The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 300: Soul Sword Technique

Chapter 300: Soul Sword Technique
When they arrived here, they clearly saw that there were people coming towards this side in the sea of ​​boundaries. They were so densely packed that thousands of flames of light rose from each of them.

There are too many people, and it is impossible to see clearly here, but you can still see so many of them. If all of them were really revealed, the number would be even more exaggerated.

The three of them looked at each other and could see the horror in each other's eyes. This was definitely the greatest disaster in the history of the universe.

"How far are they from here?" asked the Immortal Emperor curiously.

Although these people seemed very close, the three knew that they were actually still very far away from the dam boundary, but no one knew the details.

"It will take them a long time to land. Now they have just found the right path and are reflected by the power of the sea boundary." Hun Tiantuo knew a lot about this because he had seen it before. His father had taken him to see it at the end of the chaotic ancient times.

At that time, some people seemed to be very close to the dam boundary, but they turned back as they walked, because in the boundary sea, ordinary immortal kings could not even tell the direction, and only giants could find the way back.

"I don't know how Ye Fan and the others are doing. It's been hundreds of thousands of years since I entered the Sea Boundary. I don't know if I've met them." Duan De was a little worried.

They only saw a little bit from afar and already felt a little desperate, not to mention the people who were now dealing with these weird things in the sea of ​​​​boundary.

When facing so many powerful people, I don’t know how deep the despair will be.

Now in the heavens, Duan De has broken through to the level of Immortal King, and he is not just an ordinary Immortal King, he is the best among the Immortal Kings. The Immortal Emperor has reached the level of Immortal King in terms of physique, but his spirit is still a little short of that, so he can be called one of the Ten Evils. The same is true for Hun Tiantuo, who has reached the level of Immortal King in terms of physique, and can fight against ordinary Immortal Kings with the help of his father's Immortal King method.

Such combat power is actually very strong. During the heyday of the Immortal Realm, there were only dozens of Immortal Kings, but that was accumulated over countless epochs.

Moreover, not all the Immortal Kings in the Immortal Realm are from the Immortal Realm. Some of them had their home worlds destroyed and had nowhere to go, so they simply went to their hometown of immortals.

"Get ready, a war is inevitable." Duan De looked solemn. He had participated in the war at the end of the chaotic ancient times and knew how cruel the weak would be in such a war.

Over the years, apart from practicing, he has been looking for the traces of Taiyin Jade Rabbit and Huang, but after so many years of searching, he has still not found anything.

If he was stronger in the chaotic ancient era and could reach the realm of Immortal King, then he would be able to help Huang and protect the little rabbit.

Duan De would never let the same thing happen again. If he was going to lose this time, he would drag a few people down with him.

Hun Tiantuo and the Immortal Emperor both looked solemnly in the direction of the sea boundary and nodded. They both knew that the time to fight to the death had come.


In the chaotic and disordered sea where the world is turned upside down, Jiang Li has been concentrating on cultivation since he handed over the task of patrolling the strange things to three people.

Beside him, Hengyu Lu was also practicing, absorbing all kinds of laws and orders in the sea of ​​​​world to strengthen himself.

As the level of the Hengyu furnace increases, the original fairy gold texture disappears quickly and becomes more and more rustic. Now it is actually starting to move towards the direction of simplicity.

Although the Hengyu furnace now looks more and more ancient, even the texture on the furnace wall is the same. The originally complicated texture is becoming simple, and some minor patterns are disappearing, leaving only the most original Tao.

In fact, this also proves from the side that Jiang Li's cultivation is getting closer and closer to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. The Hengyu Furnace was originally Jiang Li's Taoist weapon, and it evolved along with Jiang Li's evolution.

As time goes by, Jiang Li's soul is now only a step away from reaching the realm of a supreme giant.

Just when Jiang Li was concentrating on refining the Immortal King Dao Fruit, he felt that the Immortal Light had changed.

Thinking about what he asked Emperor Yan to do, Jiang Li knew that there should be a result. Now, it has only been tens of thousands of years on his side, and on the Xian Gu side, it has only been more than ten thousand years.

Yan Di's efficiency was indeed very fast. After Jiang Li absorbed the Yuanshen Sword Technique, he began to operate it involuntarily.

