Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 14 Beria makes trouble in the Kingdom of Light! You gain flight and teleportation abilities!

Chapter 14 Beria makes trouble in the Kingdom of Light! You gain flight and teleportation abilities!

"not good!!!"

I saw Taylor being grabbed by Beria and rushing towards the Kingdom of Light.

Zeta and other Ultra warriors immediately flew after them.

Lin Tian was also helpless for a while.

You are Beria after all!

If you can't fight, just run away?
  Helpless, Lin Tian could only fly up and jump directly to the side of the spacecraft.

"Let's go, let's go too."

He waved the ultimate combat device.

EX Gomora and EX Zeton turned directly into light and returned to the grid of the ultimate combat instrument.

The Kingdom of Light, in the city.

call out--

A bright fire suddenly fell from outer space.

This firelight fell straight down like a meteor carrying flames soaring into the sky, leaving a piece of smoke in the sky.

Finally, it landed heavily on the ground somewhere in a wide road.

boom! ! !
  This scene immediately attracted the attention of all Ultra warriors.


A terrible and evil laughter suddenly came from the dust and smoke.

Only when the dust and smoke on the ground cleared did everyone see the scene clearly.


"No, it's Instructor Taylor!!!"

"Damn it, who is that guy?"


Everyone only saw a figure covered in black and red slowly walking out of the dust and smoke.

One arm even held Instructor Taylor's body high.

Instructor Taylor was extremely weak at the moment and could only be strangled by this guy.

"No, that guy is Beria!!!"

at last!

Someone recognized Beria's identity.

After all, Beria's influence on the Kingdom of Light is quite significant.

That rebellion war almost turned Beria into a negative example for the Kingdom of Light.

Beria looked at the noisy crowd around him and casually threw the weak Taylor into it.

"Zhen Zhengzhen, can such a weak guy be your instructor? Give it back to you!"

As soon as Taro landed, he was immediately surrounded by some Ultra warriors.

"Let's go together!"

Suddenly someone shouted.

The next second, there were hundreds of responses.

All the Ultra warriors rushed towards Beria together.

However, Beria was extremely excited.

He flew up directly and rushed into the crowd of Ultra Warriors.

Both hands waved the ultimate combat device.

For a moment, it was like a tiger swarming a flock of sheep.

Every time Belial wields the ultimate battle instrument, one or even several Ultra warriors will fall down directly.

The scene was one-sided.

The terrifying strength is extremely top-notch in the entire Kingdom of Light.

Even though there were a large number of people in the Kingdom of Light, Beria still seemed to be in no man's land without any hindrance.

Just when everyone was about to be wiped out, several figures suddenly flew down.

They are the Ultra brothers from the Space Guard.

The Ultra brothers, led by Zoffi, rushed straight towards Beria.

He threw away his cloak first and punched Beria.

However, Beria just sneered.

He raised the ultimate combat instrument and blocked it in front of his fist.

  There was a crisp sound.

The punch was blocked directly.

Zoffie is indeed a battle-experienced Ultra warrior.

Very experienced.

Missing a single hit, he hurriedly launched a series of attacks.

The other Ultra brothers also attacked one after another.

These Ultra Brothers are all veterans of the Space Guard.

Each one has gone through countless battles, and has countless monsters and even dead souls from the universe under his command.

Even Beria found it a little difficult to face their close combat at this moment.

But only a little bit.

After a while, Beria reversed the situation and smashed the Ultra brothers to the ground one by one, causing them to fall to the ground.

Beria's final blow was a Disium ray that hit Zoffie directly in the chest.

Even this gentleman was also directly knocked away by the light from this attack.

Beria did not hesitate, flew up, and finally landed next to Zoffi, stepping on his chest.

Beria directly raised the ultimate combat instrument and smashed it into Zoffie's head.

"Brother Zuofi!!!" Many Ultra brothers quickly exclaimed.

At this moment, a huge figure suddenly appeared in front of Beria.

One palm directly blocked Beria's ultimate combat instrument.

Everyone was slightly taken aback.

Just as Beria was about to raise his head, a huge figure appeared next to him and kicked him away.

  Beria's body flew directly out and hit the building in the distance heavily.

Everyone was stunned.

Those who just saved Zoffi turned out to be two huge monsters! ! !

A terrifying aura erupted all over his body.


What's the matter?

Why did two monsters appear? ? ?

And it seems that he is here to help them fight against Beria? ? ?

At this moment, Beria slowly struggled to stand up from the ruins.

Anger invaded his heart in an instant.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Damn boy! You deserve to die!!!"

Beria directly raised the ultimate combat device and pointed at one of the two monsters.

That's EX Gomora.

Everyone followed Beria's gaze.

Only then did he realize that there was a young man covered in blue and silver armor standing on EX Gomora's shoulders.

who is he? ? ?
  Everyone couldn't help but have such doubts in their minds.

Lin Tian was now covered in armor, and even his face had some faint lines.

The Ultra Warrior who had seen him before naturally didn't recognize him.

But Hikali, who was among the Ultra crowd at the moment, recognized him at a glance.

"Lin Tian???"

"That's Lin Tian!!!"

Hearing Xikali's words, everyone was instantly shocked.

What the hell! ! !

That guy turned out to be Lin Tian? ? ?
  Does that mean that the two monsters are obeying Lin Tian's orders? ? ?
  I am Nima!
  This is too scary.

Don’t I think he is a civilian with no fighting ability?

What the hell is going on here?
  However, at this moment.

Beria suddenly looked up to the sky angrily and roared.

The power of life suddenly surges.

Zhongao faintly saw that there seemed to be a black and red aura emerging from Beria's body.

The black and red energy actually vaguely revealed another figure.

That's the Reblondo star! ! !

Lin Tian was even slightly stunned.

This guy Beria, the Rebrando factor in his body has broken through at this time?
  While everyone was in a daze, Beria suddenly laughed evilly.

The body accelerated and flew to where Taylor was.

The ultimate battle instrument he wielded directly knocked back several Ultra warriors guarding Taro.

Then he directly grabbed Taylor's neck and picked him up.

He turned his head and looked at the plasma spark tower in the distance, and then looked at Lin Tian.

When I get the plasma spark, it will be your death!

The next second, Beria directly smashed the Taylor in his hand towards Lin Tian.

The moment it was thrown, the ultimate battle instrument was directly used to launch a Disium ray!
  The terrifying black and red light directly attacked Taylor who was flying in the air.

After emitting the killing beam, Beria turned around, jumped up, and flew towards the plasma spark tower.

His target is the plasma spark!
  Lin Tian was stunned for a moment.

Oh shit!

As expected of a guy who can even take advantage of his son.

Really nasty.

Lin Tian directly waved the ultimate combat device.

EX Jayton teleported directly in front of Taro's body.

The EX Zeton barrier appears directly.

  The Disium ray hit the barrier directly, directly saving Taylor.

After Taylor landed, he looked weakly at Lin Tian.

"Lin Tian, ​​hurry up and stop Beria."

"He wants to capture the plasma spark!!!"

Lin Tian felt numb.

I also want to stop it!
  But I can’t fly!

Neither can my two monsters! ! !

Just when Lin Tian was feeling worried, the system's voice suddenly sounded again.

[Your ultimate combat instrument saw that you couldn't fly, and felt deeply guilty. It gave you a sudden breath, improved your Leonix blood, and you gained the ability to fly! 】

[Your ultimate combat instrument feels not enough, you have gained the ability to teleport! 】

Lin Tian:! ! !
  (End of this chapter)

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