The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 297: Ruthless Power

Chapter 297: Ruthless Power

Even if Shi Hao and the woman didn't know who the Red King was, his powerful aura and invincible demeanor actually proved that this man was very powerful and had a great background.

However, the ruthless man's behavior showed that he did not take the Red King seriously at all. I don't know whether it was domineering or ignorant.

But there is no doubt that the ruthless man's demeanor at this moment is enough to look down on the ages!

"Haha..." The Red King laughed loudly, dominating the world, and said: "I don't know how many years it has been, I have buried life after life, I don't know who dares to face me like this. You are a good woman, I really hope that one day I can make you stay by my side forever."

He spoke as if it was accidental, or as if an emperor had taken a fancy to a rare woman, but everyone present knew that he might have said it on purpose, because he saw that the ruthless man ignored him, so he deliberately said these words to arouse the ruthless man's anger.

Sure enough, the ruthless man shifted his gaze and looked at the Red King, and bright beams of light shot out of his eyes. In an instant, his aura changed completely. He was like an empress, looking down on the world, with a domineering power that was higher than the sky.

In this world, except Jiang Li, no one dared to be so presumptuous in front of her. Originally, she just thought that this man would die sooner or later, and her eyes looking at him were like bubbles. But at this moment, if Jiang Li was here, he would know that the ruthless man was angry.

At this moment, a terrifying aura rushed towards the Red King against the long river of time, causing huge waves and rolling down historical stars one after another from the sky!

This scene was so horrifying and shocking.

Just a breath of it was enough, and the ruthless man displayed unparalleled elegance and a spirit that looked down upon all heroes of the past and present.

“How many generations and epochs must have passed before a woman like you appears.” In the upper reaches of the long river of history, the Red King sighed softly, wrapped in divine light and surrounded by chaos.

Facing such a woman, any man in the world would be moved. If at the beginning he just wanted to irritate the ruthless man, then at this moment, he was really tempted.

His body suddenly burst out with the most terrifying light, like countless suns squeezed together, and then exploded, and finally turned into thousands of the brightest beams of light, like a stunning rainbow, flowing down the long river and rushing towards the woman.

It was obvious that he had taken action. In just a moment, he had already displayed countless kinds of magical powers, which burst out together to suppress the woman.

Shi Hao and the woman were both shocked. Only with their own experience did they know how terrifying the two people were at this moment. Like emperors who reign over the nine heavens, any power in the world was nothing in front of them.

Downstream of the long river, the ruthless man finally moved. He raised his right hand, as white as jade, formed a seal, and then slapped it forward.


With just this blow, the heavens and the earth trembled, and all the heavens seemed to surrender, and the void and the avenue were trembling.

This method was extremely extraordinary. It affected the operation of the Great Dao, interfered with the power of heaven and earth, and wiped out all the tens of millions of terrifying magic techniques cast by the Red King upstream.

Each of those spells was a terrifying magic trick, but now, they were used by ruthless people to perform miraculous means, turning magic into decay!
Wanhua Xian Jue
The ruthless man did not learn the invincible methods left by his predecessors, but created his own methods. This Wanhua Immortal Technique was originally only a method in the human realm, but was constantly deduced and improved by the ruthless man, and now it has long since become the Immortal King's great method.

This was a shocking scene. So many great supernatural powers came to an abrupt end and were all extinguished in an instant!
"Is there really such a creature that can rival me? Did you create this method yourself? I have never seen it before, but it is amazing." Upper reaches of the long river, the Red King said this while stepping on the sun, moon and stars, accompanied by the chaotic fog.

Chi Wang spoke from the bottom of his heart, but even so, he still had a condescending attitude. The previous attack was amazing, but it seemed that it only made him a little interested.

Faced with this almost provocative look, although Henren felt it was a bit noisy, there was no doubt that every move of Chi Wang now made her even more angry.


The ruthless person moved. She looked calm, but once she really took action, she was extremely domineering. She truly looked down on all the creatures in the world and did not take any living being seriously. She was extremely arrogant, unrivaled in ancient and modern times.

She took off the mask, shook her hands and threw it away. The mask turned into a curtain covering the sky, vast and boundless, going up along the long river of history and rushing towards the Red King.

Obviously, she took the initiative. Weakness and passivity are not her nature at all!
"Huh?!" It was obvious that Chi Wang was shocked. In a hurry, he felt that he was going to suffer a loss, so he responded quickly and without his earlier contempt.

The bronze mask came too fast, covering the sky and crushing the stars in the sky. It directly covered the Scarlet King and suppressed him heavily!

"Break!" The Red King shouted and slapped out with one palm. Endless divine light burst out, covering the entire river of time and facing the huge bronze mask.