At this moment, when his soul began to practice the sword techniques, Jiang Li only felt that the Immortal King Fruit in his hand was being refined quickly, and at the same time, his soul finally began to move quickly towards that hurdle.

This was a horrifying transformation, his soul seemed to have turned into rain of light, and the laws of the sea realm that had seemed so profound to him were quickly becoming clear.

His soul was originally only a step away from becoming an almighty giant. The sword technique of the soul that he obtained at this moment was just a beacon in the fog ahead, illuminating the road ahead for him.

This is also because he has accumulated enough. Not everyone who obtains the Yuanshen Sword Technique can evolve as fast as him. After all, the founder of the Yuanshen Sword Technique is only a giant among the Immortal Kings in terms of Yuanshen.

It was just that the contact between the two people's Taoism produced sparks, allowing him to break out of his own cage and see his true self.


A huge force spread out from the island, and the boundary sea began to stir up waves, as if a strong wind was blowing in the endless ocean, and thousands of orders were driven by the sea breeze, forming a terrifying forbidden storm.

After his soul began to break through the supreme giant, he felt that his body and magic power were becoming more harmonious. With the same power, if he could only exert 50% of the original power before, now, he can fully exert 90% of the original power.

His current strength is almost invincible among the supreme giants. At this level, there is no opponent who can compete with him.

This is not an exaggeration at all, because his physical body and magical power have already reached the pinnacle of the Immortal King. The reason why his combat power was limited in the past was that his soul could not keep up with his physical body and magical power, and he did not exert his due combat power at all.

But it is different now. Although I still cannot perform to my full potential, at least I can keep up and not fall behind.

Sensing his breakthrough, Henren, Wushi and Ye Fan also appeared on this island. After tens of thousands of years, Henren and Wushi have almost stepped half a foot into the realm of supreme giants. They only need an opportunity, and both of them can complete the evolution.

Ye Fan has now reached the pinnacle of the giants and is close to a breakthrough.

The three of them felt the powerful aura from Jiang Li and couldn't help but feel happy. This meant that when facing the strange clan, Zhutian had a better chance of winning.

Now there are still hundreds of thousands of years before the real war. During this period of time, the three of them are confident that they will complete the breakthrough from giant to supreme giant. By then, they will be equivalent to having a half-step peak immortal king and three supreme giants. Such a fighting force may still be defeated in the face of thousands of immortal kings, but it should be able to deal with them, at least it will not be defeated in one blow.

And everyone is a person of strong character. Even if the situation is completely hopeless, they will not admit defeat. What's more, there is hope now. Even if this hope is only one in ten thousand, they can still fight.

"Next, you just focus on your cultivation, and I will be responsible for restraining them." Jiang Li made the arrangements.

The three of them were a little frightened because Jiang Li was talking about containment rather than surveillance. What did this mean?
"Are you confident?" At this moment, even a cold and ruthless person couldn't help but ask, a little worried about whether it was a risk.

"Don't worry. After this breakthrough, I am already invincible among the supreme giants. I just need to disturb them a little bit." Jiang Li comforted the three people.

The strange army of immortal kings was marching too fast. There might be more than one supreme giant among them, otherwise the speed would not be so fast.

The Qiankun Storm in the Sea of ​​Realm may have great restrictions for ordinary Immortal Kings, top Immortal Kings and even Immortal King giants, but for the supreme giants, there are restrictions, but they are really not very big. As long as you find the right path, the speed will be very fast.

In order to prevent the strange army from landing, Jiang Li must intercept them in the boundary sea. Once the battlefield is really put in the sea of ​​​​the heavens, everything that happened at the end of the chaotic ancient era will be repeated, and it may be even more serious.

Although we don't know how many Immortal Kings landed at the end of the Chaos Ancient Era, there should be more than a thousand of them. They all collapsed the sea of ​​​​the heavens like this. If it happens again, it is estimated that the heavens will really be beaten back to the time before the creation of the world.

Wu Shi, Hen Ren and Ye Fan began their formal retreat in order to break through the supreme giant, while Jiang Li set out alone.

He moved forward in the dark storm composed of various laws. Finally, when he came to an area, there was a vast ocean composed of various lightning and terrifying thunder in front of him.

