The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 296: Searching for Emperor Huang Tian in Reverse Time and Space

Chapter 296: Searching for Emperor Huang Tian in Reverse Time and Space
After the three of them dealt with the strange Immortal King, they refined their Tao fruits and then quickly left. Of course, this time they used their magic power to conceal their own aura.

This incident can be considered a good thing. It serves as a reminder to them, letting them know how difficult it is to deal with opponents at the Immortal King level.

The disappearance of the three Immortal Kings again obviously attracted attention. Unlike the beginning, when they didn't know there were enemies in the dark, now they know, so they will definitely remain vigilant.

The three people who were wandering in the sea of ​​​​boundaries soon noticed the movements of these strange immortal kings.

"They are slowly gathering their forces." With just one glance, Wu Shi figured out the intentions of these Immortal Kings.

"Is it because of us?" Ye Fan asked doubtfully.

The ruthless man shook his head and said coldly, "We didn't reveal any traces. Weird did this probably because they were afraid of Jiang Li. Knowing Jiang Li's true strength, Weird obviously believed that a small group of forces would only be dead if they encountered him."

Wu Shi nodded and agreed with this statement. It was obvious that Jiang Li had hurt these monsters so much that they did not dare to take the risk of dividing their forces. They would rather find a way out more slowly than be defeated one by one.

"It seems that the young man had a slight advantage when fighting with the master of the weird clan, which made the master feel afraid." Ye Fan said thoughtfully.

Wu Shi and Henren nodded. They thought so too. Jiang Li had obviously killed a lot of strange immortal kings, otherwise this effect would not have occurred.

"It seems that my brother's situation should not be too bad. The more fearful the weird party is, it proves that they don't know my brother's whereabouts." Ye Fan came to a pertinent conclusion and immediately felt relieved.

During this period of time, this matter has been what he is most concerned about. In fact, when he thinks about it carefully, Jiang Li has helped him a lot along the way, and he seems to have done something for Jiang Li.

"Keep looking. I have a feeling he should be not far from us." said the ruthless man, then chose a place and started moving forward.

This area is the place with the most weirdness, so Jiang Li must be paying close attention to this place all the time, so the place where he is now is definitely not far from here.

Ye Fan and Wu Shi followed closely behind and caught up.


On an isolated island in the sea of ​​boundaries, it was surrounded by terrifying forbidden lightning. Various avenue symbols soared into the sky, stirring up the operation of the sea of ​​boundaries. Some broken great realms actually exploded directly after touching the fluctuations here.

But the more this happens, the more the taboos of this place become more severe. Each of the broken realms in the sea of ​​realms carries its own laws.

In addition, these great realms have been drifting in the sea of ​​realms for many years, and have already collided with the laws of other great realms many times. The laws between each other have blended with each other, forming terrifying law ripples.

Now that these great worlds are broken, the forbidden laws they carry are naturally attracted to the islands and gathered together.

At this moment, an ancient furnace was in the center of the forbidden laws, wantonly absorbing these laws, and then forming thunder liquid for storage.

And under the furnace was Jiang Li, whom Henren, Ye Fan and Wu Shi were looking for. At the moment, he was covered in blood and had numerous wounds all over his body, which were left by the powerful Immortal King level.

There was one spot in particular that almost pierced through his chest, and above it was an extremely terrifying dark substance. If it weren't for the thunder liquid produced by the Hengyu Furnace, I'm afraid his fate would not be so good at this moment.

A large amount of lightning liquid flowed out from the mouth of the Hengyu furnace and dripped onto his body, consuming the dark matter while healing his injured body.

The fusion of the Thunder Pool made the benefits of the Hengyu Furnace's evolution manifest at this moment. It was also because of these Thunder Tribulation Fluids that Jiang Li's condition recovered so quickly. In less than ten thousand years, the dark matter in his body was almost completely consumed.

In comparison, the other supreme giant who fought against Jiang Li was not so comfortable. He was hit by the Hengyu Furnace several times, and the power of heaven's calamity on his body was enough to overwhelm the opponent.


Jiang Li, who was sitting cross-legged, continuously vomited large amounts of black blood from his mouth. The aura on his body was extremely terrifying, and every trace of it was full of weirdness and ominousness. It had only just fallen to the ground, but it had actually directly polluted half of the island.

After spitting out the black blood, Jiang Li's breath obviously recovered and the expression on his face returned to normal.