At this time, the Red King had revealed his true form. He was covered in armor, with a tail dragging behind him. His body was shining with metallic light, and his eyes emitted light like sharp swords. He was an extremely terrifying creature.

With one palm, he shattered the ten directions of the sky, causing turbulence in the long river of time. The big stars in the sky were affected by the energy and exploded directly, turning into a brilliant and terrifying light.


The moment the palm and the bronze mask collided, a terrifying wave spread, and a captivating force emerged, shocking people's hearts.

After the attack, the stars surrounding the Red King shook, and the hand that collided with the mask was shaking slightly. The terrible attack did not penetrate the mask. On the contrary, bright blood flowed from his palm and his knuckles were cracked.

The Scarlet King was extremely powerful. His first strike failed to achieve any effect. He once again condensed boundless divine power, with an aura of world destruction flowing through him.

Thousands of divine chains of order intertwined and combined into a terrifying blow, slamming into the bronze mask.

Shi Hao and the woman were shocked, knowing that the man was angry. He delivered a powerful attack that overturned the world and was beyond their understanding.

But the ruthless man remained calm. With a wave of his jade hand, the bronze mask shook out thousands of stars, and the blazing fairy light was like the power of a flying fairy. The ghost face on the mask remained, with tears in his smile, like a human face looking down at the Red King.

Two people from different time and space fought each other in the long river of time. The aura of the Immortal King caused the long river to shake, and endless forbidden symbols appeared, requiring those who took action to pay the price!
But no matter whether it was the ruthless man or the Red King, they ignored the forbidden power, but continued to bombard each other in the long river of time and space.

The light of the Red King's fist shook the world, the sun, moon, stars and rivers were revolving around him. He was like an emperor, swinging his imperial fist to clear all obstacles before him!
The ruthless person on the other side is even simpler, the bronze mask is acting on her behalf, it is the embodiment of Tao.

On the ghost mask, a tear slid down the smiling face, and it instantly turned into an ocean. In every drop of sea water, there were infinite laws of Tao intertwined, which instantly submerged the Red King upstream.

Faced with the fierce attack, although the Red King was shocked, he remained calm. His whole body was glowing and he formed one magic seal after another. Infinite divine power burst out and he tried his best to break free from the constraints of the ocean.

Waves of chaotic energy rose up one after another, and then endless fairy light burst out. The place exploded in an instant, and nothing could be seen clearly.

There are laws one after another, and the divine chains of order are as dense as spider webs, intertwined across the sky, everywhere.

Finally, the black holes were paralleled and opened continuously, and this place was completely defeated.

Chaos surged and submerged this place.

This is the power of the Immortal King, which completely exceeded the imagination of Shi Hao and the woman. They were not strong enough and could not see anything at all.

But they knew how powerful the ruthless man was. He was no weaker than the mysterious man. They even dared to think that he was even stronger. "Roar!"

A terrifying roar rang out between heaven and earth, like a mad beast. The Red King fought back with all his might. The roar shattered the sky and dimmed the long river of time.

The Scarlet King stood on the long river of time. The laws of time were shocking. He was surrounded by flames, which evaporated the ocean and turned it into white mist. Then the tail behind him was like the sharpest spear in the world, stabbing towards the ghost face mask.

With this blow, the galaxy seemed to be cut in half.

The law of time is lingering on the tail, and the metal armor on it is indestructible. It emits a strong fairy light and is rapidly approaching the ghost face mask.

The ghost face mask rotated, absorbing the previous white mist, and turned into a tear again, colliding with the Red King's tail.

The violent collision made a startling sound of metal clashing, and the ghost face mask flew back and returned to the downstream along the long river of time, dragging a dazzling streak of light.

The Red King roared, and his huge body moved, beginning to move downstream in the long river of time. On his side, the sun, moon, stars and rivers followed, moving forward with him.

The huge ferocious beast is like a fish swimming in the long river of time, its movements are violent yet comfortable. In the long river of time, even the Immortal King has to be cautious, but he is relaxed and at ease.

The true form of the Red King is extremely rare, and few people in the world know what kind of ferocious beast the Red King is. They only know that it may be related to the power of time.

But at this moment, Shi Hao felt that such a creature could be named after time, the Time Emperor Beast!
The ruthless man stood calmly at the downstream of the long river of time, without moving at all. When he saw the mask, he raised a snow-white arm and fixed the mask that was flying back.

With a crisp sound, the bronze mask was fixed and stopped flying. In an instant, it emitted a sharp fairy light, which blurred and changed.

The peerless sword energy rushed into the sky and turned into a fairy sword. It was simple at first, but as the slender hand in the distance pushed it through the air, it burst out with a sky-high light.

