The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 292 The terrifying calamity of the Immortal King!

Chapter 292 The terrifying calamity of the Immortal King!
Since Jiang Li had been in seclusion for a long time, batches of geniuses have emerged in the fairyland, and more and more masters have broken through to the imperial level.

The supreme beings and geniuses from the human world performed even more amazingly after arriving in a better environment. They were like real dragons who always stayed in fish ponds in the past, but now that they had come to the sea, they were truly flying dragons in the sky.

People like the Holy Prince, Jiang Yifei, Huo Qizi, Daoyi, etc., although they did not enter the ancient and modern land of Tongtian, they relied on their own strength to break through the immortal realm after tens of thousands of years in the immortal realm and became a true immortal.

The older generation of supreme beings naturally performed no better than the younger generation. In fact, among the dozens of supreme beings, there are already quite a few who have broken through to the level of True Immortals.

Jiang Li has been improving his soul since he went into seclusion more than 100,000 years ago. After such a long time, his soul has been entangled with the light of the Immortal King.

But he did not rush to break through, but began to work on his own way. Relying on the tremendous magic power of 129,600 acupoints, he broke through the realm of immortals, and his combat power leaped to the level of the Ten Evils.

And now, he naturally wanted to continue on this path. In Jiang Li's opinion, the magic power of the 129,600 acupoints was boundless, but it was too scattered after all. His next idea was to connect the 129,600 acupoints to form a large formation.

After all, 129,600 acupoints fighting alone are not as good as those forming a large formation. The gap between the two is like the difference between heaven and earth.

As long as this concept is completed, he will really organize the acupoints in his body into a large formation.

By that time, not only will the magic power be boundless, but it will also be easier to dispatch. With the tacit coordination of the acupoints, the magic power will be boundless with a thought, and one force will defeat ten skills.

But this process is certainly not easy. Once the magic power contained in each of his acupoints explodes, even a true immortal will be wiped out, let alone the 129,600 acupoints.

After having this idea, Jiang Li directly began to try to connect the two acupoints. Although it was a bit difficult, it was very easy for him now. He directly suppressed the magic power of the two acupoints that were about to explode.

But this is only temporary. As more acupoints are connected, the conflicts of magic power in the acupoints will become more and more intense.

The only thing Jiang Li could do was to continuously improve his body so that it would not be blown up by the conflict of the ever-increasing magic power.

But now his physique has become that of an Immortal King, and even the Immortal Sutra cannot improve it so quickly.

Fortunately, he has been able to keep up with the progress and his body is not overwhelmed. However, as more acupoints are connected, his magic power is increasing almost exponentially.

And the tremendous magic power in those connected acupoints actually began to flow, with a hint of never-ending magic power.

At the same time, Jiang Li could feel that his realm was rapidly approaching the Immortal King realm. Judging from the trend, he didn't even need to connect all the acupoints to break through to the Immortal King realm directly.

There was no way. The terrifying Immortal King barrier was completely unable to stop it. Jiang Li proved with practical actions that when one of the spirit, energy and spirit became powerful beyond imagination, no shackles could hold him back.

Nowadays, Jiang Li is a cultivator with serious imbalanced abilities. His magic power is so strong that it is far ahead of his soul. Even his physique, which is already that of an Immortal King, is completely inferior to him.

In the star field where the Emperor of Heaven's Taoist temple is located, the majestic divine power spreads like a tide, almost sweeping across countless surrounding starry skies. Even in the Panwang Star Field and Hunyuan Immortal Field, which are infinitely far away, they can feel a strong pressure.

The higher the cultivation level of the monk, the more obvious this feeling is.

"What a stunning figure, he is no less amazing than Emperor Huangtian." In the Hunyuan star field, Hun Tiantuo was a little surprised.

Hun Tiantuo once thought that it would be impossible for a figure like Emperor Huang Tian to appear in the history of cultivation, but an era later, he saw him, and not just one.

Emperor Ye Tian, ​​the Empress, and Emperor Wu Shi were all extremely extraordinary in Hun Tiantuo's eyes. Compared with other people, the time they had practiced was too short.