"Such a terrifying power. Although it is not a Quasi-Immortal Emperor's weapon, it should have been blessed by a Quasi-Immortal Emperor." Jiang Li opened his eyes, his pupils still showed some fear.

When he was attacking the Weird Immortal King, he suddenly ran into the team led by the supreme giant. The other side had a large number of people, and the weapons in the hands of the supreme giant almost made him unable to withstand it.

Glancing at the Hengyu Furnace that was still absorbing the forbidden laws, Jiang Li was not in a hurry, but sat cross-legged and began to refine the Immortal King Fruit.

The noise he made this time was huge enough to make the Weird Immortal King look for him for a while. He would not move forward rashly before dealing with him.

Another reason why he was able to make it out this time was undoubtedly that his soul had broken through to the giant level.

The correct way of cultivation is undoubtedly to advance the essence, energy and spirit simultaneously. Although his powerful magic power and physique as before also made his combat power unimaginable, it was undoubtedly very obvious.

Now that he has a rare chance to relax, he can also practice well. He has a lot of Immortal King Dao Fruits in his hands now, including two giant-level ones.

After I have digested this wave, I will go and settle the score with that weird guy.


On the other side, three people in the boundary sea encountered danger. When they were looking for Jiang Li, they happened to discover a strange force that had not yet joined the main force.

With such an opportunity, the three naturally didn't want to miss it, but who would have thought that there happened to be a giant among them, which caused the three of them to spend a lot of time to deal with this team.

Although the three of them started running for their lives after destroying the team, they still attracted strange attention and were chased by a team of dozens of Immortal Kings.

With this number of Immortal Kings, even if three of them are giant Immortal Kings, they will not be able to withstand the attack when the number of ordinary Immortal Kings is too large. Not to mention that there are not only ordinary Immortal Kings in this team, but also nearly ten top Immortal Kings.

Although the three of them finally escaped from the pursuit and killed several Immortal Kings, they were completely lost in the depths of the sea after running around like this.

"This place is really too big. Perhaps only the Emperor can truly cross it!" Ye Fan sighed helplessly. At this moment, his whole body was covered in blood, and the blood essence of the Emperor of Heaven was flowing out.

The large cauldron under his feet had traces of swords, spears, and halberds after a series of battles.

The other two were extremely tired at the moment. The ruthless man was wearing a mask, so outsiders could not know her condition, but from her fairy-like temperament, it could be felt that she was also tired.

Ever since they were being hunted, they have been fighting and retreating, experiencing countless battles and encountering no less than ten Immortal King giants. The frequency of the battles is so high that even the Immortal King giants would feel tired.

Although he had escaped the pursuit, he had completely lost his way. He didn't know where he came from and had no idea where Jiang Li was.

They had come to provide support originally, but now, instead of being able to help, they were being hunted down. All three of them felt helpless about this.

The only consolation is probably that by doing this, the Weird Clan's attention will inevitably be distracted and they will not be able to concentrate on hunting down Jiang Li. After all, they are three giant Immortal Kings, and the threat is still very big.

If a strong man at this level encounters an ordinary Immortal King, he can quickly wipe out the ordinary Immortal King. Even if he encounters a top Immortal King, he will not be able to last for long. He is an absolute strong man among the Immortal Kings.

Now that the information of the three of them has been exposed, the strange clan will definitely be on guard against them, which has diverted some of their attention.

After a moment of silence, Wu Shi suddenly asked, "This is not a solution. Do you have any ideas?"

Ye Fan and Henren were a little confused. At this time, apart from saving their lives while killing the strong men of the weird clan, what other options were there?

"Brother Wu Shi, do you have any ideas?" Ye Fan asked curiously.

Since Wu Shi asked this, he must have some idea. He nodded and said, "Everything now is related to the disappearance of Emperor Huang Tian, ​​so why don't we go and find out why Emperor Huang Tian disappeared."

"Emperor Huang Tian disappeared in the Land of Heaven, and we can't go to the Land of Heaven now." Ye Fan was a little confused.

"It's the long river of time." Henren saw through Wushi's plan. As a Heavenly Emperor who is proficient in all aspects of the universe, Henren naturally knows a lot about the power of time.

"As time goes by, the consequences of doing this will be too great." When it comes to time, Ye Fan is a little uneasy.

