Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 2 The ultimate battle instrument takes a breath! Conquer Gomora!

Chapter 2 The ultimate battle instrument takes a breath! Conquer Gomora!

【Ding! A monster has been detected! 】

【Your Leonix bloodline is activated! 】

【Ding! The host has been detected and the ultimate combat instrument has been successfully activated! 】

The moment the sound appeared, Lin Tian was stunned.

what! ?

Leonix bloodline? ? ?
  The ultimate combat instrument? !

What the hell!

Lin Tian was immediately confused at this moment.

Damn it.

He never imagined that he would activate the Leonix bloodline at this time! ! ! !

the most important is!

The standard cheat for time travellers: system!

It's finally here.

At this moment, Lin Tian suddenly understood something.

He knew why he didn't have an Ultra body.

  After working on it for a long time, he brought a golden finger with him from the very beginning when he traveled to this world! ! !

  Judging from the current situation, this bloodline has not been activated before, so the system has not come out.

Because of this, Hikari cannot be detected no matter what method he uses.

It’s amazing that it can be detected.

This is a system! ! !

  Until now, Lin Tian faced two huge monsters and accidentally activated the Leonix bloodline.

This dog system finally appeared!
  What a shame!

Just for a moment.

Lin Tian suddenly felt that his whole body was changing.

The blood in his body seemed to be boiling.

Endless power was pouring into his body.

This is the lineage of Leonix awakening!

At the same time, a black-red ball of light appeared in front of him.

Only the size of a palm.

Lin Tian was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously raised his hand, grabbed the ball of light and squeezed it fiercely.

  The ball of light shattered instantly.

A weapon as tall as a human appeared directly in Lin Tian's hand.

It was a stick-like weapon.

There are two extremely long boxes on both ends of the stick.

It is covered with small square grids.

The grid is dark and deep, as if waiting for something to fill it.

Lin Tian looked at the weapon in his hand in shock.

It is actually the ultimate combat device! ! !

Lin Tian was stunned for a moment.

Unexpectedly, the moment he activated Leonix's bloodline, he would obtain a powerful magic weapon like the Ultimate Combat Instrument!

You know, in the original plot, Beria used this ultimate battle instrument to fight against the entire Kingdom of Light warriors with one person! ! !

And now the owner of the ultimate combat instrument is Lin Tian! ! !
  This ultimate combat instrument can not only be used as a combat weapon, it can attack and defend, and can be used near or far.

Most importantly, the ultimate battle instrument can control monsters! ! !

And the number is unimaginable!

Lin Tian seemed to have imagined the scene where he was holding the ultimate combat instrument and controlling thousands of monsters.

  Too Nima cool!
  Just when Lin Tian was extremely excited, Gomora, who was already close to his face, suddenly accumulated energy again.

This is to launch super shock waves again! ! !
  Lin Tian noticed this immediately.

He directly crossed the ultimate battle instrument, wanting to step forward to fight Gomora.

But as soon as he got into his fighting stance, he was stunned.

  He suddenly discovered a problem.

He doesn't have the ability to transform into an Ultra Warrior, so he can't transform into a giant monster and fight Gomora in person.

Although he now has such a powerful magic weapon as the ultimate combat device.

But the problem is

I don’t even have a single monster right now! ! !

Depend on!
  In an instant, Lin Tian found that although he had awakened his bloodline and system, it seemed to be of no use? !

【Ding! Your Ultimate Battle Meter notices that you have no monsters at its disposal, and is mortified! 】

[Your ultimate combat instrument took a breath and took the initiative to initiate the summons! 】

【You have obtained the monster——Gomora! 】

Damn it?   The ultimate battle instrument took a breath?

Why don't you take the initiative to summon me? ? ?
  Lin Tian was dumbfounded.

Completely bewildered.

What path does this ultimate combat instrument take?
  Why can't he understand?
  Just when Lin Tian was confused, the system finally lost its sound.

At this moment, Lin Tian suddenly found that Gomora in front of him suddenly stopped moving.

The energy that had been accumulated just now dissipated into particles and disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, two square halos instantly enveloped Gomora's body and continued to rotate.

As the strange light became stronger and stronger, Gomora's entire body was wrapped in light.

next moment.

The light directly took Gomora's body and instantly shrank it, turning it into a ball of light.

The moment the light ball was condensed, it rushed directly towards Lin Tian.

In the end, the light ball poured directly into the ultimate combat instrument in Lin Tian's hand, lighting up a grid.

The faint fluorescence proved one thing.

Just a second ago, Lin Tian finally used his ultimate combat instrument to successfully subdue a monster!

And it’s an extremely powerful super-ancient monster—Gomora! ! !

Lin Tian was stunned instantly.

As the light in the grid lit up, Lin Tian seemed to have an extra thread in his mind.

The silk thread seems to connect Gomora in the grid.

This silk thread acts as a bridge, tightly connecting the spiritual connection between Lin Tian and Gomora.

In other words, from this moment on, Gomora became Lin Tian's property.

Lin Tian can summon and control Gomora at will! ! !

Lin Tian froze on the spot, his eyes shocked as he experienced the changes in the ultimate combat instrument.

at the same time.

King Red, who was chasing Lin Tian with Gomora just now, was stunned on the spot.

The tiny head rests on the huge body.

The pair of small eyes in front of the head revealed great doubts.

  what's going on?
  Wasn't there a brother who was chasing this human with me just now? ? ?

Where are you? Oh no, where are you beast? ? ?

Although King Red is powerful, he doesn't have enough brains.

Although it clearly saw Gomorrah turning into light and getting into a stick in the human's hand.

But it didn't know what happened.

Could it be said that this human used the stick in his hand to destroy the beast brother just now? ? ?

Thinking of this, King Red instantly became angry.


It opened its hands wide and looked up to the sky, roaring.

The thick tail behind it slapped the ground randomly.

The earth trembled, the earth shook and the mountains shook.

Damn humans, how dare you kill us monsters!

I will definitely slap you to death! ! !
  King Reid roared angrily and chased Lin Tian directly.

But Lin Tian didn't panic at all.

It was as if I felt Gomora's in the Ultimate Battle Rite.

In the grid, Gomora was seen waving his hands and his body swaying.

He seemed extremely excited.

Lin Tian smiled slightly and placed the ultimate combat instrument directly in front of him.

"Gomora, come on!!!"

Following Lin Tian's thought, the only illuminated grid in the ultimate combat device suddenly shone brightly.

The strange light carried Gomora's body directly out of the grid, and instantly became huge.

After the light faded, the giant Gomora landed heavily in front of Lin Tian! ! !
  In an instant, dust flew up.

Gomora stared at King Red with bared teeth and claws.

Full of fighting spirit.

But King Red was even more confused.

No, brother, weren't you chasing him with me just now?

Why are you looking at me instead?

King Red stood blankly on the spot.

Suddenly, Gomora turned around.

The huge tail instantly hit King Red with terrifying power! ! !

Red King:? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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