Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 17 Why can you fly! First time meeting Zero!

Chapter 17 Why can you fly! First time meeting Zero!


Lin Tian also wanted to see the extremely unruly racing rabbit.

However, just as he was about to set off, he suddenly seemed to think of something.

He turned his head quickly.

"The first generation, Severn."

"I want Ray to come with me."

The reason why he made such a request was because Lin Tian just thought of something.

My ultimate battle instrument has already given me a hint.

With Lei by his side, he might be able to fight for a few more breaths casually.

By that time, my strength might be so strong.

However, after hearing Lin Tian's words, Seven and others had not said anything yet.

Lei was confused: "Why do you want to take me there?"

After Lei finished speaking, Severn and others were also puzzled: "Yes, Lin Tian, ​​we still need Lei to go to the Monster Cemetery to stop that guy Beria."

Lin Tian was also slightly stunned.

He really couldn't tell the reason for saying it so suddenly.

After thinking about it, he could only say directly: "Take him there because it can enhance our own strength."

"In this line of work, the Leonix bloodline in Lei and I might be able to be strengthened again!"

"This can also increase your chances of winning."

Nani? ? ?

After hearing Lin Tian's words, everyone was slightly stunned.

Especially Ray.

He frowned and wondered: "Can the Leonix blood in my body be strengthened again???"

As soon as the words were repeated, Lei was even more shocked.

How is this possible? ? ?
  It has been a long time since he awakened the Leonix bloodline.

Although I got stronger a few times by luck, it took a lot of effort every time.

The price is not small.

Although Gomora is now very powerful, there are still many powerful enemies that cannot be defeated.

He has always been eager to improve his strength.

But now.
  Lin Tian actually said that a visit with him would enhance the strength of Leonix's bloodline? ? ?

In an instant, all kinds of thoughts arose in Lei's heart.

"Okay, I'll go!"

This promise came entirely from Lei's own mind.

He wants to become stronger! ! !

Only by becoming stronger can he protect his companions! ! !

Seeing Lei readily agree, Lin Tian nodded with satisfaction.

Seeing that Lei himself agreed, Chudai and Seven couldn't say anything else.

Afterwards, Ray said goodbye to his teammates.

Everyone on the Panlong will go to the monster graveyard with Mebius and the others.

After watching them leave, Lin Tian and Lei looked up at the sky.

Lin Tian opened the bracelet directly and checked the coordinates of the K76 planet.

At this moment, Lei seemed to remember something.

"Bridge bean sack!!!"

He hurriedly asked: "Lin Tian, ​​I forgot one thing!!!"

Lin Tian was slightly taken aback.

Forgot something? ? ?

Damn it, this guy Lei didn’t forget something very important, right?

Seeing Lin Tian's exaggerated expression, Lei said awkwardly: "I forgot to ask Captain Hinata to leave a small ship for us!!!"

Lin Tian was a little confused.

"Why leave the small ship for us?"

Lei suddenly said anxiously: "Although we two have the blood of Leonix!!!"

"But we can't fly!!!"


Lin Tian suddenly took a breath of cold air and asked: "That's it???"

"hold head high!"

Lei nodded directly.

They are here now.

The coordinates of planet K76 are also available!

But how to get to planet K76? ? ?
  Lei Gang wanted to continue saying something, but his whole body was suddenly grabbed by Lin Tian.

Soar up into the sky! ! !
  Lei, who was held by his collar like a little chicken, was stunned.

What the hell! ! !

Why? ? ?

The same is Leonix!

Why the hell can you fly——

K76, King Star.

The sand and rocks are flying, and the sky is dark red.

Two figures were fighting madly on the rugged surface.

One is bright red all over and has horns on his head.

It was Ultraman Leo.

As for the other person.

He was covered in a set of pitch black armor.

Even the head was wrapped tightly, and the eyes were not exposed.

Even though he couldn't see anything, this guy was still able to fight like this with Ultraman Leo, who had the most powerful physical skills in the Kingdom of Light.

It's enough to show its combat power.

"You guys, if you have the ability, please take off this armor for me!!!"    "Let's see who is stronger!!!"

"If you have any tricks, just come here!!!"

"I will definitely defeat you!"

When Leo heard this, he immediately smiled.

He is worthy of being Severn's son.

This temper is just stubborn.

Leo couldn't help but recall his previous experience of being tortured by a jeep.

If it weren't for that, there wouldn't be that condition here.

Leo will definitely "take good care" of Zero to repay Severn's "favour" for training him in the first place!
  In the distance, the top of a certain mountain peak.

A majestic red-robed figure stood here.

Next to him stood Leo's younger brother, Astra.

"This kid Zero has finally grown up."

Hearing the king's words, Astra suddenly smiled.

He wondered: "King, can Zero, as you mentioned before, be able to deal with the upcoming crisis in the Kingdom of Light?"

The Ultra King nodded slowly.

"It should be possible."

Before the King of Ultra finished speaking, he suddenly looked towards the sky as if he realized something.


"Another, more dazzling hope is born!"

"The light he brings is even greater than that of Bilo!"

Nani? ? ?

Astra was instantly shocked.

There is actually a newcomer in the Kingdom of Light who shines even brighter than Siro? ? ?

"who is it???"

The King of Ultra did not answer directly, but raised his finger and pointed at the sky.

"he came."

Astra was stunned for a moment, and then looked in the direction pointed by the Ultra King.

I saw a stream of light falling rapidly in the sky.

It landed directly on a lower mountain peak not far away.

It was actually two guys who looked like humans!
  It's Lin Tian and Lei!

Their appearance directly attracted the attention of Leo and Zero.

"Who are those two guys?"

Zero asked doubtfully.

At this moment, a pair of red lights lit up in the eyes of his head armor.

Already able to see things.

Leo thought for a moment and suddenly said: "He seems to be Lin Tian."

"He is the only existence in the Kingdom of Light that does not have an Ultra body."

"The other one, I'm not sure about."

As soon as Leo finished speaking, Lin Tian came down with Lei Luo.

Lin Tian said directly: "Leo, there is a big crisis in the Kingdom of Light."

"Belia escaped and is now running amok in the Monster Cemetery."

"Seven asked us to call Sero back."

Upon hearing Severn's name, Zero snorted coldly.

Seems extremely disdainful.

At this moment, he didn't know that his father was Severn.

"Don't worry, let me win Leo first!!!"

After saying that, Zero was ready to fight again.

Lin Tian was slightly helpless.

This guy is indeed unruly and competitive.

As soon as the idea came up, Zero quickly attacked Leo.

"Zero, stop it first!!!"

Leo was so anxious about the crisis in the Kingdom of Light that he had no intention of fighting Zero.

However, Cero attacked quickly and was not slow.

Leo was impatient.

He just wanted to resolve the battle quickly, so he used all his strength.

As you attack me, the surrounding areas will inevitably be affected a lot.

Suddenly, Zero was kicked by Leo towards a fragmented mountain peak.

boom! ! !
  For an instant.

The earth shattered and rocks flew.

A huge boulder hit the ground in the distance.


A little Pigmon panicked and wanted to run away.

However, the boulder fell extremely quickly.

It had no time to escape.

Seeing this, Zero quickly wanted to save Pigmon, but the distance was too far.

He was too late! ! !

It's over! It's over!

Is Pigumon going to die here? ?
  Just when Zero was in despair and heartache!


A loud shout sounded.

"EX Jayton, come out!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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