The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 301: The Supreme Giant

Chapter 301 Ten Supreme Giants
The world of the boundary sea is upside down. Somewhere under the sea water, there is a world with flashing terrifying thunder waterfalls. In the center of the world, an ancient stone furnace floats there.

Time flies, and a hundred thousand years have passed in the blink of an eye. During this period of time, the Thunder World has been surrounded by chaotic energy and lightning. The terrifying laws are gathered together by the power of the formation, allowing the Hengyu Furnace to continuously absorb the essence of this world.

During the evolution process, the Dao traces of Hengyu Furnace have been condensed, disappeared from the furnace wall, and were imprinted inside the furnace.

The world of thunder is constantly becoming dimmer, the terrifying laws of this world are slowly dissipating, and even the forbidden oceans of thunder on the sea are gradually disappearing because they have lost their source of power.

But instead, this place was filled with countless light rains, huge clouds and mists, and a kind of light that was different from that of the Immortal King bloomed here, as if it was transcending. Just a single light was enough to crush a powerful Immortal King into powder.

Because this power has surpassed the level of the Immortal King, this is a transformation. Although this ray of immortal light is not pure, it is just intertwined with a ray of it, but this is an essential transformation.

Jiang Li, who was practicing the Yuanshen Sword Technique, opened his eyes and looked at the fairy light on the stone stove with surprise. After feeling the imperial power, he couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth.

Although the Hengyu Furnace is now only wrapped in a ray of imperial light and has not truly transformed into a quasi-immortal emperor weapon, but after interweaving the imperial light, it is obviously different from the immortal king weapon, much stronger, and is no longer on a different level.

Seeing that the Hengyu Furnace had completed its transformation, Jiang Li knew that it was time. He recalled the Hengyu Furnace, and after feeling the enormous energy within it, he couldn't help but feel more confident.

After breaking through the sea surface, Jiang Li briefly deduced the way back home, and then he broke through the sea surface in the most domineering posture.

The surface of the sea boundary is filled with dark storms. These storms are all symbols of the Great Dao, entangled together like ripples. They will not fade away, but will only remain vast in the boundless sea boundary.

But there was a figure that was unscrupulously shuttling through these storms. Whenever his strong body touched a storm, it would emit a fairy light.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Jiang Li saw the blazing immortal light in front of him. Countless immortal lights gathered together, instantly making the dark sea bright. Even the storm in that area was suppressed.

The sea of ​​​​the world was boiling, and the road was buzzing. Even from a long distance away, one could feel the oppression, as if there was a sacred mountain lying there, terrifying and terrifying, with a creepy aura that made people's bodies feel like they were going to explode.

If an ordinary Immortal King were here at this moment, he would probably be terrified and would not dare to approach.

But Jiang Li was not afraid. He came here to provoke the other party. If he didn't get close, others wouldn't know him.


The Hengyu Furnace hummed, and suddenly, the world boiled. Billions of immortal lights rose up, among which were interwoven imperial lights, which directly cleansed the surrounding sea water.

The symbols of the avenue were everywhere, and the terrifying power directly caused huge changes. Countless lightning began to interweave and appeared above this sea of ​​​​boundary.

The team that was moving ahead stopped and turned their heads to look at the place where the fairy light burst out. It was far away from here, but the fairy light was too bright, even the black fog and laws of the boundary sea could not block it.

The fairy light spread over, and the strange fairy kings were all a little shocked after seeing this fairy light, because that was the fairy light that could only be ignited by the Taoist Ancestor, and it had completely surpassed their level.

"That is not the Tao Ancestor. It just interweaves the Tao Ancestor's glory, but it does not have the Tao Ancestor's majesty." A supreme giant saw the clue, and his originally frightened heart calmed down.

After the immortal light appeared just now, even the supreme giants changed color, because if there really is a Taoist ancestor in this world, then they are totally not worth mentioning and will be crushed directly.

"Yes, if we hadn't seen the power of the Taoist Ancestor, we probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference." Another supreme giant said. After discovering the real situation, they were not so worried anymore.

Although the Immortal Kings who interweave the glory of Daozu are equally powerful, they are not powerful enough to rival thousands of Immortal Kings, not to mention that there are more than ten supreme giants among them.

"Suppress him, otherwise he will always be a scourge!" suggested a supreme giant.

