Chapter 3 Gomora evolves! EX Gomora!
  King Red was shocked.

Gomora's thick fleshy pillar tail has already swept over.

King Red was still in surprise and couldn't react at all.

This tail swept directly on King Red's skull-like head.

boom! ! !
  After a huge crash.

King Red's dozens of meters tall body was thrown away by Gomora's tail like a kite.

Finally, it landed heavily on the ground in the distance.

The ground instantly cracked open like a spider web.

Seeing that his attack was so effective, Gomora roared in excitement.

Gomora's body swayed slowly, and its claws continued to open and retract.

The excited roar shook the heavens and the earth, and even Ming Lintian was shocked when he heard it.

Lin Tian looked at the back of this huge monster that belonged to him alone.

  So damn cool! ! !
  Lin Tian knew that from this moment on, his mediocre life in the Kingdom of Light would probably change dramatically.

But he wasn't worried.

He needs this kind of life!
  A life full of battles! ! !
  Lin Tian couldn't help but remember that in his previous life, he always watched Leonix Ray on the earth control monsters to fight on the screen.

He just found it interesting.

I once imagined that I could control monsters to fight like Lei!

But I didn’t expect that it would actually be my turn now! ! !
  the most important is!

After letting him experience using the ultimate combat device to control monsters, he had a personal experience.

So cool! ! !
  This feeling of being superior to all living beings, like a monarch controlling his soldiers to fight.

The only one in the world!


At this moment, he was nothing in front of Lin Tian.

"Well done, Gomora!!!"

Lin Tian quickly shook the ultimate combat instrument in his hand.

The wind howled.

"Gomora! Let's continue fighting!!!"

"Let that guy know how powerful we are!!!"

Lin Tian instantly raised the ultimate combat device and shouted loudly.

When Gomora heard his master's voice, he immediately roared excitedly.

The eyes on both sides of the head shone brightly.

The fierce light shines!

At this moment.

King Red finally struggled to stand up among the ruins on the ground in the distance.

What's the situation? ? ?

King Red's small eyes revealed a moment of confusion.

What the hell?

The beast brother who wanted to eat this human being with me just now gave me a big dick backhand? ? ?

King Red didn't seem to understand what happened until this moment.

Instantly furious.

His eyes were glowing red, and he was about to rush over with his teeth and claws bared.

But at the beginning, it was confused again.

Gomora actually rushed in front of it at this time and slapped its head with a claw! ! !
  King Red was shocked and quickly raised a pair of huge arms to resist.

boom! ! !
  The dull sound of flesh colliding instantly echoed throughout the world.

Gomora's claws were blocked by King Red's arm.

These two are worthy of being the overlords in terms of strength.

A simple blow can cause such a loud noise.

Lin Tian, ​​who was on the ground in the distance, smiled coldly.

"Gomora! Defeat it!"

At Lin Tian's order, Gomora's eyes lit up.

Then, Gomora used its tail to support the ground.

The entire body flew directly into the air under the support of the tail.

A pair of thick thighs kicked directly towards King Red's arm.

boom! ! !
  King Red's arms received the kick firmly.

The body also took a few steps back violently.

But King Red cannot be underestimated.

Being so humiliated, King Red instantly became furious.

It quickly stepped forward and waved its fist at Gomora.

In terms of fist power, Gomora is obviously inferior to King Red.

Every time King Red punches, Gomora's body will be hit backwards.

King Red instantly screamed in triumph.

Lin Tian's heart suddenly stopped.

It seems that I still lack combat experience.

Although there are ultra-ancient monsters like Gomora, they are currently somewhat defeated by King Red.    No, it must be resolved quickly!

"Gomora, use super shock waves!"

Under Lin Tian's control, Gomora suddenly knocked away the body of King Red in front of him.

Then, the horns on Gomora's head suddenly began to accumulate explosive energy.

Super shock wave!

With a thought in Lin Tian's mind, Gomora instantly rushed towards King Red with the explosive energy on his head.

King Red is obviously not someone to be trifled with.

Looking at the charging Gomora, King Red suddenly bent his legs and then jumped into the air.

After a pair of huge fists came together, they slammed down on the head of Gomora who rushed in front of him.

boom! ! !
  Gomora's super shock wave didn't even touch King Red, and his head was hit by King Red's fists and hit the ground! ! !

Gomora's body also fell flat instantly!

After King Red's body landed on the ground, before Gomora could get up, he hurriedly hit Gomora's body with his fists.

Lin Tian was instantly anxious, and Gomora's screams kept coming to his ears.

Fortunately, the ultimate battle device he used did not feed back the pain of the monster.

If he had obtained an ordinary battle instrument, he would probably have fallen to the ground like Gomora at this moment.

Lin Tian frowned.

How to do? !

In the first battle, the Gomora he controlled couldn't defeat King Red!
  Just when Lin Tian was extremely anxious, a familiar voice sounded again.

【Ding! ! ! 】

[Your ultimate combat device saw that Gomora was defeated, so it actively encouraged Gomora to work hard! 】

【Your Gomora has evolved into EX Gomora! ! ! 】

Lin Tian: "???"

At this moment, Lin Tian was stunned.

What the hell!

What the hell?

Evolve into EX Gomora? ? ?
  At the moment when Lin Tian was stunned, Gomora, who was being ravaged by King Red in the distant battlefield, suddenly burst out with a terrifying energy.

The moment this energy appeared, it pushed King Red far away.

With the support of this energy, Gomora slowly stood up.

Gomora's body also underwent major changes.

The originally thick body became even more terrifying at this moment, with sharp thorns extending from the whole body.

The head, claws, and even the tail all became extremely sharp.

A pair of eyes is full of ferocity.

From the appearance alone, it can be seen that Gomora is now much more ferocious than his previous form.

King Red, who was pushed away by the energy of the explosion, was momentarily stunned.

What the hell!

Can you still play like this?
  Evolving at every turn? ? ?

Lin Tian was instantly overjoyed.

This ultimate combat device is so impressive! ! !
  Feeling the power fed back from the Ultimate Combat Instrument, Lin Tian instantly raised the Ultimate Combat Instrument high in excitement.

"Gomora! Destroy it!"

When Lin Tian finished speaking, Gomora was shocked.

His sharp tail suddenly extended around his head.

In an instant, it extended directly for hundreds of meters and penetrated King Red's body!

EX Gomora Piercing! ! !
  After the tail pierced King Red's body, EX Gomora instantly condensed terrifying vibration energy from the corner of his head.

Then all the vibrating energy spread to EX Gomora's body instantly.

next second.

A terrifying fiery red super shock wave burst out directly from Gomora's abdomen.

EX super shock wave! ! !

  King Red was instantly overwhelmed by these energies.

The body exploded instantly.

Cool! ! !
  It's so cool!
  Lin Tian suddenly jumped up in excitement.

He waved the ultimate combat device.

Gomora instantly turned into light and was taken back into the grid.

Looking at EX Gomora in the grid of light, Lin Tian couldn't help but feel a little proud.

From today on, he is finally no longer the civilian of the Kingdom of Light who has no fighting power.

The ultimate combat instrument is so impressive.

Maybe he can conquer more powerful monsters in the future.

Just thinking about it makes me look forward to it.

Thinking of this, Lin Tian suddenly remembered something.

If you go to the Monster Graveyard by yourself
  What the hell!

How cool would that be? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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