The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 295: Kill the Immortal King like a blade of grass!

Chapter 295: Kill the Immortal King like a blade of grass!

The blazing fairy light submerged everything, and it seemed as if a sun appeared in the sea of ​​​​realm, shining incomparably!
The whole world fell silent immediately.

With the place of collision as the center, the boundary sea seemed to have really turned into a sea, and the forbidden laws drifted along with the broken boundary.

The terrifying noise was like the sound of a huge bell from ancient times, but it seemed as if there was no sound at all.

When everything became calm, the place where the battle took place became even more dilapidated. This is the Sea of ​​Boundary. If it were any other place, even the Fairyland, it would probably suffer considerable damage.


Jiang Li touched the blood on his hand. He was also injured in the previous attack. The opponent tried his best, but he still made him bleed.

However, in contrast, the four people were even more miserable at the moment. Not only were their souls extremely damaged, but their Tao fruits were almost cracked. The one who was most seriously injured was almost about to achieve Nirvana.

"He's almost becoming the Taoist Patriarch!" A strange immortal king was coughing up blood from the corner of his mouth, half of his body was broken, and he looked extremely miserable.

Compared to him, the other three were even more miserable. Their souls were seriously injured. This was a true injury to the Tao. Even for an Immortal King, it would take endless years to slowly recover, or even never recover.

There are terrifying taboo laws on these four people. They are punishments from heaven, which are constantly eroding them.

"Okay, that's it, it won't be so bloody that someone will come to rescue you!" Jiang Li raised the corners of his mouth, his smile was extremely cruel, and the coldness in his eyes almost froze the sea boundary.

Beside him was an extremely ancient Hengyu furnace. The previous attack had obviously caused some damage to it, and there was a knife mark on the furnace wall.

But at this moment, the power of Hengyu Furnace increased instead of decreased. The knife mark was quickly eliminated by Him and integrated into His own laws, becoming even more powerful.


The terrifying forbidden symbols intertwined at the furnace mouth, and brilliant lightning liquid flowed out and poured onto Jiang Li.

This seemed to be the best healing medicine in the world. In just a moment, the dark matter in Jiang Li's body was contained.

The power of thunder is itself the most powerful force to restrain darkness. The thunder pool is the supreme divine object in the field of thunder, and the thunder liquid in it is also very terrifying.

The contamination of dark matter that Jiang Li had just suffered quickly recovered under the nourishment of the thunder liquid, and his own aura became even stronger.

The four strange Immortal Kings' hearts sank to the bottom when they saw this scene. Not only was this man's strength almost reaching that of the Dao Ancestor, but he also had the means to restrain them. This made the four of them see no hope at all.

Bathed in the thunder liquid, Jiang Li spread out his palms, blazing immortal light shot up into the sky, and powerful symbols gathered into divine chains of order that intertwined between his palms and fingers.

With a fierce wave of his hand, the divine chain of order intertwined into a divine sword, which cut through the sea of ​​​​boundaries and the resistance of several immortal kings, and hit the opponent heavily.

They were already seriously injured and had no power to resist at all. Their bodies were blown up and blood spread all over the sea.

After wiping out the four people, Jiang Li took direct action and refined their Tao fruits.

Jiang Li looked at the four Taoist fruits covered with runes in his hands. The blazing fairy light seemed to have traveled through the long river of time.

This is the Immortal King's Dao Fruit, the essence of an Immortal King. After refining it, it will be of some help even to Jiang Li today.

"It's a pleasant surprise. My soul is weak now, and this fruit is just right for me." Jiang Li was pleasantly surprised. After breaking through to the Immortal King level, time seemed to have changed little. Even Jiang Li felt that the progress over the past hundred thousand years was really limited.

Of course, this is just what he thinks. During these hundreds of thousands of years, Jiang Li’s cultivation speed has indeed slowed down compared to before, but his current realm is that of Immortal King.

Throughout the ages, how many Immortal Kings have been stuck in this realm for several epochs without making any progress at all.

Jiang Li started to clean up the place to make sure that the strange clan could locate his location through the traces.

Jiang Li randomly found an island and began to practice there, refining the fruits of the Tao of the four Immortal Kings.

