Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 15 It’s not time to despair yet! Lin Tian, ​​you are hope!

Chapter 15 It’s not time to despair yet! Lin Tian, ​​you are hope!

[Your ultimate combat instrument sees that you can’t fly, feels deeply guilty, and gives you a sudden breath! 】

[Therefore, your Leonix bloodline has been specially improved! 】

【You have gained the ability to fly! ! ! 】

[Your ultimate combat instrument felt that it was not enough, so you took another breath! 】

[You have gained the ability to teleport! ! ! 】

What? ? ?
  Flying ability? ? ?

Lin Tian was stunned.

Damn it, there is teleportation? ? ?

What the hell!

So cool!

Lin Tian never expected it.

At this juncture, the ultimate combat instrument can actually save him a breath!

Too Nima cool!
  In just a moment, Lin Tian felt the power returned by the ultimate combat device.

It was an extremely mysterious aura.

After the breath penetrated into the body, it was directly integrated into Lin Tian's blood.

Quite peculiar.

When the aura completely disappeared from Lin Tian's blood, Lin Tian immediately felt that he had more abilities.

That is the ability to fly and teleport!
  After Lin Tian felt it quietly for a moment, he let out a heavy breath.

This is so cool.

Apart from the flying ability, teleportation is the most awesome thing.

However, there is one thing that is a bit uncomfortable.

With his current strength, he can only move short distances if he teleports.

It's about a few hundred meters away.

As his own strength becomes stronger, the teleportation distance will become farther and farther.

Teleport to wherever you look, it's all trivial.

The most exaggerated level is that everything you want can be achieved.

By that time, I am afraid that the entire universe will teleport there at will as long as I have a thought.

This is so cool!
  My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive!

"Okay, I'll stop him!"

next second.

Lin Tian directly agreed to Taylor's request.

Then, he waved the ultimate combat device.

EX Gomora and EX Zeton were immediately taken back by him.

Lin Tian waved towards Tyro and other Ultra warriors, then bent his knees slightly, and then jumped sharply.

The body flew directly towards the plasma cremation tower like a meteor!

Taylor and others were stunned on the spot.

What the hell!

Bridge Bean Sacks!

Although Lin Tian has awakened to the Reblondo bloodline, he has never heard that Leonix can fly! ! !

Inside the plasma spark tower.

Beria has arrived at the bottom carrying the ultimate combat device.

As soon as he entered here, Ultraman Eddie came with several members of the Space Guard to stop him.


"This is not the place you should be!"

Eddie shouted angrily.

Then he flew up and attacked Beria.

Beria tilted his head and looked at the besieging figures, and smiled coldly.

As he continued to wave his ultimate battle instrument, several Ultra warriors were no longer the enemy of one after all.

After a while, they were all beaten down.

Beria didn't bother to waste time giving them a fatal blow.

He jumped directly and reached the overpass at the highest point of the Plasma Spark Tower.

Ahead was the plasma spark he had dreamed of!

"Beria! Stop it!"

Suddenly, a strong figure appeared directly behind Beria and attacked him.

The person coming is none other than the father of Ultra!
  Without saying a word, Beria turned around and returned to attack.

After being sealed for so long, Beria's skills have not retreated at all.

In just a few moves, the father of Ultra was kicked away.

The father of Ultra flew backwards and was quickly caught by Mary, the mother of Ultra. Looking at the pair of figures, Beria felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

"Kane, after all these years, your strength is still so bad."

Beria sneered, then turned and walked towards the plasma spark.

Under the gaze of Ultra's Father and Ultra's Mother, Beria directly snatched out the plasma spark.

Just for a moment.

With the plasma spark at the center, everything began to lose its light.

Extreme cold began to sweep across the entire Kingdom of Light.

Beria laughed for a while, then flew up and fled towards the Kingdom of Light.

at this time.

Lin Tian also came to the overpass.

Seeing that the world around him was gradually freezing, Lin Tian felt helpless.


Still a step too late.

"Lin Tian!"

At this moment, Taylor also caught up.

When he saw the original light disappear, he suddenly felt despair.

Is it still too late after all?
  Suddenly, he rushed directly to where the plasma spark was.

"Leave the Kingdom of Light to me to protect it!"

"Lin Tian, ​​I'll leave that Beria guy to you!"

"You are the hope of our Kingdom of Light."

At this moment, Lin Tian felt a little unhappy as he watched Taylor's body gradually freeze.

Why can't he stop Beria even though he has reached this point?
  It's all just because I'm not strong enough! ! !
  Lin Tian felt very unhappy about losing everything because of insufficient strength! ! !

He looked down at the ultimate combat device in his hand.

He knew that Beria had escaped from the Kingdom of Light and would probably go to the Monster Cemetery next.

"I'm afraid there will be a fierce battle soon. You have to give me a good argument!"

Lin Tian knew that in the original plot, the Kingdom of Light no longer had much combat power to deal with Beria, so Lei appeared.

But now, with myself, there is no need for Lei at all.

But let Lin Tian fight against Beria and the entire monster army alone.

Lin Tian still felt a little stressed.

The outcome of this battle is hard to determine.

However, although there are some risks, Lin Tian still wants to try his best.

Maybe in a big battle, my ultimate combat instrument can give me a strong performance? ? ?

At this moment, the two monsters in the ultimate battle instrument suddenly chirped each other.

It was like giving Lin Tian affirmation.

Not only that, I even felt the ultimate combat device in my hand trembling slightly.

The next second, a stream of information suddenly poured into Lin Tian's mind.


"You mean that as long as you find Leonix, who has the same kindness as me, you can be more successful???"

Lin Tianren was dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, it was different from what he thought.

It seems that that thunder can become a catalyst to make the ultimate combat device more impressive.

This trip seemed to be a must.

Just when Lin Tian was about to leave, a figure suddenly flew up from below.

It's Mebius!
  Lin Tian didn't expect that this guy could escape the frozen disaster of the Kingdom of Light.

"Lin Tian?"

"Are you OK?"

Membius asked subconsciously, but then he saw Taylor, who was protecting the Kingdom of Light with his own light.

He immediately punched the ground.

"Damn Beria!!!"

Seeing the jealous Membius, Lin Tian did say calmly: "Membius, it's not time to despair yet."

"We can find someone to help the Kingdom of Light."

Hearing this, Menbius was stunned for a moment.


Lin Tian smiled mysteriously.


(End of this chapter)

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