The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 302 Breaking out of the siege

Chapter 302 Breaking out of the siege

Jiang Li staggered back, coughing up large mouthfuls of blood. His body was covered with dense wounds, which was horrible. For a moment, he was unable to recover at all because these were left by an opponent of the same level.

"Geniuses like you are rare even in heaven. Okay, you will die today." A supreme giant also coughed up blood, but his eyes did not change at all, still as cold and terrifying as before.

In the collision just now, he was hit by the ancient stone stove. If his companion had not chopped him down with a knife in time, I am afraid that his end would not be good, and at the very least his soul would be damaged.

You know, for people at their level, damage to the physical body is just a minor injury. Even if it is blown up and only a drop of blood is left, it can be recovered. But if the soul is damaged, it is a real serious injury, and if not handled properly, there is a risk of death.

This person was very powerful. Even when fighting one against ten, he almost managed to seriously injure or even kill the supreme giant of the strange side.

"Be careful, this man is very powerful, and he is only a step away from transforming into the pinnacle of Immortal King." A supreme giant spoke in a deep voice. He felt something was wrong when he chopped the man's body with his sword just now.

The physical body is immortal and indestructible, and a physical body of a supreme giant cannot possibly block his Extinction Divine Sword, so this person's physical body has actually reached the pinnacle of the Immortal King, and perhaps it is just that his soul is lacking.

After hearing the words of the supreme giant, the other supreme giants all looked a little solemn, because they knew that this man was definitely a powerful enemy, and even if there were ten of them, they had to deal with him with caution.

At this moment, Jiang Li's expression was also extremely cold. The Hengyu Furnace above his head poured out a large amount of thunder liquid onto his body, suppressing the darkness in his body.

But in addition to this, there was also a huge amount of spiritual power that violently poured into his sea of ​​consciousness, but because it was covered by the thunder liquid, it was difficult for outsiders to detect it.

Just after killing those weird Immortal Kings, Hengyu Furnace directly took away their Immortal King Dao Fruits. At this moment, various laws were intertwined in the furnace, and the forbidden symbols were constantly erasing the original power of those Immortal Kings, leaving only the purest power of the soul.

Obviously, there was a reason why Jiang Li charged into the strange army at the moment he was surrounded. Everything he did at that time was for the origin of the Immortal King's power.

In the current situation, he could not see any way out except to act in this way.


Seeing Jiang Li fighting in the army, the ten supreme giants did not move. Even if an Immortal King was occasionally beaten to death, they ignored it.

The brief fight just now had made them realize that if they fought to the death, Jiang Li might really be able to take away one or two of them.

Compared with this, they would also be happy to see the death of some ordinary and top immortal kings to consume Jiang Li.

There was a horrible shock in the sea of ​​​​boundaries, and countless damaged boundaries were blown up. The scene was terrifying and horrifying.

This piece of heaven and earth was almost wiped out. Even though this place was the Sea of ​​Realm and the power of the laws was indelible, it could not withstand so many Immortal Kings fighting each other.

“It’s terrifying, and his vitality is frighteningly strong. If it were an ordinary supreme giant, his source of energy would have been exhausted long ago. But although this person cannot be compared at the beginning, he is far from being at the point of running out of energy.” sighed a supreme giant.

They were very cold-blooded. Even though there were already more than twenty Immortal Kings who had died at the hands of Jiang Li, they were still not moved.

Because these Immortal Kings not only sacrificed their lives, but also caused great damage to Jiang Li. At this moment, one of his arms exploded and a horrible crack appeared on his head. The blood and essence of the Immortal Kings continued to fall into the sea of ​​​​boundary.

It was too tragic. Even the supreme giant was covered with scars after fighting for such a long time. His immortal body was covered with hideous wounds, and there was so much dark matter that even the thunder liquid could not extinguish it.


Ten thousand ways roared in an instant. After seeing Jiang Li's decline, a supreme giant took decisive action and delivered a powerful blow.

In an instant, Jiang Li felt a chill in his heart. The aura of the supreme giant made him feel his whole body trembling. He moved his body and moved sideways a long distance, but was still swept away. His body was torn into pieces and thrown into the black sea.

It was a mountain, ancient and eternal, exuding an immortal aura, pressing down from the sky. Even though Jiang Li dodged far away, he still could not escape.