But the combat power of these three people is almost the strongest except for Emperor Jiang Tian.

And there is the Immortal Phoenix. Although he is the mount of Emperor Jiang Tian, ​​he is well aware of the power of the Immortal Phoenix bloodline. As a person from the chaotic ancient era, he is very familiar with the legend of the Ten Evils, and he has also seen Lord Red Dragon.

An era may be a long time, but it depends on what you compare it to. For example, if a person who can be compared to Emperor Huang Tian appears in one era, an era is really short.

"Emperor Huang Tian is waiting. In this era, you will soon have companions and won't be so lonely anymore." Hun Tiantuo thought to himself.

At this moment, in the other several dojos, when they noticed the movement in Jiang Li's dojo, although they were happy for Jiang Li, they also felt proud and wanted to catch up.

Now, more than 100,000 years have passed, and everyone has made great progress and is approaching the Immortal King realm. However, the speed of Yu Huang and Duan De is slightly slower than the other three.

As time passed slowly, the noise in the Emperor Jiang's temple slowly began to calm down. Everyone knew that this was probably because Emperor Jiang Tian intended to restrain himself and did not want to affect all living beings because of himself.

That kind of fluctuation is so huge that people who practice cultivation in these starry skies, let alone practice, will feel uneasy and uneasy if they do nothing when they often feel that kind of fluctuation, and their Tao heart will be tortured all the time.

The Emperor of Heaven is supreme and benevolent. Naturally, he does not want countless living beings to waste their time because of his own reasons!

"The Emperor of Heaven is about to truly become a king!"

After a True Immortal who lived not far from the Heavenly Emperor's Dojo felt this fluctuation, he said something like this, which soon spread throughout the Immortal Realm!
Become a king! It has been a long time since there was a strong man of this level in the fairyland.

The level of Immortal King has always represented the highest level, but as no one has become a king for such a long time, they actually doubt whether there is anyone who can reach this level.

But as long as they think of the invincible posture of Emperor Jiang Tian tens of thousands of years ago, he could destroy a quasi-immortal king with a single blow, and it seemed that he was almost the same as the king.

When this rumor spread in the fairyland, everyone suddenly felt that Emperor Jiang Tian's becoming a king was destined, because he was not far from becoming the Fairy King.

After this incident attracted great attention, the fairyland quickly returned to peace, and all living beings were working hard to practice, because they knew that there would be powerful enemies in the future. Although the fairyland is now powerful and has several powerful adults, the higher the level of one's own cultivation, the greater the chance of survival in the future.

Time flies. On this day, Jiang Li, who was practicing in the Tiandi Taoist Temple, heard the incomparable sound of heaven. Around him, there was a star map with a total of 129,600 ancient stars.

The star map is brilliant, with a supreme aura permeating. Between these ancient stars, one can see countless threads connecting them, making the brilliance of the stars shared.

If you count carefully, there is a thread for approximately 30,000 stars, and at this moment, one of the stars is extending a thread towards the 30,001st star.

The speed was very fast, and in almost an instant, it crossed the endless and distant starry sky. But at the same time, Jiang Li, who was sitting cross-legged, burst out with terrifying fairy light. As if reaching a critical point, his body cracked into pieces, and endless divine power rushed out from it.

It is brilliant and dazzling, like the eternal and immortal fairy light. Every ray of light is interwoven with the laws of the Fairy King. This is the magic power in Jiang Li's body. Because it is so powerful, it has exceeded the limit of what his body can contain.

The next moment, when the thread arrived and connected with thirty thousand and one stars, there was a loud bang, and Jiang Li's body exploded. There was no blood, only dazzling fairy light.

These spots of light are filled with unimaginable magical power, and each one is as vast as the ocean. If a true immortal accidentally touches one of the spots of light, he will be crushed by the majestic magical power in an instant.

"The sky is hard to bury, the earth is hard to destroy, eternal and immortal, the body becomes a spirit, the Immortal Sutra, take it for me!"

A loud shout was heard, like the sound of heaven, and right after that, every point of light began to emit mysterious symbols, and an aura of immortality permeated the air.

