The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 303: Immortal King Peak

Chapter 303: Immortal King Peak
From time to time, terrible storms sweep across the sea.

On a road, one could see a fairy light moving very quickly. They had a clear goal and were getting closer and closer to the direction of the dam.

It was a massive and strange army. Blazing fairy light rose from the bodies of thousands of fairy kings. Ancient symbols combined together to open up a terrifying field. Even the laws of the world sea would retreat upon encountering this field.

If everything goes well, they will be able to land on the dam in a few hundred thousand years at most.


On an island in the Boundary Sea, the laws here are chaotic, but there are four beams of fairy light rising into the sky, illuminating a large area around it.

The situation is urgent now and they can't afford to delay. The four of them are seizing every opportunity to practice and dare not waste even a moment.

Time passed quickly. After thirty thousand years, a powerful aura erupted from the place where Wu Shi was in seclusion. It was the power of an almighty giant.

Obviously, among the three, this innate holy body was the first to cross this natural chasm and took a step on the road to defeating the king and becoming the emperor.

Next came the ruthless man, who also took this step 20,000 years later and became an almighty giant.

In just 50,000 years, the two of them broke through one after another. Now, only Jiang Li and Ye Fan have not yet reached the expected goal.

Between the two of them, one wants to break through to the peak of the Immortal King, and the other wants to break through to the Supreme Giant. However, there are only 50,000 years left before the 100,000-year deadline they set.

As for Jiang Li, since he had been in seclusion for the previous ten thousand years to recuperate, it was inevitable that some time was wasted, but he did not gain nothing.

Although he was seriously injured in the battle with the strange army, he saw the road to the future. What he lacked now was just accumulation. As long as he refined the dozens of Immortal King Dao Fruits in the Hengyu Furnace, he would be able to break through naturally.

Now there are still 50,000 years left, so I think there shouldn't be any accidents.

The reason why Ye Fan was a step slower was purely because among the few people, he had the shortest training time and was indeed a little behind the other three in terms of foundation.

In fact, it is normal to think about it. Henren has hundreds of thousands of years more time to practice than him, and Wu Shi, as an upgraded version of the Holy Body, has also practiced a hundred thousand years longer than him. Although Jiang Li is of the same era as him in this life, he started much better than him.

Fortunately, Ye Fan did his best and kept narrowing the gap in the next million years, otherwise he would have been left behind by the three.

There was a chaotic atmosphere on the island, in the midst of which there was a terrifying figure sitting cross-legged. Beside him, there rose clusters of blazing fairy light, very bright, as if they had appeared since the ancient times, and as if they would appear in the future.

The fairy light is blazing and symbols are everywhere in the sky.

At his side, there was an ancient stone stove floating up and down. The lid of the stove was opened, and a pure and majestic spiritual energy and Taoist rhyme poured out from it and was absorbed by the figure sitting cross-legged.

If someone could see through the stone furnace at this moment, they would see that inside the stone furnace, there were dozens of light balls shining with fairy light, interwoven with mysterious Taoist rhymes, which were all Taoist fruits at the level of the Immortal King.

But at this moment, these Dao fruits are all wrapped in forbidden symbols, and the origin above them is constantly being refined. Compared to the beginning, the Dao fruits of the Immortal King are actually very dim at this moment.

As he refined more Immortal King Dao Fruits, Jiang Li's aura became more powerful, but the hurdle to the peak of the Immortal King was too high that he could not cross.

But if it keeps accumulating like this, that obstacle will eventually not be able to stop him, and when the flood in the river dam overflows the dam, his Taoism will be directly washed away.

Time passed quickly, and soon another thirty thousand years had passed. Almost at the same time, a bright fairy light burst out from the place where Jiang Li and Ye Fan were in retreat, stimulating endless energy and blood.

In the place where Jiang Li was in seclusion, there was a ball of extremely bright light and blazing flames that seemed to burn the heavens.

Those were not fireworks, but pieces of avenue symbols, jumping and gushing out, wrapping around a little man the size of a fist, and bursting out with the brilliant light of the soul.

It is an ultimate sublimation. At the same time, his body is glowing, symbols of the Great Dao appear, and his magic power is boiling.

When the magic power of the soul and the physical body matched, a resonance was reached between the three, and the collision between them triggered the sound of heaven.

Behind Jiang Li, a grand star map appeared. One hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred stars were connected to each other. It was a phenomenal vision of magical power.

