Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 16 Lei was stunned, brother, how can you be so strong!

Chapter 16 Lei was stunned, brother, how can you be so strong!
  Somewhere in the universe, Planet Dent.

On the desolate surface, two huge monsters were fighting fiercely.

The strength of the two monsters seemed to be extremely balanced, but they were in a stalemate for a while, unable to tell the winner.

At the same time, a very large fighter plane was parked on the surface.

It looks like an aircraft ship.

Equipped with many powerful weapons.

This fighter plane is the Panlong from the earth!

At this moment, a young human being was standing not far in front of the Panlong.

Wearing a tight team uniform, he held a mysterious instrument high in his hand.

He looked nervously at the battle in front of him.

Seeing the stalemate between the two, the young man waved the special instrument in his hand, and a red light flashed in his eyes.

"Gomora! Come on!"

One of the two monsters that were fighting was none other than the super-ancient monster Gomora.

As for the other one, it is Zaragas.

As for that young man, it was Leonix, Ray from Earth.

Gomorrah is his monster.

What he held in his hand was his battle instrument.

Under Lei's control, Gomora obviously became much more excited in an instant.

He kept attacking Zalagas in front of him with his hands and tail.

However, in the face of such a fierce attack, Zalagas still easily resisted Gomora's attack.

At the last moment, a tail swept over Gomora's body, causing Gomora to fall a few steps aside.

Lei was shaken by this.

At this moment, Lei's expression became much more solemn.

He also didn't expect that this Zalagas would be so strong.

His Gomora was unable to defeat the opponent in a short period of time.

Just when Lei frowned, the world that was originally daytime was suddenly illuminated by a strong light.

Ray and the team members immediately covered their eyes.

As time goes by, the light becomes weaker and weaker.

As the stinging sensation slowly disappeared, Lei slowly opened his eyes.

But when he opened his eyes, he was immediately stunned.

I saw a huge figure standing in front of him.

A pair of bright eyes looked down at him.

"Ultra Warrior???"

Lei was stunned immediately.

What appeared in front of him turned out to be an Ultra warrior with a red and silver body.

The team members were also shocked.

At this moment, the Ultra Warrior who suddenly appeared slowly squatted down and spread his palms on the ground.

A figure jumped directly from the palm of the Ultra Warrior and landed steadily.

It was Lin Tian.

Seeing this sudden appearance of a human figure, everyone was stunned for a while.

"Hello, Ray."

Lin Tian smiled and greeted the other party.

Then, without waiting for the other party to respond, he turned directly to look at Gomora and Zalagas who were fighting.

This Gomora can't even defeat this guy Zalagas.

A bit weak.

Thinking of this, Lin Tian directly took out the ultimate combat instrument out of thin air.

The next second, he waved the ultimate combat device.

A ray of light instantly burst out from the combat instrument.

EX Gomora's figure appeared directly on the battlefield.

That violent gesture instantly stunned everyone.

It's EX Gomora!
  It’s EX Gomora! ! !
  Everyone was dumbfounded.

Lei was even more confused.

This guy can actually summon monsters.

And he directly summoned EX Gomora! ! !
  How strong will he be?

at the same time.

The appearance of EX Gomora directly attracted the attention of Gomora and Zalagas.

However, Lin Tian did not intend to give Zaragas a chance to react.

"Destroy it."

He gave the order directly.

EX Gomora didn't say anything, and just swung his tail.

Zaragas was unable to react in time and was thrown away.

This is not finished.

When Zalagas flew backwards, EX Gomora directly began to store super shock waves.

By the time Zaragas staggered and struggled to get up, EX Gomora had already arrived in front of it.

One head hit its chest.

The next second, the terrifying energy exploded and vented out.

boom! ! !
  One move, one simple move.

Zalagas was directly killed by EX Gomora.

This scene stunned everyone.

Even Mebius couldn't help but exclaim in his heart: "So strong!"

At the end of the battle, Lin Tian took back the monster without hesitation. When he came to Lei, he said directly: "Lei, we need your help."