Jiang Li's originally exploded body gathered together under the power of the Immortal Sutra, but just when it was about to gather together, it was stretched apart again by the magic power on the star map.

It is like a water reservoir that has now exceeded the capacity of the water tank. Unless some water is given up, there is no way to forcibly restore the water reservoir.

But Jiang Li did not give up those magic powers. Instead, he kept practicing the Immortal Sutra to forcibly restore his body. But every time it happened, when it was about to gather, it would be blown apart again.

This continued like this, as if they were constantly experiencing destruction and rebirth, and what could be seen was that each time they were reassembled, each time they were more complete than the last time. Finally, after an indefinite number of times, Jiang Li's figure finally reappeared, his body now covered with runes, all of which were symbols of the Immortal Sutra, forcibly gathering this body.

"I must overcome the tribulation, otherwise I will really be completely blown up." Jiang Li whispered to himself, and then his feet shook, and he came to the boundless chaos.

This is his calamity as an Immortal King, unprecedented. Because his magic power has theoretically reached the limit of an Immortal King, it is destined to be extremely terrifying. If he stays in the Immortal Realm, he may suffer great damage.


As soon as it descended into the chaotic area, the catastrophe broke out. Countless symbols of the Great Dao came from all directions. From the past, present and future, all those that had appeared in the world came at this moment.

These symbols were imprinted in Jiang Li's flesh and blood, his soul, and the Tao, but when they wanted to touch the magic power, they returned empty-handed and could not get close at all.

The symbols were burning, too brightly, and were accompanied by a fierce judgment of the Great Dao. All kinds of orders of heaven and earth rushed into the sky, trying to intercept him below the Immortal King realm and prevent him from succeeding.

The calamity that Jiang Li was facing at this moment was more terrifying than any other person who had attempted to become an Immortal King in ancient history. If it were someone else, they would die and be reduced to dust after just the first wave of impact!
But fortunately, he had boundless magical power. When he thought about it, the terrifying magical power covered his body and soul, and actually forcibly curbed the burning of the symbol.

The two began to wrestle, but even though the Dao symbol was powerful, Jiang Li's magic power was like a sacred mountain that stretched between heaven and earth. No matter how raging the flood was, I remained unmoved.

This is hard to imagine, because no matter who faces such a horrifying trial, they will be terrified, even those who have already broken through to the Immortal King level.

Jiang Li's performance was very relaxed, he even had the leisure to observe this symbol.

"Very powerful. If I can master it and engrave this symbol on my magic power, then I can kill the Immortal King at will!"

Jiang Li became interested. This symbol was really terrifying. If his magic power was not so strong, he would probably not feel good in the first wave. His soul and body would probably turn to ashes in an instant.

It was too harsh. Compared to the glimmer of hope for others, the kind of punishment he was facing now could probably only be resisted by Emperor Huang Tian, ​​who had combined the ten reincarnation seals.

"Hmph, you don't want me to pass the Immortal King, but I will. Not only that, I will also use the power you use against me to shine." Jiang Li glanced at the sky with disdain, and then began to observe the symbols of the Avenue.

This is a destructive force, a forbidden power that belongs only to God. It is almost impossible for living beings to master it. If we talk about who has the best hope of mastering it, Jiang Li thinks that person is the Thunder Emperor.

If he can continue to grow smoothly, Thunder Emperor will unsurprisingly master this symbol and become the nightmare of all Immortal Kings!

No wonder the foreign land is targeting the Thunder Emperor like this, because no one wants to see how far this taboo figure really grows.

Jiang Li began to restrain his magic power slightly, but in just a moment, he felt his soul and body burning and wailing, and he was unable to muster any strength to resist.

But he didn't care about all that now. Instead, he observed and memorized the symbols carefully.

But Jiang Li soon discovered that even if he wrote it down, he would soon forget it. Unless he was a favorite of God, this power prohibited others from learning it.

But the more this happened, the hotter Jiang Li's heart became, because he felt that this form of symbol was not the final form. It was limited to the realm of Immortal King. Otherwise, it could definitely burst out with more powerful power.

