Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 13 Beria was stunned, my attack tickled your monster? !

Chapter 13 Beria was stunned, my attack tickled your monster? !

The moment the system's voice fell.

Lin Tian immediately felt that his body was undergoing drastic changes.

inside his body.

All the blood seemed to be boiling at this moment.

  My whole body felt warm.

Very comfortable.

Lin Tian quietly felt the changes in the blood in his body.

He couldn't help but look down at his hands.

His fists were clenched tightly, and there was a crackling sound.

Lin Tian was extremely excited.

His own strength has actually been horribly improved.

The most important thing is that he felt that there seemed to be a hidden power in his blood.

He can control this power to burst out at any time.

Thinking of this, Lin Tian had a thought in his mind.

In an instant, a fiery red aura emerged from his body.

This breath directly filled his whole body.

The next second, patches of blue-silver substance seemed to gradually emerge from his limbs and chest.

After these substances gradually formed, they actually formed a layer of armed armor on the surface of his body!
  As the armor was fully formed, the power within his body increased to a terrifying level.

Moreover, as his strength increases, this effect seems to be fed back to the monsters! ! !

Cool, so cool!
  The ultimate battle instrument is so impressive! ! !

Not only that.

Jayton in the distance is also evolving with Lin Tian's bloodline awakening at this moment.

The whole body gradually became thicker.

The carapace on the back gradually becomes wider.

A terrifying aura erupted from his whole body.

EX Jeton! Come on stage!
  Nani? ? ?

At this moment, Tyro and Zeta, who were standing on the sidelines, were shocked when they saw this scene.

how can that be? ? ?

You know, Beria is an extremely terrifying guy!

Lin Tian was able to control the monster, and it was very rare to be in a stalemate with him for so long.

He actually evolved during the battle with Beria? ? ?
  How is this possible? !

It seems that Lin Tian's Leonix bloodline seems to be much stronger.

The most important thing is that even his second monster has completed its evolution at this moment.

Became EX Jayton! ! !

This is too outrageous! ! !

Taylor's heart was churning like turbulent waves.

Lin Tian's speed of becoming stronger is really terrifying.

The Leonix bloodline in his body has just awakened! ! !
  Now it seems.

Not only did Lin Tian possess a terrifying monster like EX Gomora as soon as he woke up.

Now that we have just obtained the space dinosaur Zeton, we can actually evolve Zeton into EX Zeton again!

Isn't this speed of evolution too ridiculous?
  Not only Taylor, but Zeta was also confused.

No, brother, what's going on?

Didn't you just conquer Jayton when we fought together on that planet? ? ?
  In the blink of an eye, you let it evolve.

Is it so outrageous? ? ?


Suddenly, Beria also let out a roar.

The speed towards Lin Tian was faster.

As the strongest Leonix, how could he not see that Lin Tian's Leonix bloodline had completed an awakening? ? ?
  He has Leonix bloodline in his body, how could he not understand how powerful this bloodline is?

This won't work, the battle must end quickly! ! !

Thinking of this, Beria accelerated his speed and arrived at the top of Lin Tian in a blink of an eye.

A stick hit Lin Tian on the head.

However, Lin Tian sneered at this moment.

The ultimate combat instrument in his hand waved lightly.

Suddenly a monster appeared in front of him.

It's EX Zeton teleporting over at extreme speed! ! !

Nani? ? ? Beria was shocked.

EX Jayton's speed has increased so much.

Pong! ! !
  He hit it with a stick, but EX Jayton raised his arms to block it.

The physical body is full of strength!

Not only that, Lin Tian directly controlled EX Gomora to turn his head and rush towards Beria's body.

If he was hit, Beria would definitely be seriously injured.

Beria obviously knew this and quickly flew away with the ultimate combat device.

However, Lin Tian had no intention of letting Beria go just like this.

Lin Tian fiercely waved the ultimate combat instrument.

"Give it to me!"

In just an instant, the two monsters burst out with terrifying aura and rushed towards Beria.

EX Jayton's body was suddenly wrapped in terrifying flames.

This is a special move that Zeton gets after evolving into EX Zeton.

Jayden backfires!

Can attack with flames wrapped around its body.

Double the destructive power.

The two monsters arrived in front of Beria in the blink of an eye.

One to the left and one to the right, directly blocking Beria's path forward.

Beria was stunned for a second or two before EX Gomora swept over with his huge tail.

Beria jumped up to avoid it, but a huge fireball hit him again.

He quickly raised the ultimate combat device.

  The huge fireball hit the ultimate battle instrument directly.

Although Beria blocked the huge fireball, his body also hit the ground heavily.

  In an instant, the ground was filled with dust and smoke.

Beria's figure was submerged in the dust and smoke, and his specific location could not be seen clearly.

When Lin Tian wanted to control the two monsters to search for them, a black-red beam of destruction suddenly shot out from the dust and smoke.

All the dust and smoke were dispersed directly after the beam was shot, revealing Beria's figure.

Beria's scarlet eyes kept shining.

"Boy, fight with me, you are still a little tender."

"When all your monsters are destroyed by me, I'll see how you can still run away."

The destructive beam arrived in front of EX Gomora in an instant.


The black-red beam of destruction hit EX Gomora's belly directly.

  But it didn't produce any effect!

EX Gomora held up the black-red beam with his belly straight out.

He seemed to feel that he had no strength, and even twisted his body.

Beria? ? ?
  Taylor:? ? ?

Zeta:? ? ?

other:? ? ?

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Beria was even more shocked.

This defense

Brother, even if your Zeton evolves into EX Zeton, how come the original EX brother Mora has become so strong? ? ?
  Are you playing with me? ? ?
  The most powerful speed of light emitted by my ultimate combat device is actually tickling your monster? ? ?
  The people of Belial were dumbfounded.

Seeing that the situation was favorable, Tyro and other Ultra warriors rushed forward and besieged Beria.

"Beria! Let's capture him honestly!"

Looking at Taylor who was flying towards him, Beria turned around and put away the destruction beam.

He knew that he might not be able to capture these two monsters in a short time.

The most important thing right now is to get the plasma spark first.

"Lori, it's so noisy."

Beria sneered directly.

Seeing Taylor charging towards him, he flew up and kicked Taylor in the abdomen.

Taylor felt pain immediately and his body flew out.

Beria did not hesitate, rushed out and grabbed Taylor's neck.

Afterwards, the body flew directly towards the Kingdom of Light.
  (End of this chapter)

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