If they really encounter an Immortal King who embodies the glory of Daozu alone, even the supreme giants will suffer a bitter defeat, which will be detrimental to their next conquest of this world.

The other supreme giants all nodded and agreed with this point of view. None of them would let such a dangerous person hang around in front of them.

The sea boundary was shaking. These immortal kings stopped moving forward and began to turn back. Wherever the light of thousands of immortal kings went, the laws of the sea boundary had to give way.

The power was so terrifying that even Jiang Li had to avoid it. When he saw the other party turn around, Jiang Li first stabilized himself, and when the other party came close, he moved his body sideways and began to dodge to the side.

Although the other side has more people, their speed is definitely not comparable to his. Only the ten supreme giants can keep up with his speed.

“It turns out to be just a weapon that embodies the glory of the Taoist ancestor.” When they got closer, a supreme giant discovered the clue and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

A weapon that radiates the Daoist Glory is definitely easier to deal with than a cultivator that radiates the Daoist Glory.

"Leave the team and let them follow. They will definitely not be able to catch up. It's just a weapon interwoven with the glory of Daozu. It's not difficult to deal with." said a supreme immortal king.

In an instant, the speed of the ten supreme giants increased sharply, and they immediately separated themselves from the team behind them and closely followed the direction where Jiang Li left.

The ten men burst out with all their strength, and the terrifying might of the supreme giant cleared away all obstacles in front of them. The speed increased sharply and the distance was quickly shortened.

Jiang Li was somewhat surprised and shocked by their speed. The storm in the boundary sea was pushed aside by their breath.

Sure enough, when the number of people reaches a certain level, the strength will be different. Now at their level, no one is weak, and fighting across levels will become more and more difficult.

If there were only three of them, Jiang Li would still be confident that he could suppress them, but with ten supreme giants, he would not be their match even if he now had the blessing of the Hengyu Furnace.

Moreover, Jiang Li saw a familiar figure in the crowd, the supreme giant with whom he had fought a great battle. The other party also had a terrifying weapon in his hand, which was blessed by a quasi-immortal emperor-level existence.

At the same time, the other party also noticed him. The supreme giant spoke, and his cold voice spread across the sea of ​​​​boundary.

"It's you again. I thought you were going to hide forever. Why, now that you know we've found the right path, you can't do it anymore?"

As he spoke, the supreme giant threw the stone plate in his hand, and instantly a terrifying aura erupted. The beam of light from the Immortal King was boiling, and the aura of immortality was surging. As the millstone turned, even the avenue was obliterated. It was this weapon that had hit Jiang Li, almost cutting him in half, and leaving a terrifying dark substance on his body.

But now, Jiang Li is no longer the same as before. The transformation of his soul can unleash his combat power to the maximum extent, not to mention the blessing of the Hengyu Furnace. He just punched out casually and knocked the millstone back.

With terrifying blood and energy surging, after repelling the millstone, Jiang Li directly withdrew and had no intention of fighting any longer. His purpose was to delay them.

Now that these Immortal Kings are chasing after me, that’s actually a good thing.

Boom boom boom!
The black sea water was boiling, and the terrifying power of the supreme giant made it seem like it was about to boil.

Jiang Li was running in front, and ten supreme giants were chasing him from behind. The horrific battle was earth-shattering!

Every time they collide with each other, the terrifying fairy light will illuminate a sea of ​​​​boundaries, which is eternal and lasts from ancient times to the present and the future. Many of the broken worlds in the sea of ​​​​boundaries are further damaged after being destroyed.

Such a big commotion naturally attracted three people on an island. They looked towards the place where the fluctuations came from. They couldn't see anything specific here, but they could feel that a war had broken out in the distance.

"The young man has started fighting with them. The aura is so terrifying that it makes people feel depressed even from a distance." Ye Fan looked solemn.

In that piece of heaven and earth, all kinds of fairy lights were steaming, and the waves generated by the collision between them blew the laws of the sea of ​​​​boundaries, causing it to form terrifying dark storms.

The ruthless man looked at that place, speechless for a while, and then continued to sit cross-legged and practice. Now they could not do anything, even to attack and kill the weird army, because there were also many immortal kings and giants in it. Unless they were supreme giants, maybe they could still give it a try.

This is a kind of helplessness, which makes people's hearts suffer. The three of them are extremely proud people. Watching their comrades fighting for life and death outside while they can do nothing, this is more painful for them than going out to fight a battle and letting themselves bleed.