Thinking of this, Jiang Li once again restrained his magic power to ensure that his body and soul would not be crushed into powder. Not only that, he also took the initiative to let the symbol climb onto the magic power and let it enter his own magic power.

An intense pain came over him, an unprecedented pain that not only affected his body but also his soul. In an instant, Jiang Li felt as if he was sinking and his soul became confused.

But he did not give up. Now that disaster was imminent, even if he practiced faster, he still had no confidence in resisting the strange army. He had to become stronger and seize every opportunity to become stronger.

With Jiang Li's deliberate connivance, the symbol of the Dao was finally engraved into every part of his body, and then began to burn, taking Jiang Li to extinction.

Under such pain, Jiang Li kept his mind focused, trying to observe these symbols and engrave them into his own magic power. In coordination with this, his magic power also began to intentionally capture the symbols of the Tao.


As if sensing Jiang Li's heaven-defying act, forbidden thunder began to erupt from the infinitely high sky. Each lightning thread was as huge as an ancient star.

Suddenly, Jiang Li felt a strong sense of uneasiness in his heart. Following the feeling, he saw two things deep in the sea of ​​thunder, a thunder pool and a guillotine.

The Thunder Pool and the Immortal-Slaying Guillotine!

Unlike the illusory one, this thunder pool is real. It is square and looks like it is made of ancient bluestone. It is very rough and the marks on it are crooked, just like the pig troughs used for cooking in the human world.

Jiang Li looked at the thunder pool and observed the marks on it. He actually saw the wonders of nature from the messy marks. This was not built by human power. No one could build a thunder pool. This was conceived and carved by God himself.

And that guillotine was even more unusual. The symbols on it were very similar to those on his body now. They were powers from the same lineage and should be the power of the Thunder Emperor in the next stage.

"Haha, not only did you give me power, but you also gave me a thunder pool. It seems that I am also a favorite of God." Jiang Li's mouth curled up, very evil, and the ecstasy in his eyes surged out.

This is the Thunder Pool, the most powerful creation in the world. It does not even need to be integrated into the Hengyu Furnace. As long as the Thunder Pool is placed in the Hengyu Furnace with the same method as the Lihuo Furnace, the terrifying Hengyu Furnace will be transformed into the most powerful Immortal King weapon, and its foundation will be increased again.


Just as Jiang Li was looking at the thunder pool with blazing eyes, the messy marks on it began to glow. At the same time, the immortal guillotine seemed to have received an order, and five divine chains of order extended from the platform where the guillotine was placed.

At the same time, the Taoist master burst out with a force that forcibly imprisoned this piece of heaven and earth, making Jiang Li unable to move.

The Divine Chain of Order broke through the air and wrapped around his neck and limbs. Then the Divine Chain of Order tightened, pulling Jiang Li onto the platform and imprisoning him on the guillotine.

Looking at the guillotine in the sky, even though it hadn't fallen yet, Jiang Li felt his neck getting cold and he had lost contact with his body.

But he did not panic. Instead, he looked at the thunder pool with passion. As long as he got this thunder pool, he could use the power of the Dao symbol and the Immortal-Slaying Guillotine.


Feeling Jiang Li's gaze, the God seemed to be angry. The thunder pool hummed and the Immortal-Slaying Guillotine fell by itself. Without any hindrance, Jiang Li's head was chopped off.

A blazing immortal light burst out, and terrifying magical power fluctuations rushed out from his broken neck and head, like a sea of ​​​​gods that was impacting the immortal guillotine.

At the same time, a star map appeared, and the ancient stars that were originally connected to 30,001 began to extend wildly.


The world exploded, and as the stars were connected one by one, the force of the vast sea of ​​magic power impacting the Immortal Guillotine became even stronger.

The sound of Tao that resounded through the heavens continued to sound. The Immortal-Slaying Guillotine was hit violently and began to become unstable. It began to shake, and the power of the chains that originally bound Jiang Li also weakened.

The headless body tried to struggle, but it was still difficult and failed to break free. However, Jiang Li was not in a hurry because the power of the chains was constantly weakening as the terrifying magic power raged.

(End of this chapter)

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