Before officially starting to attack the weirdness, he had to make some preparations. The powerful spiritual sense of the supreme giant spread out, and after finding the target, he began to dive slowly, and finally came to a broken star.

This is an extremely ancient star, extremely huge. Just one star is almost as big as half of the fairyland. This is exaggerated. You know, the fairyland has never been a complete continent or star. It is a huge world composed of one star field after another.

And this star, just one star, is almost as big as half of the fairyland. You can imagine how huge it is.

When Jiang Li stepped here, he suddenly felt that he was surrounded by sea of ​​thunder, of all kinds, from the future and the past.

This place is simply like a world made up of thunder. It is extremely ancient, much older than the birthplace of the fairyland. When Jiang Li came here for the first time, he had taken a careful look at it, but he did not know how long it had existed.

At that time, Jiang Li had already decided to refine this big world in the future so that the Hengyu Furnace would become even stronger.

Now that the war is imminent, even if he cannot refine the Hengyu Furnace into a quasi-Immortal Emperor weapon this time, at least he can let the Hengyu Furnace be surrounded by the God's Light, which will provide him with greater help in the upcoming war.

As for the strange army during this period, there is actually no need to worry about it. They have found the direction of the main group and will not change their route again.

Therefore, Jiang Li was not worried about how to find them when the time came. After all, the target was so big that even if they were far away, they could be seen from afar. Because there were too many Immortal Kings, even the boundary sea could not block them.

Jiang Li looked at this world and began to quickly set up the formation. He wanted to refine this world like the Emperor, and the method was naturally the same.

In other words, he is now an almighty giant. Otherwise, facing a world much larger than the human world, it would probably take hundreds of millions of years just to set up the formation.

But even so, it took hundreds of years just to set up the formation. It is very difficult to set up the formation on a thunder star that is powerful enough to kill immortals.

Not to mention other things, the materials alone are rare treasures in the world. When setting up the formation, the person who sets up the formation also needs to protect these materials to prevent them from being shattered into pieces by thunder.

The next step is very difficult to achieve even for an Immortal King, and only an almighty giant like Jiang Li can do it effortlessly.


When the formation took shape, the entire world of thunder shook, and surging chaotic energy overflowed, interweaving with the thunder of this world. Thousands of runes emerged from the formation, forming ancient characters.

Billions of fairy lights bloomed, and each ancient character was as dazzling as the sun. The light emitted by the ancient characters seemed to penetrate time and space, shining on the past, present and future, eternal and immortal.

This is not the end. When the ancient characters appeared, the formation began to change and began to give birth to laws. Then the ancient characters began to burn and merged into the formation.

After this process was completed, the world of thunder was filled with rosy clouds, and all the essence began to move towards the center of the formation, where there was a stone furnace with an ancient appearance.


After a large amount of thunder gathered, they began to merge with each other, and the color turned into red. The laws were also constantly merging with each other, causing the power of thunder to rise sharply.

However, facing the thunder that would change color even the Immortal King, Hengyu Lu was not afraid at all. It wandered in the order rules that would stop even the Immortal King, absorbing those terrifying order rules.

Jiang Li looked at the Hengyu Furnace and knew that this would not be finished in a short time, so he sat down cross-legged and began to study the Yuanshen Sword Technique to see if he could tap its potential and create subsequent methods.

At this point, it has become very difficult for his soul to improve. Unless he encounters something that can inspire him, the growth rate of his soul will be very slow.

It seemed that after opening up the inner world, his soul had been mediocre, neither outstanding nor lagging behind. However, after opening up the acupoints, his soul began to fail to keep up with his body and magic power.

He innovated the previous word secret several times and pushed it to a level that did not belong to this secret art, but that was all; the potential was always there and he could not go any further.

But the current Yuanshen Sword Technique is different. The purpose of this technique is very lofty, and it may even be used to reach the pinnacle of the Immortal King. Now that we have the foundation, it is not a difficult thing to add to it.

And now there are still more than 300,000 days before the landing of the Weird Immortal King. He still has time to complete the evolution of this method and wait for the Hengyu Furnace to transform.

Before the war, Jiang Li still hoped to improve himself to an extreme, because at his level, every move forward would make a difference in combat power.

(End of this chapter)

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