This was his first time coming into contact with the Dao Fruit of the Immortal King realm. Just at the beginning, Jiang Li felt the importance of the Dao Fruit of the Immortal King realm.

With the power of Tao Fruit, Jiang Li's cultivation speed became very fast. After absorbing all four Tao Fruits, his cultivation level was inevitably greatly improved.

His physical body and magic power are fine, now that he has reached the end. The thing that has made real progress is his soul. With the nourishment of the Tao Fruit, he has come a long way among the top immortal kings.

On that desolate island, Jiang Li sat cross-legged in the center. In his hand was an almost dim Taoist fruit.

Finally, when Jiang Li finished his training, he once again set out to hunt down the Immortal King of the strange clan.

Since these human fruits are helpful to him, Jiang Li will naturally not let them go.

Moreover, hunting down the Immortal King of the weird clan was what he had originally wanted to do, and now he had the best of both worlds.

In the sea boundary, knowing that a strange Immortal King was already lurking at this distance, Jiang Li was as careful as possible and did not want to attract the other party's attention.

It is not known whether it was because there were too many strange armies, but Jiang Li successfully hunted down several strange immortal kings again. This made Jiang Li's cultivation level soar rapidly, and soon his soul realm reached the limit of the supreme immortal king, and he was only one step away from becoming a giant immortal king.

In the sea boundary, even the strange clan didn’t know where their own people were, which greatly facilitated Jiang Li’s actions.

Before finding the enemy, the Weird Clan had lost nearly ten Immortal Kings. Even if there are strong people of this level in the Weird Clan, their number may be large in the entire Weird Clan, but that does not mean that people of this level are everywhere.

The Immortal King realm, in fact, no matter which force it is, is definitely the top combat power. The reason why there are so many weird clans is that it has been accumulated for who knows how many epochs.

As the killing continued, Jiang Li was like a killer in the dark, and the environment of the sea boundary naturally provided him with assistance. Unknowingly, he had raised his soul cultivation to the level of an Immortal King.

The disappearance of a large number of Immortal Kings obviously attracted the attention of the strange clan. Although the sea of ​​​​boundaries is vast, after a long time, they can more or less see each other.

As for the dozen or so Immortal Kings who were killed, no one had ever encountered them again, so it was hard not to attract attention. However, they did not think directly that they were killed. Instead, they speculated whether they were lost in the sea of ​​​​boundaries.

But this is almost the limit. If it continues like this, then inevitably, the Weird Clan will definitely guess that there are enemies lurking in the Boundary Sea.

But Jiang Li didn't care. If he could keep hiding, that would be great. But if that didn't work, he would have to reveal his cards. His goal was to delay the other party and prevent them from landing directly.

As for the strength of the Weird side, he had already figured it out after refining the Weird Immortal King's Dao Fruit many times. The strength of the strongest one was probably that of a supreme giant, but the number might be a bit too many.

This time the seal of Emperor Huang Tian was torn. Although the quasi-immortal emperor could not come, there were many strange things in the realm of immortal king, and they could almost form an army. With such strength, let alone the current heavens, even in the ancient era of immortals, it would be difficult to resist.

As long as these monsters land collectively, there is no doubt that the end of the world will be destruction.

Kill, kill to the peak of the realm of Immortal King, and then break the king to become the emperor. Only in this way can he solve these weirdnesses. Otherwise, he is only at the realm of Immortal King, and will be exhausted to death sooner or later when facing so many weirdnesses.

"We have to wait until the others grow up. It's still a bit difficult for me to rely on my own strength. If this is the case now, I will face even greater challenges when I go to heaven in the future." Jiang Li felt heavy in his heart. His scalp tingled when he thought that there were thousands of Immortal Kings coming this time.

With so many Immortal Kings, unless they are quasi-Immortal Emperors, even if it is the top Immortal King, there is no possibility of quelling the rebellion.


In the fairyland, the terrifying blood and qi swept through countless surrounding star fields. In the blood, there was a heavenly emperor with magnificent blood and qi, whose fairy light illuminated the ancient and modern times. At his side, there were countless terrifying taboo laws. The young man's handsome face was filled with a majesty that looked down on the ages. After hundreds of thousands of years, Ye Fan, one of the three, finally achieved enlightenment and became a giant fairy king.