The immortal sword was unmatched, transforming into a dazzling divine rainbow and slashing forward.

Rays of cold light emerged one after another, that was the order, the rules, and the great way!

As for the beam of light spurting out from the tip of the sword, it transcended everything, splitting the laws of nature, slicing through chaos, destroying everything, and was dazzling to the extreme.

When the ruthless man achieved the status of a mortal immortal, she refined the mask and ring again, and even the bronze immortal palace was transformed into its most original essence and integrated into it.

After achieving the status of Immortal King, she also tempered herself again several times. Now, the ghost face mask has long since turned into a true Immortal King weapon.

At this moment, a giant Immortal King is personally activating this weapon, you can imagine how powerful it is.

In the upper reaches of the long river of time, the face of the Red King who was chasing changed. Without giving him time to hesitate, the tail behind him struck out again and collided with the fairy sword.

Sparks flew, and the sword collided with its armor-covered tail. Lights flowed all over the sky, cutting through the night sky and cutting off a string of brilliant stars, which exploded here, yet dimmed!

Then, in the darkness, the sword light surged and slashed forward at an extremely fast speed, causing the heaven and earth to wail under its pressure.

The Red King roared, waved his palms, and swung his tail, constantly resisting the terrifying immortal sword.

It can be seen that the scales on his tail have exploded and are covered in blood. Even though it is comparable to Curculigo, it is still flesh after all, and it collided with the immortal sword and was almost cut off.

As for his hands, they were not in much better condition, with blood intertwined with the laws of the Immortal King constantly dripping from them.

But unexpectedly, after the blood dripped, it unknowingly flowed down the long river of time and turned into dazzling symbols, appearing around the ruthless man. The symbols continued to intertwine and become a peerless killing formation!
"No matter where you are, you need to be marked by my mark first so that I can find you in the future. What I said is that I will keep you by my side. This is not a joke." The Red King spoke with a very firm tone.

"You think too much!" The ruthless man spoke coldly, and the fairy sword continued to burst out fairy light, steaming chaotic mist, and thousands of terrifying sword qi swept over and fell on the body of the Red King.

In just a moment, the fairy gold armor on the Red King's body shattered. Amid the clanging sound of metal, the fragments of the fairy gold armor slid down, and endless blood light burst out from the Red King's body.

Shi Hao and the woman were surprised, but then they quickly took action and intercepted one or two fragments. These were items from the immortal realm, and even if they were just fragments, they were extraordinary.

"The more blood I bleed, the more miserable the enemy will be." said the Red King. He did not feel frustrated, but became more and more indifferent. The blood mixed with the long river of time flowed down, more and more, all gathered around the ruthless man, turning into the most complicated patterns, forming a shocking killing formation.

He is a time beast. In the long river of time, he is a natural darling. The laws of time are all in his blood, which also makes him able to become a time killer.

Because even the Immortal King cannot set up a formation over the long river of time. This is a unique ability of the Red King.

The ruthless man raised his hand and flicked it, dispersing some of the blood, but they did not disappear. After dispersing, they quickly reassembled again.

"It's useless. This is the long river of time. Only the power of time is eternal. You can't do anything about it!" said the Red King coldly.

The ruthless person remained calm, but this time she changed. She formed seals with her hands, and a treasure bottle of the Great Dao appeared between her hands. At the mouth of the bottle, the power of the laws gathered and condensed into a beam of blazing fairy light, which blasted towards the blood.

The Red King's eyes condensed, and he swung his body, swimming freely in the long river of time. He launched a counterattack, and the whole person suppressed forward swiftly.

At the same time, the immortal sword flew back and turned into a Dao treasure bottle, merging with the Dao treasure bottle she formed.

In an instant, the field changed. The mouth of the bottle no longer swallowed up the auspicious color, but instead transformed into a huge suction force, and began to violently absorb the blood of the Red King.

The Scarlet King's face changed drastically. The wounds on his body began to burst open, and blood rushed out like a waterfall, sinking into the vase.

Faced with the Red King's harsh words, the ruthless man did not say anything in response, but directly took practical actions to tell the other party whether he had the ability to deal with him.


Chi Wang shouted loudly, demanding to cut off this connection, otherwise his blood would really be sucked away by the ruthless man.

But facing the Red King's counterattack, the ruthless man did not care, but activated the treasure bottle in his hand. In an instant, the field changed again, and endless light gushed out from the mouth of the bottle, flooding the world.


The next moment, the man was hit by the light and flew up. The armor on his body collapsed completely, and his body broke into four pieces, smashing towards the source of the long river of history.

(End of this chapter)

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