Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 1 Activate the Leonix bloodline! The ultimate combat instrument!

Chapter 1 Activate the Leonix bloodline! The ultimate combat instrument!
  M78 Nebula.

A huge planet emitting crystal clear light stands in the center of the entire nebula.

It seems to be the center of the entire universe.

The mysterious aura makes people look in awe.

Not far from this huge planet, there is a desolate and lonely planet without any signs of life.

A slender young figure is walking on the surface of the planet.

It seems like I am walking the road of the world and savoring the suffering of the world.


The young man suddenly stopped and sighed softly.

Then, he sat down on the big stone pillar beside him.

He looked up at the huge crystal planet in the distance.

"The gears of fate have finally begun to turn."

The young man suddenly said deeply.

But the next second, his expression suddenly became extremely painful: "But you can turn it to the right position for me!!!"

"It feels so good to go in and out when you're halfway stuck, doesn't it?"

He couldn't help but roared up to the sky.

  It’s so damn bad!
  His name is Lin Tian.

I suddenly traveled to this world a year ago.

As a time-traveler, he really disgraced the army of time-travelers!
  Shouldn't the time traveler sit on the system, step on the genius, embrace the left and right, and reach the pinnacle of life?

But as a senior arcana fan in his previous life, he traveled to this world and turned out to be just a human! ! !
  No system, no golden finger!

Not even an Ultra Warrior, just a human being.

Thinking of this, Lin Tian's heart surged.

This is not a big deal.

If you travel through time and become a human being, then you’re just a human being!
  This is nothing on Earth.

But why do you want me to cross over and become a citizen of the Kingdom of Light? ! !
  Lin Tian looked at the huge planet angrily.

That is the hometown of Ultra Warriors, the Kingdom of Light!

And he is also the "glory" clan of light in the Kingdom of Light!
  He discovered this just after traveling through time.

Since the natural sun explosion 27 years ago, the Light Clan has developed plasma sparks to replace the sun.

The residents of the Kingdom of Light also gained the power of Ultra Warriors.

  Lin Tian was an accident.

From the moment he was born, he looked like a human being.

Although he can survive the glare of plasma sparks.

But he himself did not gain the power to evolve into an Ultra Warrior.

This also confused everyone in the Kingdom of Light.

Lin Tian is the only one in the whole clan who is like this!
  What exactly is going on?

In order to solve Lin Tian's worries, Hikali of the Science and Technology Bureau did countless research on Lin Tian.

But in the end, I still couldn't figure out the reason.

Lin Tian cooperated again and again, but was disappointed again and again.

He was not reconciled.

Although, during his time at the Bureau of Science and Technology, he showed great talent for scientific research.

Through this, he can also use his expertise in the Science and Technology Bureau.

However, as a time traveler, how could he be willing to stay in the Science and Technology Bureau? ? ?
  He also wants to fight those ferocious monsters like other Ultra Warriors! ! !

Lin Tian punched the stone beside him angrily.

It hurts, it hurts so badly.

But this is not as painful as the pain in his heart!
  at this time.

  Lin Tian was shocked and quickly stood up from the ground.

what happened? ? ?

Lin Tian looked around in panic, his eyes constantly scanning the surroundings.

Boom! ! !
  The vibrations became stronger and stronger.

Lin Tian looked at the ground in shock.

The earth is trembling!



Lin Tian's heart suddenly trembled.

What the hell!
  earthquake? ? ?

Lin Tian originally thought that he had encountered a natural disaster for the first time, but then he thought about it.

This is not Blue Star.

Lin Tianzheng was confused when he suddenly felt that the shock slowly calmed down.

It was originally a good thing, but Lin Tian didn't know why.

I always feel a chill in my back.

Lin Tian was stunned for a moment, and then his neck mechanically twisted toward the back. Just after 90 degrees, he glanced sideways and saw a scene that almost frightened him into traveling back in time.

I saw him not far behind him.

Two huge creatures dozens of meters tall were standing side by side.

It's a monster!

These two monsters are muscular and strong.

One of them had two long crescent-shaped horns on its head, a small tentacle on its nose, a large rugged scale on its chest, and an extremely thick tail connected below.

No, it's not just the thick tail.

This monster is also extremely thick with its limbs.

As for the other one.

The body is also thick and tall, and the skin is full of layers. There is a small skull-like head on the neck, and a pair of intimidating fangs are derived from the mouth.

Its tail is even thicker than the monster just now.

These two monsters, just by looking at them, you can tell that their power is absolutely terrifying.

Obviously it is not comparable to ordinary monsters.

The most important thing is, as a senior Ultra fan, how could Lin Tian not know these two guys?

That's Gomora and King Red! ! !
  Lin Tian took a breath of cold air at this moment.


Why are these two guys here?
  The main thing is.

Their eyes were staring at him closely at this moment!


Lin Tian almost ran away without saying a word!
  Nonsense, what can I do if I don’t run?
  Lin Tian does not have the ability to transform into an Ultra Warrior.

He is just a member of the Light Tribe with a better mind.

How to fight the monster of these two monsters?
  Seeing Lin Tian fleeing, the two monsters instantly became excited.


The two monsters each let out a strange cry.


Then they chased directly in the direction of Lin Tian.

Every time its thick limbs hit the ground, the ground would shake.


Lin Tian turned his head and glanced when he ran away.

  These two guys are getting closer!

Lin Tian ran with all his strength!

When he came to this planet from the Kingdom of Light, he drove a spaceship.

The spaceship is parked not far away.

As long as you get on the spaceship, you can quickly escape back to the Kingdom of Light.

Lin Tian didn't believe it. These two guys dared to pursue them to the Kingdom of Light?
  However, King Red and Gomora obviously didn't want Lin Tian to leave.

They also saw the spacecraft parked not far away.

Gomora suddenly stopped and clenched his paws tightly.

Then the horns of its head suddenly emitted a terrifying shock wave of light.

Super shock wave! ! !

Thick waves of destructive light shot directly towards the distant spacecraft.

boom! ! !
  In just an instant, Lin Tian's spaceship turned into powder!

Ah? ? ?
  Lin Tian was stunned for a moment.

good good!
  This is how they all play, right?
  At this moment, Lin Tian's heart was suddenly filled with sadness and despair.

No, what do you mean?

It allowed me to travel to the world of Ultraman and gave me hope.

As a result, I couldn't transform into an Ultra Warrior and slapped me in the face.

Forget it I don’t have an Ultra body!

But why are you still being stared at and chased by two monsters now? ? ?

  If I could transform into an Ultra Warrior, how could I be so embarrassed? ? ?

Seeing the two giant beasts getting closer and closer.

At this moment, Lin Tian suddenly felt the unfairness of fate.


At this moment, a mechanical sound suddenly sounded in his ears.

【Ding! A monster has been detected! Leonix bloodline activated! 】

[Host detected, the ultimate combat device is activated! 】

what! ?

Leonix bloodline? ? ?
  The ultimate combat instrument? !

(End of this chapter)

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