He had the shortest time of cultivation, so naturally he was the last of the three to break through to the Immortal King realm. People like Wu Shi and Hen Ren had successfully broken through as early as 100,000 years ago.

And just after Ye Fan broke through, two equally terrifying figures appeared, followed closely behind them by several quasi-immortal kings.

After feeling Ye Fan's powerful aura, everyone's faces were filled with surprise.

Now a great disaster is about to come. Any powerful person who appears at this time will make the chances of survival greater for all of us.

"Alas, I was left behind by you after all. It was like this for Huang in the past, and it is like this for you now too." Duan De smiled bitterly. He had been practicing for the longest time, having started practicing in the Chaos Ancient Era. He was once a good friend of Emperor Huang Tian and also a good friend of Ye Fan, but now he was left behind.

In fact, Duan De’s current cultivation level is very close to the Immortal King realm, but just this step will take at least hundreds of thousands of years.

"Master Duan, don't be anxious. Cultivation is not a quick thing. We are just waiting for you on the road ahead." After Ye Fan comforted Duan De, he looked at Henren and Wu Shi and nodded.

Because of him, the two of them did not rush to the Boundary Sea after their breakthrough, but waited for him to go together. Now that he has made a breakthrough, they can no longer waste time. God knows how hard it is for the young man over there.

That is a strange clan. Even though Ye Fan only has a little understanding of the strange clan, he still feels a little breathless. But now, in order to buy them time, the young man stands in front of them alone and blocks an army of Immortal Kings.

How tragic it is that a person sets out on the road, passes through the dark area, and drifts across the sea of ​​boundaries.

Henren and Wushi nodded. Now that the time had come, they knew they could not delay any longer as the situation in the Boundary Sea did not allow for further delay.

And with Duan De and Hun Tiantuo watching over the fairyland, nothing will go wrong.

The three of them looked at each other, tore through the starry sky, came to the dam, and followed the footprints to look for Jiang Li's trace.

"I don't know how far the young man has gone now, and whether he has encountered the strange clan." Ye Fan looked at the surrounding environment and felt a little horrified. The horror of the boundary sea obviously exceeded his imagination. Some ordinary immortal kings who entered here would probably be wary of the taboos and rules here.

"The environment of the Boundary Sea is nothing. Emperor Jiang Tian's cultivation is far above ours, and the environment of the Boundary Sea has no effect on him. I'm just afraid that he will encounter a strange and large-scale immortal king." Wu Shi shook his head. He sat cross-legged on the Wu Shi Bell, with his black hair loose and his temperament heroic.

The three of them moved quite fast and soon reached the stone tablet. Here, they also sensed the aura left by Jiang Li.

"Are these the coordinates that the young man left for us?" Ye Fan suddenly realized that Jiang Li was afraid that they couldn't find it, so he left behind a breath that only they could detect.

As they moved forward, Ye Fan and the other two increased their speed after they had a target in mind. As Immortal Kings, they were obviously not afraid of the environment in the sea realm.

Deep in the boundary sea, when Ye Fan and the other two arrived here, they soon discovered that an unimaginable war had taken place here, and even a small area of ​​the boundary sea had been cleared out.

"A great battle took place here. The young man must have encountered some tough enemy here!" Ye Fan exclaimed, because this scene was very shocking. He knew the power of the boundary sea best, but now it has been cleared out and even the forbidden laws have been shattered.

"The opponent is at least an almighty giant. The scene at the beginning must have been even more terrifying. It's just that the repair power of the boundary sea is amazing. It has repaired a lot of things on its own." Wu Shi was also surprised.

The facts were just as they expected. Jiang Li encountered a real formidable enemy in the Sea of ​​Boundary. When he was trying to kill the Weird Immortal King, a supreme giant showed up. The two fought for a long time, and Jiang Li finally survived.

If it was just an almighty giant, then it wouldn't be a big deal, because Jiang Li's combat power was absolutely top-notch even among the almighty giants. But when facing a supreme giant, Jiang Li was destined to not be able to kill the opponent quickly.

