Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 4 Damn it! You didn’t just wake up! Where did you get EX Gomora?

Chapter 4 Damn it! You didn’t just wake up! Where did you get EX Gomora?

a few minutes ago.

country of light.

Main control center of the Bureau of Science and Technology.


Just now, an alarm suddenly sounded throughout the Science and Technology Bureau.

It's not loud.

This means that unexpected situations that arise may not be too threatening.

In the main control center, Hikali was observing the data on the huge screen in front of him.

Suddenly hearing the siren, he quickly ordered other members of the Science and Technology Bureau to investigate the situation.

"Hikali, the cause of the alarm has been found out."

"Two unregistered alien energy sources appeared in the M78 nebula."

After hearing the report from his subordinates, Hikali was stunned.

This is really strange.

How many years has this alarm from the Kingdom of Light not sounded?
  Also, the M78 Nebula has already become a restricted area for those dangerous species due to the existence of the Kingdom of Light and Ultra Warriors.

How could any spaceman or monster dare to appear in the M78 nebula at will?

Of course, occasionally there will be monsters with low intelligence that will break in.

In this case, the Bureau of Science and Technology only needs to investigate the location of the monster and report it to the Space Guard.

"Find out the locations of these two alien energy sources."

Hikari ordered.

After hearing the order, the men who were also blue Ultra Warriors hurriedly came to the machine on the side and manipulated it for a while.

"Found it, those two guys are on this satellite."

After saying that, the blue Ultra warrior directly drew the coordinate data onto the big screen in front of Hikali.

Hikali took a closer look and was suddenly startled.

Isn't this the planet where Lin Tian often goes to relax?

He knew that Lin Tian had a lot on his mind. In addition to working in the Science and Technology Bureau, he usually went to the planet to relax.

Hikali quickly scanned the Science and Technology Bureau.

Sure enough, Lin Tian was not seen!

Damn it! ! !

For a moment, Hikari was worried.

What's more, Lin Tian is different from other civilians.

He doesn't have an Ultra body!
  No ability to fight!
  In the eyes of those monsters, Lin Tian was just an ant the size of a finger!

They Ultra Warriors will never allow anything to happen to the people of the Kingdom of Light! ! !
  The most important thing is that I feel that although he does not have the ability to transform into an Ultra Warrior, he is a genius scientist.

He has made great contributions to the Science and Technology Bureau.

There is absolutely no room for error! ! !

Hikari quickly pressed a button in front of him.

Suddenly a red Ultra Warrior with a pair of horns appeared on the screen.

It was Ultraman Taro.


Hikali hurriedly reported the situation to Taylor.

Taylor also knew the importance of this matter.


Then, outside the Space Guard building, he flew directly towards outer space at high speed.

In just a moment, Taylor flew outside Lin Tian's planet.

As soon as he arrived here, Taylor felt two terrifying energies.

There are monsters! ! !

Taylor was suddenly startled and extremely worried.

He actually knew Lin Tian's situation.

Taylor couldn't help but recall a familiar figure in his heart.

Alas, Tregear.

Lin Tian was just like that guy, unwilling to stay in the Science and Technology Bureau for the rest of his life.

That's why Lin Tiantian would often go to this planet to relax himself and think about life.

At this moment, Taylor suddenly discovered that the two energies he had just felt suddenly exploded even more intensely.

Fierce fighting took place.

And he also sensed Lin Tian's presence.

It's actually right near those two energies! ! !

What is this guy Lin Tian doing?
  Why don't you run away quickly? ? ?
  Taylor quickly abandoned the distracting thoughts in his heart and accelerated towards the place where the two energies exploded.

Along the way, Taylor also noticed the desolation of the planet.

Could it be that, just like the situation on this planet, Tregchia and Lin Tian are also in such lonely and disappointed moods?
  at last!

Taylor rushed to the place where the two energy bursts just now.

He stopped quickly, his body floating in mid-air.

His eyes looked down at the ground.

Nani? ? ?

Taylor was stunned for a moment.

On the ground, Lin Tian stood alone and seemed to be thinking about something.   He held a stick-like weapon in his hand.

Taylor only felt extremely familiar.

None of this matters.

Most importantly, Taylor searched everywhere on the ground.

No other creatures were seen at all.

The two bursts of energy just now were obviously here!

So why didn't you see anything?
  Taylor felt it again.


He was taken aback for a moment.

Those energies actually disappeared.
  This planet no longer has any alien energy sources.

The two energies just now were as if they had never appeared before.


Suddenly, Lin Tian noticed Taylor floating in the air.

Seeing Lin Tian calling him, Taylor quickly landed, and with the help of the buffer of his cloak, he slowly landed on the ground.

"Taylor, why are you here?"

Lin Tian asked doubtfully.

Taylor looked down at Lin Tian and quietly told everything that had just happened.

Lin Tian finally understood.


Two terrifying monsters appeared on this planet. How could the Science and Technology Bureau of the Kingdom of Light not notice them?

At this moment, Taylor asked doubtfully: "Lin Tian, ​​what happened here just now?"

"Why did I feel two terrifying energies just now, but now I can't detect anything?"

Hearing Taylor's doubts, Lin Tian just said lightly: "I just encountered a monster, and I have already solved it."

"Oh, that's good."

After hearing Lin Tian's words, Tyro breathed a sigh of relief.

But before he could relax, Taylor suddenly took another breath of cold air.


"what did you just say???"

“You’ve solved it???”

What the hell!

Dude, did I hear you right?
  Lin Tian cannot transform into an Ultra Warrior, which is famous in the Kingdom of Light.

Tell me now, you solved the monster? ? ?

Outrageous isn't it?
  Seeing Taylor's shocked look, Lin Tian probably knew what he was thinking.

So, Lin Tian directly explained the reason to Taylor.

"Taro, I didn't know why I never had an Ultra body until today."

"Because I'm different from you, I have the Reblondo factor in my body."

"In other words, I am a Leonix."

"Two monsters just appeared. I successfully controlled one of them and eliminated the other to survive the crisis."

Upon hearing this, Taylor was instantly shocked.

He didn't realize it until now.

He once heard the first generation brother and Seven brother tell him their respective experiences.

Of course, Taylor knew about the existence of Leonix.

This being can control monsters to fight.

Unexpectedly, Lin Tian, ​​who was born in the Kingdom of Light, would have the ability of Leonix!

Taylor was shocked, but somewhat relieved.

Now Lin Tian can be regarded as capable of protecting himself.

"Then what kind of strength do you have now?"

Hearing Taylor's curious question, Lin Tian suddenly became excited.

I'm coming.

Here's your chance to compete with the ultimate combat instrument!
  "Taylor, do you want to give it a try?"

Hearing this, Taylor also became a little interested.

He instantly assumed a traditional fighting stance.

"Come on, let me see what you're capable of."

Seeing Taylor's confident look, Lin Tian smiled faintly.

He instantly raised the ultimate combat device.

"Come out! EX Gomora!!!"

In just a moment, a ray of light burst out of the ultimate battle instrument.

The light instantly became huge and fell in front of Lin Tian.

When the light faded, Taylor was instantly stunned.


Didn’t you just awaken your Leonix bloodline?

Then where did you get EX Gomora? ! !
  (End of this chapter)

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