Because that mountain was really huge, covering the entire universe. No matter where you ran to, as long as you didn't break through that universe, you would be killed.

The surface of the sea was calm. Jiang Li, who was knocked down, did not rush up again. His injuries were too severe. The strange dark power continued to invade his body.

The Hengyu Furnace was doing its best to refine the Immortal King Dao Fruit and produce Thunder Tribulation Liquid to pour over his broken body. The ancient stone furnace was glowing, and the texture on the furnace wall that had been hidden reappeared.

In the center of the stone furnace, there was a soul sitting cross-legged inside the furnace. Beside him were dozens of Tao fruits emitting immortal light. At this moment, these Tao fruits were absorbing power to heal his injuries.

But just a moment later, his soul escaped from the Hengyu Furnace again, a flash of fairy light passed by, and everything flowed backwards, and his shattered body and blood returned.

He did not have extra time to refine these fruits of the Tao, because after he fell into the black sea water, several strange immortal kings came to kill him.

The power of the Sea of ​​Realm is so terrifying that even the Immortal King cannot see whether he has fallen or not, and has to come down personally to confirm it.

The scene of Jiang Li recovering his body fell into the eyes of several Immortal Kings. Seeing that Jiang Li was not dead, these Immortal Kings were not afraid and actually killed him directly.

Because Jiang Li was so miserable at the moment, the immortal light on his body was dim, which gave these immortal kings hope and they thought they could kill him.

"You are looking for death." Jiang Li roared, he clenched his fist, billions of immortal lights were held in his hand, and then he punched towards the head of an immortal king.

When you reach the Immortal King level, if you want to quickly kill an Immortal King, then just destroy his soul. This is the only way.

The waves were surging under the sea of ​​the world, and soon several immortal kings rushed up from below, but compared to when they went down, there was one less immortal king among them.

At the same time, Jiang Li also rushed up from below. He did not chase them, but turned around and fled to the other side.

But just as he made a move, several Immortal Kings appeared in front of him and blocked his way firmly. These people's cultivation was naturally not as good as his, but they could hold him back and prevent him from escaping.

The weird side has the advantage in numbers. As long as someone can get hold of him, they will be surrounded and killed.

"Get out of here!" Jiang Li shouted, and he swept his palm across, knocking one of the Immortal Kings away, causing him to spit blood and retreat.

Even though he was seriously injured at the moment, his invincible power was not something an ordinary Immortal King could withstand.

But it was useless, because apart from that Immortal King, there were four more Immortal Kings ahead, and behind him, there were dozens of Immortal Kings joining forces to kill him, leaving him no chance to escape.

"Kill!" But even so, Jiang Li was still shouting, his soul was glowing, especially on his forehead, where not only was the light blazing, but there were also terrifying runes flashing.


The immortal light was dazzling, as if illuminating the past, present and future, but it soon faded away, and was replaced by a small black sword. It was very concise, but gave people a very unreal feeling.

The small sword flashed, and in an instant, time and space seemed to condense. The small black sword burst out and directly pierced through the head of an Immortal King. With just one blow, it shattered the Immortal King's soul.

There wasn't a single scratch on the Immortal King's body, but his soul had dissipated.

That is the Soul Sword Technique, which is specifically designed to cut off the soul of a cultivator. This power is very strong, but also very dangerous. It is dangerous not only to the person being hit, but also to the person casting the spell.

Because the Soul Sword Technique itself is the condensed soul of the caster. If the soul of the target of the attack is too powerful, the caster will be in danger.

But the immortal king's soul is not good enough in front of Jiang Li, especially at this moment Jiang Li's soul is strengthening all the time, and the immortal king's fruit in the Hengyu furnace is also constantly strengthening his soul.

Therefore, when he used the Soul Sword Technique at this moment, it was extremely sharp and he did not spare any of his Soul power.

"Something's wrong, his soul power is getting stronger!" Some supreme giants discovered something. Although they couldn't see the details, the fluctuations of Jiang Li's soul were so violent at this moment that it was hard not to notice.

"He is absorbing the Immortal King Dao Fruit!"

The only way to grow so fast was to absorb the Dao Fruits of the Immortal Kings, and they remembered that the Dao Fruits of those Immortal Kings who had been killed just now had indeed been taken away.