Even the Immortal King cannot ignore the power of time. Although the Immortal King can travel freely in the long river of time, he is destined to be unable to change anything and can only be a spectator, because if he is not careful, he may really bring disaster to himself.

"Just watch and see why Emperor Huang Tian disappeared, or maybe, have a conversation with him." Wu Shi's plan was simple. He would go against the long river of time and space to meet Emperor Huang Tian and get his whereabouts.

Henren was silent. This method seemed feasible to her. Since everything was caused by the disappearance of Emperor Huang Tian, ​​finding Emperor Huang Tian would naturally settle all the chaos. And Henren had a feeling, a feeling, that she should go.

Ye Fan did not raise any more questions. For now, this was indeed a solution. Otherwise, with more than a thousand Immortal Kings, the gap was too big and he didn’t know how to resist.

Unless the king is defeated and the emperor is established, there is nothing that can be done even if all three of them are supreme giants.

They had all refined the Dao Fruit of the Immortal King, so they naturally knew that there were many supreme giants on the weird side. If a decisive battle really broke out, even if the four of them came out together, they would not be able to stop it.

Although they can still deal with the weirdness now, that is only the boundary sea built here, and they don’t need to confront the weirdness head-on.

But if the strange really landed, would they still have a chance to fight and retreat? They would have absolutely no chance of winning if they fought head-on.

Ye Fan nodded and agreed to this method.

Wu Shi nodded and said, "I will serve as an anchor to stabilize the river of time."

This was to be a precautionary measure, so that if anything unexpected happened, the two could follow the beginningless anchor to find their way down again.

Only Wu Shi can do this. Wu Shi, who majors in the avenue of time and space, has a deep attainment in the aspect of time. In this regard, even Jiang Li, who is already an almighty giant, cannot surpass him.

None of the three were the type to waste time, so having made the decision, they immediately began to act. The place suddenly became bustling with activity, and blazing immortal light burst out, eternal and immortal, breaking through the barrier of time.

The waves in the sea of ​​​​realm were surging, and the sound of rushing water could be heard. That was the long river of time being materialized. The three of them jumped into it without hesitation.

And at this moment, Jiang Li, who was originally practicing on the island, suddenly felt the fairy light in his body move strangely, and then turned into a long river and appeared in front of him.

The long river transformed by the immortal light seemed to be the long river of time, rotating around him. In the long river, three spots of light could be clearly seen moving, and then one of the light spots stopped and fixed at a node, forcibly stabilizing the long river of time for a moment, while the other two spots of light continued to go upstream.

Jiang Li felt the breath of the light spot and shook his head helplessly.

"It seems that they have entered the sea boundary and should have encountered a strange tribe. They are so beaten that they are questioning their lives." Jiang Li smiled helplessly.

He was not surprised. It was just that the gap between the enemy and us was too big. In such a situation, it would be good if these people could be held back. But if one of the Immortal Kings landed among them, the crisis to the heavens would be devastating.

Soon, one of the two light spots upstream disappeared first. It belonged to Ye Fan, but after a moment, the light spot representing the ruthless man also disappeared.


Chaotic ancient times.

Shi Hao sat opposite a woman. They were both a little desperate. There actually was a supreme powerful person who came across the years to kill Shi Hao.

The figure is still unclear and blurry, but one can see that he is tall and strong, like an supreme emperor traveling!

He walks with the gait of a dragon and a tiger, treads on the long river of history, pushes the stars in the sky with his hands, and travels through the myriad realms!

Although this person has not yet arrived, the aura is so terrifying that the mountains and seas dry up, the sun falls with him, and the aura he brings destroys everything.

"Are you scared? You are not as strong as we imagined. You are willing to kill a young seedling at this cost." said the woman.

"It's not that I'm afraid, I just did it for the convenience of the moment. Since I'm sitting in front of eternity, I've developed some feelings, so why not just wipe them out?" the man replied.

This man is very confident, but what he does is not convincing. If he is really not afraid, then why would he travel along the river of time to kill geniuses who may become his enemies in the future?

"That sounds nice, but it's the result of your joint deduction. How could it be just you?" the woman sneered.

"We have gone with the flow and wiped out more than one. They once blossomed like fireworks in history. Although beautiful, they only lasted for a moment." The man replied.

The man spoke as if it was a matter of course, as if such a thing was just a trivial matter.