The blazing flames burned for a long time. Ye Fan, who had successfully broken through, came out of retreat and came to the side of Wu Shi and Hen Ren. He looked at the place where Jiang Li was retreating and said:
"This is a success. The spirit, energy and soul have reached their peak and are merging with each other!"

Ye Fan had some understanding. At this moment, Jiang Li looked very extraordinary. He had reached a kind of perfection and truly reached the limit of the Great Dao.

This is the pinnacle of the Immortal King. The four of them once discussed that the Emperor Realm might have surpassed the Great Dao and all eternity, so the pinnacle of the Immortal King is actually the pinnacle of cultivation.

At this point, if you want to move forward, you must surpass everything, including the Tao, or create your own Tao.

“It has been successful, but the fusion of each other may take some time. Once the essence, energy and spirit are completely integrated, like a big pill, that will be the time to break through to the peak of the Immortal King.” Wu Shi’s eyes also burned with blazing immortal light as he observed Jiang Li’s way.

This is the path of a supreme Immortal King. It can be of great inspiration to them and illuminate their own path.

In fact, this was also what Jiang Li intended to do. He wanted the three of them to become stronger faster.

After experiencing the Immortal King's army sweeping across the heavens, he realized the crisis on the other side of heaven, and he needed a group of comrades he could trust.

Henren, Wu Shi and Ye Fan are definitely people who can move forward with him, so Jiang Li has no intention of keeping anything to himself. He just evolves all his avenues for the three of them to comprehend, hoping that they can gain something.

The sound of the Great Dao lasted for a long time until the three elements of essence, energy and spirit were completely integrated. The blazing immortal light shot up into the sky, as if it had pierced through the long river of time and appeared in every corner of time and space.

At this moment, ancient symbols appeared on the body of Jiang Li who was sitting cross-legged. His aura changed completely, surpassing the level of supreme giant. He took this step completely and reached the pinnacle of Immortal King.


I don’t know how long it took, it seemed like an era, but it also seemed like only a moment. When Jiang Li opened his eyes, it seemed as if all the heavens and worlds appeared in his eyes.

Looking through his eyes, the great road was exceptionally clear in his eyes. He just sat cross-legged there, as if he was immune to all kinds of attacks, free from all disasters, and would last forever.

When the essence, energy and spirit were completely integrated, he achieved the ultimate leap, and they intertwined with each other. From then on, the three elements of essence, energy and spirit complemented each other, and no one would be left behind. This is an invincible power that can shatter the avenue and overturn the universe. Even if fate and cause and effect come to him, they will not be left behind.

In fact, at this point, Jiang Li has actually already stepped half a foot into the Quasi-Immortal Emperor level. His path has been fully reached, but his foundation is really shallow in comparison.

“If I force my way into the Emperor Realm now, I’m afraid my body won’t be able to bear it and will collapse directly.” Jiang Li had a feeling that there was a chasm blocking his way ahead.

But it doesn’t matter. At this level, as long as Wu Shi, Hen Ren and Ye Fan can block the ten supreme giants, he can easily fight his way in and out of the weird army and have the capital to resist.

"Let's go, they should be very close to the dam." Jiang Li stood up. Now that he had achieved a breakthrough in his realm, he really felt an unprecedented power and had the fighting capacity to not fear this large army.

Because now, as long as I want to leave, even if the other side has more people, they can only watch and they will not be able to keep me. It can be said that the current balance has tilted towards the heavens.


At the boundary sea dam, Duan De, Hun Tiantuo, Immortal Emperor and Yu Huang were all a little solemn as they looked at the army that had already clearly manifested itself.

Looking at the scale of this, they didn't know how they would be able to stop the other party once they ascended to the heavens.

“I don’t know what the current situation of those people is, and whether they have encountered these weird things.” Hun Tiantuo, who has already broken through the realm of Immortal King, said with a serious face.

Now that the war is imminent, the combat power of those four is much stronger than theirs. If they return, the strength of the heavens will definitely increase greatly.

Now that so much time has passed, the Immortal Emperor, Hun Tiantuo and Yu Huang have all broken through to the Immortal King realm one after another. Moreover, because of their rich accumulation, they became supreme Immortal Kings as soon as they broke through, which is really not considered weak.

And behind them, there is also a large army. The lowest ones in terms of cultivation are all supreme beings, and there are also many true immortals among them. Among them, the supreme beings who came to the fairyland from the human world have almost all become true immortals now. Some of the most brilliant ones are even in the late stage of true immortals and are not far from becoming quasi-immortal kings.