"His breakthrough has reached the pinnacle of Immortal King. He must be trying to burn his bridges by doing this now." A supreme giant said in a deep voice.

"Let's attack together. I feel like if he keeps going like this, he might actually succeed!"

Although Jiang Li's condition is very bad at the moment, no one can say whether he will be able to take this step at the last moment. If he really succeeds, it will be even more troublesome.

Although they are not afraid at all as long as it is not Daozu, there is no need to cause trouble for themselves and let a big enemy grow up.

Moreover, this person's combat power is already very strong. If he really breaks through to the peak of the Immortal King level, he might go crazy and cause them heavy casualties.

"Where to go!"

Just when Jiang Li was about to retreat, the ten supreme giants took action. Each of them used his strongest means to start blocking Jiang Li's way.

Chi Chi!
One after another, immortal lights appeared. They were the weapons of the kings, and they all came to kill. There were spears that were ten thousand miles long, and bells as big as stars...

The rules of the avenue are endless. The kings crush her and kill her together, cutting off his way.

"Get out of here!" Jiang Li shouted, and his fighting power was raised to the peak in all aspects. He knew that he only had this one chance, and if he missed it, he would really perish here.

And as long as he escapes this time, he will be able to truly break through to the pinnacle of the Immortal King. He has already felt that the realm barrier has completely disappeared, and the power of his soul has also reached the pinnacle of the supreme giant because of the Dao fruits of many Immortal Kings.

Especially this battle, the countless life and death trials really made him see a way. As long as he crosses it, he can be sublimated.

The clanging sounds were deafening, and weapons were everywhere. Jiang Li fought against all the kings, risking his body being constantly shattered, and only focused on killing his way out.

Of course, the ten supreme giants among them would not give up this opportunity. They chased after him closely, but this time, they found that Jiang Li’s speed was incredibly fast.

"Damn it, he deliberately let us catch up the first time." A supreme giant said angrily.

The gap between the before and after is so huge, so the first time he was caught up, it must have been intentional on his part.

"He probably wants to slow down our progress to prevent us from crossing the sea and finding his ancient world?" These supreme giants saw through Jiang Li's plan.

"Then stop and land forward at full speed. Since he doesn't want to see his home world destroyed, he will have no choice but to fight the moment we land."

Looking at the direction Jiang Li was fleeing, the ten supreme giants all stopped, because they knew that they could not catch up with him at all, and even if they did, they might not be able to stay with him. Instead of doing that, it would be better to choose to land early and leave that person with no choice but to fight.

On the other side, Jiang Li's body was glowing. He was wrapped in time, as if he was immune to all attacks. He was just a passer-by in the long river of time and left at a very fast speed.

After making sure that the ten supreme giants did not chase him, Jiang Li randomly found an island to land on. He now urgently needed to heal his wounds and digest his gains this time.

This time when fighting in the strange army, he was inevitably corroded by the darkness, but fortunately with the power of the Thunder Tribulation Liquid, it would not be too difficult for him to eliminate the influence of the darkness.

It only took him nearly ten thousand years to recover a lot, but he was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, he began to digest what he had gained.

In this battle alone, he killed dozens of Immortal Kings, and naturally he also used the Taoist fruits of these Immortal Kings.

Beside Jiang Li, the ancient stone furnace rose and fell. The Hengyu furnace, which originally had no patterns on it, now had many more kings. Those were the Immortal Kings who were killed by the Hengyu furnace. At this moment, their Tao fruits were still being refined in the furnace.

The lid of the Hengyu furnace opened wide, and an endless amount of thunder liquid and refined Immortal King essence continuously flowed into Jiang Li's body.

After initially suppressing his injuries, Jiang Li left here and returned to the island where Ye Fan and the others were.

Jiang Li, who had returned seriously injured, was naturally asked by the three people what happened, but when they heard what Jiang Li had done, they were all shocked.

Fighting against thousands of Immortal Kings alone and killing more than thirty of them, such a feat is really hard to believe, and it is not difficult to understand why Jiang Li was so seriously injured.

But in fact, the three of them didn't know that at this moment Jiang Li's injuries had mostly healed, at least much better than when he had just left the battlefield.

At that time, it was truly about to fall.

After explaining the current situation, Jiang Li began to retreat to recover from his injuries and break through.
(End of this chapter)

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