The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 298 Like the Emperor of Heaven Arrives

Chapter 298 Like the Emperor of Heaven Arrives

The Scarlet King roared unwillingly and didn't want to disappear just like that, but the next moment, the ruthless man made another move, and the peerless beauty on the Avenue Vase flew into the sky with traces of tears and endless light rain. The Scarlet King's blood in the Avenue Vase evaporated and was used by the ruthless man, turning into divine power that hit the Scarlet King.

This attack was unparalleled. The runes that the Red King had just condensed and activated his heavenly power were all shattered.

"Ah..." He screamed, and this time he was really beaten to pieces. His whole body broke into several pieces and flew towards the end of the long river of history.

As the blood was spilled, he no longer had the arrogance he had before. He let the crimson raindrops fall, no longer mentioning anything about how the more divine blood flowed, the more miserable the enemy would be.

Shi Hao felt his scalp tingling and asked in disbelief, "He just lost like that."

This is a powerful man who can go down the long river of time, wandering in the void, and sense the future generations countless years ago.

“It’s not that easy. He has been entrenched for eternity, and what came here is just a Dharma body. But even so, his real body from eternity would suffer a great catastrophe because of the severe damage to his Dharma body, and his real body would most likely perish in later generations.” said the woman opposite the stone table.

She was somewhat amazed that in later generations there would actually be such a woman who was so powerful that she could actually kill the Red King's Dharma body, and that happened in the course of time.

The Time Emperor Beast was very powerful due to its blessings over the years and was almost invincible, but now it was killed by someone.

Shi Hao was a little surprised. He didn't understand why such a woman would be related to her.

At this moment, the ruthless man in the long river of time suddenly fixed his eyes and looked upstream of the long river of time again.


Suddenly, a sound wave came from the end of the long river of time, as surging as the ocean, and like an endless sea of ​​stars pouring down.

It can be clearly seen that at the uppermost reaches of the long river of time, an ancient temple has emerged, with a man sitting cross-legged in it, who is the Red King who was defeated just now.

He seemed unwilling to be defeated and wanted to use forbidden power to destroy everything!
"Come again? I'll send you to your death." In response, the ruthless man had only this to say.

In the ancient temple, the Red King's body was glowing and he was chanting scriptures that shook the eternal rivers. The big stars flickered one after another and revolved around him.

Downstream of the long river of time, the ruthless person formed a magic seal and activated the Aquarius in her hand, ready to kill again, but suddenly her body shook and a great terror surged in her heart.

Soon, Shi Hao and the woman sitting opposite him sensed it and were horrified.

Upstream in the long river of time, when the Red King was reciting the scriptures in the ancient temple, pieces of black fog emerged after pieces, strange and powerful, surging from the endless sky.

At this moment, silently, a huge black shadow appeared behind him, standing tall and upright in the universe, as if it was about to break the sky!
It is so huge that it is difficult to see the end.

Compared with him, the galaxy was like his sweat hairs. He just stood there, motionless, unclear, and blurry, like an unparalleled demon who had dominated the past, present, and future.

In comparison, the Red King sitting cross-legged in the ancient temple really looks very small.

Earlier he had also towered into the sky, extremely tall, but compared with the black shadow, he seemed too small.

At this moment, even the ruthless people downstream could hardly maintain their original calm. The divine light in their eyes surged, and they released the most sacred and majestic aura like an empress dominating the world.

She stared at that place with a serious expression and said, "I have seen another corner. No wonder the future is so difficult, so bitter, and full of blood and fire."

Coming into close contact with the darkness of a higher level of power, she saw more pictures of the future.

The next moment, the ruthless man's face changed color, because it was getting darker there, and the black fog falling from the sky was thicker. A second black shadow was about to appear, blurry and equally huge.

She gave a light shout and activated a very terrifying natural skill. Her whole body glowed, and another self suddenly emerged from her flesh and blood, hanging above her head and continuously forming seals.

But at this moment, the River of Time mutated again. In the lower reaches of the River of Time, a terrifying fairy light spread upwards. Wherever the fairy light went, the river became very stable, and all kinds of taboos and rules were eliminated.

This is a very terrifying scene, because even the Red King cannot make the river of time like this.

Looking at the familiar fairy light, the ruthless man's starry eyes flickered, and the aura that seemed to be dominating the sky disappeared, returning to his normal state.

One of our own? Shi Hao and the woman sitting opposite the stone table exchanged a glance, both of them having this guess in their minds, because the change in the ruthless man at this moment was too obvious.

The long river of time was lit up, and a figure that filled the entire world appeared. He was clearly just standing there, but his eyes seemed to encompass the entire starry sky.

"How terrifying!" Shi Hao exclaimed. As soon as this person appeared, it was as if a Heavenly Emperor had descended. Even compared to the black fog, he was not weaker at all.

"Sure enough, only a person like this can have the honor of walking with such a beautiful woman." Shi Hao said to himself.