Those who can cultivate to the level of Immortal King are all extremely talented, and almost all of them are the top geniuses of that era. In addition, that supreme giant has five strong Immortal Kings to help him. Jiang Li suffered serious injuries before he broke out of the siege.

"Look over there."

The ruthless man gestured to the two of them and told them that not far from here, there was a corpse lying there that was larger than the ancient stars. There was a big hole between the corpse's eyebrows, and it was intertwined with terrifying taboo laws.

"Brother is under siege!" Ye Fan was a little worried. This was the body of an Immortal King. Obviously, in addition to the supreme giant, there were other Immortal Kings nearby.

Just when the three of them were feeling a little worried about Jiang Li, their eyes suddenly focused. After entering the sea boundary, they had been remaining vigilant and trying their best to explore the surrounding situation.

Just now, the three of them simultaneously sensed several powerful auras approaching this side.

The three of them looked at each other quickly and chose to leave immediately. The most urgent task now was to find Jiang Li as soon as possible. Although in their perception, those Immortal Kings were slightly weaker than them, the situation in the sea boundary was too complicated and it was not convenient to take action now.

At the same time, they were also a little frightened. A war had just broken out here, and logically there shouldn't be any more people showing up. This situation occurred because the people who came now probably had no idea what had happened here.

Not long after the three of them left, three strange immortal kings came here. When they saw the situation here, they were all surprised, but then one of them sensed something.

After a long while, the man said, "It's one of our masters, a descendant of the Taoist master. I just don't know why he suddenly attacked here. Did he encounter a powerful enemy?"

Another Immortal King shook his head and said, "It's unlikely. That sir is not far from the Daozu realm now. He has few rivals in the heavens, let alone here."

The three nodded, all a little confused, but did not delve into it further. Since such a person had taken action, the enemy would have probably been destroyed long ago.

"No, there is a strange smell here. Someone came here not long ago." At this moment, the forehead bone of one of the giant apes with wings on its back glowed, and he caught a hint of opportunity.

He came from a powerful race in heaven, was unique in terms of his soul, and caught a trace of it.

The other two became alert upon hearing this. They were well aware of the giant ape's abilities, so they did not doubt the truthfulness of the other party's words at all.

"What's the situation? Can we find out where that person went?" asked a strange Immortal King. There was some information in his expression. After wandering in the sea of ​​​​boundaries for hundreds of thousands of years, is he finally going to face the natives of this world?

"Let me take a look." said the giant ape, and then a light burst out from his forehead, breaking through the heavy black fog and beginning to capture traces of this place.

The other two Immortal Kings did not speak, but kept an eye on their surroundings to protect the giant ape.

But in the next moment, a white jade hand, surrounded by bright fairy light, blasted towards an immortal king, followed by a large tripod and a huge bell falling on his head.

The speed was very fast, and the terrifying force swept through the sea of ​​​​realm. In just a moment, it enveloped the three people, leaving them no chance to react.

The three Immortal King giants attacked together, and the divine chains of order intertwined. The three Immortal Kings were hit directly in the body, and their souls were almost annihilated.

Before they could put up any resistance, three more terrifying forces attacked, including the power of the Immortal King and various powerful laws intertwined together, it was extremely terrifying.

Naturally, such power cannot be blocked by three people who are equivalent to ordinary Immortal Kings. The difference in power is too great.


The attacks of the three people broke through the defense, as if they were in an empty space, hitting the forehead of the strange immortal king and destroying their souls.

The three strange immortal kings quickly disappeared from sight, their souls were shattered, and even the immortal kings were not immune and died on the spot.

"Huh, it's a good thing I didn't leave directly. If they had really discovered my tracks, it would have been terrible." Ye Fan breathed a sigh of relief. After leaving, Ye Fan directly sent a message to the two of them to ask them to wait. If these weirdos didn't find anything, he would let them go.

But unfortunately, among these three people there happened to be an Immortal King with an extremely powerful soul, who managed to discover their traces. In desperation, they could only fight quickly and decisively.

If they are not dealt with, and these people are allowed to follow them from a distance, and eventually a large number of people are attracted, the three people will be in real danger.

(End of this chapter)

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