Chapter 5 Taylor, are you impatient?

Looking at the huge beast full of violence in front of him.

Taylor was stunned.

Nima! ! !

Are you kidding me? ? ?
  You just awakened the Leonix bloodline and you’re going to do this to me? ? ?
  Come straight up, is it EX Gomora? ? ?
  this moment.

Taylor's mentality immediately collapsed.

Extremely collapsed! ! !

He originally thought that Lin Tiangang had awakened into Leonix.

The monsters that Lin Tian can control are either small monsters.

Or, if it's stronger, it might be on the same level as the capsule monsters owned by Seven's brother.

General combat power.

But what's the result? ? ?

Damn it, I came right up and gave him an EX Gomora! ! !
  EX Gomora! ! !
  Do you understand? ? ?
  Wild monsters exist at the ceiling level! ! !

EX Gomora's combat power is much higher than that of ordinary Gomora.

In addition to being far more powerful than ordinary Gomora, EX Gomora's entire body has been strengthened.

Any part of the body can be used to attack the enemy.

Compared with the ordinary Gomora EX Gomora, its combat power is almost fully enhanced and covers all aspects.

The protruding sharp thorns all over the body are extremely lethal.

The head horns, claws, and this is the tail, can all severely damage the enemy.

The attacks used by each part will have unimaginable attack power.

In addition to its powerful attack capabilities, the sharp leather armor covering its entire body is extremely hard.

Its defense also exceeds the level of other monsters.

Very scary.

Taro couldn't help but think back to his impression of EX Gomora.

Although the number of EX Gomora appearances recorded in the Kingdom of Light is very small, almost every time EX Gomora appears, it will cause great destructive power and is extremely lethal.

Even if an Ultra Warrior faces off against EX Gomora, the chance of winning is very small.

This shows its strength.

Now you tell me, you just awakened the Rebrando bloodline and you can summon EX Gomora? ? ?
  Play? ? ?

At this moment, Taylor wished he could give himself a slap in the face and take back what he just said.

Your own mouth!


Why do you have to be curious about Lin Tian's strength when everything is fine?
  Isn’t this Damn so idle? ? ?

But at this time, Lin Tian had already summoned EX Gomora.

Now that things have come to this, as the chief instructor of the Space Guard, Taylor can't go back on what he just said, right? ? ?
  This battle is definitely unavoidable.

But the problem is
  If he went up to fight, he might have to use all his strength against EX Gomora.

Do you still need to use all your strength to fight with Lin Tian?
  Once this matter is reported back to the Kingdom of Light, it will be extremely embarrassing.

In an instant, his reputation as the chief instructor of the Space Guard may fall again and again.

But if you don't go on the field to challenge.
  The result is still the same, still embarrassing!
  Thinking of this, Taylor nodded heavily.

It seems the only option is to go up! ! !

"Lin Tian, ​​then I'm going to do it."

Taylor turned his head and looked at Lin Tian behind EX Gomora.

"I will definitely use all my strength in this battle!"

"Just in time to test the strongest strength of the first monster you control!!!"

"Lin Tian, ​​you don't have to hold back, don't restrain yourself. If you hold back in a battle of this level, the whole army will be defeated!"

Taylor said in a serious tone.

In this way, it can be regarded as leaving a step for myself.

Lin Tian nodded heavily after hearing this.

The next second, he waved the ultimate combat instrument directly.

"EX Gomora, use EX super shock wave!!!"

After Lin Tian finished speaking, EX Gomora directly started to accumulate explosive energy with his head.

The terrifying energy was condensed almost instantly, and then spread throughout EX Gomora's body.

the next moment.

A fiery red shock wave of destructive light burst out directly from EX Gomora's belly.

Seeing this scene, Taylor was stunned.

I am Nima! ! !
  Taylor: I ******!
  Everyone was dumbfounded by Taylor.