The person who came was naturally Jiang Li. He had been using the power of fairy light to trace the ruthless man. He had witnessed her battle with the Red King and knew how powerful the ancient artifacts of foreign origin were. Naturally, he could not sit still, so he forcibly used the fairy light to break the long river of time.

"Let me do it, you will suffer a great loss if you confront him now!" Jiang Li stood in front of the ruthless man, like a chasm, separating her from the ancient artifact of origin.

"Someone else is here to seek death!" At the upper reaches of the long river of time, the Red King, who was sitting cross-legged under two black shadows, saw Jiang Li and the ruthless man being so close, and couldn't help but feel a murderous intent in his heart.

The woman's appearance was the best he had ever seen, probably only comparable to the willow tree in the primitive ancient world. Naturally, he wanted to keep her by his side and accompany him through the endless years to come.

"A time beast thinks it can challenge me just by relying on an imperial weapon." Jiang Li's eyes were cold, and he wanted to rush upstream and take the life of the Red King.

"You are so arrogant. Since you know the power of the ancient artifact, why don't you worship it?" The Red King was a little surprised. Even for them, they could only guess about the origin of the ancient artifact, which might involve the Emperor, but this man could see it at a glance.

He is a formidable enemy. If they really fight face to face, Chi Wang has no confidence in defeating him. But at this moment, he has the ancient artifact of origin in his hand, and he firmly believes that no one in the world can resist the power of the ancient artifact.

Jiang Li looked at the shadow with a serious look, but his tone remained calm: "The Emperor is indeed powerful. Any item related to them has surpassed the existence of the King. But you alone can't even exert one tenth of its power, not to mention that this device itself is sealed."

The origin of the ancient artifact of foreign origin is amazing. It was made by the emperor on the other side of the sea boundary in order to recruit subordinates. The origin of the foreign land is actually because of this artifact, so it is called the ancient artifact of origin.

“You know a lot, but so what? Even if you know one tenth of the power of the Ancient Artifact of Origin, it is enough to suppress the long river of time, penetrate the past, present and future, and kill all enemies!” On the upper reaches of the long river of time, the Red King looked aloof and arrogant. The power of the Ancient Artifact of Origin gave him infinite confidence.

"Just an ant. If you were in front of me, you would be destroyed in an instant." While Jiang Li was speaking, endless gods were gathering. Symbols of the Great Dao rushed out of his body in large numbers. One symbol after another was like stars, emitting eternal and immortal fairy light.

Jiang Li refined the Dao fruits of many Immortal Kings on the island, and his spiritual cultivation increased day by day. Although he has not yet broken through to the supreme giant, his combat power has greatly increased.

Now, let alone the Scarlet King, even if Kunti appeared in front of him, he would not be his opponent and would be wiped out!

The power of the supreme giant has been fully unleashed. Even with an imperial weapon, it would require at least several immortal kings to work together to contend with him. Chi Wang alone is not enough.

However, King Chi didn't think so. The power of the ancient artifact of origin gave him confidence. When he wielded the artifact to fight, he felt that even if Qi Yu was in person, he would not be his opponent. Although this person was powerful, he should not be stronger than Qi Yu.

He was very confident, looking down at Jiang Li from the upper reaches of the long river of time, and said conceitedly: "I will let you know what awe is. Facing the emperor, any power is futile!"

Next to the Red King, there was a rotten wooden box, which had opened a crack at this moment. The two figures standing behind him, one real and one virtual, were all formed by the power of the artifact inside. After finishing speaking, the Red King began to recite the sutra again, not intending to drag it on any longer. He alone could not activate the Origin Ancient Artifact for a long time.


The solid figure among them moved. A hand stretched out from the huge body, grabbed into the river of time, and hit Jiang Li along the downstream.

Jiang Li had a majestic aura and sharp eyes, like a fairy sword. The ancient Hengyu furnace above his head was glowing, and billions of thunders surrounded him. In his right hand, a huge fairy sword was condensed. Thick thunders burst out, and the terrifying laws were like the presence of God himself.

"We are in a hurry. I will only use one move. If you can handle it, I will allow you to live a little longer."

Jiang Li shouted, his eyes traversing the long river of time, with great seriousness, just like an emperor of heaven making a promise.

Chi Wang had an ugly look on his face. He really felt insulted. In all his endless years, he had never felt so humiliated.

But he didn't say anything. Activating the ancient artifact of origin was an extremely laborious task, but the murderous intent in his eyes had been completely condensed. After capturing this man, he would let him know what true cruelty was.

The black shadow was moving very fast, and in the blink of an eye half of its body had penetrated into the River of Time. The powerful aura had just appeared, and it immediately caused the River of Time to react. All kinds of forbidden lightning were generated, as if to destroy everything in the world.


Jiang Li made a move, and terrifying fairy light burst out from his body. He thrust out the Thunder Fairy Sword in his hand, and the forbidden lightning that appeared over the years was attracted and gathered on the fairy sword, instantly increasing its power.

The immortal sword formed by forbidden lightning roared with unimaginable power, as if countless ancient universes were smashing down towards the dark shadow in the long river of time.