But even so, they still chose to lie dormant and further improve their cultivation, because Jiang Li was right, only the supreme giants could provide help in this war.

Their current combat power is certainly strong, but what can they do? If they charge into the weird army and fight for their lives, they may be able to kill a dozen ordinary immortal kings and one or two top immortal kings, but compared to a large army, this is simply meaningless.

On the other side, Jiang Li broke through the endless darkness. Above his head, the Hengyu Furnace emitted imperial light, clearing the laws ahead for him and making him move faster.

At this moment, there were several terrible wounds on Jiang Li's body. The blood of the Immortal King dripped down, instantly stirring up thousands of waves.

And above the wound, one can see extremely dense dark matter, which is constantly interweaving and trying to erode Jiang Li's laws.

Fortunately, the mouth of the Hengyu furnace was tilted, and a steady stream of lightning liquid poured out from it, curbing the spread of darkness and preventing it from flowing through his body.

Looking down at his body, Jiang Li nodded with satisfaction. After the Hengyu Furnace transformed again, the effect of the thunder liquid condensed was much better, which was a clear improvement over the first time.

At this moment, a riot broke out between heaven and earth in front, and a terrifying aura suddenly surged up. A bright fairy light broke through the heavy black fog and flew towards the front.

Jiang Li felt his body tense, and he quickly moved sideways to avoid the attack instead of confronting it head-on.

At the place where the attack came from, there were several figures exuding a terrifying aura, but they were not those ten people, but other strange immortal kings.

After casually slapping that side, Jiang Li did not stop, but continued to escape to the other side.

After seeing these Immortal Kings, Jiang Li knew that the weird Immortal King giants were also coming to kill him. If this continued, he would be surrounded sooner or later.

Jiang Li decided to go all out. He turned around and took a step forward. In an instant, countless debris from the world disappeared quickly from his side.

He did not go elsewhere, but directly charged into the strange army that was left behind. There were generally ordinary Immortal Kings and top Immortal Kings there. He didn't care and charged in directly.

The supreme giant exploded with full force, and in an instant a large cloud of blood mist rose into the sky. Several ordinary immortal kings were blown to pieces by his palm, and their souls were directly wiped out.

But at the same time, countless attacks fell on him. There were too many of them, and even his body, which was at the peak of the Immortal King level, could not withstand it. A large amount of blood mist burst out of his body.

If his body had not been immortal long ago, if he had not practiced the Immortality Sutra, any ordinary supreme giant would have died in despair when faced with such a situation.

But even so, half of Jiang Li's body exploded, but fortunately his body had already become spiritual, and it gathered together again at the moment of the explosion, and all the blood flowed back.

Jiang Li snorted coldly, shaking the Hengyu Furnace, sweeping out a large area of ​​horrifying forbidden laws, and once again blasted several Immortal Kings to pieces, turning them all into ashes.

Among them, there was even an extremely powerful Immortal King, but it was of no avail as they could not withstand the power of the supreme giants. What's more, Jiang Li's current combat power was definitely at the top of the supreme giants.

"You are really looking for death!" A supreme giant shouted angrily. An Immortal King, no matter how powerful he is, cannot transcend after all. Just charging into the pile of Immortal Kings like this is nothing but looking for death.

He didn't know whether this man was arrogant or knew that resistance was hopeless and was determined to die!

The other supreme giants were all confused, but at the moment these were no longer important, and they didn't care about them. As long as they could suppress this person, there should be no decent opponents in this world.

Boom boom boom!
In just a moment, Jiang Li was severely injured. Although he killed another Immortal King, he himself was also torn into pieces. At the critical moment, if it were not for the Immortal Sutra and the Hengyu Furnace, his soul might have been severely damaged.

The ten supreme giants were indifferent to Jiang Li's behavior. As long as they could kill this man, the fall of the king would be worth it.

“You are very powerful, and you are really close to the Dao Ancestor. If you don’t die, you will be destined to reach that level in the future. But unfortunately, you don’t have that opportunity.” A supreme giant said coldly.

He recognized Jiang Li's strength. In fact, there was a huge gap between the supreme giants. Just looking at the attack just now, if it was a supreme giant whose realm had not reached that pinnacle, he might have died directly.

Although the Immortal King is indeed difficult to kill, there is a limit to that. No one can withstand the siege of ten people of the same level.

(End of this chapter)

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