Can you please stop playing like this?
  Damn it, I told you not to restrain yourself.

You just come up and give me a big move? ? ?
  Why don't you just wait until I'm ready?

Taro is indeed a battle-experienced Ultra warrior.

Although the incident happened suddenly, he was shocked.     But there was no hesitation in the movements of his hands.

His hands suddenly opened up and down.

A red square shield instantly opened in front of him.

EX Gomora's super shock wave hit Taro's shield in an instant!

chi chi chi-

The constant impact of energy made Taylor's shield somewhat shaky.

No, going on like this is not an option!
  Taylor thought calmly in his heart.

The shield in his hand was about to lose its hold.

I really didn't expect this EX Gomora to be so powerful.

A super shock wave made even his strongest shield unable to withstand it.

If this continues, the shield will break sooner or later.

We must find a way quickly!

Otherwise, if he is really hit by this blow, he may not be able to fight back.

When the time comes, it will be a big loss if you lose face!
  Taylor recalled the previous battles and suddenly had a plan in mind.

He slowly turned sideways.

The moment the shield was cancelled, Taro rushed directly in front of EX Gomora.

A fist struck EX Gomora in the face.

Upon seeing this, Lin Tian immediately controlled EX Gomora to stop releasing super shock waves.

Instead, he raised his paws in defense.

Taro is worthy of being the chief instructor of the Space Guard.

He is definitely a strong player in close combat physical skills.

He fought dozens of moves with EX Gomora and didn't lose at all.

If it weren't for the thick leather armor on EX Gomora, I'm afraid he would have been injured by Taro.

Lin Tian didn't dare to be careless.

But he didn't know that Taylor was shocked at this moment.

The EX Gomora in front of me is so strong! ! !
  He could tell that Lin Tian still held back.

Every time he punches EX Gomora, there will be a shock wave sent back.

  My hands are numb from the pain!


As the chief instructor of the Space Guard, not only can I not block EX Gomora's super shock waves, I can't even hurt him in close combat!
  This Nima is too outrageous!

It will definitely be embarrassing and humiliating if this news comes back!
  Taylor suddenly felt a little incredible.

Lin Tian was able to conquer such a powerful monster!
  As Leonix, his starting point is a bit high.

One can imagine how far Lin Tian will go in the future.

Taylor, who had many thoughts in his mind, did not stop his hands.

With the help of his physical skills gained from many years of fighting, Taro was always looking for EX Gomora's weaknesses during the fight.

"EX Gomora, show instructor Taylor how awesome you are!"

Lin Tian, ​​who had been commanding EX Gomora remotely, suddenly shouted!
  Hearing Lin Tian's words, EX Gomora pushed Taylor's body away with a palm.

After that, he used his tail to support his body and shrank into a huge circle of flesh.

In the next second, the circle of flesh quickly spun on the spot and rushed towards Taylor.

Taro didn't have time to react at all and was directly knocked out by the circle of flesh.

Cool! ! !
  Lin Tian felt extremely happy when he saw this scene.

Although I couldn't go up to fight, I controlled the monster to beat up Taro. I have to say, it was so exciting! ! !
  In the distance, Taylor stood up unsteadily in frustration.

Lin Tian is really quick to get started!

He had just awakened his bloodline and was able to command EX Gomora in battle so skillfully.


Taylor had to admit this.

But Taylor felt a little aggrieved.

"Lin Tian, ​​this next move is my famous stunt! You have to catch it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Taylor clenched his fists.

Terrifying flames instantly erupted all over his body.

Lin Tian was slightly taken aback.

This is Taro's special move, Ultra Bomb!

Taylor, are you so anxious to lose?

Just then, a familiar voice sounded again.

[Your ultimate combat instrument feels that EX Gomora is facing a life threat and feels extremely anxious! 】

【Your EX Gomora acquires the skill——EX Ultimate Defense! 】

Lin Tian:! ! !
  (End of this chapter)

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