved forward and won Xiao Zi's favor.

But he didn't know that at this moment, a pair of vicious eyes were staring at him, just like an old father looking at the yellow-haired man approaching his well-behaved daughter.

"Okay, be more generous. After all, you are the Emperor of Heaven, admired by hundreds of millions of people." Jiang Li added a stab in time, and at the same time, he couldn't help but praise his son in his heart.

Jiang Youxuan is very similar to him, without any of his mother Xia Jiuyou's coldness. He also inherited the ability to please girls very well.

In comparison, Ye Hao, who was raised by Xiaosong, is very pure, without any of Ye Fan's dark side. This has made Jiang Li like him a little better in recent years.

In the next few months, two beams of fairy light burst out again in the Tongtian Ancient and Modern Land, and then it became completely silent.

“It’s no use. The power of the stone wall has reached its limit. We have to wait until 100,000 years later before it can be used again.” Hun Tiantuo shook his head regretfully.

A total of seven people went in this time, three of them died here, and the remaining two who became immortals were Xukong and Daode.

In fact, originally only three people were supposed to be able to become immortals through the ancient and modern land, but the two of them were only one step away from becoming immortals, which resulted in the two of them just taking up the position of one person.

"Brother Daoist, congratulations. From now on you will embark on the path to immortality and enjoy freedom." Jiang Li looked into the void and felt sincerely happy for his old friend.

Among the thirty ancient emperors, Xukong had the most miserable life, having been at war all his life. After coming to the fairyland, he could practice with peace of mind, but as soon as he arrived in the fairyland, a war started again. In comparison, the five thousand years on Earth was perhaps the easiest period of time for Xukong.

"There is no such thing as freedom. The higher your cultivation, the heavier the responsibility you will bear." Xukong said seriously.

Everyone nodded when they heard this. Although they were safe for now, they would not forget that fatal crisis could strike at any time.

And the one who comes next time might not be the quasi-King Le, but a weird and real army.

After the end of Tongtian Ancient and Modern Land, Jiang Li brought his lineage back to the Taoist temple. Now that everything is done, he is also ready to go into seclusion to break through to the Immortal King realm.

Now, even though he hasn't become a king yet, he can rival the top Immortal Kings. It can be predicted that once he breaks through the Immortal King realm, he will definitely be a giant among the Immortal Kings and will reach the level of True Dragon, Willow God, Liudao and Wuzhong.

It is amazing that he can reach that level right after a breakthrough. The time of cultivation in the Immortal King realm is very long, even for several epochs. Looking through the ancient history, there are many Immortal Kings who have not made any progress.

This is the benefit of strong accumulation. Not only him, it is estimated that Ye Fan, Wu Shi, and Hen Ren should also be able to reach the level of Immortal King with one breakthrough. In comparison, Duan De may be a little worse, but he can definitely reach the level of Supreme Immortal King with one breakthrough.

The fairyland has returned to peace, there is no strange clan anymore, and the fairyland has also recovered. Everyone does not waste time, but instead retreats to break through the realm with peace of mind.

As time passed, the recovery of the fairyland also made everyone feel the benefits, and fluctuations in the imperial way occurred almost every few hundred years.

That almost indicated that there was a new imperial master in the fairyland. This phenomenon continued in the following years. Sometimes, two imperial masters were born almost at the same time.

Everyone knows that in future wars, perhaps only masters at the imperial level will be qualified to participate.

Under such heavy pressure, everyone has sufficient motivation to practice, and the most outstanding ones are the supreme beings in the human world. They all have high talents and abilities, and it was only the human world that restricted them in the past.

Every supreme being has fought their way to the top in the most brutal environment. They just can't break the shackles in the human world, so their cultivation has been stuck in the human realm.

Now that they have arrived in the fairyland, their cultivation has begun to advance by leaps and bounds, and they are rapidly impacting the immortal realm.

And on this day, Jiang Li came out of seclusion for a rare time and looked at the woman who was undergoing a tribulation in the sky.

After arriving in the fairyland for tens of thousands of years, Yao Chi finally took that step and officially began to overcome the tribulation of the Great Emperor. She was the last woman to break through to become the Great Emperor.

She has great talent, but is far from being comparable to Zixia, Longnu and others. At most, she is just about the same as Qi Qi. Even Qi Qi has been trying to achieve enlightenment for thousands of years, and now Yao Chi has finally achieved enlightenment as well.

With Jiang Li's protection, Yao Chi naturally broke through the Great Emperor realm safely. After all, it was only the Great Emperor's calamity. As long as Jiang Li wanted to, he could break it with just a glance.

Even as long as he released his own aura, the great calamity of the emperor would not fall upon him. However, considering that the thunder calamity was indeed beneficial to cultivators, he did not stop the people around him from undergoing the calamity. Unless their lives were really in danger, he would take action to disperse the thunder calamity.

This was a small episode during his cultivation. After it ended, Jiang Li began to retreat again, hoping to break through to the Immortal King realm as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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