“You have caused too much trouble by acting like this. Aren’t you afraid of causing the biggest disaster by forcefully reversing the situation?” the woman sneered.

"Really? It's not the first time." said the man.

"You have come from ancient times and tried to wipe him out by force. What if someone comes in the future? As long as there are people who have a strong relationship with him, they will inevitably be drawn into this shocking cause and effect. Aren't you afraid?" said the woman.

"It is indeed possible. But could the people related to him be that strong? If so, just kill them." said the man.

"Haha, you are too confident. How can someone who is worthy of your journey through the long river of history be simple... There must be only one way to survive!" said the woman.

"Really? Let me see if there are such creatures." The man was about to take action. Once he launched an attack across time and space, the sky would collapse and the earth would split, causing shocking changes in the world.

Suddenly, at the end of the world, there was a violent earthquake, and a figure emerged, crushing the past, present and future, and breaking the long river of history. It just appeared like that!
The ruthless man broke free from the long river of time. Just at that moment, she suddenly had a strong feeling that Emperor Huang Tian was here at this point.

"What, it's true!" At this time the three of them were shocked. They did not expect that someone really related to Shi Hao would come to this space and time.

Shi Hao and the other woman looked at the sudden person in surprise.

The figure of the ruthless man was very blurry, with rain of light and chaotic energy all around him. He had a slender figure, fluttering clothes, and a ghost mask on his face, looking down at the man.

The moment she appeared again, Henren understood why she had that feeling, because someone wanted to attack Emperor Huang Tian?

"There really is someone who dares to block my power, haha...hahaha!" In the distance, the tall figure pushing the sun, moon and stars stood in the chaos and laughed.

As he smiled, the stars around him began to fall, and some big stars exploded directly, turning into firework-like lights and finally becoming ashes!
This kind of power is unparalleled. The sky splits open, the dark cracks spread, black holes appear one after another, and the stars in the sky dim.

Shi Hao was very surprised. He did not expect that there would really be a strong man emerging from the long river of time and space. He originally thought that if there really was such a person, then it must be the God of Willow, but he was not.

The woman in front of him was extremely graceful, but unlike the Willow God’s divinity, this woman had an unparalleled fairy-like appearance. One could tell the two apart just by looking at their temperaments, but it was undeniable that they were both beauties created by time.

But Shi Hao felt a chill in his heart and a sense of desolation. Was it possible that the prophetic scene he saw that day was destined to come true?

One day, the world turned upside down, the years passed, the great era came to an end, and everything ceased to exist. He was the only one in the world, isolated at the top of the mountain, accompanied by the gods alone, feeling lonely and invincible, facing the withered world.

At that time, he was the only one left. How desolate it must be to become the background.

Enemies, old friends, relatives, friends, love, hate, and vengeance, all no longer exist.

Vaguely, he also saw that he was on the road alone, not knowing the way home or the future.

Isn’t this woman the Willow Goddess, the one we met on that road?

At this moment, facing the supreme monarch who had been sitting cross-legged for eternity, at a critical moment of life and death, someone came to rescue Shi Hao. He didn't know whether to cry or laugh. There were tears in his eyes and sadness in his heart. There was no old friend ahead, but a woman he didn't recognize now.

The ruthless man was very quiet, walking on the long river of history, shrouded in chaotic mist, his slender body was silent and motionless, only his snow-white skirt danced with the strong wind.

She just stared at Emperor Huang Tian quietly. Although she did not see the emperor who would be invincible in the future, it at least gave her a glimmer of hope.

On the ruthless man's face, the bronze mask kept changing, turning into a ring, a fairy sword, a great road vase...

Until the end, it turned into a mask, worn on the face of a ruthless person. Everything seemed natural. This was the evolution of her Tao.

"Using the most ordinary bronze as the base, it is condensed into a fairy weapon, and then the essence of fairy gold is added to make it a supreme treasure. Are you demonstrating?" In the distance, the Red King, standing above the long river of time, is awe-inspiring without anger, and his terrifying aura seems to crush the heavens.

But the ruthless man ignored him. In this ancient history, Emperor Huang Tian was destined to be invincible, and his enemies would eventually turn into bubbles. There was no need to bother with a dead man.

Shi Hao and the other woman were both amazed. They felt that this woman was so overbearing and confident that she completely ignored the emperor-like man.

(End of this chapter)

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