Jiang Yifei, Huo Qizi, Qi Lin, Ji Zi, the Holy Prince and others have now embarked on the path of immortality, and their cultivation is not low. They have come a long way on the road of immortality.

Since the restoration of the Fairyland, large numbers of powerful people have appeared one after another, and the strength of the Fairyland is slowly approaching its heyday. If there can be an era as a buffer period, then it may be possible to restore the Fairyland to its heyday.

Because this era has accumulated so many outstanding people, if they are placed in any era, as long as they grow smoothly, their achievements will not be bad.

And in this era, no one knows how many of them will rise and how many will fall.

"The mark in my body is still there, they should be fine." The Immortal Emperor said calmly.

After hearing this, the others were relieved. They understood what the Immortal Emperor meant. His brand was planted by Emperor Jiang Tian. Since the brand did not collapse, the man must be safe.

Not only that, even after the Immortal Emperor broke through to the level of Immortal King, the mark could not be removed. This proves that the Emperor is not only safe and sound, but should be even more powerful.

After all, even an Immortal King was unable to break the seal he set, which shows how powerful his master is.

This also gave them some confidence. If those people came back, they might be qualified to fight. Especially Duan De, he knew best how terrifying one genius was, let alone four geniuses.

As someone who had witnessed the growth of Emperor Huang Tian, ​​Duan De felt that the talents and abilities of Jiang Li and others were not inferior to those of Emperor Huang Tian. He didn't believe that they would gain nothing after traveling in the Sea of ​​Boundary for so many years.

"Based on the current situation, how long will it take them to land?" Yu Huang asked curiously.

Today, compared to tens of thousands of years ago, the difference between these human figures seems only a little clearer, and no one can tell how far they are from the dam.

There are only two people here who have come into contact with the dam, and that one is Hun Tiantuo. His father had entered the Boundary Sea and told him about the Boundary Sea.

But Hun Tiantuo could only see a rough idea, because except for those who had entered it personally and walked some distance, no one knew the real situation inside the sea boundary.

"Maybe it will take tens of thousands of years?" Hun Tiantuo estimated the approximate time.

"I feel like they are very close." Yu Huang was a little unbelievable. He felt that these monsters were very close to here, but it would take tens of thousands of years.

"That's normal. The boundary sea is very large. Many damaged large boundaries are no smaller than the fairyland. And there are quite a few damaged worlds like that in the boundary sea." Hun Tiantuo explained.

After this explanation, everyone understood, and then they couldn't help feeling shocked. There were so many big realms like the Fairyland in the Sea of ​​Realms, which was shocking.

"Are we going to wait here for tens of thousands of years?" asked the Immortal Emperor puzzledly.

In fact, according to his idea, instead of waiting here, it would be better to go back first or rush in directly. Waiting here seems unnecessary.

Duan De shook his head and said, "Now that the Weird Army is about to land, Ye Fan and the others will not see this scene. The most likely possibility is that they will start a decisive battle with the Weird Army when they are about to land."

Upon hearing this, the Immortal Emperor thought about it and nodded in agreement. This was indeed the style of those people, especially that person, who wanted to make sure everything was foolproof before launching the final attack.

Back then in the strange world, he really didn't have time to react before he had to face a being that was almost an Immortal King.

Thinking of that man's evil deeds, the Immortal Emperor pulled the corner of his mouth helplessly, but when he felt the restrictions in his body that were much stronger than before, he felt a lot more relaxed.

He knew that the man must have become stronger, and not just a little bit, but a leap in strength. Perhaps he had reached the pinnacle of the Immortal King realm.

“Then what are we going to do then? If there is a big battle in the sea of ​​​​boundaries, these little guys from the supreme and true immortal realms may not be enough.” Yu Huang glanced at the army behind him, it was terrifying, but after he broke through to the Immortal King, he felt that those below the Immortal King were all ants, so he didn’t think these people could do anything.

Besides, looking at the opposite side, only the Immortal King can affect the dam from such a long distance.

"Take them to see the world and let them be baptized by the law of the dam. There are some good prospects among these people and there is hope that they can break through to our level in the future." Hun Tiantuo explained.

In the current fairyland, Duan De and Yu Huang don't care about anything, so almost everything is handled by Hun Tiantuo and the Immortal Emperor. They also want to take this opportunity to let these people see the battle at the fairy king level.

(End of this chapter)

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