"So powerful!" Shi Hao was a little scared and shocked by the man's strength, but at the same time his heart became heavier. If such an existence could not end the darkness, how terrifying would the future situation be.

It was very heavy, but he was too far away from that level now, and he didn't even have the qualifications to stand closer.

Endless lightning illuminated the heavens and myriad worlds. In the long river of time, black fog permeated, confronting the lightning, representing two supreme beings.


The horrifying noise resounded throughout the heavens, causing Shi Hao and the woman's hearts to stop for a moment.

Then, the two saw that the terrifying Thunder Sword was slightly blocked for a while, then it pierced through the black shadow directly and continued to stab towards the Red King who was at the ancient temple above.

"How is this possible?" Chi Wang shouted in horror, then immediately lifted up the rotten wooden box to block in front of him, curled up into a ball, and hid his entire body behind the rotten wooden box.

At this time, he didn't care about his face, because when he saw the Thunder Sword really pierce through the black shadow, he knew that this sword was a power that only an almighty giant could emanate.

And he might not be an ordinary supreme giant, because even Kunti could not penetrate the black shadow condensed by the ancient artifact of origin with one blow.

He never imagined that such a person would actually appear in later generations, who was almost on the road to overthrowing the king and becoming the emperor.

Billions of thunders roared, and just a strand of lightning that was scattered among them was as big as three thousand Dao States. The completed beam of thunder seemed to be lighting up in the heavens and all worlds.

In an instant, the Thunder Sword had pierced through countless time and space, came to the ancient temple, and pierced the tattered box. Suddenly, the entire ancient temple was blown up, and it seemed like a major earthquake had occurred in the foreign land. Some immortals who were very close to the ancient temple were destroyed before they could understand what was happening.

"What's going on?" An immortal king looked in the direction of the ancient temple in horror, but immediately felt cold all over. He wanted to turn around and escape from this world, but it was too late. Even with the speed of an immortal king, he couldn't do it.


When the lightning struck him, even the body of the Immortal King exploded and his soul was destroyed.

The Red King, who was hiding behind a rotten wooden box, exploded all over, but fortunately his soul was unharmed and was protected by the rotten wooden box. However, he might have to spend hundreds of thousands of years to rest in peace.


The rotten wooden box was attacked and began to instinctively burst out with power. Suddenly, another powerful force swept out, and endless black fog swept across the foreign land again, causing another group of casualties.

On the other side of the River of Time, as early as when the Thunder Fairy Sword pierced the rotten wooden box, Jiang Li used the power of fairy light to forcibly cut off the river upstream, preventing the black fog from spreading over.

Powerful fluctuations emanated from Jiang Li's body. A trace of blood slid from the corner of his mouth. The scarlet spots were shocking to the eye, forming a contrast with his absolute strength just now.

"What happened?" Shi Hao asked. He couldn't see clearly just now and didn't understand what was going on.

"No one can easily step into the long river of time. Some things can only happen once or twice, but not three times. His actions have interfered with the past, and those people can no longer make a move."

The woman at the stone table explained and deduced, because all this was just her guess.

"I understand. He attacked you and let you break free. It is not included in the deduction!" The woman beside the stone table stared at Shi Hao and said, understanding.

Obviously, cutting off the River of Time was not an easy task even for Jiang Li, especially since he dragged Shi Hao out, making him not responsible for the cause and effect and preventing other Immortal Kings from deducing about him.

Shi Hao was stunned and looked at Jiang Li's figure. He didn't understand why this person was protecting him, since he was clearly a stranger.

At the same time, the two people on the river of time also turned to look at Shi Hao, but unfortunately he was not the arbitrary Emperor Huang Tian.

“I finally see that, living in this world, you have it harder and more miserable than anyone else. It takes one person to rule the world forever.” The ruthless man spoke and looked at Shi Hao.

Just now when Jiang Li forcibly cut off the River of Time, she saw more scenes and saw the sword light in the sea of ​​​​boundary.

Jiang Li also looked at Shi Hao. He cut off the long river of time, which could protect Shi Hao from the deduction of many great figures. He protected an era after him. Now, Jiang Li also protected Shi Hao for a period of time to the best of his ability.

"Is there something you want to talk to me about?" Shi Hao asked. He knew that these two people were looking for him, so he wanted to ask if there was anything he could do for them.

"It's too early. You are the right person, but not at the right time. Grow up well. When you stand at the top of the universe one day, we will see each other again." Jiang Li said as his figure became blurred.

The Long River of Time is a mysterious place where Immortal Kings can stay, but only for a short time.

Just like that, Jiang Li could already feel that the repulsion in the long river of time was getting stronger.

"Let's go, it's time for us to leave." Turning around, Jiang Li smiled gently at the ruthless man in white clothes.

"Yeah." Nodding, the ruthless man calmly followed Jiang Li on the road back downstream.

The result this time was obviously unsatisfactory. Not finding the arbitrary Emperor Huang Tian, ​​meant that they had to face thousands of Immortal Kings. How would they deal with so many Immortal Kings?

(End of this chapter)

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