Lei froze on the spot.

Brother, are you kidding me?

You are so strong, you need my help?

At this moment, Membius directly opened a field of light, wrapped Lei inside, and returned to the Kingdom of Light with Lin Tian.

Afterwards, Membius directly transformed into a figure from the future and told Lei the reason for the incident.

"That means that you have now lost your plasma spark, and the Kingdom of Light has also lost its energy."

Lei frowned, finally figuring out what was going on.

He frowned and looked at Lin Tian.

"I have a question, are you Leonix too?"

Regarding Lei's question, Lin Tian had obviously guessed it a long time ago and nodded directly.

"That's right, my Leonix bloodline just awakened not long ago."

Did you just wake up not long ago? ? ?
  At this second, Lei was stunned.

Damn it! Then how come this guy is so strong? ? ?

After thinking about it, Lei finally agreed to the request of Lin Tian and Menbius.

He had to help me with this.

At this moment, several huge figures suddenly appeared in the sky.

Those were three huge monsters.

Lin Tian recognized it.

Comet Monster Doraku! Bemonstein! There is also a reptile-like monster!

And above Bemonstein's head, there is another spaceman.

That's a Sharpley star!
  Future and Lei quickly looked alert and prepared to fight.

However, Lin Tian was the first to summon EX Gomora and EX Zeton from the ultimate combat instrument.

"EX Gomora, EX Zeton, destroy them!"

Under Lin Tian's order, the two monsters fought directly on their own.

Although the three monsters were huge, their strength was far inferior to Lin Tian's two monsters.

"Super shock wave!"

Under Lin Tian's order, EX Gomora directly accumulated energy and hit Bemonstein in the chest.

Bemonstein exploded instantly.

The Sharpei star jumped down and landed directly on the ground.

Lin Tian's actions did not stop.

"Jayden Backfire!"

As the flames spread all over his body, EX Jayton's body teleported directly in front of the other two monsters one after another, one with a big pussy!

The two monsters exploded one after another.

The fire blazed into the sky.

Everyone present was stunned.

Originally thought it was a monster battle of the century.

The result was just two blows. Then the three monsters that appeared so aggressively were gone? ? ?
  The people of Xia Prei were confused.

Is Leonix so strong?

Just when the Sharpei star was about to escape, the laser suddenly penetrated his body.

In an instant, the Sharpley star turned into ashes and disappeared.

Lin Tian was stunned.

Turning around, he saw two figures walking in the distance.

When the future saw them, he immediately exclaimed: "First generation brother, Brother Seven!"

Those who came were none other than the human bodies of the first Ultraman and Ultraman Seven.

"Lin Tian, ​​Menbius."

The two responded, and then looked at Lin Tian with a little surprise.

"Lin Tian, ​​how come you have such strong power?"

They only knew that Lin Tian had awakened Leonix's power, but they did not expect that he would be so powerful.

The three monsters were killed in an instant.

"Brothers, why are you here?"

Mebius asked doubtfully.

Chudai and Seven immediately sighed.

"We lost the power of the Ultra Warriors, and we thought about asking Lei for help, but we didn't expect that you guys came first."

"By the way, the monsters in the Monster Cemetery have all been resurrected. We need to stop Beria as soon as possible."

Nani? ? ?

Mebius was instantly shocked.

He thought for a while and suddenly said: "Brother Severn, how about we call him back?"

The first generation was also trying to convince him that he could summon that guy back.

"Yes, one more person brings more strength, Severn."

Severn frowned and thought for a while, then finally nodded.

He turned to look at Lin Tian.

"Lin Tian, ​​Lei will be with us. Can you please go to the K76 planet and find my son, Zero!"

"We still need to go to the Plasma Spark Tower, where Tyro is guarding the last power for us."

Lin Tian didn't care either.

He nodded directly.

He happened to also want to see what was going on with that unruly Zero!
  "no problem."

(End of this chapter)

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